The Graffiti Artist (Camren...

נכתב על ידי Yolandahhhh

218K 7.8K 8.2K

In which Lauren is a troubled teen whose creative outlet is none other than graffiti, and Camila is the daugh... עוד

Should i attempt to finish this story??


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נכתב על ידי Yolandahhhh

"Dinah." Normani whispers into her girlfriend's ear. For some reason, no matter what the day is, her body always wakes her up at 8 AM. She is quite the morning person, so you would think that Dinah is used to her waking her up this early, but no, she's just as stubborn as usual.

"Dinah." She whispers again as she pulls back the blonde's short hair. Recently the younger girl was getting tired of her long hair so she decided to change things up and chop it all off. Normani thinks her bob-like haircut makes her look even hotter, which she thought was pretty much impossible. But Dinah always manages to amaze her. She runs her hand through the wavy hair and Dinah sighs in her sleep. She curls up to Normani even closer by wrapping her arm around her slim waist and resting her head on her side. The black and blue haired girl peers down at her beautiful girlfriend and she is almost overcome with emotion with how much she actually loves this girl. Her feelings have only ever really hit her this hard once before, and she is still left as helpless as before. 


"Normani Hamilton!" Mrs. Duke yells to the girl once she sees her enter the girl's locker room.

"Yes, Mrs. Duke?" The fourteen-year-old asks her teacher, startled.

"I just wanted to let you know that if you don't get changed for gym today, I will be calling your mother this time."

Normani holds back the urge to roll her eyes and just nods to her teacher before entering the changing area. She really can't stand that teacher. She will never understand why high school gym teachers are always the stubbornest of teachers. So, Normani doesn't want to get dressed or participate in gym, sue her. She shouldn't have to get punished, hell she's already punished enough by having the literal devil herself in her class.

"Hey, Ally!" Normani greets her friend, purposely ignoring the presence of the tall girl next to her.

"Hi Mani! Aren't you going to say hi to Dinah too?" The shorter girl asks. Every class thus far, Normani has either ignored Dinah's presence completely, or has started some form of an argument between the two. But all Ally wants is for everyone to be friends, so every class she holds on to the hope that Normani will stop being whatever she is being to Dinah and finally get along with the girl.

"Oh. Hi Diana." She sighs as she sets down her book bag and sits down on the bench. Getting changed can wait right now. Fuck you Mrs. Duke.

"Hello Normani." The blonde smiles sweetly, but all she gets in response is an eye roll. Dinah sighs and makes a vow to ignore the girl for the rest of the class. Normani is just being her normal immature and petty self, so Dinah shouldn't let it affect her. The younger of the three begins to start changing into her gym uniform, and the sight of the toned tan skin draws the eyes of a certain girl sitting on the bench.

Normani blatantly stares at Dinah's body as she continues taking her shirt off. Her mouth almost drops open as she watches her strong back muscles flex as she moves to take off her pants. Thankfully Ally is to engrossed in her own changing process to see the emotional turmoil Normani is going through right now. As Dinah sheds herself of her jeans, Normani feels the weirdest feeling wash over her. Her cheeks are getting hotter by the second. Her heartbeat is too. She starts to feel this unexplainable tug towards Dinah, and she has no reason why. She feels so overwhelmed with this feeling, but she can't even explain what this feeling is, let alone why she is feeling it. The only thing she knows for sure is whatever this feeling is, it wants Dinah. And that isn't happening.

Normani continues to watch the tall blonde get dressed until she is fully clothed once again. When Dinah's focus no longer has to be on her changing, she looks back up and around the room, feeling someone's eyes on her. She catches Normani mid-stare and smirks. The older girl rolls her eyes and glares at the girl she was just caught checking out.

"Class you have two minutes until you have to be in the gym!" Mrs. Duke yells into the room. Normani rolls her eyes for real this time. She can make up some bullshit story for her mom later, because there is no way in hell she is getting dressed today. This class is the last of her priorities right now, honestly. She knows it's bad, but her life is so confusing right now. Teenage years are already confusing as it is, and now she is experiencing all these weird feelings that are pointing towards the girl she hates. She just really doesn't know anything anymore. Well, she does know one thing . . .

Dinah is fucking hot.

*Flashback (end)*

Normani sniffles as she brings herself back to the present. Thinking back on her early teenage years is always a painful experience, because those were the hardest years of her life. She was going through a lot, and she always winded up taking it out on other people. And her main target of her anger was Dinah, the girl she is currently in love with. She knows Dinah has been forgiven her for how she treated her, but Normani doesn't know if she will ever be able to forgive herself for it. The way she treated her girlfriend is despicable, and she honestly wouldn't be with her if she were in Dinah's position.

A few tears slip past her eyelids and she tries her best to keep her emotions at bay. It's literally eight in the morning, its way too early to be having a pity party.

"Baby? What's wrong?" Dinah asks, with the sleep evident in her voice. She thought she heard someone crying in her dream, but she can detect the sounds of her girlfriend crying from a mile away. Now that she's up and sees that what she thought she heard is true, she needs to find out who hurt her baby.

The older girl shakes her head and covers her face as she feels her emotions begin to take over. Dinah notices this sign as a way for Normani trying to push Dinah away, but the blonde knows better and lifts off herself off her chest. She sits up and wraps her long arms around her upset girlfriend. Normani turns and straddles her girlfriend, but not in a sexual type of way. She places her legs on either side of Dinah's back and rests her head on her chest. Normani does this every time she wants comfort from the lover, and it melts Dinah's heart because this position is so intimate without having to be sexual in any way. 

"I love you so much, Dinah. You know that right?" the girl whispers.

"Of course baby. What happened?" she comforts, rubbing her back.

"I-I was just thinking—"

"Oh no, that's never good." Dinah laughs, trying to cheer the girl up, but all she got in response was a glare that resembles a younger Normani.

"I was just thinking about some stuff that upsets me."

"Like what, Mani?"

"How I used to treat you. What I was going through back then. I know we have this conversation all the time, but I don't think I'm good enough for you. No. I know I'm not good enough for you." She whimpers into Dinah's shoulder.


"No, you know what? It would just be best if you leave me, I'm a horrible person anyways." She cries, holding onto her girlfriend for the support Dinah knows she needs right now. Dinah knows her girlfriend, and she knows sometimes she just really needs to let things out. Normani goes through a lot, but never talks about it, and being open with her feelings is just something Normani doesn't do. So occasionally she has a meltdown, but it's nothing Dinah can't handle. She loves this girl with all her heart, and even though she has some issues, no way would she ever even think of leaving her.

"I'm never leaving you, Mani, you know that." She whispers.

"You should." She mutters, sniffling some more.

"Shut up." Dinah rolls her eyes, but continues to comfort the smaller girl in her arms. Sometimes Normani seems so small and fragile to her, and its sometimes weird to think about how small her girlfriend actually is sometimes. "Mani?"


"You've been seeing your therapist right?"

"You know I have. Even if I didn't want to go, I wouldn't have any say in it because my mom practically shoves me into the office every week."

"Okay, good. . . you would tell me you relapsed or something right?" the blonde hesitates to ask.

"Yeah, I would." Normani whispers. This topic is so uncomfortable for her, but Dinah asking about it just means she really cares.

"I love you, Mans. So so so much okay? And I just hope you don't ever forget it or feel like it isn't true. Because it is. I'm in this for the long run."

"I love you too Dinah. Thank you for dealing with me." Normani yawns, feeling herself grow tired again, after her mini breakdown.

Dinah plants a loving kiss on her head, then shifts them back down on the bed.

"Now shut up, I'm tired."

Normani rolls her eyes, but smiles nonetheless. She can't believe how lucky she got with this girl.

* * *

"Dinah, I will fucking stab you in the throat." Normani growls as she keeps her eyes on the road.

The blonde does nothing but laugh and turns up the song that she has turned to for about the sixth time now.

"Moved in with a cousin, the cousin committed suicide

Left him with nothin' but ruined pride, something new inside

A voice saying "Alex, you gotta fend for yourself"

Ally and Dinah sing dramatically. Yes, in their friend group, Ally is the known theater kid, but Dinah is a lowkey nerd too. So whenever Ally finds a new musical that she is obsessed with, she fangirls to Dinah about it, and Dinah usually winds up just as into it as Ally. Normani usually thinks watching her girlfriend get so excited over something so well, nerdy, is cute, but right now she can't stand the girl, or their best friend. No matter how catchy this song is.

Normani flips the song off, turning off the audio system completely.

"Mani?! Why?" Ally whines from the back seat.

"Yeah, Mani, why?!" Dinah copies, knowing that she can get to her girlfriend this way.

"If I don't get to listen to my song, you don't get to listen to yours." The girl stubbornly smirks as she pulls into Camila's neighborhood.

"Fine." Dinah pouts, looking out the window. She plans on giving in, but then Ally taps her shoulder and glares at her from the back seat. Dinah nods and once she gets the chance, she turns the system back on, blasting show tune once again.

"There would have been nothin' left to do for someone less astute.

He woulda been dead or destitute without a cent of restitution.

Started workin', clerkin' for his late mother's landlord, trading sugar cane and rum and all the things he can't afford."

The two girls yell, this time completely in spite of the older girl driving.

"I can't fucking stand either of you! Your lucky we're here!" Normani yells over the song. She pulls up to Camila's gate and waits for the guards to open the gates for her to drive in. She drowns out her two annoying friends rapping to Hamilton, and drives into Camila's driveway, where she can see Lauren and Camila sitting on the steps in front of the mansion. She stops the car and turns the key so the two other children in the car can continue listening to their annoying music while she escapes.

"Hi Mani!" Camila smiles happily waving to her best friend. Normani can't help but smile at her best friend smiling so widely. She's noticed over the past few weeks that Camila has definitely seemed happier since Lauren has started living with her about a month ago. Its really amazing how positively Lauren has affected all of their lives. Besides the whole graffiti thing (which none of the girls have actually addressed), Lauren has been nothing but the sunshine that all of the girl's desperately needed in their lives.

"Hey girls." Normani bends down and hugs the small girl, who doesn't hesitate to wrap her legs around her friend. "Ugh, Mila, you're so heavy." The older girl whines and she stands up with the girl still wrapped around her.

"You love me!" Camila yells dramatically.

"And down you go." Normani drops her friend onto the steps and proceeds to hug the other girl on them. "Hello Lauren, you're not gonna make me carry you either, are you?"

"Not today, Mani." She laughs, ignoring Camila on the steps who is rubbing her butt with a pout on her face.

"Get in losers, we're going shopping!" Dinah yells from the car, where her and Ally are now jamming to My Shot.

"Fuck you, Cheechee." Camila says playfully. She grabs Lauren's hand, helping her stand up and leads her to the car. She opens up the door and gestures for Lauren to get in the middle seat.

"Camila, no, you get in the middle." Lauren says.

"But I don't like the middle." She pouts.

"Camz, you're the smallest, you have to sit in the middle." Lauren smiles at the adorable pout on her friend's face, and can't help but place a kiss on her cheek. Camila looks up at her, blushing, and gets into the car immediately. Normani watches the exchange with a smirk. They obviously like each other, she really doesn't know what the hold up is. But really, who is she to talk? It took her two and a half years for her to actually admit her feelings for her girlfriend.

Normani sits back down into the car, and turns to the regular radio, much to the dismay of Ally and Dinah.

"Radio, or you both will walk." Normani says, in response to the glares that she is getting from her girlfriend and their small best friend. She pulls out of Camila's driveway and back onto the road. Thankfully the mall is only about fifteen minutes away, so she doesn't have to deal with the girls in the car for that long. She loves her friends to death, but they always choose to be the most annoying when Normani can't escape.

"But-" Dinah protests.

"Dinah." The older girl glares at the girl in the passenger seat.

"Damn, Dinah, she means business, you better stop if you're trying to get some tonight!" Camila cackles obnoxiously.

Lauren hits her on her arm in response to the comment.

"Ow! What the fuck was that for?" the small brunette whines, facing the long haired girl.

"For being obnoxious." Lauren says. "Apologize to Dinah for getting in her business."

"No way, she's done way worse stuff to me." Camila crosses her arms and glares at the blonde who is smirking at her through the passenger seat mirror.




"N— "


"Dinah, I'm sorry that you suck, and I'm sorry for getting in your business."

"Camz, really?" Lauren raises a perfectly arched eyebrow.

"Really." Camila smiles widely.

"You're so annoying." Lauren rolls her eyes.

"I second that." Dinah says.

"I third that." Ally chimes in.

"I fourth that." Normani laughs but remains focused on the road.

"Wow. Fuck all of you." Camila glares straight ahead and crosses her arms.

All of the girls ignore the pouting girl in the middle and continue on to the next topic of conversation.

"GUYS. Who's excited for New York next week?!" Ally yells.

All of the girls minus Lauren squeal in excitement. Lauren tilts her head in confusion, this is the first time she's heard of this. It's going to be pretty interesting being in Camila's house, without Camila. Her bed will seem really empty without her cuddling with her in it. A subconscious frown forms on her face at the thought of being left alone.

"I get to spend my 19th birthday in New York, its going to be magical." Camila smiles blissfully.

"Are you excited for your audition, Ally?" Normani asks.

"Hell yeah, I'm really excited! Even if I don't get cast, I'm really honored they even invited me to audition, it means a lot."

"So when exactly is your audition, again?" Dinah asks.

"It's March 4th!"

"I'm really excited for you, Ally. I hope you guys have fun!" Lauren smiles. She can't help but feel left out, but she knows she can't really blame them. She's still not really an established part of there friend group and it would not be her place to ask them if she can tag along. They probably just want it to be the four of them, just like old times. Before she sort of forced herself into their lives. She can just stay in Miami and find something to do until they come back.

"Thank you, Lauren!" Ally smiles brightly.

"So when are you all leaving?"

"We're leaving the 28th, and staying a full week, til the 6th."

"Oh cool, where are you all staying?"

"We're all staying at my aunt's penthouse! It's absolutely beautiful. I'm not gonna want to come home!" Ally laughs. Lauren laughs with her, but deep down she knows its not genuine. She shakes off the feeling though. She's used to being left behind.

* * *

"Okay. So what's the game plan?" Normani asks, hoisting her purse over her shoulder as they enter the large upscale mall.

"Okay, well me and Lauren already have a plan, I don't know about you guys though."

"Lauren and I." said girl whispers playfully.

"Be quiet." The smaller girl mumbles, taking Lauren's hand into her own.

"Well, we didn't really have anything in particular to do, either. Mani and Ally, do you wanna just tag along with Camren as they give Lauren a makeover?"

"Yassss, I love makeovers!" Normani chants excitedly.

"Come on, let's get this started!" Camila tugs her friend down the short hallway, and then they come to the opening where they can see all of the stores.

Lauren inwardly groans but follows the girl nonetheless.

For the next three hours, Normani and Camila seemingly torture the poor girl with countless leather jackets, dresses, skirts, and shoes. Somewhere along the way, Ally and Dinah disappeared. Normani has a faint memory of them saying something about a music store, but she's not positive. She pretty much tuned them out and focused on the task at hand. Currently, they are in Wet Seal, waiting for Lauren to try on the last outfit they picked out. Camila is sitting next to her best friend away from the dressing room, patiently waiting for the girl to come out.

"Mani." The latina asks quietly.

"Yeah?" The blue-haired girl looks up from her twitter feed and at her friend, whose eyes are wide in anxiety.

"Can I ask you something?" Camila asks nervously.

Normani's eyebrows furrow. "Um . . yeah? Is everything okay?"

"Oh yeah it's fine. I just, okay, I'm going to tell you something and I need you to tell me if this is just another one of my stupid plans."

"If this is about the graffiti, I'm pretty sure that one backfired on you already . . ." the younger girl trails off, wishing she would just get the point.

"No, it's not! Well, sort of. Not really." She hesitates.


"Okay. So I'm thinking about asking Lauren out."

"Ahh really?! It's about damn time!" Normani cheers happily.

"Judging by your reaction, you don't think I'm being stupid?" Camila asks tentatively, flipping her long hair to the side.

"Not at all! Like I said, about damn time!" she says.

"Okay good. So you think she's going to say yes?"

"Yes, Mila." The darker girl sighs.

"If she says no I will personally hire someone to murder you." Camila glares at her friend playfully.

"Oh, please. You love me too much." Normani puts an arm around the tiny girl and brings her closer. "Besides, I'm telling you, that girl adores you so much. Every time she looks at you, anyone can see how much she cares for you. You have given that girl everything and more, I think by now you can really just give her a ring and you'll be set. I mean, you're already living together!" Normani snorts.

"Just when I thought we were having a moment, Mani. At least I didn't ruin it with a sex joke this time." The smaller girl laughs.

"Okay! I'm ready!" Lauren calls from the dressing rooms. Camila and Normani both stand up from their chairs outside of the changing area and round the corner to see Lauren in a simple but cute outfit. She has on a maroon bomber jacket, with a white t-shirt and ripped black jeans on. Her hair is tied up in a high ponytail and Camila thinks she looks adorable like that.

"Aww, you look good! Does it fit okay?" Normani asks, like a mother shopping with her daughter.

"Yeah! I like it!" She exclaims, turning in the mirror. "Camz, do you like it?" she asks hopefully, wanting her approval. She turns toward the girl that is standing behind her, not so subtly checking her out.

"Of course, Lo, you look beautiful." She smiles.

Lauren blushes and looks down, putting the hairs that fell out of her ponytail behind her ear. "Thank you." She says cutely. "Thank you for all of these clothes, I don't really know how I could ever repay you. Same as your house, your room, every—"

Camila doesn't know what comes over her, but she can't stop herself from moving forward and pressing her lips against the younger girls. Thankfully Normani got distracted by another potential outfit for the poor girl to try on.

Having their first real kiss in a Wet Seal dressing room hallway is not exactly how Camila pictured things, but with Lauren wrapping her arms around her waist and pushing her lips against hers doesn't make her have any regrets at all.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this, I'm dead inside lmao. But forreal, I hope you are all doing okay, and had a wonderful day. Remember you're beautiful and worth it. I love you all <3

WAIT BUT THE GIRLS BILLBOARD COVER (omg their story broke my heart, they go through so much it hurts a lot)


I got rehearsal tomorrow so I need to finally get some proper rest, so peace out y'all, i hope you enjoyed! :) 


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