Cold Coffee (Niall Horan)

By Sabamalik55

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"Promise me you won't leave me," Emily said as tears streamed down her face. "I won't leave you ever," Niall... More

Cold Coffee (Niall Horan)
Chapter 1 ~ Skyping, assignments and movie night
Chapter 3 ~ Movies, getting ride and Niall Horan
Chapter 4 ~ Twitter, Yelling ashley and Hanging out
Chapter 5 ~ Fans, Leaning in and Details
Chapter 6 ~ A Grades, Starbucks Job and Reports
Chapter 7 ~ Texting, He is back and Cutting
Chapter 8 ~ Glee, Directioner talk and little things live
Chapter 9 ~ Relationships, peri peri chicken and cuddling
Chapter 10 ~ Confusion, Fans and Asking on date
Chapter 11 ~ Nervousness, Princess and dinner picnic
Chapter 12 ~ Getting ready, Italian restaurant and best kiss
Chapter 13 ~ Deal, DMing and New Iphone
Chapter 14 ~ Friday night party, Making cupcakes and Tour
Chapter 15 ~ Not a goodbye, Letter and Cody
Chapter 16 ~ Confuse Truth, Leparchun and Going back home
Chapter 17 ~ Rumour, Cute little angel and Shopping with alice
Chapter 18 ~ Airport, Twitcam and Confession
Chapter 19 ~ The dark truth, His shirt and Snogging
Chapter 20 ~ Ed sheeran concert, Memories of him and Charity
Chapter 21 ~ High school photos, Target and New Hair
Chapter 21 ~ Gifts, Realizing and Slapped Him
Chapter 22 ~ Some hours break, Demi's talk and New items
Chapter 23 ~ Gifts, Answers and Big Accident
Chapter 24 ~ Coma, Mental breakdown and Relationships
Chapter 25 ~ Welcome, First Time and Tour
Chapter 26 ~ Rose Petals, Our Dance and Getting Engaged

Chapter 2 ~ Break up, Little things and bumping into someone

422 9 1
By Sabamalik55

Chapter 2

I shoved my books in my locker, yawning. Today is monday and I hate monday more than I hate brinjals and snakes.

I was taking out my books lazily for my first class when I saw ashley coming towards me smiling.

Seriously, who the hell smiles on monday and in the morning,

"Good morning," She said grinning cheekily, I just smiled weakly.

"Morning," I said lazily

"What's up with you, why so down?" She said as she looked towards me shoving her phone in her pocket.

"Seriously ash, how I can be happy on monday morning," I said rolling my eyes, she just laughed.

"Well why are you happy?" I asked her, crossing my arms.

"Because babe, jason said he was gonna give me a surprise, we're gonna bunk the class today," She said,

"Really?" I said while walking with her.

"yeah, we're going bunk the class before break," She says while grinning.

"Hmm, well have fun," I know it wrong, but I just can't argue with her, and if she is okay with it then I'm also.

I made my way to my class placing books on my table, sitting on chair.

After few minutes, mr george came, he started to explain us the chapter that he told us to read, and now we were working on some topics. 

Finally the bell rang, and my all day went by taking all classes, and finally it was last class, earlier ashley messaged me saying that she is with jason.

I laughed at her weirdness, but still she is my best friend and I love her.

It was the break time, so I went to usual spot, in cafeteria, taking some cookies and coffee.

I was on my ipad when I saw ashley coming towards me, her eyes were puffy red, and she was hiding something about her body.

I went to her and then I asked her what happen, she started to cry and then her hair fall down back and I look that her shirt was ripped off, 

"Ashley, what happen, who did this to you?" I asked her being shocked.

"Jason," My jaw dropped, how dare he even touch my best friend.

"Ashley, tell me everything clearly, what happen?" I was so confused right now I just wanted to punch him in face if he hurted my best friend.

"Emily, you know we bunked the class and then we went to some empty class, and we started kissing like we used to and then he put his hands on my thighs bringing his hand upwards, so I removed his hand, and then I said him to stop but he pushed me to wall, and then he put his hand on my shoulder and ripped my shirt and I pushed him away going out, I was so upset on what he did, and then right now, I saw him kissing alyssa," She cried even harder.

Tears came in my eyes, she was my only best friend, why he would do that, he tried to hurt my sister.

"Ashley, here take this," I gave her a cardigan that I was wearing, I was still wearing scarf, she mumbled me 'thanks' and then we went to cafeteria, drinking our coffee and thats when jason came.

"Come on ashley let's go," Ashley got up and started to walk when jason hold his hand.

"Ashley look i'm sorry," He says, I really wanna punch his face.

"We're done jason, leave me alone," She says to him, he still doesn't leave her, his grip was tight.

"LET HER GO," I yelled.

 He left her hand and I took ashley with me going in washroom and then there she break down on floor crying, luckily there was no one and then I knealed down towards her and hugged her.

"I hate him emily, I really hate him, " She said while crying, I wipe her tears and then she got up and wash her face and applying her make up again.

The bell rang, telling us it is our last period, I told her that I'll take her to my home, but she refused she said she wanted to go to her house, but at end I said that I'll drop her at her house, she agreed.


Last period went really fast, as miss lexie wasn't in class, but a subsitute teacher came. and I just keep working on my essays and story that I have to post on wattpad today, as bell rang I went to the door and saw ashley standing there.

"Are you ready to go?" I said and then her head spun to me, she smiled at me and nodded.

I opened the door of the car and then ashley sit in car, she turned on the radio, songs came and ended, and ashley was whispering the song, and then another song came it was little things and it was of some boyband one direction, that I've never heard before.

Your hand fits in mine, like it made just for me,

But bear this in mind,

and it was meant to be,

and I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheek,

and it all makes sense to me,

I know you never loved crinkles by your eyes,

When you smile, you've never loved your stomach or your thighs,

The dimples on your back at the bottom of your spine,

But i'll love them endlessly,

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth,

But if I do, it's you oh it's you, they add up to,

I'm in love with you, and all these little things.

You can't go to bed without a cup of tea, Maybe that's the reason you talked in your sleep,

And all those conversations are the secrets that I keep though it makes no sense to me.

I know you never love the sound of your voice on tape,

You never want to know how much you weigh,

You still have to squeeze into your jeans,

But you're perfect to me,

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth,

But if it's true, it's you, it's you,

they add up to,

I'm in love with you and all these little things.

You never loved yourslef half as much as I love you,

You'll never treat yourself right darlin'

But I want you to,

If I let you know I'm here for you,

Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you, Oh..

I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth,

Because it's you, Oh it's you, It's you they add up to,

And I'm in love with you,

and all these little things.

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth,

But if it's true, it' s you, it's you, they add up to,

I'm in love with you and all your little things..

We both listened in silence and it was the beautiful song, every one voice were incredible, but one voice caught my attention, but I don't know who is the singer, I wish I could know who he is, and tell him how incredible his voice is.

I dropped ashley at her house and went to my house, 

I closed my eyes, and remember that words,

If I let you know I'm here for you, maybe you'll love yourself like I love you..

Those words feel like magical, I just feel like there is someone who is for me, and if he will ever come in my life I would really love him, after that night I just can't trust anyone. 

The past year was hell for me, that night, graduation party, him, that room it was a hell for me, If he wouldn't come in my life, maybe I can trust on anyone, but now all my trust is lost, I don't know where in the world is real love now, because now only one thing exists, and that is how to use other person.

I took a shower, relaxing my mind, and wearing some casual, a white heart print shirt, black jeans, and sneakers with it, I dried my hair putting it in wavy and wore a beanie on it taking my bag, putting my ipad, a book, some pencils and pen, and my iphone, headphones and wallet. I wore my sneakers and went to starbucks. I'm damnly craving coffee.

I went to starbucks and ordered my drink and took a seat near window, taking out my labtop and my diary, on which I have written my story's next chapter.

I was writing when my drink got ready, I went to take it, and was coming when someone bumped into me, and all my coffee fall on the guy's shirt.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry," I panicked and took tissue and started to clean it.

"It's ok love, I'll do it," He says, I look at him, he has blond hair quiffed up and blue eyes, he was smiling at me.

"No, it's my mistake, I shouldve seen it, I'm really sorry," I said,

"It's ok, by the way, I'm niall," He says taking out his hand for me to shake.

"Hey, I'm emily." I said smiling at him.

Something caught me about him, even though I met him for first time, I feel like I can trust him but what about that guy whose voice I listened on radio?

Hellloooooo, how are you, I have to post this chapter 2 days ago, but I'm so sorry I didn't but here's its now, so yeah, read, vote comment!! I'm really hoping you guys would love it!!


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