
By KBMallion

210K 13.8K 2.7K

Sophia is sat in a bar with only a large glass of wine for company, quietly nursing a broken heart. When a ch... More

Ignitable - Introduction
Ignitable - Chapter One
Ignitable - Chapter Two
Ignitable - Chapter Three
Ignitable - Chapter Four
Ignitable - Chapter Five
Ignitable - Chapter Six
Ignitable - Chapter Seven
Ignitable - Chapter Eight
Ignitable - Chapter Nine
Ignitable - Chapter Ten
Ignitable - Chapter Eleven
Ignitable - Chapter Twelve
Ignitable - Chapter Fourteen
Ignitable - Chapter Fifteen
Ignitable - Chapter Sixteen
Ignitable - Chapter Seventeen
Ignitable - Chapter Eighteen
Ignitable - Chapter Nineteen
Ignitable - Chapter Twenty
Ignitable - Chapter Twenty One
Ignitable - Chapter Twenty Two
Ignitable - Chapter Twenty Three
Ignitable - Chapter Twenty Four
Ignitable - Chapter Twenty Five
Ignitable - Chapter Twenty Six
Ignitable - Chapter Twenty Seven
Ignitable - Chapter Twenty Eight
Ignitable - Chapter Twenty Nine
Ignitable Playlist

Ignitable - Chapter Thirteen

6.1K 515 112
By KBMallion


By the light of my brass lamp, I read through the notes on my current case. I'm in court tomorrow, so I just need to make sure that I have all the documentation of evidence and air tight facts in front of me. I've been working on this major fraud prosecution on behalf of the CPS, for a few days now, so I'm ready to finally put this case to bed tomorrow. If I get the outcome that both I, and the CPS really want, I'll be able to fully enjoy the weekend ahead that I have planned with Sophia. It's just going to be me and her. A little fine dining on Saturday night at my favourite little French restaurant in the centre of Bath, followed by a Sunday that will be mainly spent at the stables, because Sophia really wants to see my race horses—and what my girl wants, she gets.

I can't tell you how much lighter I feel with having her in my life. The burden of every single day, no longer feels that way. I actually enjoy getting up in the mornings now. She gives my life, new purpose and new meaning. It's akin to being reborn. I feel like I am seeing the world in a whole new light now. It's like I am getting to see all of it, through Sophia's beautiful and optimistic eyes. I love how she can make me feel like that. I also love how she's making me want to open up to her. I have been sharing some of my past with Sophia, because I absolutely want to share my future with her. Shit, I really wish I had time to see her tonight, but this case has me up to my barrister eyes. Exhaling away my incompleteness, I focus hard on the notes in front of me, rubbing my aching temples with my fingers in small and soothing circles. My thoughts are usually so solid and direct. But Sophia keeps creeping into them, causing them to become distrait and vague. Forcing myself to focus harder, I try to push away my perpetual thoughts of Sophia. Just when I think I might have done, she suddenly texts me.

Can I see you tonight?

With a tired smile, I tap in my genuine reply.

I'd really like that, but I'm not going to be finished here until 9...come to my place for 9:45?

Waiting for her answer, I'm still smiling.

I don't think I can wait that long. I'm missing you. Can't you see me now?

My smile fades slightly, frowning as I quickly text her back.


As quick as a few blinks, her next text comes through.

Yes now...I'm outside!

Now my smile literally stretches across my face as I promptly tap back.

No one is in reception...come on up to my office.

Tidying my desk a little, I slowly stand. In just a few moments, the woman who constantly swims in my mind, will be crossing the threshold of my office door. With fluid strides, I walk across the floor space, determined to be there waiting when she arrives, smoothing down my trousers and my shirt as I do. Soon, the door is opening, and there stands Sophia—wearing a sexy little blue dress and a big naughty smile.

"Is anyone else in the building?" Sophia asks, closing the door by stepping backwards against it.

Tilting my head with an amused frown, I tell her. "I think my clerk, Tobias, might be here...possibly my mother?"

Looking behind her, she then turns. "Please tell me that you can lock this damn door?" That's when Sophia spots it. "Yes!" With absolute triumph, she quickly locks it, then turns back to me with a thoroughly wicked glint now in her eyes.

Moving towards her, I'm grinning broadly. "What are you up to, Sophia Hale?"

Practically lunging herself at me, Sophia is soon draped sexily against my body. "Nothing. I'm just wanting to have my very wicked way with you, that's all."

"But I'm working."

Sophia starts showering my neck with the smallest of teasing little kisses. "Try to resist me, then." She whispers her challenge to me between many more of those tempting little pecks to my succumbing skin.

"You know I can't." I lowly confess, knowing that I am completely losing myself to the tantalisation of her mouth.

Sophia crookedly grins, half-closing her eyes. "I was kind of hoping that you wouldn't be able to." Her hands then start gliding over my shirted chest, sexily peering up at me through her long and dark eye lashes. "I know that you're really busy, so we don't even have to get naked." Lifting her dress up on just the one side, Sophia then naughtily reveals that she's not wearing any underwear. "I promise, this won't take long." Her voice is enticingly low—enticingly persuasive.

With a deep and aroused laugh, I hold her harder against me. "I'm up to my neck in paperwork, though, Miss Hale?" I want her so badly, I can't actually believe that I am still resisting her.

Her grey eyes become sexily insistent. "I am wearing no knickers, on a cold November night...for you." Placing her palm in the middle of my chest, she starts to push me backwards, pushing me towards where my big leather chair is. "Now sit down, and enjoy."

Horny, and in my seat, I watch Sophia undoing my suit trousers with her impatient yet determined fingers. Satisfied, she sits astride me with a knowing grin.

I should be resisting her.

I should be stopping this.

I didn't want the second time I have sex with Sophia to be in my office, in my overly used office chair.

I wanted it to be so much more than that.

But I can't resist her.

I can't stop this.

She knows that.

I know that.

So with her sexily straddling me, we kiss—hard and hurried.

Our tongues tantalisingly clash and our bodies become passionately close. Shifting in my lap, Sophia frees my straining erection, causing me to deeply groan in reaction to her sensual touch. Thinking that I'm hard and now ready for her, she is just about to lower herself down onto me. In a startling moment of clarity, I frantically stop her. "Sophia? Stop! This is a really bad idea. I don't have any condoms." Thank fuck for my one moment of sudden clarity. "I don't want any little Lapley's running around." I quickly complain, holding her hips a safe distance away from my groin.

Immersing her fingers into the back of my hair, Sophia leans in to placate me with a softly delivered kiss. "It's okay. I'm on the mini pill, to help with my heavy periods...so they'll not be any little Lapley's running around." She then draws back, to assure me some more with one of her beautiful and confident smiles.

Inhaling a long breath of relief, I grip tighter onto her perfect little hips. "In that case!" I don't need to say anything more. I just need to hold her. To kiss her eagerly hard. And to have me deeply inside of her.

That's all I want.

That's all I need.

I am so ready for Sophia now. She feels me throbbing against her, so lowers herself down onto me with one long and delirious groan. I watch her eyes pleasurably close, the deeper she takes every raptured inch of me. Rocking back and forth, pelvis to pelvis, we are carnally dancing. Penetration has never felt so intimate, natural and raw. With only Sophia, this is the truest sex I have ever had. Every inch of my erection is bulging and bare, embedded within her without wearing a condom. Shit, it feels good. Unbelievably good! My own eyes are now shut tight, unable to stay open because I am sat here riding waves of the most erotic of joys—as my beautiful Sophia rhythmically rides me. "Jesus! You feel...you just feel..." My words are totally lost, just as I am. Lost to the most profound feeling I have ever felt. I want to moan out that I love her, but Sophia will more than likely just think it's a declaration from my very satisfied dick. So I just moan, moaning out how wonderful she feels to be inside of, and how wonderful it feels to know that I'm actually falling in love with her. With my fingers painlessly digging into her thighs, Sophia grinds harder and deeper.

This is it.

This is where I totally lose myself to her.

Where we totally lose ourselves to each other.

Grabbing onto the back of my chair, Sophia grips it tight for support as her sexy little hips start to wildly ride me. Just as I am, she's now more than ready. As soon as I feel her muscles clamping themselves around me, I passionately and blissfully blaspheme. "Shiiiiiiiiiit!" So intense is my orgasm, I actually see pin-prick sized stars floating just beneath my elated eyelids. As I enjoy the powerful and blinding feeling, Sophia herself, is enjoying the last of her pulsating climax, enjoying its last little throbs all around me. Our orgasms may have pleasurably tapered off, but our contentedness certainly has not. Slowly opening up my starry-eyes, they are met with the most sated of smiles. Stroking Sophia's back, I give her a sated smile in sweet return. "Thank you." I don't even know why that's the first thing to fall from my mouth? It just somehow feels right to say it.

Bringing her warm lips against mine, Sophia softly kisses my mouth before answering me. It's like her tender kiss is the sweetest cherry on top for what has just happened between us. "It should be me who is thanking you." Then her fingers lovingly trail themselves down the right side of my face, gazing at me as they do. "I needed you tonight, Cade. I think I am beginning to need you every night."

Her endearing confession is one that I know all too well. This is Sophia telling me how much I am beginning to mean to her. Which is why I respond with an endearing confession of my own. "You, Sophia Hale, are amazing. I am so glad that you're in my life. I have come to believe that life will bring us the wrong person at the wrong time, just so that we will know when we have finally met the right person at the right time." Caressing her jawline ever so slowly, I quietly continue. "You are my right person, at the right time. You are my everything."

With tears glisteningly forming on her lower lashes, she blinks them back with a small laugh. "You're making me all teary." She seems sweetly embarrassed, swiping her happy tears away with the back of her hand. Then she gazes back at me, with those gorgeous grey eyes of hers. There seems to be more upon her lips, more that she wants to say. But being unable to say it, her words stay lost inside of her throat. Instead, she wraps her cherishing arms around the back of my neck and then cuddles me with a thoroughly contented sigh. "I'm glad that I'm your everything." She holds me a few moments longer, before reluctantly letting go. "Now, I had better leave you to finish your work."

Just as she's about to lift her beautiful self from off of me, I stop her by keeping hold of her hips. "Can I see you tomorrow night?"

Sophia smiles, demurely lowering her chin as she does. "Absolutely."

"And we're still on for this weekend?"

Again, Sophia smiles. "Absolutely." She repeats, but this time she leans in for a sumptuously slow kiss before admitting. "I am looking forward to it." Then rising from my lap, she smoothes down her creased blue dress as she happily stands in front of me.

Once I have sorted myself out, I grab a handful of tissues as I slowly stand. "Here, you might need these." There's a roguish grin around the corners of my lips, there because the thought of all of my exploding pleasure is about to weep from out of her, kind of thrills me.

"Thanks." Shyly, she starts wiping away all of my juices. I like it that they are there. I like that it's my juices that are down between her legs. "Right then, handsome...I'll let you get on." She says, throwing the used tissues into the bin beside my desk.

Grabbing her by the waist, I feel the need to kiss her again. Not only is my mouth showing her how much she means to me, my telling tongue does as well. It slides itself in, cavorting with hers as our lips erotically vibrate with a unified and pleasured moan. I don't want to let Sophia go, but know that I must. "You'd better go." My whisper escapes through my teeth. "You'd better go before I need to be inside of you again."

Giggling, Sophia seems to not be at all opposed to the idea. "I have time, if you do?" Her brow is devilishly crooked, knowing that I really don't have time. "Another time, maybe?" Now her mouth is sexily crooked as she sassily pulls away from me, before heading towards my office door.

Without trying to sound too desperate, I smile in her direction. "I'll see you tomorrow." I casually tell her.

As she slowly opens the heavy door, my mother just so happens to be leaving her office. I watch her, eyeing up Sophia with obvious disdain. But my girl holds her sassy stance. With a devil-may-care smirk, she struts right past my mother, only acknowledging her with a polite yet smug. "Evening, Mrs Lapley." Mother then looks across to me, with the same obvious disdain. But I say nothing. I simply stride across my office, closing the door on her twisted and contemptuous face as I wear a victorious smile on mine.

Not even the disease of my mother, can thwart my happiness.

Not even she, can wipe the smile from my lips.

Sophia, makes me happy.

She has quickly become the main artery to my life.

I have never needed anyone before, but I now need her.

I think we now, both need each other.

But that doesn't scare me. It doesn't make me want to sabotage what we have. I am embracing how I feel. I am embracing being with Sophia. I used to think that I could never love, but I now know that love isn't a choice; it's your hearts decision.

I have made my decision. I have willingly made it.

I am in love with Sophia.


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