Come Alive (Seth Rollins & Pa...

By ReignsAmbrose143

25.5K 713 245

*** "You shouldn't be getting involved with me Rollins" Paige Says As She Looks Into The Eyes Of The Two Tone... More

Shit Happens.
The Bullies
A Helping Hand.
Uh Oh.
I Love You
Drama Club
Rumors always get worse.
Fights and Plays
Unexpected Events
She can stay with me
Patience Is A Virtue.
Returning To School
What the Hell?
2 Months Later
Messed Up.
Payback's A Bitch
Making It Official
Showing True Colors
Having to ask Roman.
Staying Sane.
Two Tones Is Home
Another Attack
Calling For Help
The Big Brother
Two Weeks Later
Planning the trip.
Nothing is ever 'Perfect'.
Druken Mistakes.
Family sticks together.
Six Flags & Secrets Revealed
Dare Devil Dive.
Talking out the problems
Fixing whats broken.
Motusia (Broken.)
Getting Arrested
Double Arrest.
'Im Locked Up, They Won't Let Me Out'
Visiting Princess & Deano.
'If I Go Crazy, Will you still call me superman?'
Getting Bailed Out.
Reliving reality in a dream.
Going Home.
Surprise Suprise
2 Months Later
Hospital Visits.
Back To Keeping Secrets
Finally Coming Face To Face
Jeff Comes Home

Why did you do it?

610 17 11
By ReignsAmbrose143

Seth Rollin's

'Don't let me go'

'I won't ever let you go'

I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. I promised my self that when I seen her break down in the middle of the hallway like that, I wouldn't ever leave her side. Seeing her like that, because of what Roman did to her, not only hurt me, but it pissed me off. She's the closest with Myself, Dean and Roman, and he went and did something like that to her. She has never said she hated anyone except her piece of shit father.

"Seth Fucking Rollins!"

That pulls me from my thoughts as I look up to see Dean looking at me with a eyebrow cocked up.

"Welcome back to reality Jackass" He says, rolling his eyes.

"I'm sorry.." I mumble.

"What's wrong Seth?" Nikki asks as she sits at the lunch table.

"Nothing. Just zoned out I guess" I lie.

The last thing I want is them to know Paige broke down in the hallway today. Bad enough Jimmy saw it. She doesn't want people seeing her at her moments of weakness.

"Bullshit. I know you to well for you to lie to me two tones." Nikki says.

"I'm fine Nikki. I promise."

Another lie.

"Just know I'm here if you want to talk" She says, giving me a small smile.

"I feel like I'm the only one who notices these things, but we have two missing this time instead of one" Dean points out.

I look around the table to see who's missing. Jey, Jimmy, Nikki, Brie, Dean....

Paige and Roman.

"Do we know where they are?" I ask.

"Nope" Jey says.

"She was in Gym and left with us.." Brie says.

"We had Dunbecks class together, and Roman was with me.." Dean says, looking around.

As if on cue, Roman walks into the lunchroom. A fire inside of me sparks to life when my eyes land on him.

"There's Rome" Jey points out.

"Now were missing one" Dean says.

Roman walks up to the table and sits next to Dean, across from me. I gibe him the dirtiest look I could combust before focusing on something else.

"Where'd you go Reigns?" Jimmy asks.
"Bathroom." He mumbles.

"Don't you got practice tonight?" Brie asks.

"Yup. Are you all still coding, like normal?" He asks, looking around the table.

Everyone answers with a 'Yeah' except me. Don't get me wrong, I love Roman like big brother, but he went to far with picking Sasha over Paige.

"Where the hell is Paige? Did she get in trouble with Henry or something?" Dean asks.

"No. We ran the mile today and she ran by herself with her headphones in." Jimmy says.

"Yeah, she didn't seem like herself today.." Jey says.

I glare at Roman.

I wonder why.

"There she is" Brie points out.

I look at the door and see Paige walking in with headphones in her ears. Her hair is in a messy bun and wet. She probably showered after gym. All eyes are on her as she walks all the way in the lunchroom.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer!" She yells, throwing her hands in the air.

Everyone at the table busts out laughing. Only Paige. She walks up to the table and takes her normal seat in between Myself and Brie. She pulls her headphones out and gives me a smile.

"Where the hell were you?!" Dean yells.

"Can't I shower after running the mile?" She asks cocking a brow.

"Not when your missing lunch." Dean says.

"Be happy I came here alright? I Didn't want to come into the lunchroom, let alone sit at this table"

Everyone stops there own conversations to look at her with wide eyes.

"That's hurtful" Brie admits.

"You don't want to sit with us anymore?" Jey asks.

"Its not like that. I don't want to sit anywhere near him" She says, motioning to Roman.

"Come on Sunshine, don't be like that" Roman sighs.

"Don't call me that Reigns" She hisses threw clenched teeth.

"What the hell happened?" Dean asks, confused.

"You wont even let me explain" Roman says.

"Let you explain what? That you were kissing up on someone who can't stand me? Not just me but Nikki and Brie to. You know what happens after this? More drama. Don't you think I got enough going on in my life? No, you just gotta add more bullshit to my fucked up ass life right?" She says, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Woah.." Jey mumbles.

"I didn't do anything!" Roman yells, sitting up.

"Like I said, don't say shit to me. As far as I'm concerned, you ain't shit. I hate you Roman Reigns. I hate you." She says.

"Shots fired." Nikki mumbles.

"You don't mean that Sunshine.." Roman says, his voice cracking slightly.

"Oh but I do Romeo."

"No! This is not how this is gonna happen! You guys are like best fucking friends!" Dean yells throwing his hands on the table.

"Not anymore." Paige shrugs.

The bell rings, dismiss us from lunch. Paige is the first to walk off.

"Paige Bevis, bring your ass back here we are not done talking about this!" Dean shouts, walking up to her.

"Seth?" I hear Roman say.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"How bad did I screw up?" He asks, running a hand threw his long black hair.

"Pretty bad honestly. You were her best friend Rome. She trusted you. Why did you do it?" I ask as we walk towards our English class.

"I didn't mean to.. Sasha came up to me in Gym and was flirting with me and I kept pushing her away.. She threw herself onto me and I swear to you Seth, I just wanted to punch her. I couldn't though... that's when Jimmy and Paige came up and I didn't think what I said was wrong until I realized I worded it wrong.." He explains.

"You know all she wants is to see you happy Rome. She wants you to find someone, she wants you to feel for girl. Just not that girl." I sigh.

"I know that.. I just get so mad when I hear these rumors. Nobody gives me shit on them but jump to give her shit. Bubba has been up her ass all day, trying to get in her pants.. I don't want her to fall for it." He admits.

"She won't. She doesn't fall for anyone's bullshit." I say as we walk into Casper's class.

Dean and Paige aren't here yet.

"You think she really hates me?" He asks.

I go to answer his question but I'm cut off.

"Yo Reigns! You finally letting someone else have a go at Paige?" I hear Bubba yell.

"Shut the fuck up man." He growls.

"Don't be mad. You guys made quite a show in lunch, now me and the guys are thinking about hitting that, showing her how a true man fucks a girl" Bubba taunts.

Roman let's out a low growl.

He's trying to get Roman going.

Bubba walks up to Roman, smirking.

"Bubba, I'm gonna tell you this once and once only. Don't you dare touch Paige" Roman warns as they come face to face.

"Or what Reigns? Cause' I'm gonna do more then just touch her." Bubba says.

"You ain't touchin' her" Roman barks.

Bubba laughs and pushes Roman slightly. Roman clenches his jaw and balls up his fists. Bubba looks down at his hands and let's out another laugh.

"You gonna hit me Reigns? Swing." He says, challenging the livid Samoan.

As soon as Bubba says that, Devon and Daniel take there places on either side of him.

"There's one of you, three of us. Don't be stupid Roman." Bubba says, pushing at him once again.

"There's two of us" I speak up.

He raises his eyebrow and laughs ''then what are you waiting for? Swing Roman."

I won't let Roman fight alone.

''Back up off my brother Bubba."

I turn my head at the sound if Dean's voice. He's alone. No Paige. Dean takes his place on the other side of Roman.

"Stop talking and start stepping" Roman says.

"Your a pussy Roman. Swing!" Bubba snaps.

"I'll show you a pussy Bubba"

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