
By HangmanJury

62.5K 1.5K 365

*A Duff McKagan Fanfic* *As of May 2020, number one rated Duff McKagan fanfic* Anastasia Fisher has just move... More

Jet Lagged
Sucker Punched
Wine and Dined
Figured Out
Moved In
Hit On
Made up


1.4K 40 6
By HangmanJury

I dressed myself carefully, selecting a thigh length leather skirt, a white bandeau, and Axl's black leather jacket. 

The outfit showed off my copious amounts of cleavage and the skirt was just short enough. It was an edgy look-- feminine and sexy, but badass.

"Ready to go babe?" Axl calls from somewhere in the house.

"Give me five more minutes!" I call back, brushing on the last bit of blush.

I wanted to look perfect for Aerosmith. The whole band was my idol, and I didn't want to look like a fool in front of them-- or Sharise for that matter.

Plus, I didn't know what her intentions were for inviting me to this shoot. All I knew was that I wanted to meet Aerosmith and watch them record the music video, especially since Guns would probably be doing the same thing in a few months.

When Axl found out Sharise had asked me to go to the Aerosmith shoot, he didn't want me to go. It took a lot of convincing, but after I told him about Vince wanting to speak to him, he agreed I could go.

I quickly blotted my lipstick and checked myself out in the mirror one last time. It would have to do, or else we'd be late.

"Let's go, Ana!" I hear Axl call again.

"I'm coming, I'm coming. Chill out." I say, walking towards the front door.

I step into the fourier and am immediately encountered by five grown men, simply awaiting my presence. They look me up and down, and a cat call emits from one of their mouths.

"Shit, Ana. I know you love Aerosmith but you'd think you'd dress like that for me every once in a while! Damn." Axl mutters.

I blush bright red and roll my eyes. "Oh please." I scoff.

"It's fucking Aerosmith, Axl. You go big or go home." Slash comments. 

Slash and I are similar in that Aerosmith is both of our favorite bands. He was the only one that truly understood my fascination.

"At least someone understands." I smile at Slash, and we head out the door.

I nearly trip due to the fact that I was practically running down the steps to the car. I was excited to say the least.

"I'm driving!" I call out suddenly, jumping in the driver's seat.

The guys quickly scramble into the car themselves, eager to get a seat and not be the one to have to sit in the trunk. 

Once the commotion settles, Steven is the last man standing outside of the car. 

"Ahhhh fuck." He complains, heading to the back of the car. 

"Should of moved a little faster, Popcorn." Duff says to him, and we hear the trunk shut closed.

I turn the key in the ignition and the engine comes to life. "Alright, are we ready to go?" I ask, and no one objects, so I put the car in reverse, backing out of the parking spot.

When I turn around to back up, I make eye contact with Duff, and he smiles at me. Butterflies take over my stomach and I can't help but blush.

After driving for a good 45 minutes, we arrive at the Long Beach Arena. The outside of the arena was beautiful. It was painted like the ocean, with sea creatures covering it from top to bottom. 

I parked the car carefully and got out, smoothing down my skirt. I checked myself in the car mirror one more time.

"Cut it out, Ana." Duff says quietly as he walks by. "You look amazing, as always." 

I smirk but put on another coat of lipstick just to be sure. The guys are almost in the building, but I'm not concerned. I had to make sure I looked good.

When I was finally happy with my appearance, I made my way towards the building. 

In sky high heels, it takes a little bit longer to walk, but it was worth it to look this good. 

I pulled open the door to the arena and blinked as my eyes adjusted to the darker lighting. I could see the guys standing in the lobby in front of me, talking to someone who had their back turned to me.

"There she is." Axl says to the man as I approach, and all eyes flick to me.

As I get closer, Axl snakes a hand around my waist, claiming possession. 

The man offers me his hand. "I'm John Kalodner, Aerosmith's manager. It's nice to meet you." he says politely.

John had a long beard and thick glasses. He looked like a hippie, but he seemed nice.

"Sharise told me you'd be coming. Vince and the guys are hanging out in the back. We haven't gotten the set of the video finished yet, so they're all just waiting it out. I can take you back." John says, walking towards the entrance for the actual concert hall.

We follow John down the aisles and up the side stage. "No, no, no. That's not going there. Put it over the drum riser." John directs the stage hand as we continue to walk backstage.

We finally make it to an unlabeled door and John doesn't bother to knock. He simply pushes it open to reveal all of Aerosmith, Vince, Sharise, and another man who I don't recognize.

I walk in first and Sharise ushers me inside. "Hello sweetheart! You look stunning!" she says, hugging me and kissing me on the cheek.

"This is Brandi, Nikki's girlfriend." Sharise introduces, and I shake her hand.

"Nice to meet, you." I smile at her.

"Ana." Vince says kindly, embracing me as well.

"Nikki, this is Anastasia Fisher. She dates Axl and I asked her to come to the shoot today." Sharise introduces me to Nikki Sixx himself.

"Pleasure to meet you." I say softly, and he kisses my hand.

Rockstars are so flattery.

Before I knew it, none other then Steven Tyler himself was standing up to greet me. I held my breath.

"I can see why Sharise thought you'd make a good extra. You're gorgeous. It's nice to meet you baby. What's your name?" Steven says, kissing me on the cheek.

"Thank you." I blush furiously.

Axl and the guys take a seat, so I do too-- right between Steven Tyler and Joe Perry.

"I'm Anastasia." I say simply, trying not to fall over and die right then and there.

I notice that the one man who I didn't know was watching Steven and I intently. He had his legs stretched out and crossed in front of him with his hand over his mouth. He laid back in the chair, lounging.

"Anastasia, we've been casting for lead parts all day, but I think we wasted our time." He said with a smirk, giving me chills as my name left his lips.

I started to stutter nervously. Me? In a music video? I thought I was just going to be one of those background extras that no one saw. 

"Are you sure? I've never done anything like this." I say.

Steven thinks this is funny and chuckles. 

"Hey Marty. She's the one, don't you think?" Steven asks the man, and he just nods.

Knots form in my stomach. I'm going to be in Aerosmith's music video!

"Don't worry, Anastasia. It's no big deal." Steven says to me.

Now it was my turn to laugh. 

"Yeah, no big deal. I'm just going to be in my favorite band's music video. No big deal." I shoot Steven  a smile.

He smiles right back. "Favorite band, huh?" 

"Yeah, since the very beginning. I've seen you guys in concert 5 times in the 70's." I confirm.

"Hardcore." He laughs.

"Yeah, but I don't remember some of them. Every single show was great, but my favorite was the Bloomington show on the Toys tour. Axl and I somehow managed front row seats." I shook my head at the fond memory. 

Axl must have heard the conversation, because he butted in, causing everyone else to join in. "Yeah, and that's the show you ended up with the tattoo." 

I bit my lip nervously. "Shut the hell up, Axl" 

"What do you mean, tattoo?" Slash questions.

"Yeah, I don't see one." Steven Adler chimes in.

This makes Axl laugh. 

"Hell yeah she does. And there's a good reason none of you have seen it." he says.

Now everyone is curious and looking at me expectedly. I silently curse Axl for mentioning it. I loved my tattoo, but no one knew about it. 

"Go ahead, show them." Axl says, and I reluctantly pull down the corner of my skirt to reveal the Aerosmith wings tattoo on my right butt cheek.

This almost sends the Aerosmith boys into a frenzy, and the Guns guys can't believe their eyes.

"This is fucking cool as hell." Joe Perry says, inspecting the tattoo closely, although he doesn't touch.

"Let me see!" Steven Adler says.

"Shut up, Popcorn. You just wanna see my ass, you pervert." I flip him off.

"I never thought I'd see the day where a hot girl tattooed my band on their ass." Tom Hamilton says, shaking his head.

"We've gotta put this in the video. That's the coolest fucking thing!" Steven Tyler says, staring at the tattoo.

I looked to Axl because I knew how he was--territorial and jealous. He wasn't going to be happy about me displaying my ass for the world to see, but I wasn't going to tell Steven fucking Tyler no! He was my idol!

A few minutes later, John Kalodner came to get Aerosmith. They were ready to start filming.

"We'll come get you when we're ready to shoot your part, for now, we need Brandi and Sharise." John said.

For another hour more, we all shot the shit. It was weird and surreal that I was hanging out with Vince Neil and Nikki Sixx, and that Guns would probably end up touring with them. I was excited. 

Eventually, John Kalodner came in to break up the fun. The set was ready for me, and it was time to get to work.

I was nervous as hell.

Before following John and Marty out of the room and onto the set, I bent down to plant a kiss on Axl's lips.

"Knock em' dead, baby." he says, and I'm surprised he doesn't say anything more.

"Have fun." I say to him and the rest of Guns, because I know they'll be talking with Vince and Nikki about touring with Motley. 

This was a big day for all of us.

I followed Marty and John onto the set. It was nothing too fancy, but there were a few other girls waiting.

I watched Marty, the unknown guy from earlier, talk to Steven Tyler. They both looked at me as they talked, and Steven smiled. 

I watched carefully as Marty scribbled something on his clipboard and made for the microphone. He began to speak.

"Okay. Nancy and Veronica?" Marty questioned. The girls rose their hands almost simultaneously at the mention of their names.

"We no longer need your services. Thank You." Marty said, and I watched the girls exit side stage.

"Okay, now that's over with." he sighed. "We'll film your part now Anastasia."

I was so nervous.

"Alright, now. What we want to do is get the take of your tattoo, so we'll do that first. After that we want to get a couple takes of you interacting with Steven. Does that sound okay?" Marty asks me.

"Of course." I say timidly. 

"Okay, so the plan for this scene is to have someone rip your skirt off to reveal your tattoo. When that happens, we want you to turn it towards the camera so we can get a better view." Marty instructs. 

"Okay, I can do that." I agree. 

I hear the song start to play and I kick my hip out. This was a rock music video, so there had to be a sense of attitude and sexual energy.

I felt my skirt come off quickly, and I turned towards the camera immediately with my arms crossed.

"CUT!" I hear Marty yell.

"That was amazing. That take was perfect." he said to me, nodding.

"Good." I agree, and I watch as he shows the footage to John and a few other members of the stage crew. They all nod in agreement and look towards me.

I manage to get my skirt back on and just as I do, Marty approaches. He tells me I'm going to hair and make-up.

I spend a good hour in hair and make-up, but when I get done, I'm wearing just my skirt and a bandeau top. They've put black extensions into my hair and teased it up perfectly. 

"Okay, you can go back on set. They're waiting for you." the hairstylist tells me.

I head back onstage and Marty is indeed waiting for me. "Okay, now what we want you to do is just-- fool around with Steven. Nothing serious, but we need something to put in the video. We were going to have Sharise do it, but Vince wouldn't let her." 

I looked to Sharise and she smiles at me. I guess I wasn't the only one with an overtly jealous significant other.

My breath hitches as Steven Tyler approaches me, slinging his arm around my waist. This is literally  my dream come true.

"Ready, baby?" he questions.

"I was ready for this 15 years ago." I smirk, and we hear a loud click.


The loud click may as well have been a light switch, cause Steven picks me up and his lips come crashing down on mine. He shoves his tongue down my throat and we make out for a good few minutes or so. His hands run up and down my body. I do all I can not to let out a moan. 

"CUT!" Marty yells, sighing exasperatedly. 

He steps from behind the monitor. "Steven!" he snaps. "We said fool around, not make love to her. Do it again." 

"You have no clue how much I wanted to do that. I couldn't help myself." Steven says, shooting me an irresistible smile.

I laughed. "Fifteen years too late." 

It takes a few more takes before we get settled down. We do a series of movements which included kissing, touching, licking, and even acrobatics. 

When we're finished, Steven follows me back to the dressing room. 

"Everything we just did won't make the cut." he tells me. "They'll take out what they want and scrap the rest." he says.

"Cool." I say, but I'm still terribly nervous.

"Yeah, it was fun. I knew as soon as you walked in you were perfect for the part. You're a natural." he smiles.

"Thanks, I've never done anything like this before. It was fun, and I never thought in a million years I'd get to be in one of you're music videos." I chuckle because quiet frankly, I still don't know if I'm dreaming.

"Well I think we'll be seeing a lot more of each other, that is, if you would do us the honor of being in more of our videos." Steven says. 

"That would be amazing." I smile, and I can't stop blushing.

"You know, if you weren't with Axl I might have tried to take you for myself." he chuckles.

"It's a lot more complicated then that. Throwing another guy into the mix would make it worse." I shake my head with a smile.

"I know." he says. "Living in a house with five guys and you being so gorgeous, I'm sure they fight over you."

"I don't think so." I say.

"They do. Trust me, I would know-- I did it for years." he says.

"Thanks for this." I say plainly, gesturing towards the stage. 

"It's no problem. You deserve it. Someone as beautiful as you should be showcased to the world, although I still don't understand what you're doing with Axl." he tries.

"You should be hanging on my arm." he flirts again.

"If only you knew" I smile.

"Well, if you ever change your mind, just give me a call. John gave you my number, right?" he asked, and I nodded my head yes.

"I'll call when we shoot the next video. I'm not sure when it'll be, but you can guarantee you'll be in it." he says.

"Awesome. Thank you, again. I'll catch you later?" I say, but its more like a question. 

He smiles. "You bet your ass, baby." 

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