Last One Standing ➣ Bellamy B...

By writer_aly4

205K 5.8K 710

Bellamy Blake/OC Fanfiction "This is survival of the fittest, This is do or die" Andromeda Pierce has spent t... More

Extended Summary and Disclaimer
1.0 New Americana
2.0 Monster
3.0 Come With Me Now
4.0 Goodnight
5.0 Hearts a Mess
6.0 The Ruler and the Killer
7.0 Glory and Gore
8.0 C'est La Mort
9.0 I Don't Believe You
10.0 We Remain
11.0 I Will Follow You Into the Dark
12.0 Make it Rain
13.0 Kryptonite
14.0 Jungle
15.0 Human
16.0 Sympathy for the Devil
17.0 I'll Be Good
18.0 We Must Be Killers
19.0 Bloodstream
20.0 Ready, Aim, Fire
21.0 Young God
22.0 Ain't No Rest For the Wicked
23.0 Medicine
24.0 Diamonds
25.0 Another Night on Mars
26.0 Dark Star
27.0 American Beauty/American Psycho
29.0 Can't Fight Against the Youth
30.0 Run Boy Run
31.0 Epilogue: Safe and Sound

28.0 I'm So Sorry

4.1K 128 4
By writer_aly4

Bellamy POV

When he stepped into the drop ship, Murphy shot a warning shot by his feet.

"That's good. Then do what I said," Murphy told him.

The radio called in, "Bellamy?" Bellamy's heart hurt as he heard Andromeda's voice over the radio, "Bellamy, are you okay?"

Murphy grabbed the radio, "You want her to know you're alive? Start tying."

After a moment hesitation, Bellamy leaned down and grabbed the seat buckles from the drop ship.

"I'm fine," he told her, "It was just a misfire. Now stop worrying about me and get back to work. All of you. And tell Raven to hurry her ass up."

"Alright now that's enough," Murphy told him, "That's long enough now tie those two ends together."

Bellamy kept tying the belts together but paused when he heard Andromeda's voice again over the radio.

"Murphy, I swear, if you hurt him, I will hunt you down until the ends of this god damn Earth. You thought I'd kill you slowly before, well you were dead wrong."

Murphy put the radio to his mouth, "Well I don't think your precious Bellamy will be doing so good if you keep threatening me."

The radio went silent and Murphy smirked at Bellamy.

Bellamy looked down at his hands and with a sickening realization; he noticed that his hands had tied a noose. Andromeda was right; Murphy did want him to die.

"Alright, now get up and toss it over," Murphy ordered him.

He followed Murphy's orders then paused.

"What do you want me to say? You want me to apologize? I'm sorry," Bellamy tried to stall the inevitable in hopes that Raven could get that door open.

Murphy smirked, "You've got it all wrong, Bellamy. I don't want you to say anything. I want you to feel what I felt and then I want you to die."

Murphy had Bellamy drag a chair over so that Bellamy could stand on it while Murphy taunted him.

"Stand on it," Murphy said emotionlessly.

Bellamy did just that.

"Put it over your head."

"This is insane! The Grounders could be..."

Murphy fired a warning shot and Bellamy shut up.

Bellamy gulped and put the noose around his neck, "Happy now?"

Murphy tugged on the belts to put pressure around Bellamy's neck. Bellamy reached his hands up to try to alleviate that pressure.

"You're so brave, aren't you?" Murphy taunted, "I mean you came in here thinking that you were going to turn this whole thing around. That you were stronger than me. That maybe one of your friends would come and help you. Well what are you thinking now, Bellamy?"

When Bellamy gave no response, Murphy tugged on the rope and Bellamy was deprived of air to his lungs but Bellamy would not give in. Murphy released him and continued taunting him.

"You know, I've got to hand it to you, Bellamy. You've got them all fooled. They look up to you, almost as much as they look up to Clarke. But we know the truth, don't we? You're a coward. I learned that the day you kicked out that crate from beneath me. Isn't that what you said? That you were just giving the people what they wanted right?"

Bellamy felt a stone of guilt settle into his stomach.

"I should've stopped them," he admitted to Murphy.

Murphy smirked, "Yea it's a little late for that now."

"What do you think is going to happen, Murphy?" Bellamy stalled, "You think that they're just going to let you walk out of here?"

"Well, I think the Princess is dead and I know that the King is about to die. So who is really going to lead these people? Me. That's who. Right after I kill the bitch you've been screwing."

Rage filled Bellamy and he tried to kick Murphy but Murphy jumped out of the way.

"Did I hit a nerve?" Bellamy remained silently seething, "I did didn't I? You really didn't think I new? The whole camp knows that you follow her around with puppy dog eyes. Did you honestly believe that she could have feelings for you? Oh come on, even you can't be that stupid."

This made Bellamy pause for a moment.

"She thinks that she's going to kill me slowly? Well, I'm going to make sure her death is so painful that no one will ever question my authority again."

Bellamy kicked out again and managed to kick Murphy in the stomach. Murphy ran over to the rope and pulled harder on it than he did before. Bellamy choked as he tried to relieve the pressure on his neck.

A small scream sounded from below the floor. Bellamy's eyes flew to it knowing that it was Raven. Murphy followed his gaze.

"I'm guessing that's her right now," Murphy said before unloading his entire clip into the floor.

Bellamy screamed at him to stop but he didn't listen. Bellamy struggled to take the noose off of his next but Murphy caught him and kicked the chair from under his feet. He had never felt worse in his life. Bellamy suffocated as he kicked and fought to get some air. Gasping for breath, he clawed at his neck.

Murphy smiled at him, "Using your hands is a cheat. Mine were bound remember."

Bellamy swung at him and punched him in the face. Murphy went down to the ground but stood up quickly with the gun. He hit Bellamy twice in the stomach, hard, causing Bellamy to drop his hands in pain. Murphy was going to hit him again when the drop ship door suddenly opened.

Andromeda POV

"Raven you did it," Jasper called to her.

Andromeda lifted her gun some more as the drop ship door fell open. She felt as if she could throw up. She didn't know if she was going to find Bellamy or his body when they walked in there. She couldn't handle seeing him dead, she just couldn't.

The second that she knew she could jump in the door she ran for the drop ship with Octavia and Jasper behind her. Andromeda threw back the curtain and felt her heart drop. Bellamy was strung up by the neck, not moving.

"Bellamy," she cried.

She threw her gun on the ground and ran to him to lift his legs so he could breathe. Jasper ran next to her and helped her while Octavia undid the buckle that held her brother up. Bellamy collapsed on top of her and sent both of them crashing to the floor.

"You're okay, you're okay," she told Bellamy as Octavia got the noose from around his neck.

When Bellamy began to breathe again she felt a few tears of happiness come down her face. She cupped his face with her hand and just soothed him as he regained total consciousness. They locked eyes and they both seemed relieved at finding the other safe. Andromeda saw pure, raw anger fill his eyes.

Bellamy made to roll over but struggled so Octavia and Andromeda rolled him over so he could cough.

"Murphy," he bellowed looking up above them.

He pushed all of them off of him and charged up the ladder, "Murphy! It's over! Give it up!"

Bellamy threw his body weight against the hatch screaming at Murphy the whole time.

"There's only one way out for you now!"

A few seconds after he said this, and explosion ripped through the drop ship. Bellamy was flung from the ladder while Octavia and Andromeda were thrown to the floor. Bellamy scrambled up and burst through the hatch with Jasper closely behind him.

Andromeda coughed as she made her way out of the drop ship into the fresh air. The rest of the hundred were standing by wondering what happened. Instead of answering their questions, she doubled over and put her hands on her knees as she tired to breathe clearly again. Octavia came beside her and rubbed her back.

"Andromeda," Octavia whispered.

"What?" Andromeda asked straightening up.

But Octavia wasn't looking at her; she was looking behind her. Andromeda turned around to see Bellamy standing there. She didn't know what possessed her to do this but she immediately ran at Bellamy and threw her arms around his neck. Bellamy stood still for a moment before clasping his arms hard around her back and pulling her close to him. No one in the crowd said anything as the two held onto each other. They just stood there together, both taking in the fact that Bellamy was alive and holding her in his arms.

"All gunners, we've got movement by the south wall."

Bellamy and Andromeda pulled back and looked at each other before sprinting to the south wall. When they got there, they were met by a welcome sight. Clarke and Finn rushed through the now open gate to see everyone staring at them. Andromeda was flooded with relief and smiled at the two newcomers. She didn't know how much she missed them until now. Andromeda pulled Clarke to her and hugged her as if her life depended on it before quickly letting go.

"We heard an explosion, what happened?" Clarke asked her.

Andromeda growled, "Son of a bitch Murphy happened."

Jasper ran up and hugged Clarke too, "Thank god! Where have you been? Where's Monty?"

Clarke's face frowned in confusion, "Monty's gone?"

Finn interrupted them, "Clarke, we need to leave now," he then turned to Bellamy, "All of us do. There's an army of Grounders unlike anything we've ever seen coming for us right now. We need to pack what we can and run."

"Like hell we do," Bellamy snapped, "We knew this was coming."

Andromeda interjected, "Bellamy, we're not prepared."

"And they're not here yet. We still have time to get ready. Besides, where will we go? Where will we be safer than behind these walls?"

"There's an ocean to the east, the people there will help us," Finn answered.

"You saw Lincoln," Octavia said.

"You expect us to trust a Grounder," Bellamy asked her, "This is our home now! We built this from nothing with our bare hands. Our dead are buried behind that wall, in this ground, our ground. The Grounders think that they can take that away. They think that because we came from the sky that we don't belong here. But they're yet to realize one very important fact: We're on the now and that means that we are Grounders!"

A chorus of cheers broke out.

"Grounders with guns," Miller shouted.

"Damn right! I say let them come."

Andromeda stared at Bellamy as if he was standing in a whole new light. This was a different Bellamy than the arrogant boy that first landed on the ground a little over a month ago. Andromeda felt proud at where they have come from and what they have achieved. Bellamy was right; they were Grounders.

"Bellamy's right," Clarke agreed, "If we leave, we may never find a place as safe as this. And God knows that, in this world, we could be faced with something even worse tomorrow. But that doesn't change the simple fact: that if we stay here, we will die tonight. So pack your things. Just take what you can carry. Now!"

Andromeda stood there staring between Clarke and Bellamy. Fear began to creep into Andromeda's bones.

"Help me!" a voice cried out.

She spun around to see Raven limping toward them clutching her bleeding side.

"RAVEN!" Andromeda shouted before sprinting to the girl's side, "Oh God, Clarke do something!"

"Get her inside," Clarke told Finn.

Finn reached down and picked Raven up before running inside with her. Andromeda followed them into the drop ship without a second glance at the chaos behind her.

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