You're My Hero [My Hero Acade...

By Torishii

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(TodoDeku) Todoroki Shouto x Midoriya Izuku (BakuDeku) Bakugo Katsuki x Midoriya Izuku(?) [ONESHOT COLLECTION... More

(2) Todoroki Shouto: Sadist
(3) Bakugo Katsuki: Chocolate
(4) Todoroki Shouto: Court
(5) Bakugo Katsuki: Possessive
(6) Bakugo Katsuki: Addiction
(7) Bakugo Katsuki: Notebook
(8) Bakugo Katsuki: Jealous
(9) Bakugo Katsuki: Frustration
(10) Bakugo Katsuki: Neighbor

(1) Todoroki Shouto: Drama

67.8K 848 1.6K
By Torishii

Author's Note: it's kinda hilarious that at first I'm pairing Midoriya to his childhood friend, Kacchan. But along the way (reading the manga) I began pairing Midoriya to Todoroki instead. Well, that's life for me. But I'm thinking this should be a love triangle though I'm too lazy to even do that. Hahaha.

In here, I revised a little things to make it... uh, dunno the word, so yeah. There's a part here that I made up.

Grammatical Errors and typos are to be expected. It might seem a little rush cause laziness is about to embrace me. :D

Beware, this one-shot is not good for innocent hearts. :)


[Todoroki Shouto]

'I hate my life.'

Those were the words that stayed inside my mind after everything was revealed upon opening my eyes.

Life is definitely unfair. No, it's not that that it's unfair. It's just it is really unfair from the beginning of life. People were thinking for themselves that they had cool powers called 'quirks' and decided for they to become heroes like the ones they had idolize. They thought they are the coolest and most powerful when they have those.

But in my case, it's like a curse.

Few may say that my quirks are amazing. I have both Ice quirk and Fire quirk. My right side of my body could produce ice while the other could do fire. But that didn't mean it could be use for any advantages. As I have sworn to myself that I would only use my right side which was my ice power, my mother's.

I despised the source of my left side. My fire quirk came from my father, the second best hero in he country, Endeavor. Some might think it's great to have a father like him. I mean like Endeavor is one of the best and you should look up to him because he's strong. However, for me, it's not. I never ever looked up to him for as he is a worst hero.

Not really a worst but the point was that he married mother, who has the quirk of ice, to make me. His masterpiece. His son that could surpass his rival, All Might. The one who will finish him. The son he could be proud of. The son he created to use. The son who could fulfill his desires.

He only married my mother for her quirk, and nothing else. Now, who's the worst father now?

Every time I resisted his wishes, and at young age I became a rebel, he would hurt, a 5-year-old child, me for that. Believe me, I couldn't fight back. I was weak back then and he's too strong for my baby hands. And whenever he would hurt mother, I was always there for her to receive father's attacks.

I could still remember I would always cry in mother's arms whenever father goes violent about my being. I would always say that I will never be like father who bullies and hurts mother. And she was always there supporting me, comforting me that everything would be alright and someday I would become a stronger hero in the future. She also dislikes father, at that. I know she's suffering for me. And it pained me seeing her that way.

Even if I was just gazing outside the window while witnessing children of my age freely playing and having fun with no restrictions, I get pulled away from the window by him saying it's useless to admire those low level children if I become the strongest because of him. I was always jealous, I have to admit. I'm always inside of the house and was not allowed to go out besides some reasonable excuses.

Why had I been born in this way? Why can't I be normal like other kids that are having fun and let the heroes do their jobs on protecting us? Why do I need to be like my father and meet everyone's expectations? Why do I need to have this kind of life?

I thought back then as a child, I'll be fine as long as I am with my mother.

However, the mother I knew while growing up changed. No, not changed. It's just I didn't realize it at young age.

I was just walking on the small hallway of our house in search for my mother. When I saw the lights in the kitchen were lit on, I slowly walked toward the slight opening of the door. First I saw the kettle on the stove, releasing white mist-like smokes from the heat. Then I saw her figure though her back was on my view as she was holding a phone.

My body froze when I heard mother's voice. But that's not the thing that made me froze. Her words were.

'Mom, I can't take it anymore! Shouto's left side... sometimes it looks hideous to me!'

I felt my heart cracked at that moment.

'I can't take care of him anymore! If I kept raising that child, it'll be bad.'


I accidentally called her out but the moment she turned her head towards my spot, I felt weak and scared from her expression. Full of fear and panic and grief. My body stood still and couldn't react in time when she grabbed the kettle's handle and splashed it's boiling contents on my face.

I was hospitalized at that and receive a burn mark from my left side forehead and the surroundings of my left eye. It was painful indeed, but I understood why mother had done that. Whether it's on purpose or not, the reason had to be none other by my father's pressuring her.

He's the reason why mother's life was hard. All because of his selfish desire of creating a child to surpass All Might!

Fùck, he's not even worried about my mother's situation and even blamed her for hurting me now that she's been forced to go a hospital. A mental hospital.

'I hate you, daddy! It's all your fault!'

I remembered saying that to him and shut myself in my room the whole day. He didn't bother consulting me and that's the time I thought of leaving the house for good. I left the house at night when I was sure everyone in the household are sleeping and sneaked my way out of the place.

It was successful and yet I had no lead to where am I supposed to go. My parents never toured me in the city. But I know my way back to the house however I am not going back.

I was all by myself on the street. Few people walking passed by my child figure and few vehicles zooming the road.

No one bothered talking to me and I was relief.

Upon exploring the streets, I didn't realize that my feet had led me to a playground. I looked on every directions and noticed that no one was around. I've never been to a playground before though I knew that there are swings, slides, and sandbox. But what had caught my eyes was an elephant shaped-thing mini slide but it has a cave-like hole underneath.

I decided and go there. I walked toward there and abruptly halted when I heard cries from there. It caught my attention and slowly peeked who's crying.

It was a little dark inside but thanks from moon's light, I saw a boy wearing sky blue baggy long sleeve shirt and shorts. His hair was black with green color on their tips. Though his face was on his knees while his arms were warped around his head.

I still am deciding whether to talk to him or leave him. I didn't know how to communicate with other kids of my age and this is the first time I will.

"Hey," I called out and heard his cries stopped and his body flinched. Slowly his head lifted and there we made I contact. He had these teary green eyes and the more I notice his hair was messy. Geez, he even had snot that's about to drip out of his nose.

"Why are you crying?" I straightforwardly questioned him but he just continued crying like a baby.

It panicked me so I sat in front of him and pat his head.

My mother used to do that to me whenever I cry so I tried it on him to see if he'll calm down. And he did. His cries slowly died but not completely.

"I'm useless." Were his first words. It was muffled but I managed to understood it.

"Hey, lift your head. I can't understand what you're saying." I gently told him and he surprisingly obeyed.

He looked at me with those teary eyes and even his cheeks were wet. It was obvious that he's trying to be strong and not to cry but failed anyway.

"My friends have quirks. And I don't have. One of them, Kacchan, said that I'm quirkless. And my classmates have their quirks and only I don't. I'm useless."

And this also caught my attention.

Quirkless? I didn't know that some people could be quirkless. Oh, if only I had been quirkless then mother wouldn't feel pressured from father. And I wouldn't carry this huge selfish-desire responsibility that my father had given me. If I had been quirkless then everything that had happened wouldn't happened at all!

"Why? Isn't that great that you are quirkless than to have quirks that would pressure you?" I feel like an insensitive kid back then when I questioned him that.

"No! It's just! I want to be a hero like All Might! Who smiles even there's trouble and saves people like a hero would do! Others who have quirks, ... I'm jealous. It's my dream!" He blurted and with burning passion in his wet eyes.

I felt like I was slapped back into reality with his words. I guess I'm not like everyone else. I thought he would be the same as the kids I always see outside that's happy with their quirks because they'd looked cool and began bragging it to everyone else.

But here, he wanted the power. Not to be cool nor to brag it to everyone but to save people. This kid in front of me right now wanted to be a hero but he's quirkless.

I looked at him straight in his eyes. "Do you want my quirk?"

His eyes widens from shock and his eyes gazed at mine with astonishment and curiosity.

"What do you mean?"

"I hate my quirks. They feel like curse to me." I utter. "Right side could do ice... " I showed him making a grass on the ground freeze. "And my left... could do fire." I didn't show him the fire side.

The idea of using this side only feels like shìt knowing it was my father's.

"You could have one of my quirks if you want or maybe both of my quirks. I don't nee--"

"No!" My sentence was cut when he suddenly disapproves.

"What are saying? You should keep it! Unlike me, since you have quirks, you can save people! It's yours not mine. You should use it instead of giving it to me. It's your own power!"


At that moment, I mentally heard something snapped in me.

He's right. It's my own power. Not my father's power. Why do I have to carry such burden on my small shoulders?

I glanced down on my right palm. This kid... I may not know him, in fact we're strangers after all, yet... he has no idea that he helped me. With just his words, I felt weight has lifted a little off on my shoulders and chest.

Glancing up to meet his eyes again, I said, "You're right."

My eyes stung and I felt my vision becoming blurry. There, tears I couldn't stop began to flow down from my eyes.

"Thank you." I said though he looked confused and panic.

Of course, he doesn't know my history, yet. But it's a story to tell in the future.

I wiped my tears off of my face. "Hey, I'm Shouto, by the way."

"I-i'm Izuku... Midoriya Izuku."

"Izuku... Izuku, then."

"Th-then, can I call you Shou-chan?"

And that all happened back then. That's how I accidentally met Midoriya Izuku. I first boy I have spoken with. The first boy, you could say, I made friends with. And the first boy I, accidentally, fell with. When I told him he could call me 'Shou-chan', he formed a cheeky grin that really hard to forget that's stayed in my mind until as of now. And I'm glad.

But now, for what's present. For where we are standing. The students of Yuuei who were about to graduate and become pro heroes.

Students who are standing while in front of them were the pro heroes who decreased drastically because of a certain villain is an opponent. Not just any villain that any pro hero could defeat. But a villain who defeated All Might and my father. The strong heroes... have been defeated.

"Is there anyone who could beat me?" Questioned by the villain while his tone hissed and rough. He had an odd look of a monster's face that's difficult to describe but has a figure of a human being. He stood tall on the lamp post as he was surrounded by wounded pro heroes.

What kind of outcome was this? Who is this villain that has multiple quirks; black hole, disintegration, sturdy, and cursed body?

Black hole: when victim gets caught of it, it will be either lost in nowhere or die in the process.

Disintegration: when touched, the victim will immediately turned into dust.

Sturdy: his body could take any type of strong impact that will not give him any scratches but if hit continuously then it might give him it.

Cursed body: when received a physical attack, the attacker becomes unable to give his fullest and could make them weak.

Who on earth could defeat that monster if physical attack won't even work and even if it's not physical attack then how would it scratch its Sturdy body?

This is madness. Villains have taken into a new higher level that they even created this kind of invincible monster. Everyone who were still standing, limping from the other villains attacks, panicked.

Now that the heroes above us, the strong ones even, have already been defeated, people went flip and dashed for their lives but ending with them getting killed on the process of other villains ambushes.

Katsuki have received quite damage yet he still stood tall, ready to fight. Iida's equipment got jammed and destroyed and was unable to fight due to some severe broken bones. The rest of them got injured and were unable to put a fight anymore. And sad to say that few number of the students got killed and some got sucked in by that black hole and disappeared.

I did received some bruises and deep wounds. I could still fight but my quirks' reaching their limits.

I stood side by side with Katsuki on my left while Izuku remained standing on my right. Izuku also received a lot of damages like he's one bloody mess, heavily injured. But he still persist to fight for our fallen comrades.

"How are we supposed to fight that monster..." I heard Izuku muttered on my side.

The three of us, who are still able to fight, are on our full guard. Now that we're at full disadvantage, we can't just rush things knowing we would die anyway. This might be it.

"Charge it on and on, Deku and I will do. That motherfùcker's Sturdy quirk's began wearing off." I gave a side glance to Katsuki, who's surprisingly cooperative. But he's right. It's not the time to worry other things. Yet, the choices we could think of were all risky.

"It's difficult, Kacchan. Even if we kept charging that monsters, we'll lose our strength on the process due to its quirk, Cursed Body, and to make it worst we might get sucked in the black hole on our blind spots. Continuous attack won't work either anymore if he ever touches us. We would be turned into dust..."

"Then what are we supposed to do then?! We'll either fight dying or run getting killed, shìtrag!" Katsuki bursted, clenching his fist into balls.

"Then..." I spoke up. "I'll do it."

"What?!/." they both synchronized and I stepped forward.

This is the only way. 'I'm sorry, Izuku.'

"What do you mean, Shou-chan?"

"I have an idea. But this is going to be risky. Since making contact with that monster would turn its victims into dust and could weaken them, then I could use my Ice quirk as both defense and offense while my Fire quirk would be full offense. Disintegration won't work on both ice and fire but I have it covered." I briefly explained to them as fast as I could.

The monster's began taking notice of our presence.

"Just give me a boost and I'll finish him off."

"Are you out of your mind? You want to suicide or something, bastard?" Katsuki grabs my shirt and yanks it. I could tell in his tone. He may be all violent and crazy for any kind of challenges but in his tone... it sounded panic and worry.

Is this the Katsuki I know since Izuku and I met and introduce him to me? Is this the Katsuki I know who I secretly play with while escaping from the household? Is this the Bakugo Katsuki I know who doesn't want to lose?

I have decided and it is final.

"No. Just give me a boost, both of you, and I'll finish him off." I assured them and finally Katsuki released his grip from my clothes. He curses under his breath, gritting his teeth.

I formed a small smile at him, saying: 'Thanks for everything.'

"Sh-shou-chan, don't tell me you'll--" I stopped him mid-way on his sentence as I gave him a feather kiss on his forehead.

He went silent, having no idea what just happened. Guess, its better that way then...

"Boost me up, Izuku."

Having no seconds wasted, the monster completely took notice of our presences. Izuku and Katsuki didn't waste any more time as I placed my feet on their supported-hands. We counted one to three and they both raised me up, with help of Katsuki's and Izuku's quirks.

I used my fire side quirk to boost more speed in aiming the monster while my ice side formed into a defense. The monster and my ice defense made contact causing him to lose balance and we both fell on the ground. The ground formed cracks from the impact of his Sturdy.

"Shou-chan!" I gave a side glance to Izuku who was about to come and help me.

I know he won't make it. Every risky choices needs a sacrifice. You can't achieve your goal without doing that. It is impossible. I have to do it. I just need to wait for the right moment.

"You think you could stop me, little brat?" the monster taunted and I kept my figure still above him.

"You're not going anywhere now, villain."

"Too early to celebrate, hero of a brat. You have no idea you're just circling on my palm the whole time." he grins showing his bloody teeth and psychopath eyes.

Wind suddenly got harsher. Gravity becomes stronger. From my back, a huge black hole appeared.

What I have been waiting for.

"You're cornered kid." He reached for the lamp post and tried pushing me off.

"You're coming with me!" I raised my left hand and aimed for his hand to release massive flames causing him to let go.

I gripped on him tightly so he won't escape then froze his being with me. So he won't kill anymore innocent people. So he won't hurt Izuku anymore.

"SHOU-CHAN!!! NO!!!" I gave another - last - glance on his face and formed a sincere smile.

'You helped me back then, Izuku. You gave me purpose. You helped me wake up out of my sadness and grief. Now, it's time for me to repay you, my hero.'

After that, the monster and I entered the black hole. Everything went dark after that.

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