Love Side Effect (girlxgirl)

By Aoifantomu

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[ COMPLETED ] [EDITING IN PROGRESS ] { Book #1 } Warning: This story contains themes like self-harm,suicide,d... More

Chapter 1: A Strange Feeling
Chapter 2: The fight
Chapter 3: Family Problems
Chapter 4: Trusting Issues
Chapter 5: The Dare
Chapter 6: Pool party & Concert
Chapter 7: Trust no one...
Chapter 8: Just give up on me...
Chapter 9: Mini Vacation
Chapter 10: More Problems...
Chapter 11: Hospital
Chapter 12: Investigation Crisis
Chapter 13: Just Us
Chapter 14: Battle Of The Brothers
Chapter 15: Revealing the past
Chapter 16: New Worries
Chapter 17: One Of The Many Hells Ends
Chapter 18: The Text
Chapter 19: Daniera's Problems
Chapter 21: Solving things
Chapter 22: Best Day Ever
Chapter 23: Final Goodbye

Chapter 20: The final nightmare

45 5 0
By Aoifantomu

"So, hey guys I was thinking after school we should all go to my house or do something. What do you say?" Arisu asks all of us.

"I have no plans so, yeah sure." Ikuto answers.

"I was going to stay at your house today either way, so I don't have a choice here." Kayo narrows her eyes at Arisu.

"Hehe... Misheru? Daniera? What about you guys? You coming?" Arisu asks us.

Daniera shrugs, but doesn't say anything.

"Um... yeah sure I guess it would be kinda nice to relax once in a while." I answered with a smile.

"Okay, Kayo and Ikuto, you're coming with me later to get some stuff." Arisu looks over at me. "But I need a word with Misheru... alone." she pulls me away from the others to an other room. "Dude what's wrong with Daniera lately? Today she has been too quiet than usual and she's acting weird." Arisu asks worried.

"I don't know... I'm really worried about her. Yesterday she was fine and now all of the sudden she's like that again." I sighed and looked over at her a bit. Wait... Are those bruises on her arm? She didn't had that yesterday when I last saw her. Oh god... What did you do this time Daniera? Didn't I told you not to get into more trouble.

"Well I was going to ask you to do me a favor... you still think you can?" Arisu asks.

"Yeah, sure, what is it?" I asked.

"Can you pick me up these books for me at the library and give them to me later please?" Arisu hands me a piece of paper with the books names on them.

"Sure, don't worry, I will." I smiled.

"Okay! Thanks Misheru I'll see you later!" Arisu waves at me while walking away with Ikuto and Kayo.

"See ya!" I waved back at them and then walked towards Daniera. "So, are you okay?"

Daniera nods.

"You sure? You have been really quiet all day and there's something on your arms." When I was about to grab her arms she walks past me.

"I forgot to do something I'll see you later at Arisu's house." Daniera disclosed emotionless walking away.

I sighed and started walking off to the library. Once I got in the room, it was empty, only the librarian was there so I went ahead and searched for the books. "Geez! Arisu could had given me easier books to find? I think I'm going to take the whole afternoon looking for them. Good thing Arisu planed the thing for at night otherwise I wouldn't be able to go." I thought. I kept on searching.

Oh man... What could have caused those bruises on Daniera's arm. Most importantly... How did she even get them? I hope it wasn't Kisame because I'm going to fucking track him down! Then again, I was with Daniera all day even if she wasn't talking and Kisame didn't bother her. In fact he didn't show up to class today I wonder why? Oh well maybe Ikuto knows, I'll ask him later. But right now, my main focus is on Daniera... and these stupid books which are being a pain in the ass!

I was there almost for two hours. When I found them I felt so relived I quickly went to check them out and headed straight home afterwards so I could take a rest for a few minutes. I laid down on my bed and eventually I fell asleep. Good thing I set an alarm.

Where am I? It's so dark...and I feel like I can't breathe like I'm running out of air. When I finally come to my senses, I realized I was underwater sinking down. I tried to swim up but I couldn't it... it was like someone was pulling me down. I slowly started to drown going deeper and deeper underwater. When I was about to pass out I appeared in an other room alone in the darkness that's when I heard the voice.

"Once again we're here... Misheru. What's the problem this time? Someone beat your up again or was it you mom? Oh right silly me she's dead!" the thing laughs evilly.

"Shut up and just leave me alone already! I have enough shit to think and worry about just so you can come back and add more shit into my life!" I shouted angrily.

"Oh right, like Kisame, but that's not your problem anymore...Its Daniera's problem now, since you dragged her into it. What kinda of a friend are you? Dragging people to your problems. Making them create more than they already have! Right now, Daniera is dealing with her step ass and now Kisame all because of you Misheru. How more stubborn can you get huh?!"

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!!!" I started to have a break down that's when I started seeing memories of my past. How people used to push me, call me names, beat me up, telling me to kill myself and all those other painful memories of mine. I started tearing up I curled up in a corner trying to get them out of my mind.

"Please... just stop it already... I don't want to remember this again... I don't want to relive this again! Stop it! stop it!!!" I shouted as loud as I could.

It's like an never ending nightmare that I couldn't get out of. All those horrible memories staying on repeat making me relive it over and over again. I don't know how much more I can take!!! I felt the thing next to my ear and he whispers close to it. "Everyone you love always dies Misheru.... You'll never be happy... Never!!!"

This has to be a dream. Wake up Misheru, you need to wake up now before things get worse before this thing can fill you more with lies and suffering from the past. "Hey.... Why don't you just... kill yourself already and be over with it? Make everyone happy!!"

With that I sat up from my bed panting and sweating a lot. Then I realized if it wasn't for the phone I would had still been stuck in that endless nightmare. Even my hands were shaking a lot from it. But was it trying to tell me something...? About Daniera...? I got up and went to the shower to get ready. I really need to calm down it was only a dream... a horrible one I might add. When I finished taking a shower I went to my room putted on an anime shirt, black pants, some batman boots, and a leather jacket.

By the time I was finished and ready to hit the road. I was still a bit uneasy by the dream. I tried my best to calm down during on my way to Arisu's house. Once I reached there I gave Arisu the books that she asked for and started to fake smile at first, but then as we started talking, eating snacks and playing video games and all that shit, I was starting to forget my dream. But then I realized where the bloody hell is Daniera?! I stood up and looked over at the other.

"Hey guys as anyone seen Daniera?" I asked worried.

"Uh... no... not really." Ikuto answers.

"The last time I saw her was at school." Kayo answers.

"Is everything okay with her or you two? Did you two got into a fight or something?" Arisu asks concerned.

"I don't know ever since yesterday she was off and shit and ugh... last night she was fine." I panic, then my eyes widen. "Those bruises... it wasn't Kisame... it was her stepfather! Her stepfather beat her up some time today! That would explain her mood today! Ugh! How could I have been so stupid?!"

Everyone tried to calm me down and saying shit like maybe she just need some time alone. Bullshit! I need to go to her and see her fast befo-. I was interrupted by my phone ringing. It was Daniera! I quickly picked it up.

"Daniera are you okay?! Where are you?!" I shouted worried.

"Misheru... Thanks for being by my side during these years but... I'm sorry... I won't be around anymore..." Daniera was starting to tear up. "Goodbye... remember that I..." Daniera sobs over the line hard and tries to finish what she was trying to say. "I'll always love you... never forget about me... Goodbye." Click went the phone as she hung up.

"What...?" I asked with a broken voice.

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