Unconditional (Book Two)

By airplanelover52

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Jim Parsons Fanfiction 'Unconditional' is book two of 'Time & Time Again' fanfiction duology. After a long fi... More

1. Distraction
2. Threat
3. Impossible
4. Forgotten
5. Wrong Possibility
6. Impediment
7. One Remains
9. Reverse Story Teller
10. Inquires
11. Eyes
12. Yet
13. Dreams
14. Clues & Suspicious Guesses
15. Proof
16. Sunken Hearts
17. Golden Flames
18. Unrecovered Recovery
19. Risks
20. Nostalgia
21. Where Our Memories Lay {Pt. One}
22. Where Our Memories Lay {Pt. Two}
23. Where Our Memories Lay {Pt. Three}
24. Letting Go
25. Unexpected Listener
26. Emotional Mixture
27. Pictures on the Walls
28. Not to Expect
29. Lies
30. Unconditional { Part One }
31. Unconditional { Part Two }
32. Unconditional { Part Three }
33. All Can't Be Miserable
34. Thunderstorms to Sun Rays
37. What About it All?
36. To Love You Again

8. Curiosity

157 8 4
By airplanelover52

Mayim's POV

I put the picture of their wedding back on the desk, and see another picture of them when they were only sixteen. How crazy that they've known each other since they were in High School, and now it's like...they don't even know who they are. Well, I know that in their subconscious they do remember each other, and I also know that the reason of Jim's headache and dizziness is because he is seeing, listening, or experiencing things that have to do with Amelie...and I am hoping with all of my strength that this makes his memories come back.

I open the door of their closet, surprised to see that their clothes are still here. I don't understand how Colin managed to have new clothes for them, etc. He must've planned this entire thing very very well, sometimes it's even a little scary to think that he just knows way too much.

I see Amelie's wedding dress hanging, and I walk towards it, taking a deep breath. A part of me would really love to bring Jim here, explain to him everything that happened, have him see all these pictures, but I know that I can't, and it's just frustrating.

I stay there watching, thinking...until there is a noise of the door of the room opening, and I start feeling a little anxious.

"What are you doing here?" speaks an irritating voice I hate...Karen's.

"Hm, I don't think I owe you any explanations about what I'm doing here," I say. "It's non of your business. What are YOU doing here?"

Karen laughs a kind of evil laugh, her eyes focused on the ceiling. "Non of my business? Believe me it's more of my business than yours. Jim is my boyfriend at the end of the day."

"HA! Your boyfriend? Let me remind you that even though Jim doesn't remember, he is married sweetheart. He is not your boyfriend because he fell in love with you like he did with Amelie, he is your boyfriend because that little, life-ruining machine you and Colin invented programed his brain that way. He will never love you like he has loved her because I bet whatever you want that deep inside he still loves her, that's why he feels something when her name is mentioned, when he does or sees something that has to do with her, and I also know that deep inside he knows who you are and he hates you with all of his strength."

"Now, you better watch your words," says Karen between teeth, and taking a step towards me. "You know that I don't like you at all because you have to kiss Jim in television, but you don't want me to hate you even more because I could ruin your life like you could never even get to imagine."

I stay there staring at her. I am not scared of Karen. She thinks she is so strong, and that she will have Jim on her side when it comes to hurting me or hurting...anyone, but the real thing is that I am the only one that knows about Jim's real feelings right know. He always says that he feels like he is with Karen for a reason he doesn't know; that he does love her...but not really, like if their relationship was forced...and it is.

"I'm not scared of you, Karen, so your threats won't work," I say, smiling a little. "You don't even know the real way Jim feels about you."

"Jim loves me," she says, raising her voice a little.

"Yeah, whatever you say. I'll leave now because I have things to do, but...you know what Karen? Just think about this...Everything you and Colin are doing is fake...and horrible. I really don't understand how you can live with the thought that you are not TRULY loved, that you ruined the beautiful relationship that two wonderful people had, as well as their life-long friendship...and our friendship as well because Amelie doesn't remember us either. I just want to open your eyes to all of this. The person that Jim truly loves is Amelie, and you're just the forced, fake love he has. So think about it Karen, but don't just think about it and let it go...Think about it and reflect, analyze. It's your decision. You decide whether you want to leave Jim and Amelie alone and go find true love...or you want to continue living in the forced, fake one."

And following these true and sincere words, I start walking away from her, and out the door of the room.

"WAIT!" she shouts, sounding angry. But I don't stop, I simply shout that I have to rush, and leave.

Amelie's POV

I throw myself on the couch in front of the TV, as I am ready to watch The Big Bang Theory with Beth, Clarisse, and Danielle. After talking to Jim I feel...kind of strange, like if he was an important part of my life that is missing. I mean...that's impossible of course, but...I don't know maybe the headache and dizziness I had earlier messed up my brain a little bit.

Clarisse walks back from the kitchen with a bowl of chips and three cans of diet soda for us.

"You're feeling better Amelie?" she asks, as she takes a seat beside me at the couch.

"I am," I say with a smile.

Beth and Danielle take a seat on the couch, too, and they change the channel, TBBT will start in five minutes.

"Colin said that he'll be coming here in thirty minutes," says Beth, as I take my eyes off my phone and look at her.

"Why?" I ask, a little confused.

"Well, he asked me if you were okay because he says you don't answer his calls or his texts, and I told him you weren't feeling very well, so he's coming."

I sigh, and look down at the ground. "Alright," I say. "I wanted to talk to him anyways, so."

"You look a little disappointed," says Danielle. "Everything okay?"

"Well...TBBT is starting so...you'll find out later."

With this I take two chips, and stop talking with my eyes fixed on the TV, as Sheldon Cooper—Jim Parsons—starts talking, and for some reason—once again—my head starts to hurt.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I can hear Jim's voice in the background, as I am looking at the TV, but not really connecting with it. I feel like everything around me is moving again, and I just don't understand why. It is like if this man had something to do with it, though this thought is absolute nonsense.

The episode of The Big Bang Theory ends, and the girls jump from the couch, excited.

"The episode was amazing!" squeaks Beth.

"I know! OMG! Shamy is back together!! What did you think Amelie?"

Clarisse turns to me after she asks the question, but honestly I can't see her very clearly, as I just feel how the Earth is rotating.

"Amelie?" asks Danielle. "You're feeling bad again aren't you sweetie?"

I nod silently, and close my eyes. "I am, and I just don't understand why I suddenly feel terrible, then good, then terrible. It's ridiculous." I rub my face with my hand, not opening my eyes.

"I guess we should call a doctor," says Beth. But before she can, there is a knock on the door, and Colin's voice sounds in the background.

"How is she? Is she okay?" he asks, approaching me.

"Not really, Colin," says Beth. "Try not to alter her."

"Alter her?" whispers Colin, though I have very good ears.

"Yeah, she's...you'll find out."

With this, Beth starts walking away, and—for what I hear—calling a doctor.

From the corner of my eye I see that Colin stands before me, but I don't look at him; I just stay there, with my head laying on a soft cushion, and my eyes looking weakly forward.

"Hey," he says, though I don't answer. I really don't understand why he lied to me still, and I don't like it when people lie to me. It is the biggest breakdown of all.

Colin takes a seat beside me on the couch, and I finally sit up, though I don't make any eye contact with him.

"Are you okay?" he asks, placing his hand on my back.

I stay silent for a second, then finally move my head from side to side, trying my best not to make myself dizzier. "I'm not," I say with a weak voice.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" he asks, trying his best to look to my eyes.

I stay silent once more, but finally decide that I can't be hiding this anymore; this question: what was he doing at the airport? "Yes," I say, now looking up and at him. "I want you to answer me something."

Colin gives me a kind of perplexed look, but nods. "O...K?" he says with a sort of mysterious tone.

"Why did you lie to me?" I ask, finally letting my feelings and questions out.

"Lie to you?"

"Yes. You told me you were at your house eating ice cream and watching TV, but I saw you exiting the airport a little before I did. Where you spying on me? Because if you were I really don't appreciate it."

Colin stares at me with his mouth slightly opened, as if not expecting that I was going to ask him this. "I-I ummmmmmm...." He stops talking, and looks down at the ground. "I—well...Amelie..."

"Yes?" I say, with my arms now crossed over my chest.

"I have to tell you something..."

I look at him a little confused, but simply nod. "Okay, say it...but I want the truth, total truth."

With these words I see that Colin looks a little worried and maybe even a little...angry, like if rage and darkness was drowning his soul deep deep inside of him. His eyes move from mine and to the ground. "Amelie," he starts, his eyes not meeting with mine. "I've kind of...been lying to you a bit, and...I think there is something important you should know."

Jim's POV

I close the door of my house behind me, as I listen to the wheels of Mayim's car screeching on the pavement. Everything moves, and I take one deep breath, closing my eyes. What is it that's making me feel this way? I say that it is the lack of sleep, but I know it isn't; it's something else.

I open my eyes, as I listen to the paws of my two dogs on the floor of the house, and...I notice that...the dizziness is gone. I only feel like if electricity was running itself through my brain, sending me quick shots of pain that come and leave.

This is weird, I think, as I am confused and simply puzzled.

I start walking forward, and get to the kitchen, where I pour myself a cup of chamomile tea. I think Mayim's right. Maybe I SHOULD see a doctor because I don't think these sudden changes are normal.

I review my tight schedule in my head, and try to find a spot to see a doctor but...

"Nope, it's impossible," I whisper, as I don't find a free space.

I take a sip of my chamomile tea, as the hot water burns on my tongue without hurting it. I turn my head up and forward to the window before me, and I see...the house, the 'Abandoned Mansion', as Kunal calls it. I feel like if there is lightning inside of my brain, as my eyes are fixed on the beautiful house. It looks so familiar, so...me, like if there was something in there that was important, like if I've already been there...or even lived there.

I feel the urge to stand up and run towards it, but I think twice and......I shoot up from my chair, and start towards the entrance. For some reason I feel some sort of desperation that is eating me all the way from inside, a desperation and anxiety about wanting to discover what is going on, as if some silent voice in my head was shouting the right answer, as if some part of me already knew what is ACTUALLY going on. 

I arrive at the entrance, where I take my phone, and...keys...

"No," I whisper, controlling myself. "I can't go. It's too risky."

But something about the words I speak doesn't seem right in my brain. In some deep deep part of my subconscious, I know that there is something in that house, something important, something that might be the answer about what I am feeling the way I'm feeling. I sense this...I KNOW this, and...I must find out what it is.

I finally decide it, and take my keys with some sort of violence and confidence, without hesitating a thing. I have been feeling this way about this house for a long time, and I've never even dared to get near it. But the problem is that now...now I don't really care about what the situation with that house is; I must go in. I have a new feeling about it, a new thought, and today...today is the day when curiosity finally wins.  


Short chapter, but I hope good :) Thank you all for reading and for keeping up with these two books. More is yet to come, so I hope you enjoy!

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