endorphin ↠ jjk

By taeyeon--

12.1K 466 177

en.dor.phin /enˈdôrfēn/ [noun] a chemical released in our bodies to feel happy or be numb to pain. More

not an update 2


691 30 7
By taeyeon--

~Jungkook's POV~

"Then just partner up and don't make this a bigger case.", he said towards Tzuyu.

"But what if I don't want to, sir?", she asked.

"He gave us a good reason, Bangtan has 7 members and all other members are partnered while there are 9 of you guys. You could get left behind when they are all partnered up, so I'm kind of forced to partner you guys up before this case gets bigger.", he said.

"Yes sir.", we both responded.

"Now you may go back to your classes.", he said.

We go out of his office and slowly and silently walked back to our classes.

"Why did you choose me out of all the people out there?", Tzuyu asked.

"I don't know, I just sensed that we could get closer in that way.", I replied.

"D-do you think the bullied would want to get close to the bully.", she stuttered.

"It isn't that way, we're not bullying you for fun, we're doing this for you guys to notice us.", I said.

"Then why play with us? You could've just been nice to us.", she questioned.

"How will our reputation in this school as the school bullies go if we be nice to some girls, huh?", I answered.

"Then change your status from school bullies to normal students, maybe we would notice you guys that way.", she replied walking faster than I am.

"What do you mean?", I said grabbing her wrist once again.

"Why would we change our doings just for girls?", I asked her.

"Cause maybe you'll get more women that way.", she whispered to my ear and giggled.

Aigoo, this girl is driving me crazy. How could she be this amazing in a crisis that I caused.

I let her go and she ran to our classroom. We both didn't realize that we were still wearing out PE uniforms and as we went in, we both had our eyes wide open.

"Why are you late Mr. Jungkook and Ms. Tzuyu?", the teacher asked.

"We went to the Principal's office...", we both said in unison.

"Well, since you're late stand up at the back of the class throughout my class..", she said.

We went to the back and stood up there and I noticed our members looking at us intently while the teacher was discussing.

"Class dismissed, it's recess guys.", the teacher exclaimed and excitedly went out.

"Woohoo! Kookie, homeroom's next.", Jimin exclaimed while the students left.

"I know, now let me change into my uniform, Jimin.", I said pushing him aside.

"Arraseo.", Jimin said in a calm tone.

I went to the gym where my locker to get my things, but I sense someone walking behind me so I look back to see Tzuyu.

"What are you doing?", I asked her.

"Waeyo? Can't I change to my uniform?", she said.

I shrugged and continued to our lockers. I changed into my uniform and shoved my PE clothes into my duffle bag and carried it to our classroom and threw at my chair.

"At least be gentle with your things, Jungkook.", I turned back to see Tzuyu in her uniform behind me putting her things on her chair.

"Waeyo? Why would you care about my things, eh?", I asked her while leaning on my table.

"Cause maybe you'd at least be considerate about what you guys are doing to us.", she said.

"Hmm... I'll think about it, how 'bout no.", I shrugged.

"Think about it, maybe you'd get more girls as I said.", she recommended.

"Hmm.. girls love bad boys so, no thanks.", I countered.

"Not all girls like bad boys to be honest.", she countered back.

"Waeyo? What kind of men do you like huh?", I questioned her.

"Hmm... someone definitely not you. Hmm... he should be nice, good looking and all over that taller than me.", she said.

"Well then I have settled with one of those.", I said.

"You wish..", she hissed.

"I've got the taller thing down.", I said.

"That doesn't mean that I like you already.", she exclaimed.

"Well, to be honest I am a good guy. I just don't show it to people that much.", I reasoned.

"Then why not be nice to us, Twice?", she asked.

"As I said, I don't show my good side to people that much.", I sighed.

"Uhh... Can we just like leave this conversation for later, cause I'm starving and I'm gonna go see my members.", she said in an apologetic tone.

"U-uh, let me buy you some snacks to make up for the time that I took from your recess...", I said in an apologetic tone too.

"N-no, you're my sunbae and I can not accept that...", she replied.

"Why not? I'm the one paying anyway...", I said.

"I-if you really want to...", she said.

"Kaja!", I said grabbing her wrist and rushing towards the cafeteria.

"W-woah slow down, will ya?", Jimin said.

"H-hey hyung.", I said nervously.

"What's going on here? Since when did you guys like each other?", Jimin teased us with a big smirk on his face.

"W-we're not doing anything, Jimin.", Tzuyu said in her defense.

"Then why are you so nervous and stuttering?", he countered.

"It's nothing...", I said pushing him aside.

"Weren't you too much to your hyung?", she asked me tugging on my coat.

"He's used to it, never mind him.", I said.

I pulled her towards a food stall and stopped right in front of it.

"Just pick whatever you want...", I said to her.

~Tzuyu's POV~

Why is he like this? Why does he want to treat me all of a sudden.

"Just pick whatever you want...", he said.

"Do I really have to choose? I don't want to waste your money.", I excused.

"Tzuyu, it's not wasting my money if I put it to good use.", he replied.

"I really can't do that...", I said turning around to get ready to leave.

"We'll be having 2 banana milks and 2 choco pies.", he said to the vendor while pulling my wrist.

"Yes, sir.", the vendor said and went to get our banana milks and biscuits.

"Here you go sir, that would be 6000 won.", the vendor said handing the banana milks and biscuits.

"Thank you.", he said while giving the money.

He handed me the banana milk and a choco pie. I stared at it at first but I realized that we were there standing for about 3 minutes.

"You really didn't have to treat me.", I reasoned.

"Just shut your trap and drink.", he said handing me a straw.

"Thanks.", I said while piercing the cap with the straw.

I sipped the milk while walking with Jungkook, I admit he is a good guy but he has to show it more.

"We have 5 minutes left, pali. (faster)", he said.

"Mmm.", I said nodding my head while drinking the milk.

I tried to open the choco pie but I guess that the packaging has a defect. I was trying to open it for the past minute and I see Jungkook looking over and smirking.

"Can you please open this?", I asked him while handing the choco pie to him.

He easily opened the wrapper and gave it to me, smirking.

"I didn't know that you were this weak.", he said laughing.

"Yah! I'm not weak..", I said munching on the choco pie.

We walked to our classroom with our banana milks and choco pies in our hands. When we both went in the whole class was looking at us and his members were howling.

"OOOOOOOOOoooohhh, I didn't know that you guys were together.", Jimin howled, smirking at us.

"Aigoo, our Jungkook has grown up...", V said going up to Jungkook and pats his back.

I see my members looking at me in a kind of disappointed way. I just stood there while Jungkook was being praised by his members.

"Aww Kookie, you're leaving me for her?", Jimin said cooingly.

"Haha.. funny for the first place, there was never an us and we're not together.", he said pointing to us.

He went to the trash can to throw the bottle and the wrapper and went to his seat. I went to my members slowly and noticed that Jihyo unnie was shaking her head while Nayeon unnie had a blank expression.

"What happened?", Chaeyoung asked.

"Nothing...", I mumbled.

"Are you sure? Then why are you carrying banana milks and choco pies together?", Dahyun teased.

"He just wanted to treat me, I honestly objected but he insisted.", I explained.

"Whatever you say...", Dahyun said teasingly.

I finished my banana milk and ate my choco pie so I went to the trash bin and threw the wrapper and the bottle. I went back to my seat and sat down.

"Hello class, I'm your teacher, Onew of Shinee, but you can call me your hyung or oppa.", the teacher introduced himself.

"Annyeong.", we all said in unison.

"So it's just homeroom so we can just chill.", he said sitting on his chair and putting up his feet on the table.

"You guys can just chat or do your projects...", he said while making his tie loose and took of his blazer.

I stood up and went to my members, as I was walking some of the other girls were staring at me and started whispering to each other.

"So, what happened today girls?", Jihyo unnie asked.

"Hmm... Nothing much except for Tzuyu's slap and the banana milk thingie.", Dahyun said.

"Unnie, don't you remember what Jimin said to you.", I asked Dahyun to change the topic.

"I'm used to that, so stop changing the topic.", she calmly said.

"Tell us why you slapped him...", Jungyeon said.

I was about to tell the story, when a deeper voice suddenly spoke for me.

"I asked her to be my partner in the project and she doesn't want to be my partner so she basically slapped me to make me get lost.", it said.

I turned around to see Jungkook explaining why I slapped him.

"Then why did you guys have banana milks and choco pies?", Dahyun interrogated.

"I treated her because I was sorry for kinda forcing her to be my partner.", he explained.

"Arraseo...", Momo said.

"And why are you ladies talking about me? Were you that interested about me?", he said.

"Aish, go away.", I said smacking his chest.

"Ow, alright alright, not bad of a hit for a weakling.", he said winking.

He left and went to his members. He was pointing to our direction and they were all laughing.

"So, what was that about?", Nayeon unnie finally spoke up.

"What was what about?", I asked.

"Why did he call you a weakling and wink?", she asked.

"U-uhmm, you know that we had choco pies right?", I explained.

"Yeah, mhm.." she said.

"I couldn't open the package so I asked him for help and he said that I was a weakling and all...", I explained.

"So, don't tell me you like him.", Nayeon told me.

"I don't like him, I swear.", I kind of lied.

"Good.", Jihyo said.

I know I just said that I don't like him, but I kinda do, he could be charming from time to time, he's taller than me, he's handsome and I know I said that I don't like bad guys, but for a bad guy he's fine.

The bell rang signaling the students and Mr. Onew that class and school has ended.

"Class dismissed, have a good day kids.", Mr. Onew said.

"Ne, seonsaeng-nim!", we all said.

They all rushed to go out of the classroom, while I was rushing shoving my things in my bag. I carried my bag and ran to my members, cause our ride home is already there. We were already ready to go inside the car when I heard a voice behind me.

"Tzuyu! Yah Tzuyu!", it said.

I turned around to see Jungkook panting while holding my wallet. I checked my bag and I noticed that it wasn't there. I was shocked, how could I leave something so precious to me.

"You left this.", he said handing me my wallet.

"Thanks, Jungkook.", I said.

"Have a safe trip.", he said still panting.

"Sure, annyeong.", I simply said and closed the door.

Dahyun unnie kept wiggling her eyebrows and smirking. Chaeyoung kept on clapping while laughing. Sana kept whispering with Jungyeon, Momo and Mina. While Nayeon and Jihyo just sat there looking me.

"Driver, kaja!", Jihyo said and started to go back home.


You have your chance to shine, please drop your usernames in the comments cause I'll be needing those for the next chapter. :)
Sorry for not updating for a while, it's because I've just been so busy with stuff.


This chapter has 2099 words.

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