Catching Phoenix: Renegades M...

By mangomonkey13

574K 30.8K 712

Nix was a complicated woman with a complicated past. She trusted no one, well other than her only friend Ha... More

Chapter 44
Chapter 45


13.5K 648 12
By mangomonkey13

All afternoon the men continued to arrive as I started to dig in deeper. So far I didn't like what I was finding. These men were fucked up and it was obvious that they needed to be stopped. If what I thought was happening truly was...dread filled me as I tried not to think about it.

A quick knock and then the door below slamming shut had me reaching for my gun automatically. Old habits die hard apparently. But from the familiar sound of the chunky boats making their way upstairs of my double decker fortress on wheels, I set my gun back down.

Mac casually walked over until he took the seat next to me. His massive presence always made me feel so small, which was a hard feat for a woman that stood close to 5'10". Hell there wasn't anything small about me, but anytime the man was within a few feet of me, my body was ready for action.

Damn the giant man was sexy as fuck. Glancing at the clock I calculated if we had enough time to squeeze in a quickie that was until my shoulder protested as I moved my arm.

"So Axel called the men?"

Nodding, he continued to keep quiet as his eyes stayed focused on me. It was unnerving the way he looked at me something's, like he could almost see what I was thinking. I didn't like it, not one bit. He reminded me if my old Coronel, the man could reduce you to nerves with just one look.

"Well then...good because with what I am finding..."

My words died as I was abruptly pulled from my chair and plunked down on Mac's lap. Hands cupped my cheeks as my lips were met with his. And just like that the tension I didn't know my body was carrying dissipated instantly. Careful of my shoulder, Mac pulled me in closer as his mouth and tongue consumed every inch of mine, leaving no part untouched. Christ the man could kiss.

A moan escaped before I could stop it as I sank into him further. Now we were getting somewhere, apparently I wasn't the only one contemplating a quickie. There was something about Mac that had my body ready to go at first touch.

Not realizing that lips were no longer caressing mine, I pushed the sexual haze aside to find Mac intently staring at me again.

"You and me are going to have a nice long talk, but not now. Then men are almost here."

Since it looked like I wasn't getting any, I eased myself out of his lap. Christ now my panties were wet and that was not the way I planned on facing a room full of bikers...horny was not the image I wanted to put out there. Stretching my neck, the pain eased in my shoulder a bit but I knew I would need another pill before we headed in.

"When did you get hit?" He quietly asked as he continued to track my movements in the small office area. The man didn't miss much so I wasn't surprised he saw me flinch in pain.

"Uh...two days ago. Clean through, just muscle damage." I knew in a few days I would be ready for action, but right now my shoulder hurt like a bitch. Getting shot was never fun and I tried to avoid it at all costs.

"Christ are you always this busy? No down time?"

"No, I usually have weeks sometimes months in between the action, but this kidnapping has everyone freaked. From what I am finding I understand why." Reaching for my pills, I ignored the heat from Mac's eyes. Dammit the man needed to stop looking at me like I was a meal waiting to be devoured. Not that I would object but I needed to focus on one thing at a time, and unfortunately me doing the horizontal mambo with Mac would have to wait.

I tried to shake off my arousal as I collected some documents that might help sway some men in agreeing to the change. Arms circled from behind me, causing me to drop the papers on the desk. Yeah this was not helping. Dammit the man was turning me into a nymphomaniac and usually I wouldn't complain. His hands caressed my arms as they slowly turned my body into his, settling me between his massive thighs.

Which caused me to think about the night I had him between mine. Christ if this man didn't take me soon I was going to spontaneously combust. When the hell did I become such a horny bitch? Well okay I have a healthy libido but never this healthy.

Squeezing my eyes shut so I could ignore the heat that began to bloom, I rested my hands and forehead on his chest. No words were spoken as he continued to hold me, lightly running his hand up and down my back. I took a moment to absorb his warmth as my exhaustion became more prevalent. Hell I would need some shut eye soon, fatigue had me doing things out of my norm - I was not a cuddlier. I wasn't used to being comforted and having Mac do it...well it didn't exactly repulse me.

And that was a dangerous thing.

With my eyes closed I continued to concentrate on my breathing. I could feel him slightly move but didn't really pay attention to what he was doing as long as I was in his arms. Again I chalked it up to the pain meds. It wasn't until he eased me back to loop my brace around my neck and gently placed my arm in the sleeve, that I figured it out.

He was taking care of me. Huh...

"Come on Phoenix, the men are waiting. Let's get this over with so we can have our talk and get you some rest before you collapse."

Well shit...

The only thing worse than having any type of emotions was talking about them. Christ what a nightmare that was going to be.  Not giving me any time to dwell on the issue, Mac picked up my stuff and grasped my hand leading me outside towards the clubhouse.

Looking down I couldn't help but smile at the situation.

The big bad ass biker was not only holding my hand but carrying my things. I think the last guy who tried to do that was Jimmy Collins my sophomore year in high school. I emphasize the word tried since the little shit tried to also cop a feel, resulting in him sporting a black eye for the next week. After that guys tended to give me a ton of space when I walked down those halls.

But not Mac...Mac was more about being in my space...

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