Undying Love (Hidan Love Stor...

By meditatinggirl

89.5K 2.2K 682

Just a Hidan story. Read if ya like.. I'd appreciate it! ••Completed•• More

- 22 -
- 23 - (lemon)
note #2


3.5K 112 55
By meditatinggirl

"Why does he always do this with his female sacrafices?" I groan.
"I'm not sure un." Deidara says and groans as well.
"Shut the hell up Hidan yeah!" Deidara yells and bangs on his door.
"I can't sleep hearing this all night." I say crossing my arms.
"Switch rooms with me?" I ask Deidara and smile up to him. He is in fact taller then me, by a few inches.
"Sorry Mizuki but hell no un." He says turning around to walk away.
"Damn. I'll just sleep in the living room.. again then." I say.
"I'll give you a blanket and pillow un."
"Thanks Deidara." I say smiling. He smiles back. We started out rough, but he's one of my closest friends now. He's pretty cool I guess.

I finally lay on the couch and close my eyes.
"What are you doing out here?" I hear a voice ask. I open my eyes and see Kakazu. Him and I have also gotten closer.
"Your partner is 'having fun' with his female sacrafice right now.. again. And doing it really loud I might add."
"Yeah he does that sometimes." Kakazu says and shakes his head.
"It's annoying as hell." I say.
"Well goodnight kid."
"Goodnight." I say back to him.

I wake up the next morning and sit up. I stretch and yawn. 'I'm still fucking tired.'
I look straight and see Hidan staring at me, drinking tea in a seat across from the couch.
"Good morning Mizuki."
"Fuck you." I mumble.
"Woah where did that come from?" He asks and smirks.
"Do you have any idea how fucking loud you were last night! I'm surprised everyone else could sleep in peace!"
"I slept fine." He says back to me.
"Again. Fuck you."
"I mean that girl kind of already did that last night but if you want to do it too, I'll make an exception." My eye twitches at what he says and I stand up and walk over to him.
"So what, you have sex with them and then kill them?" I ask. And he just nods his head. 'What the hell is wrong with him.'
"What do you want Mizu-" He's cut off by me punching him right in his jaw. The chair falls backwards with him in it and the tea shatters on the ground.
Deidara, Kakazu, Kisame and Itachi walk in.
"You just got your ass handed to you by a girl yeah!" Deidara says and laughs.
"Nothing wrong with that!" Konan yells from the kitchen. Hidan stands up and I see his jaw is misplaced and I smirk. 'Poor thing.' I joke to myself.
"What the hell what that for!?" He yells at me.
"Fuck that hurt!" He yells holding his jaw.
"I thought you liked the pain." I say to him with a smirk.
"Were you not listening to me just a few moments ago? You made me sleep on this damn hard couch again, now I have a headache and a backache. You are the most inconsiderate person I know this is the 3rd time!" I yell at him at the top of my lungs and they all just stare at me.
"You're hot." Deidara says.
"What?" I mumble glaring at him.
"You're on fire." He points out holding up his hands. I look down to my hands, and he's right. I'm on fire.
"Oh." I sigh deeply to cool down, thus the fire dies out.
"What is that?" Kakazu asks.
"Just something that I do, I don't know.. when I'm angry." I say and turn my attention back to Hidan.
"Another thing I've always done. When I'm mad, I do that I can't help it.." I glare at Hidan who's just been staring at me this entire time, he is still holding his jaw.
"I'm getting something to eat with Konan." I walk towards the kitchen and right past Hidan and don't even turn my head to him.
"What the hell did you do Hidan? You guys sounded like an old married couple." Kisame says and laughs.
"Shut it before I eat sushi in front of you!" I hear Hidan yell.
"That's just cold." I hear Kisame answer back to Hidan.

"Tough night?" Konan asks me.
"How'd you guess?" I say smiling putting a hand on my forehead. She passes me a cup of tea.
"Thanks." I say and she nods.
"Hidan is.. well Hidan." She says and smiles also.
"I agree." I sat smiling back.
"I'm tired of it. I like my sleep." I mumble.
"Tired or jealous?" She asks.
"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask and she laughs.
"I am not jealous of those girls." I say.
"I see the way you look at him sometimes Mizuki." She says back to me. I immediately blush and try to hide a smile.
"Shut it Konan!" I yell covering my red cheeks.

How can he just do that with random girls. Does he have feelings for me? Or was he just calling me pretty and I'm looking to far into this. This is why I don't deal with feelings. I'm confused. And do I even care about this. Why do I care if Hidan likes me or not?

I walk back into the living room a few minutes later and Hidan was the only one there.
"Why did you get so upset about that?" He asks me.
"You like me or something?" he asks me. I can't help but turn red when he says this.
"No I don't like you. 'Lie.' I say rolling my eyes.
"I don't even know if I have that feeling in me. I've lived without normal people for a long time you know and your chakra smells disgusting."
"Yeah. I know. Wait hey! I'm sure my chakra smells great." I roll my eyes once more.
"But no I don't like you, im not even sure if I like you as a person. 'Lie. Again.'
"It's just annoying as hell when I'm trying to sleep you are busy having noisy sex in the room next to mine. And you're gonna catch something one day." I say.
"I get it and ew." He says putting his hands on my shoulders and grins wide. 'Why does he have to be so damn attractive?'
"Alright I'm sorry gorgeous." He says.
"Fine." I say and I can't help but smile up towards him.
"Mizuki!" I hear Tobi yell.
"Yes Tobi?"
"You told me you'd train me." He says in his happy yet clueless tone.
"You're gonna train him?"
"He wanted me to." I ask and shrug.
"Am I forgiven?" He asks me.
"I guess." I say and smile to him once again. 'Damn it why can't I stay angry at him.'

It's 8 now and I'm walking towards my room to sleep. Tobi really tired me out. He has A LOT of energy. I pass Hidans room as he and a girl were talking. 'Not again. Wait Hidan and a girl talking? Not having sex?'
"So this Mizuki girl you like her?" The women asks. 'Why are they talking about me?'
"No of course I don't.. I don't know but she's just some broken girl who's been Orochimaru's bitch for a few years."
"What!?" I yell slamming his door open.
"Mizuki I thought you were training Tobi?" Hidan says surprised as I slam the door open.
"I was." I say. My entire body becomes in gulped with flames.
"Is this that Mizuki girl, she don't look that bad and tough." She says with an attitude. I walk straight up to her and take her by the neck and throw her agaisnt the wall killing her instantly.
"Hey that was my sacrifice."
"I cannot believe I ever thought you were nice or even tolerable Hidan. Why the hell would you say something like that you don't even know why I was with Orochimaru for that long! I wouldn't have fucking stayed with that madman if I had a choice! I don't even know why the hell I'm staying here!"
"Then leave!" I look at him briefly and turn around.
"Fuck you." I mumble and turn around.


It's been 4 months since I moved in with the Akatsuki. Pain told me he'd kill me if I tried to leave.. I believed him and I'm not taking any chances. I guess I'm stuck, but it's not too bad.. I guess.

It's also been 12 times Hidan has had female sacrafices and I'm honestly starting to get fed up. I hate having to sleep on the damn couch. Hes gonna catch an STI or something. Not like I care or anything. 'Lie.' And to be quite honest I don't understand how he can have a bunch of useless sex. And it kind of annoys me too, I don't know why but it just does.

"Mizuki can I have a word with you?" Hidan asks coming into the kitchen while I ate with Tobi. I ignore him.
"I don't think Mizuki wants to speak with Hidan." Tobi says and I smile at Tobi. He's grown on me.
"Shut the fuck up Tobi. Come on Mizuki you've been ignoring me for 4 fucking months. You've rarely spoken with me." He's not wrong, the only time I've spoken to him was when I had to, which was when we were on missions. Pain put me with Hidan and Kakazu, I have no clue why though.
"I really don't think I have anything to say to you." I mumble. I get up from my seat and walk past Hidan. He tries to grab my arm but I sense him try to and I pull away. 'Why does his chakra smell and feel so nice to me?'
"I hate that you can do that." He mumbles.
"Me too." I say softly.
"What?" He asks.
"Nothing, just leave me alone." I say.

I walk into the hallway and see Kakazu.
"We have a mission." He says.
"Now?" He nods his head. 'Great.'
"Alright. How long will we be gone?"
"Only a day."
"Then I'm ready."
"I am too." Hidan says coming out of the kitchen smiling.
"Fantastic." I mumble.


I just watched the Purge and it was so good! Hidan would love the purge.

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