
By HangmanJury

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*A Duff McKagan Fanfic* *As of May 2020, number one rated Duff McKagan fanfic* Anastasia Fisher has just move... More

Jet Lagged
Sucker Punched
Wine and Dined
Figured Out
Moved In
Hit On
Made up


1.3K 35 8
By HangmanJury


"Adriana!" Steven calls, chucking rocks at her window.

Steven was pissed, because he was almost sure it was her on 'Rocket Queen'. As soon as he decided it was her, we got in the car and came here, to Adriana's parents house, where she lived.

Steven said that him and Adriana got into a big fight last week, and when they did, she disappeared for a few days, which wasn't like her at all. 

I was just here for moral support.

After what feels like a hundred more rocks, we hear the window slide open, and Adriana leans her head out.

"What the hell, Steven?" she whines, rubbing her tired eyes.

"Either you get the hell down here or we're coming up. We've gotta talk." Steven says angrily.

I see a flit of nervousness flash across her face. She stares blankly for a second. "I'll be down in a minute. I've just gotta get dressed." she says.

We wait for a few minutes, but it doesn't take Adriana long to get dressed at all. We decided that sitting in the car would be a better idea considering it was the middle of the night and their might be a lot of screaming.

Adriana slides into the passenger seat and I sit in the back alone. I almost feel like a third wheel, but I know that this pair might not be a couple for very much longer, if what Steven thinks happened is true.

Steven is shooting her a death glare, so she turns to me.

"What's up Duff? Didn't even realize you were here." she says, offering me a little smile.

"Nothin' much." I say simply, because she really has no idea what she's in for, or she wouldn't be this happy.

Steven scowls at her.

"Alright, I'm here. Now what's wrong?" she says with a huff.

"You tell me." he says.

"I have no clue what you're talking about Stevie. I was just in bed sleeping 5 minutes ago. I'm pretty out of it to be honest." she chuckles.

Steven is pissed. "Rocket Queen." he says plainly.

I watch carefully as all the color drains right out of Adriana's face, and she goes completely pale. Even after her slight falter, she recovers well.

"Yeah, what about it?" she says nervously.

"That's you, is it not?" Steven questions.

"It is." she offers no additional information. Her eyes flick to the floor and then back to Steven.

"Well are you gonna tell me what in the fuck you were thinking? You're my fucking girlfriend. We didn't even talk about this! Who'd you fuck to get that?" Steven spits venom.

She stutters nervously. "I-- Uh... Axl asked me to record it for the album. I didn't fuck him though."

Even I could tell she was lying. She most definitely fucked Axl. No doubt about it.

"I can't believe you Adriana. We have one fucking fight and you disappear. You're fucking crazy." Steven says, shaking his head.

"Listen baby, I love you. I was doing it for the band. Axl said Ana wouldn't do it, and the record needed a little more energy so he asked me to do it. I did it for the band." she repeats again, and this makes Steven soften right up, much to my dismay.

See, that's what love does to you. It clouds your judgement. Even when you know somethings not right, you'll find any and all reasons to make it okay.

"Don't you think next time if something like this happens we can talk about it first? I thought you fucked Axl or something." Steven gives a little laugh, and Adriana giggles.

She kisses him hard on the mouth. "Not in his wildest dreams, baby."


I watch from the car as Steven gives Adriana a leg up. Her foot catches a rung on the trellis that holds her mother's roses, and she climbs all the way back up to her window, like Rapunzel heading back to her tower. 

She climbs through, and blows Steven a kiss. "Love you." she mouths

He does the same back and she shuts her window closed, giving me a little wave.

I wave back, and Steven just stands there looking up at her window, like a lost puppy dog.

Love struck. 

Finally, Steven decides she's gone to bed and I watch as he walks back towards the car. He opens the door and climbs in, smiling like a complete idiot.

He turns the key in the ignition and we pull off onto the strip. I decide to speak up.

"Do you really think she's telling the truth?" 

His smile turns to a frown but he keeps his eyes on the road in front of him. I can see that he's thinking, but eventually he speaks up.

"In all honesty, I don't know. Do I trust her? No. But I love her too much to fight about it. She makes me happy."


The house is completely silent as Anastasia lays peacefully in my arms. I can't bring myself to fall asleep because for once, I feel like everything is right. Anastasia sleeps quietly and my mind won't stop racing.

This felt so right. She was amazing. She was everything I'd ever hoped for and more. She was the one I saw myself with for my entire life.

She's the girl I write songs about, because she's got so much love and passion for me. She's the only one that really understands me. In some ways, she knows me better then I know me.

 She's the one I'll take on tour. She's the one I'll spoil with anything her heart desires when we make it big. She's the one I'll buy a big diamond ring for, because she deserves it. She's the only one I'll buy a house with a white picket fence for. She's the one I want to mother my children. She's the one I want to lay in bed with at night and grow old with.

Even when I'm not with her, I think about her.

Erin was just a bonus. 

Suddenly, I hear the door close loudly, interrupting my thoughts. The sound of footsteps walking through the house echo down the hall. I glance at Ana to make sure it didn't wake her. 

She stirs slightly, but doesn't wake up, and no more noise persists, so I close my eyes and fall back to sleep.



When I wake up the next morning, I'm both relieved and happy to still be lying in Axl's arms. 

So many times I've woken up to an empty bed, so it was nice to have him here.

I get up out of bed slowly and head for the kitchen. If I didn't have a cup of coffee, there was a good chance I'd stay in bed all day.

As I walk past the living room, I catch a glimpse of Izzy still passed out on the couch. 

It was early and very quiet, which is one thing that rarely happens around here. I decided that making the boys a nice breakfast would be a good idea.

We already had a loaf of bread and eggs, but I decided we needed some other things. I put on a pair of shorts and my flip flops and hopped in the car.

I got to the grocery store in no time and trudged inside. There wasn't many people there, but somehow, as I was rounding the corner to the refrigerated foods section, I crashed into someone's cart.

"Fuck. I'm so sorry." I said to the woman.

"No, no need to apologize, it's all my fault! I should have looked before I came around the corner!" she responded.

We both laughed, and then a man came around the corner. He had long blonde hair and wore leather pants-- at 9 o'clock in the morning. If I didn't know exactly who he was, I would have definitely known he was a rocker.

"Whats wrong babe?" he cooes, grabbing the woman around the waist.

"Vince Neil." I manage to say. "I love your band, but I haven't gotten around to a show yet. The new album is fucking kick ass." 

He shoots me a smile. "Well thanks darlin'" he says.

Everything goes silent for a second, and I notice Vince's girlfriend looking me up and down. When she notices she's staring she laughs.

"Sorry, it's just that you're so pretty. Ever thought about modeling? You'd be perfect! You should come down to the studio sometime." she smiles. 

"I'm Sharise by the way, Vince's wife." she says, offering me her hand.

I shook it gently. "I think you know my boyfriend, and his band, actually." I mutter.

"Really? Who?" Sharise asks.

"Axl Rose. From Guns N' Roses. And the rest of the guys too. I kind of live with them now." I chuckle.

Vince laughs. "Yeah, I know those guys. They're some crazy motherfuckers." 

"You know what?" Sharise questions. "You should come down to the arena tomorrow in Long Beach." she blinks her long lashes at me.

"Aerosmith is recording a music video for a song on their new album. They asked me to be in the video since Vince was the inspiration for it, and I agreed, but I think they'll like you a lot."  she smiles. 

I wanted to squeal like a little girl because I loved Aerosmith. They've been my favorite band since they first started in 1971. Just the fact that I had an opportunity to sit in on their music video is just crazy. 

"Yeah, and tell Axl to give me a call. We need an opener for this tour we're gonna go on, and with Guns needing some more publicity, it might be a good opportunity." he shrugs and puts his hands in his back pockets.

I'm overwhelmed. One minute I'm crashing into a stranger's cart and the next I'm offered a chance to be in Aerosmith's music video-- fucking Aerosmith! And, Motley wants to talk to Guns about touring. It was a lot to take in at once.

I smile politely. "Well thanks. I'll see if I can get out of work tomorrow, it sounds like a lot of fun."

"And I'll tell Axl to call." I finish.

"Cool. It was nice meeting you." Sharise smiles, pulling me into a hug.

"Nice to meet you Vince." I say, and he hugs me too.

"I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot of each other." Sharise says, waving goodbye.

"See you guys!" I wave to them.

I take a minute to compose myself, because a lot of things just happened. It's crazy how opportunities open up like that.

I head to refrigerator section and pick up a container of orange juice and a pound of bacon and sausage. I also grab a tube of cinnamon rolls and a gallon of milk.

After paying for the loot, I drive home and let myself in the front door. Luckily, all of the guys are still asleep.

I start cooking as well as contemplating my thoughts.

I was excited about going to the Aerosmith music video recording tomorrow. I loved Aerosmith, but I wasn't sure what to expect. Maybe I'd just watch. Maybe I'd be one of those background extras. Regardless, I was excited. 

On top of that, Motley Crue wants Guns N' Roses to open for them, and I'm excited to tell Axl that.

When breakfast is finished, I decide that it's time to wake the boys up. 

I grab a set of pots and pans from the cabinet and start in Slash's room.

I open the door quietly and then bang the pots together as hard as I possibly can. 

"Get the fuck up! Breakfast is ready!" I call out loudly, and Slash nearly has a heart attack. I make my way to Steven's room and then Duff's.

Duff attempts to grab me and pull me into his bed. "Duff! Axl's here!" I scold quietly, and he just pulls me in tighter. 

"Not until I get a little kiss." he pouts, so I peck him quickly on the lips in fear that Axl may walk in any second. He then lets me go reluctantly.

I make my way through the living room banging the pots and pans once again. The taste of Duff's alcohol tainted kiss tastes amazing on my lips, and it makes me feel guilty. It's completely and utterly fucked up, but it makes me realize that even though I'm happy Axl's here, I miss being able to love on Duff.

"What the fuck, Ana." Izzy complains from his spot on the couch as I stroll through the living room.

I go into Axl's room and he's already awake, smoking a cigarette in bed. I kiss him gently on the cheek anyways. "Good morning baby, Breakfast." I say.

He smirks. "At least you love me enough to not give me the pots and pans treatment."

I shake my head, wearing a permanent smile on my face. I loved living with these guys. 

I shut the door so Axl could get dressed and headed back to the condition. I begin making each of the guys a plate and pouring them a glass of orange juice. 

Pretty soon, a table full of five grown men sat before me as I leaned against the counter, sipping my coffee.

They were all sitting quietly, I'm sure from a combination of hangovers, tiredness, and stuffing their faces.

I manage to break the silence. "So, is it any good? You're all awfully quiet."

All I get is five nodding heads, but that's enough for me.

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