
Von KBMallion

210K 13.8K 2.7K

Sophia is sat in a bar with only a large glass of wine for company, quietly nursing a broken heart. When a ch... Mehr

Ignitable - Introduction
Ignitable - Chapter One
Ignitable - Chapter Two
Ignitable - Chapter Four
Ignitable - Chapter Five
Ignitable - Chapter Six
Ignitable - Chapter Seven
Ignitable - Chapter Eight
Ignitable - Chapter Nine
Ignitable - Chapter Ten
Ignitable - Chapter Eleven
Ignitable - Chapter Twelve
Ignitable - Chapter Thirteen
Ignitable - Chapter Fourteen
Ignitable - Chapter Fifteen
Ignitable - Chapter Sixteen
Ignitable - Chapter Seventeen
Ignitable - Chapter Eighteen
Ignitable - Chapter Nineteen
Ignitable - Chapter Twenty
Ignitable - Chapter Twenty One
Ignitable - Chapter Twenty Two
Ignitable - Chapter Twenty Three
Ignitable - Chapter Twenty Four
Ignitable - Chapter Twenty Five
Ignitable - Chapter Twenty Six
Ignitable - Chapter Twenty Seven
Ignitable - Chapter Twenty Eight
Ignitable - Chapter Twenty Nine
Ignitable Playlist

Ignitable - Chapter Three

9.2K 524 127
Von KBMallion


A feeling of apprehension hovers above me as I carefully push the key into the lock of my apartment. Flicking on the light, I glance at Sophia, who is still shivering a little, which convinces me that she is far more nervous than she is actually letting on. As she slowly steps into my place, I watch her reaction. With light steps, she holds tightly onto my jacket that is still loosely wrapped around her, like it's just something to cling onto as she tries to adjust to her new surroundings. I hope that now being here, doesn't make her turn and bolt. There's an air of unpredictability about her. So I continue to watch, wondering whether she will stay or leave. This is more than likely a new and nerve-wracking experience for Sophia. She doesn't strike me as the sort who has had many one night stands. I would even go as far to say that I am probably her first. If the attraction between us wasn't so strong, her vulnerability would actually make me feel really shit about what we are about to do. But for all of her nerves, Sophia has a determined glint in her eye when she finally does look my way. Warmly smiling back at her, relief seems to awash both of our faces. "Make yourself at home." I confidently tell her as I toss my keys down onto the steel worktop of my trendily small kitchen.

"It's quite a shag pad you have here." Sophia thoughtfully says, waiting for me to look at her as she throws me a small and humorous grin in my direction.

Her grin is met with one of my own. "It's close to work, so it's convenient." I choose to ignore the 'shag pad' comment. She is right though, I have shagged a lot of women here.

"And what work is it that you do?" Sophia is moving with grace around the wide open room, taking in the expanse of my home as she tries to discover more of who I am.

"I'm a barrister." I am not usually into the whole 'small talk' thing. The women I bring here always know exactly why they are being brought here, and although Sophia does too, I am kind of enjoying our 'chat before sex' thing.

"I figured you had a high brow job." Pulling my jacket from off her small shoulders, she lays it neatly on the back of my sofa. "You don't get to wear a suit like that if you're a pot washer." She grins again at me before her eyes once again roam all over my sleek and masculine apartment. She suddenly stops right in front of my 60 inch plasma tv that's hung impressively upon a plainly painted white wall. "What is it about men and their stupidly big tv's?"

I walk towards where she is, standing just beside her. "What do you mean?" My frown deepens about the same time as my smile widens.

Sophia throws me a mischievous sideways glance. "Is it really necessary to have a television that big?"

"Yes." I tell her, smiling ever so broadly.

Shaking her head as she stares at the hugely hung tv, she grimaces slightly. "I don't know, I'm always wary of a man with a telly that big. It might mean that what they lack in the trouser department, they make up the inches with their excessively large tv screens."

My laughter fills the space between us. "I can assure you, I have never had no complaints about my trouser department." I look down at myself, amused no end by the beautifully funny Sophia. I love that although she is terribly nervous, intimidated even—she says exactly what is on her mind.

"I guess I'll soon find out whether or not that tv myth is to be dispelled or not, won't I?" One of her brows flirtatiously quirks up as she slowly walks away from me with a teasing swagger.

It's like she is playing. She is relishing in toying with me just a little before we get down to sexual business. Shit, this woman is honestly causing untold throbbing to my balls. "Can I get you a drink?" I'm asking her whether she wants one, but it's more because I desperately need one myself, I need something to take the edge off my ever growing arousal.

"Do you have any wine?" Sophia cheerfully asks, watching me head towards my urban looking steel kitchenette.

"I don't, but I have a bottle of champagne in the fridge?"

Nodding, Sophia walks towards where I am. "Champagne sounds great." She eagerly agrees, leaning over the steel worktop in a much more relaxed way. "Your home is very manly." Her hands glide across the coolness of the steel, staring up at me as I am carefully opening the bottle of Cristal that a client bought me ages ago.

"I suppose it is." I agree, just as the cork comes out with a loud little pop! Pouring out the ridiculously expensive champagne, I briefly look around my open plan apartment. It's everything that Sophia says it is. It's masculine and simple; devoid of all feminine touch. I only have what I need and need what I have—a large tv, a sumptuously large coffee brown Chesterfield sofa, minimalist walnut shelving and matching sideboard and table—it's tidy and sleek throughout, bathroom and bedroom included. For me, it's just a place. It's not a home. I'm not a homely person. I don't get attached to people, let alone bricks and mortar. I only bought this place because I could no longer stand living with my mother. Here, I don't have her breathing down my neck all the time. Here, she doesn't get to know my personal business. It's hard enough having to share my working space with her, let alone my living space. She might get to throw her weight around at the office, just because her and my father's name is set in brass beside the company's prestige door, but here, she gets to have no say whatsoever in my life. "So tell me a little about yourself, Sophia?" As I hand her the freshly poured glass of champagne, I know I am going against so much of myself this evening. I don't usually give two shits about who my one night stands are, but I find myself wanting to know more about Sophia. I figure it might just help me to understand what exactly makes her different from all the rest.

Clutching the glass with her slender fingers, she awkwardly smiles. "There's not much to tell, really. I'm a twenty nine year old florist. My mum actually owns the flower shop, but these days, I pretty much run it as mum is wanting to retire early."

Just finishing taking a sip of my drink, I ask with surprising interest. "Is it a local florist?"

Sophia nods, sweetly smiling. "Yes, it's Heaven Scent, right in the centre of town."

Knowing exactly where she means, I nod with recognition. "Ah yes, I pass it all the time. It's been there a long time, hasn't it?"

"Over thirty years. It used to belong to my wonderful nan, then when she sadly died, my lovely mum inherited it."

I smile at the simplicity of her family life. I smile at how she talks of her family with such genuine love and fondness. "So flowers are in your blood, then?"

Sophia softly laughs. "You could say that." Taking a sip of her champagne, she silently then studies me. "Are you from a long line of barristers, then?" she asks, her inquisitiveness now prettily settling upon her face.

"You could say that." I say with a smirk, repeating her previous comment with a playful lilt. I don't want to let her know where I work just yet. She would surely know the Lapley name, particularly as she works in Cirencester. It's a name that carries so much shit along with it, much of it true, but for some strange reason, I want Sophia to discover a part of me that no one else has ever been privy to. I have many ruthless facets to my Lapley name, but just once, I want someone to not know about those sides of me. For only tonight, I just want to be Cade. A man who wants to be with this woman, because I honestly just do want to be with her. For only tonight, it's not going to be just a meaningless screw. Tonight, it's going to be different.

"How long have you been a barrister?" Sophia questions me again, seemingly hungry for more information.

"About ten years."

She slowly nods, cutely frowning as she thinks for just a second. "Do you mind me asking how old you are?"

"I don't mind at all, I'm thirty four."

She starts chuckling, more to herself than me. "I'm going to be thirty soon, any tips on coping with the big 3-0?"

Joining in with her laughter, I quickly answer. "Uh, buy a race horse?"

Sophia grimaces, laughing louder. "I can't afford riding lessons, let alone a bloody race horse!" Taking a sip of her drink, she quickly swallows it down with a disbelieving smile. "Is that honestly what you did when you hit thirty?" She seriously asks me, now truly relaxed in my company.

Leaning onto the steel worktop with my elbows, I broadly smile with my brows raised high on my forehead. "I honestly did. I bought my very first race horse on my thirtieth birthday."

Sophia loudly sighs. "Well that's a really shit tip for turning thirty." She mumbles before gulping down yet another sip of her chilled champagne.

I guess to Sophia, buying a race horse does sound far too extravagant, I just hope it doesn't change her attitude towards me. Wealth can do that—it either attracts or intimidates. Needing to get her back on side, I keenly ask. "Do you have anything nice planned for your upcoming birthday?"

Sophia's demeanour instantly changes. She looks sad and lost in the blink of an eye. "I was meant to be going away for a spa weekend with Paul, but obviously I won't be doing that now."

"As in Paul, the stupid bloke who has just dumped you?" I watch her resisting the urge to cry as she solemnly nods her answer back to me. Again, I just want to protect her. I just want to scoop her up in my arms and shield her from all of the hurt that she is feeling. And all that she so achingly feels, evokes something so deeply alien and confusing within me. I am caring about this woman. I am caring about what she feels. I care enough that I want to knock this Paul guy into next fucking week! I care enough that I just want to hold her. God, I really just want to hold her. As she battles not to cry, I battle to not take her in my arms. "Do you want to see the rest of the apartment?" I honestly have no idea why I have just thrown that question so awkwardly into the air. It could be that I'm just desperately wanting Sophia to not think about her prick of an ex boyfriend, and I'm, trying not to think about my overwhelming need to protect her.

Slightly taken aback by my sudden and complete change of subject, Sophia mumbles back. "Okay." Following me as I walk out of the kitchenette and out of the lounge and down a slightly darkened hallway. At the end of that hallway is another open plan space that's the bathroom and bedroom; separated by a sultry opaque glass panel. It's quirky but absolutely works.

"Wow! This is very different!" Sophia sounds less emotional now as her face lights up with girlish delight.

"Do you like it?" I ask, happy to see her now looking far more happier.

Easing herself deeper into my bedroom, she smiles. "I like it." Her eyes appreciatively widen, taking in the sight of my super king size bed and it's coordinating bed linen.

Sweeping her long black hair across the left side of her neck, it cascades down by her breast as she stares at my impressively neat and tidy bed. She suddenly seems lost in her thoughts, lost with whatever thoughts that have just invaded her pretty little head. "I have to ask, do you have protection?" she slowly turns around, embarrassed for having to ask me.

I nod, assuring her with an amiable smile. "Of course."

She holds my gaze, nervously rubbing her hands together. "You are very prepared, which tells me that you've done this before."

Those pure grey eyes of hers, look so deeply into mine. I wish I could tell her different. I wish I could sugar coat what I am just about to say. I may be many awful things, but a liar I am not. So gently reaching for her right hand, I hold just the tips of her nervous fingers and tell her the truth. "I don't want to lie to you, Sophia. I have bedded many women, but what I can tell you is this, I have never felt more nervous as I do with you."

Continuing her strong gaze on me, she processes what I have just so openly told her. I know I am taking a big risk, but I just can't lie to this woman. She has just been dumped and I have asked her to spend the night with me, she deserves the truth. I have nothing to hide and neither does she. There is nothing to gain from lying to her. There is also nothing to gain from thinking that tonight can ever be anything more than just a one night stand. We both know what is happening here, we are both a temporary fix for what is happening in our lives. I am merely a plaster for Sophia's heartbreak and she is a beautiful distraction from my miserable life. "Thanks for being so honest with me." She eventually says, looking away from my face to stare down at my fingers that are so tenderly still holding hers. "I think I am ready now." Her head slowly lifts back up as her coy lashes reveal her receptive grey spheres to me.

Stepping intimately closer, I know that it is time. My enamoured eyes devour every beautiful inch of her perfect face, wanting to understand what makes it so very appealing to me. Now hopelessly so very close, my soft finger strokes her feminine jawline, trailing it down to her elegant throat and collar bone. "Are you sure you still want to do this?" I huskily ask in a hopeful whisper, praying that her answer will still be yes. Sophia just gently nods, enjoying the sensation that my sensual fingers leave behind upon her softer than soft skin. Needing to kiss her so much, I cradle her exquisite face between my eager hands and bring my mouth slowly down to hers. As soon as our lips lightly touch, my heart pounds in a way that it has never pounded before. Her divine lips are just so warm and so pleasingly soft, I just don't think I can get enough of the them. I deepen our kiss, wanting her to feel what her mouth is so wonderfully doing to me. But I am greedy, I now need to taste her. Pushing my tongue delicately inside of her mouth, I acquaint myself with her delicious flavour—I want how she tastes to be forever tattooed upon my lips, so I will be able to remember this moment once she has regrettably gone. With our mouths passionately unifying us, we clumsily start to undress one another; kissing and smiling as we do it. Clothes are being thrown in every possible direction as our clawing hands are grabbing everywhere and anywhere, just as long as we are greedily touching one another. All of our mutual nerves are now being rampantly abandoned, replaced with the rawest and hungriest of desires. Standing in only our underwear, I lift Sophia up and she tightly wraps her petite and sexy legs around my hips as I carry her over to my bed. For one single and blazing moment, we stop to look at one another; and we are both met with the surest of smiles. With my smile not slipping from off my face, I lower Sophia down onto the bed. She lies there, waiting with heated anticipation beneath me with her breathing so shallow and so aroused, that I instantly become mesmerised by the woman that I achingly stand over. She is just so incredibly beautiful, just so exquisite with her silky long hair splayed out around her like an ebony halo on my pillow. I honestly feel as though I have been gifted this perfect woman. She's invisibly all wrapped up in a big and beautiful bow, begging to be opened by only me. Shit, she really is something else. She quite simply, takes my breath away. I don't usually appreciate the women that I sleep with, but here I am, appreciating all that Sophia so beautifully is. I stare down at her purity, wanting to deliciously dirty it. Or maybe, I am wanting her to purify my stained soul?

Either way, I want her.

Slowly parading my fingers down between the avenue of her exquisite breasts, I continue to hungrily stare hard at Sophia, more erect than I ever could possibly be. "Sit up." I gravelly instruct her, needing to rid her sexy body of her black lacy bra. Doing as I ask, Sophia sits still, allowing me to slowly unclasp her bra with seductive ease. Without even blinking back at me, she herself then provocatively removes her matching knickers, demurely discarding them with a smirk as she casually lies back down on the bed. Quick to slip off my boxer shorts, I wickedly crawl back up the length of her sassy body and hover above it as I open up my bedside draw. My fingers feel around for a condom as my masterful mouth slowly kisses Sophia's sumptuously soft lips. "Put the condom on for me." I whisper between our fervent little kisses, desperate to have her hands touching me. Taking the condom from between my fingers, Sophia rips open the foil wrapper and readies herself to do as I have asked. Suddenly looking sexily shy, she quickly pushes the condom down onto me, running her small fingers down my rigid and ready length before smiling back up at me. Her bright and gorgeous grey eyes are telling me that she is also ready; ready for all that I have to give her.

Lowering myself, Sophia obligingly opens her legs with a nervous little swallow. I caress those slender and perfect legs, wanting to assure her with each and every stroke that my fingers so easily deliver to her sensitive skin, that what we are about to do is going to be wonderful. With each one of my assuring caresses, I passionately kiss her. As I kiss her, my tongue teases hers. I want Sophia to feel like she is the centre of a my universe. That right at this moment, nothing is more important to me than she is. The more we greedily kiss, the more excited we both become. As my arousal pushes against her, she softly gasps into my mouth, making me push harder still. I watch her unravelling beneath me. I watch her close her eyes and opening her mouth with an awakening rapture. And when her eyes euphorically open again, she is silently pleading for me to now take her. So I do. I push deep inside of her and open somewhere very deep inside of myself. I have never felt this way whilst being inside of a woman before. She makes me feel good. Not just good—alive. With each precise push, the more I seem to feel like I am actually making love.

And I don't make love, I screw. But this is not screwing. I am enjoying being deep and rock hard inside of Sophia. I am enjoying it so much, I am savouring every single sexual second of being with her; wanting to really take my own sweet time with the woman who gloriously ignites something unknown within me. With each deep and slow thrust, the more Sophia moans as she rhythmically writhes around on the bed as she grabs at my shoulders; wanting our bodies more close than they already are.

Watching her reaction to what I am doing to her, has to be the biggest turn on of all. I don't even usually look at the faces of the women that I fuck. As crass as it actually sounds, they're just a warm hole to get off in—a barren fuck. But with Sophia, I strangely feel connected to her. Physically and emotionally, something is happening between us. Enveloped in the deepest of carnal pleasures, we are both being taken to the highest of sexual highs. My hips start pushing deeper and faster into her pulsing tightness. When Sophia cries out with testifying pleasure, she unleashes something so very primal within me that I pound harder still into her. Fading in and out of my euphoric focus, Sophia beautifully moves beneath me as my balls slap hard against her with an erotic rhythm. Each pounding thrust is taking me closer to a beautiful oblivion, but I won't empty all that I feel for Sophia until she reaches her own toe-curling oblivion. I won't come undone until she has. "What...are...you...doing...to...me?" I breathlessly plead as I grind into her with increasing speed.

Digging her nails right into the flesh of my shoulders, Sophia grips tightly onto me as she tunefully climaxes with her eyes blissfully rolling to the back of her pretty little head. "Don't...move." She chokingly murmurs, not releasing me from her pleasured grip as she wildly contracts around me as her orgasm heavenly rips through her thoroughly satisfied body.

I let her have her contracting moment. I enjoy seeing her bask in the enjoyment of her concluding climax. As her grip slowly starts to relax and her nails stop digging into my shoulders, I start pushing into her again. I don't want her recovering from her pleasure all too quickly, because I am ready to give her so much more. My groin starts colliding with hers, over and over and over. With sensuously deep slams, I fill her with every inch of my aching arousal. Sex with Sophia is starting to mean something so profoundly more. I am not just balls and dick deep inside of this woman, I am also emotionally deep—deeper than I have ever been before. I desperately want to come, but I also don't want this moment to end. "Shit!" I curse under my hoarse breath with a clenched jaw as I fight the need to alleviate the throbbing orgasm that is so fucking close to exploding.

Sophia placates me with a small smile and her fingers lightly stroke my tense back as she pushes her hips harder against mine. Her receptive hips and her desirous eyes are telling me that it's okay. It's actually more than okay, it's divine being so deeply embedded inside of her. I'm in such uncharted territory here. I am feeling things that I have never felt before. I am experiencing new and wonderful things with this woman. It not only excites me, it agitates me. As I pound over and over into her, the more I want to keep on pounding. Because once I have emptied all that I feel for Sophia, she will leave and I will never see her again. "You feel so fucking amazing." My hands hold her hips firmly in place as I rampantly keep on ramming into her, needing her to understand all of my newly felt emotions. "You are amazing." This is me giving her my all. Every throbbing inch, is hers. My arousal starts to become unbearable, it is now actually hurting with how much I need to come inside of Sophia's tightly enticing sweetness. With a punishing succession of unforgiving thrusts, I finally expel all of what this woman means to me. Every straining spasm makes me shudder with the most satisfying of delirium. Each pulsing aftershock is just another blissful reminder of how amazing two people can actually be together. Wrapped in the most carnal of contentments, I pull out of Sophia and rid my flaccid self of the very full condom. She watches me carefully as I dry myself off with some tissues before lying back down beside her. I usually don't like people being in my personal space and I certainly don't like being in theirs, but with Sophia, both now strangely appeal. With our satisfied bodies lying closely still next to one another on the bed, I hesitate before reaching out for her hand. I don't know whether Sophia will want to be affectionate with me now we have done what we came here to do, but as my warm fingers thread themselves with hers, I am relieved when they effortlessly clasp themselves around mine. It is poignantly then, that I realise I have given this woman far more than I ever had to give. In just one night, she has made me feel more than I have ever felt in my entire life.

Side by warm side, we still don't actually know what to say to one another. But that's okay. It is sometimes okay to not know what to say. So instead, in a shared silence, we just hold hands with the unknowing night air all around us.

We have now slept together. The deed has been done. Both of our temporary fixes are now indeed over. I am no longer the plaster to Sophia's hurt and she is the reason for my very recent and incredible orgasm. All good things must come to an end, right?

And yet, I am still holding her hand.


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