DO'B Imagines Part 2

By _memyselfnI_

109K 2.7K 380

If you haven't checked out my first Imagines book, go do so now because I'm going to continue some imagines I... More

Welcome Home
Intruder (02)
You See a Mouse
Mock Trail Babe
Crush On Your Friends Brother
I was Tagged...
Contest Winner!
He Hears You Sing
You Go See a Circus
Mixed Signals
Writing Down Pain (01)
Song Imagine (Sam Smith) I'm Not the Only One
Writing Down Pain (02)
Have you heard of YouNow?
Make-up Shmake up
~Requested~ Song Imagine (Jolene Cover) Miley Cyrus
Song Imagine (Glen Hansard and Markéta Irglová) Falling Slowly
Titanium (2)
I'm Not In Love With You ?
I Hate You But I Love You
Letters (01)
Letters (02)
'Miss Independent'
Innocent Stares (02)
Crush On Your Best Friends Brother (02)
Heart Set on Fire
Crush On Your Best Friends Brother (03)
Single Lyfe
Birthday Party
I'll Be Good (Jaymes Young)

Brothas Bestie (03)

3K 95 31
By _memyselfnI_

"How many stars do you think are in the sky?" Dylan asked as he rubbed the back of your hand slowly and his head faced the dark, starry night.

You laughed. "I don't know. You should count them for me," you joked but noticed his head didn't move. You smirked. "Are you actually trying to count?"

Dylan stopped moving his thumb around on your palm and a smile appeared on his face. "If I could I'd buy you all of these stars and name them after you." You rolled your eyes before placing a kiss on his cheek.

"You're cute, Dyl," you cooed and he finally looked at you.

"I try to be," he stated but as he stared into your eyes a moment passed between you two whickh caused chills to run up and down your spine. Not the chills you felt wen your were cold, but the ones you get when you realize someone else's feelings will be more important to you, than your own.

You fell in love with him.

During that quick moment, when he looked into your eyes, innocent of what he was doing to you, it happened. It all made sense now, and the thought of losing him brought a horrible, painful feeling.

You were in love with him.


Closing the door so it wouldn't make a loud noise, you tiptoed through the hallway and up the stairs, finally coming to your room. You reached for the light-switch and as you turned on your lights you froze as your brother sat on your bed, staring at you. "What the hell?" You demanded, firstly wondering why the heck he was still up. Then reminding yourself no one in your house ever slept. What even was sleep? Your family didn't know.

"You're back pretty late... I'm surprised I didn't see pretty-boy-Floyd." He said narrowing his eyes at you. You removed the hand that laid atop your chest and scratched the back of your head looking for a reply to his odd allusion in your mind.

"He was tired?"


The next morning was horrible to wake up to. You felt guilty, and you knew the reason why as soon as Dylan walked through your door and into your brothers bedroom. Curious as to what they were talking about, you crept across the hallway and leaned on your brothers door lightly.

"Seeing anyone?" You heard your brother ask.

"Not any that I like," Dylan replied. You opened your mouth and gasped, but not loudly so they could hear through the door. "Why do you care, man?" He asked and you bit your lip.

A moment of silence. "Because I don't know. My sisters running around with a dude I don't know and I swear he's probably some jerk trying to get into her pants. I told her high school romances don't matter but she doesn't listen to me. The only thing she does listen to me is about you." You closed your eyes.

"Me?" He asked.

"Yeah," you heard your brother pause. "She has seemed to move on from you. Every time she gets home, she gets so many messages from this kid name Walker, and I'm kinda—"

"Walker?" Dylan interrupted him and you knew trouble was coming your way. "That one in her grade? With the dark hair?"


"Yeah." Your brothers voice interrupted your worrisome thoughts. "Like they talk a lot. And I guess he likes her—"

"Likes her?" Dylan's voice cut through, full of hurt but your brother kept talking.

"—because he told me he thinks she's the one for him. Like he wants her and so I told him to go for it since she's seems happy when talking to him. And I only want her to be happy."

You grew nervous as you listened for a reply from Dylan. "Unbelievable..."

The sound of the doorbell made you jump back, but afraid of being caught eavesdropping, you decided to run down the steps and answer your door. "Walker?"

"Hey (y/n)," Walker said with a gentle smile. "Can I come in?" He asked and you stepped aside, closing the door behind him.

"Why are you here?" You asked lightly, not wanting to offend him. He looked around your hallway. There were pictures of your brother and you in elementary school, pictures of your family on vacation, and artsy photos which lined the hallway wall.

You heard footsteps coming down the stairs and your brother greet you two. "Oh," he said with a smirk. "Hey Walker."

Walker sent him a nod, then turned his attention back to you. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out maybe," he placed his hand on your shoulder and drew closer, and a loud sound of feet stomping on the ground drew your attention to Dylan. His eyes burned into Walkers head.

"Walker?" He said skeptical, annoyance deep in his tone, hidden under the surprise laced in his tone. "Nice to see you man, wanna hang?" He asked trying to drag him away from you.

Walker shook his head. Your brother looked in between Dylan and you with a raised eyebrow. "No." Walker replied shortly before looking back at you.

Dylan wasn't going to let him get away that easy as he stepped closer to Walker and forced a smile. "C'mon, you can't just be here for her?" He said sarcastically, his eyes meeting yours. "You should hang with me and—"

"Leave them alone Dylan," said your brother and Dylan forced another smile, his eyes darkening as he turned to look at your brother.

You decided it was time for you to cut in. You took Walkers hand and gently removed it from your shoulder. "Look Walker I'm flattered you asked me out, I really am," you stole a glance at Dylan to see him clenching his jaw as he spoke with your brother. He was jealous, and you thought it was cute, but part of you remembered his insult. And there was no way you were going to let him get away with that. "But I'm just not interested in dating right now."

Walker nodded and slumped his shoulders before heading towards the door. Dylan stopped talking and watched you follow him. Before Walker left you gave him a kiss on the cheek and whispered goodbye into his ear. His cheeks lightened into a rosy pink color before he walked outside. You closed the door after he was out.

Turning around you saw Dylan glaring at you, his eyes dark and his fists balling then flattening out. You walked right by him, into the kitchen to grab an apple. You almost didn't notice he followed you. As you turned around he was only a foot away. "Hey," you said perkily, ignoring the angry look on his face.

"What the hell was that?" He asked crossing his arms over his chest and stalking towards you until he was inches away.

"I had to make a scene for my brother otherwise he would've been able to tell about... You know..." You let your voice trail off as he rolled his eyes. "Calm down, Dylan, it didn't mean anything." You said annoyed.

"You knew I was watching," he said as he backed away from you and glanced at his shoes. "Were you trying to get me upset?" He asked and you gasped.

"Says the one who blatantly insulted me for no reason!" You said confused as to why he was being so butt hurt about nothing that seemed important to you. He all of a sudden walked towards you in one big step, his hands flying to your wrists, grabbing them and his body pressed against yours.

"You're mine," he growled. "And I didn't mean what I said. I was trying to get him to leave you alone." His bright brown eyes now turned a shade darker.

You pressed your lips together and looked away. "I could've done that myself."

His breath was on your neck as his head slumped, and a slow sigh escaped his lips. "I hate having to pretend I don't want you in front of him." He whispered, his voice oddly turning calm as he let go of your wrists and wrapped his arms around your waist instead. Your butt was leaning against the kitchen counter, your hands resting on the counter. You closed your eyes and rested your head against Dylan's, feeling a wave of energy escape your body.

"The fuck?" Your brother said as he walked into the kitchen, making Dylan jump away from you and you almost falling from the immediate change. A cold feeling came over you as you realized he was no longer touching you. No longer holding you. That wasn't your problem though, your problem was standing in front of you with a bag of chips in its hands.

Your brothers eyes flew to Dylan, then yours, then his once more. Then his feet rushed over to where Dylan was standing and his arm launched, landing right into Dylan's jaw. "Dammit!" Dylan complained clutching his jaw and looking at your brother. You on the other hand backed away, your hands covering your mouth.

Until Dylan and your brother began attacking each other. "Guys! STOP! Dylan, Thomas!" You ran at them and pulled your brother away far enough where you could let go of him and sneak your way into the middle of the two guys. "Thomas calm down, it's not his fault."

Your brother stopped glaring at his friend and looked to you. His cheek was puffy, and red. "What?" He asked and you swallowed.

"I broke the pact. He, um—I was the one who kissed him first. I was the one who started things," you paused because you couldn't even remember who did what first. Realizing that wasn't the issue here you gave up trying to remember the right facts and thought of ways to make your brother not be as mad as you assumed at his best friend. "It's not him you should be mad at, it's me. He didn't know." Yes he did.

Thomas blinked, rubbed his cheek as his eyes traveled around the kitchen, looking for something else to concentrate on so he didn't have to look at you. You took that opportunity to turn around and look at Dylan, only to find he wasn't there. Then you ran out of the kitchen and spotted him walking down to his car.

He was leaving.

"Dylan!" You yelled opening your door and running out of your house, grabbing his arm to turn him around. Once he did and you saw his face your heart almost broke in two. "Dylan, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." You said walking closer to him, you reached towards his face but he captured your hands and lowered them then slowly let them go.

"Your brother hates me, (y/n)," he said and that's when you noticed a tear fall from his eye.

"Hey, who cares, alright? It doesn't matter what he thinks," you paused because he didn't seem convinced. "Right, Dylan? It doesn't matter..."


Then he looked up at you with a frown. "Your brother is like my brother. He got me to a high place, out of all that darkness," his head faced the ground. "I don't—I don't know why I did this. I mean, he's a brother, and I'm sorry but he's more important to me than anything."

Oh. "And me?" You asked, a little confused and angry. "Am I nothing compared to him?"

Dylan scratched his head. "You don't understand, alright? I've been through some real crap with him. He's the only one who's been there for me even when he didn't have to be. He's my support, and I was stupid to think I could have it all." His eyes didn't meet yours.

"You can," you protested, grabbing his hands but you didn't feel him responding back to you. His hand didn't close around yours like it used to. "You choose him. Bros before hoes, right?" You let go of his hand and shook your head.

"I'm sorry—"

"Have fun with your choice, Dylan," you interrupted but it was sadness and disappointment which came out of your mouth. He nodded and turned around, heading back to his car. Not before mumbling the words:

It was fun while it lasted.

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