Death by Granger

By amythecinnabunny

367K 12.4K 6.2K

*** rewrite in posting *** 1998, August 1 Dear Hogwarts Student As headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Hey guys
e x t r a
DBG is getting a rewrite!!

Chapter 34

7.5K 288 221
By amythecinnabunny

As soon as they got home, Hermione fell asleep. Draco set her down in her bed and kissed her forehead before going back downstairs. He found Ginny talking with Blaise and Theo.

"Weaslette. I can officially say that I now have a legitimate reason to hate your brother."

Ginny shrugged. "He's not my brother."

Draco sat down next to her. "If Granger ends up in another coma, I'll break his neck with a brick."

Ginny couldn't help but smile slightly. "I'll provide that brick for you." She turned to Theo. "I was wondering where you went, Theo. It was like you were there, then you weren't."

Theo glanced up at her, and smiled. "It's Granger. She's got us all connected so if she's depressed or needs help, then our Dark Marks start glowing."

Ginny frowned. "Just you three?"

Blaise nodded. "Everyone else's is just a scar, a tattoo."

Dobby suddenly appeared next to Draco. "Does Master Malfoy want a Firewhiskey?"

Draco looked at the elf. "Does my mother have anything stronger?"

Dobby shook his head. "Miss Malfoy does not have anything stronger than Firewhiskey since Master Malfoy has come back from Hogwarts."

Draco sighed. "Fine. I'll take two bottles. Anyone else want something?"

"I'll take two," Theo said.

"I'll have two as well," Blaise told the elf.

"Just one, thanks," Ginny said with a glance in the three boys' directions.

Dobby nodded and came back with seven bottles that he placed on the table and left. They each took one and began drinking it. Draco glared at his half empty bottle. "Isn't it funny how they left you two, but they think they can still tell you what to do?"

Ginny frowned. "I think they don't understand that we don't want or need them. We have you three, now."

Theo put a hand over his heart. "Flattered, Weaslette."

Something beeped and Blaise jumped. He pulled out something from his pocket and the other three looked on curiously. He glanced at it then back up at them. "It's a Muggle device. Called a cellphone and you use it to communicate. Granger can show you one day, I've got to go, my mother's depressed and she wants my opinion on her therapist."

Ginny's eyes widened. "Wow. Maybe you should take your second bottle with."

"Nah, what if I tell her to kill him in a drunken state. She might do it, you know. Malfoy, let me know if something happens with Granger."

Draco nodded and Blaise left.

Upstairs, Hermione was in another one of her dreams.


"Thank you," the voice said. It was his voice, but less like a snake and more ... human.

"I killed you," Hermione was now uncertain as she spoke.

"I know. And I'm thanking you."

"Why are you thanking me? Harry killed you first."

She saw a shadow of a person. "So he did. You've however managed to completely remove me from this world. People hardly fear me, and most are beginning to move on with their lives."

Hermione felt silly, speaking to a shadow, but it was better than the air she normally spoke to. "How is that my doing? People move on from many things in their lives when they feel right to."

"Do you remember, your first nightmare, that I told you I was a lingering fear in everyone's head?"

"Yes. You called my head pretty and little. I remember."

He laughed, but it no longer sounded like the cruel laugh she normally heard. "I am no longer a fear or anything in their minds. I am a wizard who had done things unforgivable, unforgettable, but they will no longer remember me. They remember what I had done."

"And you are thanking me why?"

The shadow stepped forward into the light of Hermione's wand. He looked young, they way she had seen in a memory of his. This was his seventeen year old self. She dropped her wand. "How?"

He smiled. "I am a wizard, you know. And I am also dead, and now I am free to rest in peace."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Again, how is it my doing?"

He sighed. "Potter hated me for what I had done to his parents and the Diggory boy. He didn't hate me for anything else, but he was angry and that fueled him enough to vaporise my body. You hated me, still do I assume, for bartering your parents' lives in exchange for your cooperation. You hate how I manipulated you, you hate how it's my fault your friends are gone, and you definitely hate that you still keep seeing me in your nightmares. When Potter fired that spell, he merely destroyed my physical being, not the thought of me. When you fired that curse, even if it was just in a nightmare, you destroyed the very thought of me. People who weren't affected by the things I've done will soon forget me, it will take longer for those who have lost people close to them, and they will eventually stop fearing my return and forget me, slowly. I thank you for giving me that."

"You don't want to be remembered?"

"Everyone wants to be remembered after they die. But what's the point if the ones close to you never even knew you and if you're going to be forever remembered as a person who killed millions for his insignificant beliefs?"

Hermione shrugged. "Is this the last time I'll see you then?"

He smiled at her. "If that's what you want. You could always spend your next comas in a dreamless sleep, but now you've got to wake up."


"You've got a date that begins at six tonight, a half hour away. Even if I'm dead and a figment, I can tell you now you're going to be late."

Hermione groaned and shot an almost harmless jinx at what Voldemort used to be. She felt herself waking up.


Hermione shook her head and sat up. She looked around and found Draco half asleep beside her. She poked him. "Malfoy. Wake up."

Draco opened one eye. "Good morning."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "It's five thirty, Malfoy. Get up or I'll never go on another date with you. Ever."

Draco got up. "Oh, you're awake. Are you sure you're okay to go out?"

"I'm just a little dizzy, but I'll be fine in five minutes. I'm also hungry, so you can buy me dinner and dessert."

Draco grinned at got up. "Yep. You're fine. Now remember, it's a fancy rastaurant. Wear your Christmas dress I chose. It looks good on you."

Draco left to his own room. Hermione went to find Ginny, who was downstairs. "I need your help."

Ginny looked up at her. "Feeling fine?"

Hermione nodded. "Now come help me."

Hermione ran back up to her room and Ginny followed. By the time Ginny reached, Hermione had already changed into the dress and shoes, and charmed the bag to a dull red.

"Is there a party I don't know about?"

Hermione grinned. "Oh good, you're here. I need you to do my makeup for me. Not too much, not too little."

Hermione sat down and Ginny approached her. "Okay. Again, is there a party?"

Hermione smiled. "I have a date at a very fancy place and I don't know how to do my makeup nicely. Please help."

Ginny sighed and started with Hermione's makeup. When she was done, Hermione looked beautiful. She had very neutral makeup, light pink eyeshadow and lip gloss, and Ginny had even done her hair. Her hair was in loose curls, simple and easy.

Hermione jumped up and hugged Ginny. "Thank you so much!"

"Alright. Now put this lip gloss in your bag, in case you need a touch up. Now, go."

Hermione thanked her one more time and was out the door. "Hermione, wait!"

Hermione turned back.

"Who's your date?"

Hermione grinned. "Malfoy." She turned and went down the stairs.

"How do I look?"

Draco turned around. "In Nott's not so wise words, drop dead."

Hermione grinned. "You look quite good yourself. Love the hair." Draco was wearing a suit, and the dark suit contrasted nicely with his almost white complexion. And his turning black hair, of course.

Hermione ruffled his hair and he groaned. Hermione had made the black tips permanent. He decided to get some revenge. "Loving your hair, Granger."

"Er, thank you?"

Draco held out his arm and Hermione took it. He led her outside, where a carriage similar to the ones at Hogwarts waited. "Wow, Malfoy."

"Anything for my mudblood."

Hermione grinned as he helped her into the carriage. "It's an expensive place and you must arrive in style. What would people say if the lovely Gryffindor bookworm showed up walking?"

Hermione smiled. "You just love wasting your money, don't you?"

Draco grinned. "I never wanted to spend it on Parkinson, my parents didn't like it so I've got to spoil someone. Just happens to be you."

"Oh. So tell me, Skeeter is banned from here?"

"Yeah, why?"

Hermione pointed at one of the windows. "Because she's sitting over there."

Draco looked in that direction. "Damn. Let's just hope she doesn't see us."

Draco helped Hermione out and they went up to the doors. "Ah, Mr Malfoy! Please wait a moment, we will escort you to your seat in a moment."

Hermione looked impressed. "They know you?"

Draco nodded. "My father used to take my mother here a lot. He used to say it was the most romantic place in the whole of England. That was before everything rotten happened."

Hermione smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. "I think it's perfect. So long as our seat is far away from them." Hermione had seen two particular couples, and was now scowling in their direction.

Draco turned to look. There sat the Weasel and Potter with Sierra and Romilda. He shook his head. "Just avoid them. I'm in no mood to fight with the Weasel."

Hermione nodded. "Alright, we'll ignore them. But tell me, how expensive is this place?"

Draco shook his head. "I'm not telling you. I know how you are. You're mine to spoil for tonight so if I want to take you to the most expensive restaurant in the country, I will."

"Malfoy! The most expensive in the country?"

Draco smiled nervously. "Bon apetite?"

Hermione rolled her eyes and the man from earlier came back. "Mr Malfoy, this way please."

Hermione took Draco's arm and they walked toward their table. Hermione was glad it was far enough so Ron, Harry and Rita couldn't possibly hear them.

A waiter came with two glasses and a bottle of champagne. Hermione was impressed. "I think that I'll go on another date if I get such lovely treatment."

Draco nodded a thank you to the waiter and grinned at Hermione. "You would have even if I had offered a date to nowhere."

Hermione sipped her champagne. "True. Now, what's the best thing on the menu?"

Draco shrugged. "My parents always told me they chose Chef's Choice."

"Then that's what we'll choose. How bad can it be?"

Hermione was right. The chef's choice was a brilliant dinner and Hermione loved it. Draco grinned. "Would you like to eat here again?"

Hermione shrugged. "If I can get food like this elsewhere, I don't mind."

"Can I tell you a secret?"

Hermione nodded.

"That's my recipe. And the chef did not make it. I did."

Hermione's eyes bulged. "You can cook?"

"Of course. I'm just lazy to."


Draco smiled. "This place has a dance floor."

"I noticed."

"We never got to finish that dance on Christmas. Would you like to dance?"

Hermione smiled and took Draco's hand. The two stepped up and joined other couples in the semi-slow dance.

Draco gave Hermione a twirl and then wrapped his arms around her facing forward. He kissed her neck. "You look lovely."

Hermione turned around and faced him. "I'm going to kill you," she whispered with a smile.


"What did you do to my hair?" she hissed.

Draco laughed slightly. "Payback?"

He had turned Hermione's hair a pale blond, much like his own, at the tips. Hermione sighed. "I'll accept that. But now you've got to pay me with something."

"I guess money isn't what your after?"

Hermione shook her head. "Not at all."

"How about a kiss?"

Hermione tiled her head to the side. "That might work."



"You're so stubborn."

"And you love me for that," Hermione smiled.

Draco grinned. "You know me so well."

He smiled at her and kissed her. She smiled and kissed him back. What neither of them saw was the stabbing looks from Harry and Ron, or the snapping of Rita Skeeter's camera.

Draco grinned and leaned his forehead on hers. She pouted, her eyes still closed. "What happened?"

Draco laughed softly. "I was getting carried away."

Hermione sighed. "Oh, alright then. But you've got to get me an ice cream now."

Draco grinned and led her to the table, where two small bowls of ice cream sat. "Way ahead of you."

Hermione smiled. "Chocolate!"

She began eating from the small bowl, as fast as she could. She slowed down after a brainfreeze, though. Draco was done almost as soon as she was. "Ready to go?"

Hermione nodded. She and Draco left for a walk outside. Neither noticed Rita following them.

"Granger, you've got to tell me what you got me."

Hermione had looped her arm through Draco's so she could easily lean her head on his shoulder. "No I don't."

"Come on!"

Hermione shook her head. "You have to wait until tomorrow for it. Anyway, he's only arriving tomorrow."


Hermione groaned. "Why do I open my mouth?"

They turned a corner and 'bumped' into Rita Skeeter.

"Oh, look! It's the Malfoy Death Eater and his Death Eater girlfriend."

Hermione rolled her eyes while Draco spoke to her. "Skeeter."

Rita adjusted her glasses. "Is this your first date with ... her?" She pointed a quill at Hermione.

"What's it to you?"

"I'm a reporter. Curiosity is in my blood."

Hermione snorted and tried to cover it up. Draco grinned slightly. "Really? I couldn't care less what's in your blood."

"I really don't like you, Mr Malfoy."

"Great. I don't like you either. Granger, let's go."

Hermione nodded and took Draco's arm.

"Miss Granger, I have a question for you," Rita called.

"Don't listen to her. She'll warp your brain," Draco warned. Hermione smiled. She turned and gave Rita a blank look. "I'm listening."

"Weren't you with Ron Weasley?"

Hermione almost choked trying not ro laugh. "I'm sorry, did his date look like me? Maybe you should get your glasses checked."

Rita huffed. "Well, then what is your status with him?"

Hermione shrugged. "Go pester him and his cheat of a girlfriend."

"And the famous Harry Potter?"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "He can shove his famous head up his famous arse. Where was he when I was half dead?"

"One more please. For both of you."

Hermione sighed.

"How do you people walk around with those things on your arms without wanting to cover it up? Are you proud supporters of ... him?"

Hermione put her hands on her hips. "I don't know. How do you walk around with that face without wanting to hide in shame? Are you proud of ruining people's lives?"

"Well, I never! You should cover those scars in public. It's unsettling."

Draco decided to back Hermione up. "You should cover that face in public. It's insulting."

He turned to leave and Hermione followed. "I know I should feel bad, but that felt good."

Draco smiled at Hermione. "Welcome to the life of a Death Eater."

They turned the corner to the front so they could find a ride home, the carriage being a once only trip, and bumped into Ron and Harry. Literally.

Hermione groaned. "Oh, come on! Give me a break, will you?"

Ron looked between Hermione and Draco, who had his arms around Hermione. "So you're with him now?"

"What do you care? You've got your own ... girlfriend."

Sierra glanced at Hermione. Hermione stared back. "He doesn't show it, but he still doesn't understand why you left him."

"It wasn't working out," she replied. "Him not being at school, and Ron and I..."

Hermione nodded. "Oh, don't worry. I'll let him know you couldn't face him in person."

"Granger," Draco was half afraid another fight would break out.

"Hey, you back away from Sierra," Ron said as he pulled the girl away.

Hermione folded her arms. "I'll stop giving her grief when you stop picking fights with my boys."

"Your boys?"

Hermione narrowed her eyes. "Got a problem ... Weasel?"

Harry seemed to forever be behind Ron. Not doing anything, not saying anything. Hermione started at him. "Why so quiet, Potter? Am I that bad with this thing on my arm?"

Draco tried to pull Hermione away. She pulled her arm back. "Stop it. I know you don't want another fight, but I need to know just what is so wrong with me that my best friends in the whole world can't even hear my side of the story." Hermione was nearing tears.

She turned back to Harry and Ron, both of whom seemed to have lost their voices. "Nothing? Fine. I hope you treat your girlfriends better. Wouldn't be fair to leave them when they need you most, would it?"

She turned away and pulled Draco with her. "I'm done. I'm done with everything."

Halfway to the end of the sidewalk Draco pulled her to a stop. "Hey, don't let them bring you down."

He wiped away the single tear that had escaped. Hermione took a deep breath. "You're right. I had a wonderful date. I'm not going to let rotten people ruin my night."

Draco grinned. "The trick to looking strong is not letting them see how much they get to you."

Hermione pulled at Draco's collar. "Come here, you pathetic Death Eater."

Draco wrapped his arms around her waist. "At your service, my mudblood queen."

Hermione laughed before he kissed her for the second time that night, again oblivious to the glares and stares they received from Ron and Rita.

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