Chapter 11

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"Where did Aileen come from?"

Hermoine shrugged. "I heard your mother mention the name once."

Draco grinned. "It's Ella's middle name."

"And your grandmother's."

"How do you know that?"

Hermoine held her hands up in a spooky manner. "I'm Voldemort's favourite Death Eater. I know everything."

"You're scaring me, Aileen."

Hermoine smiled. "Where'd the others go?"

Draco pointed to a couple on the dance floor, the girl with mint green hair. "There's Zabini and Greengrass Junior. Nott's probably snogging the daylights out of Greengrass Senior."

"Well, that's descriptive, thanks."

"Care to dance, Granny?"

Hermoine gave him a side glance. "Call me Granny again and I will go Death Eater on you."

"My apologies, milady. Care to dance," he moved his head closers so he could whisper, "Granger?"

Hermoine giggled. "But of course, Malfoy."

She took his hand and they headed for the dance floor. The dance was a couple dance, and Hermoine was glad it wasn't a slow dance. The two danced around the other couples, Hermoine sometimes doing a half spin. At one point, she caught sight of Theo and he gave her a thumbs up after the dress went particularly high. Draco gave him the finger. Hermoine laughed at the sight.

After at least two dances, Hermoine announced that her feet wouldn't make another. Draco led her to the drinks, where he gave her a glass of pumpkin juice and took one for himself.

"Oh, Draco!"

Draco's eyes went wide and he choked on his drink. Hermoine gave him one hit on his back and he came right. Almost. "Thanks ... Aileen," he wheezed. Hermoine grinned. "My pleasure.

Draco stood up straight and faced the girl that called out to him. "Parkinson."

Hermoine eyed Pansy. The girl was showing a lot of skin. A bit too much for comfort. Hermoine rolled her eyes, Pansy might not be a Death Eater, but she was as unbearable as most.

"Is this your girlfriend?"

Draco's arm went around Hermoine's waist. "Yes."

Pansy pouted. "I was hoping it was just a joke."

"At what point in my life did I ever give you any indication that I liked you?"

Pansy's mouth fell. "They're right. The war didn't change you at all. You're still an arrogant arsehole who couldn't care less about anyone's feelings."

Draco shrugged and gestured to her outfit. "The war hasn't changed you either."

Pansy suddenly grabbed Hermoine's hand, causing her to spill her drink on Draco. "You found a Death Eater girlfriend. I don't remember you." She peered closely into Hermoine's eyes, hoping to see who this brown eyed girl was.

Hermoine yanked her hand, and head, back. "Of course you wouldn't. Voldemort never deemed you worthy of the Dark Mark."


"Don't look at me. I'm not involved in your petty fights with other girls." Draco continued to clean his shirt with spells.

Hermoine smirked. "Sorry, Parkinson. There's always someone out there looking for a one night stand. Hope he finds you."

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