Chapter 29

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Draco had shown up for supper wearing Hermione's hat.

"Draco, darling. Can I ask why you're wearing a girl's hat?"

Draco glared at Hermione, who was sitting across him. "Fashion?"

Hermione held her laugh back.

"Fashion? Draco, it's a girl's hat. There is no way that's fashion."

Hermione grinned at Draco. "Actually, it is in muggle London. We were there to fetch my things."

"Draco, darling, please take off that hat. Hermione, darling, it might be fashion to wear women's hats, but I doubt it's fashion anywhere to wear the most feminine of them."

Hermione grinned and looked down at her food. Narcissa sure liked the endearment 'darling'. Narcissa raised her wand to levitate the hat, but Draco dropped his fork and held the hat down. "I am not taking this off."

Narcissa sighed and went back to her own food. Hermione tried hard not to laugh when she saw Ginny creeping up behind Draco. Draco, who was glaring at his food, didn't see any of them watching closely to see what was under the hat. Ginny stretched her hand and quickly yanked the hat off with a small shriek. Everyone just stared at Draco's hair, burnt at the tips.

Theo laughed first, causing everyone else to join in. "Look what you've caused, Granger."

Hermione grinned at Draco. "It was an accident, Malfoy. It wasn't like I could see you."

Draco rolled his eyes. "Stop laughing, you lot." Even Narcissa was smiling slightly.

Draco grabbed the hat from the laughing Ginny and shoved it back on his head. He proceeded to eat his food in silence. Ginny was still grinning when she sat back down next to Theo to finish her food.

After dinner, Hermione went up to the room that now belonged to her and looked in the wardrobe for pajamas. It was set exactly how she had it back home, so she knew where to look. After grabbing some random items, she turned and bumped into Draco. "Ow, my nose."

"You are going to pay for that, Granger."

Hermione grinned. "It wasn't my fault, Malfoy. I was unconcious and certain I was battling Voldemort."

"Still gonna pay for not fixing it."

Hermione sighed. "If I fix it now, am I forgiven?"


"Then I'm not fixing it."

She ducked under his arm and slipped into the bathroom. After placing multiple locking charms on the door and setting up a bucket of ice cold water above the door, she headed for the shower.

She needn't have worried about Draco getting in, as he was outside, plotting his revenge. He began pacing the room, eventually he decided to get changed and worry later. He found one of his pajama pants in Hermione's wardrobe and put that on. He didn't know whether he should thank or curse Blaise for leaving stuff behind. He decided to ignore it and look for a t-shirt.

Hermione dried her hair this time and threw it in a rubber band. She was glaring at her mirror. She had chosen for herself a long pants, but that wasn't the problem. The problem was her top. Spaghetti straps and almost skin tight, she was not pleased. She groaned, knowing Draco would probably be waiting for her outside.

She sighed and removed the water and charms before she opened the door quietly and peeked out. She found Draco, with his half dressed back to her, in her wardrobe. She giggled slightly and crept up behind him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his back. "One would think you'd know what your size is."

Draco turned his head and saw brown hair. He turns back to the wardrobe. "I'm looking for my stuff. I'm sure Zabini left a top here somewhere. He left a trouser."

Hermoine pulled him away from the cupboard. "You won't find it in there today."

He turned and saw her top. "I thought you didn't like tight clothes."

She pushed him aside and started looking for a looser top in her wardrobe. "I don't."

Draco came behind her and wrapped hid arms around her waist. "You look nice."

"I'm barely wearing anything."

"Same here, Granger."

Hermione pulled something out of the wardrobe, but her face fell. It was Draco's. She threw it in his face. "Here you go."

Draco pouted as he put the top on. "I thought you liked me shirtless."

Hermione grinned. "I thought you wanted a top."

Draco pulled her away and tossed her on the bed. "No one's gonna see you anyway."

"You will."

"I've seen you wearing the tightest things as a Death Eater. I think a slightly tight top isn't the worst. And by the way, you look quite badass in Bellatrix's dress."

Hermione grinned from the bed. "Why, thank you. Now you've got to tell me a story."

Draco frowned. "What are you, five?"

"No, I have internal wounds, I think, and I just feel like annoying you."

Draco sighed as he sat in his armchair. "Your mere presence annoys me."

Hermione grinned as she climbed under the covers. "But you love me anyway."

Draco smiled. "Okay, what story do you wanna hear?"

Hermione thought for a while. "I don't know. Tell me about you."

Draco thought about it. "Okay, what do you want to know?"

"Ummmm, tell me about your happiest memory."

"Okay, wow. I have to think."

Hermione turned to face him.

"I think ... my happiest memory would be ... Sixth Year."

"Sixth Year? What happened in Sixth Year? Besides me becoming a Death Eater."

Draco laughed. "That's exactly what happened. It was after the first time someone died in front of you by use of the Killing Curse. You were so upset, so Nott and Zabini came over with a dozen bottles of Firewhiskey. Which you drank six of."

Hermione laughed. "I remember. It was after the whole Fiendfyre episode. It was here and we, well I got so drunk."

"I don't even know if you remember it, you were so drunk. Nott and Zabini had fallen asleep by then. I asked you why you became a Death Eater if you couldn't handle seeing people die. You told me, with quite a slur, that you had done it for your parents, who didn't even remember you. You said you'd do anything for your loved ones. I asked you, mind you I was quite drunk myself, what you would do if Voldemort ever wanted to kill one of us three. You told me that you'd kill him with your bare hands, that no one is allowed to mess with your loved ones. I think it was then that I fell in love with you, but I never admitted it, not even to myself. It was when you were ready to die for me, and take Parkinson's curse when you weren't even sure your own spell would work, that I almost died myself. When you were in that coma, and we didn't know whether you were alive or dead, I couldn't sleep or eat. You should have seen me when I heard you. My mother thought I was going mad. I thought I was going mad. Hold on, I've changed my mind. My happiest memory is and will forever be the moment when you kissed me."

Hermione didn't know what to say or do. Draco got up and kissed her forehead. "Sleep tight, Granger."

He had turned off the lights and was ready to leave for his room when she grabbed his hand, almost asleep. "Don't go," she whispered. "Please."

He climbed into the bed next to her. "I'm not going anywhere, Granger."

He let her rest her head on his chest and he wrapped his arm around her. He was almost asleep when he heard her voice.

"Malfoy?" She whispered.


"Just so you know, I love you."

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