Chapter 16

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"I'll tell you all just once more! Get out of my space!"

Madame Pomfery pushed Harry and Ron out of the hospital wing, and she didn't see three figures hide on the other side of "her space".

Harry and Ron quickly ran from the old woman. When she was angry, she would get real scary. "Oi, Harry! Where's Ginny?"

Harry turned and looked around. "I dunno. Maybe she managed to stay behind with Hermione?"

"Maybe. D'you think we should go back in there and try to stay with them?"

"I would like to say yes, but Madame Pomfery scares my scar off. Although if we're still not allowed in there later today, I will wake you up early tomorrow to go visit her."

"If we're going to go back to the dorm and sleep, then you better let me sleep."

Back in the hospital wing, Madame Pomfery walked back to her two ill students, complaining about those "overcaring Gryffindors".

Just as she was checking her students, she heard a whisper. "Shut up, you two! She'll hear us!"

Madame Pomfery pulled back the reveal Ginny, Theo and Blaise. "Yes, I'll hear you. Out with you! Hermoine's condition is confidential."

Theo and Blaise stepped forward, Blaise stopping Theo from shouting and instead speaking himself. "We were witness to the first one. We know. And besides, Malfoy's our friend."

Madame Pomfery sighed and turned to Ginny. "Miss Weasley-"

"I know! I found out in August already. Please let me stay too."

Madame Pomfery sighed again. "Now I feel bad, kicking those two out."

"Woah, it's just Wealsette. They don't know anything about it. As far as they're concerned, someone cast the spell near her."

"For Merlin's sake, these students are getting dumber and smarter by the day!"

The old woman huffed and placed her hands on her hips. "Fine, you three can stay. But out of my way. And no noise. Go sit over there," she pointed to a couch.

The three obeyed instantly. Ginny in between the. "You said you were there the first time? You mean it's happened before?"

Theo nodded. "Yeah, but it was worse, and better in some wierd way."

"What Theo means, is that last time, Draco and Granger didn't end up unconcious. It was after the first time she killed someone, accidental, but Voldemort never knew that. She was so angry. Angry that he'd threatened her friends. Angry that she was betraying her friends. Angry at everything, and she froze the walls. That was the beginning."

"Blaise, you're getting boring and dramatic. Granger froze the room then sort of set herself on fire. We had to shake her awake, she was in some sort of trance and she managed to absorb the flames. We got a good kick out of it, Granger had set Draco's hair on fire, so the ends were burnt black. Every time we saw it, we ended up laughing because he had spent at least an hour in front of a mirror trying to fix it. Since it was caused by Fiendfire, the only option was to cut it off."

They began arguing over Ginny's head.

"And now you're going off topic."

"At least I'm not setting a gloomy mood."

"At least I'm telling the right story."

"Boys! I will kick you out as well. No noise."

The boys went silent and Ginny grinned. "I get it. Thanks. You both gave a lot of pointless information that made your words sound like an article."

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