Chapter 22

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The door was slightly open and the eight students outside could hear what was going on. McGonagall spoke at the front.

"And now, I bring you the students that fought bravely against Voldemort, willing to die for our school. Neville Longbottom, who fought within our school and his date for tonight, Luna Lovegood!"

Neville walked in with Luna, extremely shy.

"Ronald Weasley, who was with Harry Potter and Hermione Granger on a journey to destroy Voldemort, and his date for tonight, Sierra Lynx!"

Ron smiled at people and tried to get Sierra to smile. The poor girl looked overwhelmed with all the attention.

"Harry Potter, who killed Voldemort in the end and Ginny Weasley, a brave fighter from within Hogwarts!"

As Harry and Ginny went in, Hermione glanced at Malfoy. "It's no wonder Ron's head is so big. His ego could rival yours."

"No one's ego can rival mine, Granger. I'm the best."

"See what I mean?"

"Hermione Granger, the brains of out Golden Trio and her date for tonight, Draco Malfoy!"

"Good grief, just walk me in and smile nicely."

Draco and Hermione walked in, and Draco smirked at her. "Sorry, Granny, not in my DNA."

Hermione rolled her eyes and joined the others in the center. The music started up and the first dance was for the eight. "Merlin, why do I come to these?"

Draco smirked as he led Hermione in the center of the room. "You couldn't say no to me, Granger."

"No, I couldn't refuse the Firewhiskey."


Draco gave Hermione a twirl and they heard quite a few guests ooh and Ahh at the girls' dresses. Hermione and Ginny's eyes locked and Hermione send her a thumbs up. Ginny replied with a wide grin.

"You know what's the problem, tonight?"

Hermione glanced up at Draco. By now, more people had joined on the dance floor. "What?"

"Parkinson. She's glaring at us."

Hermione grinned. "Let her glare. It's not ruining my life. Yet, anyway."

"Why is she so bothered that you know she's a mudblood, or is it the fact that she's "equal" to you?"

"It's the fact that she's inferior," Hermione mumbled.


"Did you hear that? No you didn't. Erase that."

"Granger, I heard it quite clearly. What do you mean by that?"

Hermione sighed. She took a deep breath but before she spoke, Ron was there. "Hermione?"

Hermione stopped dancing and looked at him. Sierrs was a little behind him. "Yes? Can I help you?"

"You ... you're ... Hermione,"

Hermione raised an eyebrow. "Care to finish that sentence. I don't understand you."

"You're Aileen," he squeaked. Ginny heard and stopped dancing. She walked over.

"Don't be silly, Ron. Hermione's not her. Hermione was in the library that night."

Harry peered closer. "He's right, Gin. She does look like Aileen."

Ginny glanced at Hermione. "Hermione's not a Death Eater! She can't be Aileen!"

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