Chapter 38

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It had been three years.

Three years since the well known Christmas Ball. Draco hadn't married Hermione yet, but she was perfectly fine with it. She had been approached by McGonagall and was asked if she'd like to train to become the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. She had accepted and was teaching for a year and a half now. Draco, Ginny and Theo had become world renowned Quidditch players due to the great number of wins they scored their team. Blaise had taken Hermione up on the reporter idea and had now taken over half the Daily Prophet, and was rarely seen apart from the odd Quidditch match. As far as the four knew, he still didn't have a girlfriend and he didn't want one. Hermione hoped he'd find someone soon. Blaise was also the cause of ruining Skeeter's rumor that Hermione and Draco were married, and it didn't help that they had chosen that day to take Teddy out, the little boy deciding to look like them, and Hermione's ring, Hufflepuff yellow at the time. Right now, she was seated next to him in the stands of another Quidditch match, Puddlemere United against the Chudley Canons.

The Chudley Canons had become a better team since Harry, captain of the Gryffindor team was promoted to captain. But Puddlemere United was still better, with Theo, Ginny and Draco combined and making strategies for the team. Hermione watched Draco do it again. Pretend he'd seen the snitch and almost drive Harry into a goalpost at the bottom. She knew he was pretending because the snitch flew in her face while Draco was racing on the other end of the pitch. The match had been going on for at least thirty minutes like this, when Draco decided to actually catch the snitch. Another win for Puddlemere United.

"And he's caught the snitch! Draco Malfoy catches the snitch earning an extra 150 points to Puddlemere United - oi, you! Get away from me and my bloody stand. I remember you!"

Hermione laughed as she watched Theo wrestle the commentator for his loudspeaker. He eventually got it away and looked for Ginny in the mess of players below. "Ginny Weasley. Almost three years ago, I asked you on a date, and that's the best thing I've ever done in my life. Oi! Give that back! I'm not done!"

Theo fought again with the poor guy. "You spoilt my speech." The commentator flipped him off.

"As I was saying," he tossed something down to Ginny. Most of the Puddlemere United players were forming a shape behind Theo. "Marry me?"

The shape was a heart, and Blaise was snapping pictures beside Hermione. "Best. Story. Ever," he muttered behind his camera.

Ginny raced toward Theo on her broom and almost knocked him off his own broom while hugging him. The entire stadium was cheering for them, much like three years ago, and just like three years ago, Harry and Ron seemed to be the only ones unhappy with the new couple.

Just a month later and Hermione was helping Ginny get ready with the help of Andromedra and Fleur. Ginny had sent invites to Molly and company, but couldn't care less if they didn't show. Her dress was a simple, flowing gown with beadwork on the shoulders, sleeves and the hem. Her veil had small little pearls on them, and her bouquet consisted of a rainbow of roses. Hermione smiled at her best friend. "I'm finally the one getting you ready."

Ginny snorted. "I can't belive you needed help. After all my lessons to you."

Hermione smiled and hugged her friend. "Congratulations, Ginny."

Ginny hugged Hermione. "I swear, if you make me cry, I'll spoil your whole wedding."

Hermione laughed. "Okay. Are you ready for this?"

Ginny tilted her head. "No?"

Hermione laughed and handed her over to George. "Don't trip and don't pull a prank," she warned him as she left. She left for her seat inside. Draco was standing next to Theo and Blaise was taking pictures. Again.

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