Chapter 17

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"What did you say?"

Ginny laughed nervously.

"We gave you Amortentia?" Theo asked, earning another jab in the side from Ginny.

"Why would you give me Amortentia?!"

The three students glanced at one another. Hermione turned to Madame Pomfery, who shrugged. "Granger," Draco called.

She turned to him. "You better have an answer for me."

Draco took a deep breath. "Don't kill me. You were under the influence of a Hate Potion and we suspect it's Parkinson. Thanks to Wealsette and her brother, we found some Amortentia without having to bother Slughorn."

Hermione scoffed. "Please. I think I'd know if someone slipped me something, all that time when Bellatrix tried to poison me."

Ginny gave Hermione a blank look. "You almost used the Cruciatus Curse on Ron. For calling Nott a good-for-nothing Death Eater."


Hermione frowned. "I would never."

"Trust me, it was on the tip of your tongue. You almost said it."

"So my worst quality is anger?"

Theo grinned. "No. You're too emotional."

"Shut up, Nott, I'm not emotional."

"Yes, you are."

"I am not!"

"Granger, calm down. Nott, go do something useful with your life."

Theo made a face for Draco and dropped on the couch. Ginny and Blaise sat on either side of him. Madame Pomfery exited after checking that her two students were all right. Hermione got up and began pacing.

"So you're saying someone slipped me a vial of Hate Potion and you think it was Parkinson? Why? Oh, wait nevermind. Well, if it is her, and it probably is, then I need to find her and maybe break her nose. And arms. And legs. And face."

"Granger, you're getting emotional again."

Hermione glared at Theo. "I'm not emotional."

Theo shrugged. "Whatever you say, Granger."

Hermione grinned at sat down on her bed again. "And since you've all sniffed real Amortentia, that means the two of you," she pointed at Blaise and Theo, "Are in love with the Greengrass sisters. Now, which sister for which boy?"

Draco grinned too. "It's Zabini and Daphne and Nott and Astoria. Beacuse Daphne is nicer and less ... Pansy than her sister."

Theo gasped dramatically. "How could you compare my darling Astoria to Parkinson?"

Hermione laughed. "See? He's already defending her. So cute!"

"Hey, shut up, you. Who do we know that smells like smoke. And a broomstick. Who smells like broomsticks?!"

Blaise laughed. "Weasley's always walking around with his Quidditch broom."

Hermione sent him a sarcastic smile. "There are at least twenty eight Quidditch players in Hogwarts. At least a quarter of them are glued to their brooms."

Blaise shrugged. "What about you, Malfoy. With your cinnamon?" He raised an eyebrow and darted his eyes to Hermione. Draco glanced at the girl and frowned. He faked throwing up. Blaise laughed. "Denial is the first step to acceptance, Malfoy."

Hermione raised her head. "Stop stealing my lines, Zabini."

Blaise shrugged. "Sorry, Granger. Couldn't help it."

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