I Found a Boy

By cosmiczephyr

233K 7.5K 1.4K

During the summer before his senior year, Stiles decides to create a new chapter in his life. He comes out to... More

I'm Out
High School
Turning Tables
Nobody's Perfect
One Last Time
Out of the Woods
The Wind Blows
Tough Lover
Ray of Light
I'm Not the Only One
Take You There
This Love
Dark Horse
Bad Blood
Dark Side

Love in the Dark

3.4K 131 11
By cosmiczephyr

You are the light to my darkness...

"How could I have been so stupid...how could I have not seen this coming? Why did I leave him on his own...why couldn't I just have called the pack to help? Why? Why did I...hurt the one I love the most...


"Stiles...you've been up all night. The sun is rising. Go home and get some sleep..." Scott softly whispered to his best friend.

"No. I can't sleep...I refuse to sleep...not when I know that he's out there...somewhere...probably injured...probably being tortured by them." Stiles said coldly.

The night of Lydia's Valentine's party turned into Stiles worst nightmare. His soul was taken away. The one person that he loved more than anything was taken from him. Stiles was overflowing with resentment, guilt, and anger. Jackson didn't want to leave his side that night, he wanted to stay with him. Maybe if Stiles would've listened to him, none of this would have ever happened. He wouldn't be turning the town upside down looking for the love of his life. Stiles felt remorse. He felt anger. But most of all, he was angry with himself.

Stiles was just looking out into the distance as his thoughts and emotions overflowed his entire being. After a while he looked down realizing Scott was still behind him.

"Go home Scott...I'm not going to bed. I won't be able to sleep anyways. I have to find him." Stiles said.

Scott hesitated for a bit, but he knew Stiles wouldn't listen to him if he argued.

"If you need anything, I'll be in the hospital later checking up on Lydia." Scott responded.

Stiles just looked at the ground and nodded.

Lydia had been attacked that night as well. She was physically hurt by someone or something. No one knew what exactly happened that night. All everyone knew was that some creatures broke into the lake house and attacked everyone.
Jordan's body was no where to be found. He had disappeared along with Jackson that night.

After a few hours of searching, Stiles picked up part of Jackson's scent in the woods. He stopped where the scent was the strongest. He could smell and see the blood stains on the dry leaves. The more steps he took, the stronger it got. He saw that Jordan's blood stains were further away from Jackson's scent. Stiles knew he was ambushed.

"He must've dropped Jordan when they ambushed him." Stiles mumbled.

Stiles mind kept on wondering and analyzing different scenarios. There was no doubt in Stiles mind that the Black Phoenix has Jackson. But why would they take Jordan too? Stiles couldn't figure that part out. Stiles closed his eyes and concentrated on his enhanced senses. He took a deep breath and inhaled the air around him. He could smell Jackson cologne mixed with his blood. He smelled the Phoenixies. Then he caught a whiff of another familiar scent. He knew that scent. He just couldn't pinpoint exactly who it belonged to. It was infused with blood and the Phoenixies scent. Stiles furrowed his eyebrows. Stiles inhaled one more time and at that moment, it hit him. He knew who the scent belonged to.



Jackson was beginning to open his eyes. As he slowly regained consciousness, he realized how dark it was. It almost seemed like an underground jail cell. He quickly got up and tried to bend the bars of the cell only to be thrown across the cell. The bars were surging with electricity. Jackson looked at his hands that were smoking from the shock.

Jackson tried over and over again, but only ended up with burnt hands. He thought that he could withstand the electrical shock long enough to break free, but he just ended up weakening himself even more. Jackson couldn't make the effort to get up after the fifth attempt.

"Bravo. That was quite a show. But I suggest that you give up already. There's no way you're getting out of here."

Jackson looked up to see Theo on the outside of the cell.

"I'm going to kill you..." Jackson said under his breath.

Theo just laughed at him.

"Please. Look at you. Alone and weak. You're nothing without Stiles. All you are is a pathetic little omega that was taken back by a pack only cause they pitied you." Theo said with a smirk on his face.

"Tell me Jackson, why did you come back to Beacon Hills? Was it because you felt worthless? Was it because you felt empty...like no one cared...like you didn't belong in this world?"

Jackson just looked at Theo with a look of anger and desperation. Everything Theo was saying was true. Jackson was still trying to figure out why exactly he was here. It's true that he had found love with Stiles, but at the same time he felt as if there was more to it than that.

"You see Jackson, I can tell you myself that you are not...that worthless. You are worth far more than you ever thought you'd be." Theo told him.

Jackson just looked at him with a curious expression on his face.

"Don't worry. You're about to find out just how special you really are. You see, somewhere in this whole prophecy mess with the Alpha Dragon and the Black Phoenix...you seem to come into the picture. Without you, Stiles probably would not be who he is right now. Or better yet, what he is. Behind this whole Black Phoenix and Alpha Dragon mumbo jumbo is one small little werewolf that just happens to be the key to everything." Theo said sternly.

"Wha-what are you talking about?" Jackson asked trying to get up.

"Don't worry...you'll find out soon enough." Theo said with a smirk on his face.

Theo's eyes flashed a purple hue at Jackson after what he said. Jackson looked at him closely in surprise.

"Wha-what are you? Are you..."

Theo displayed a conniving smile at Jackson.

"No...I'm not him...I'm not the Black Phoenix. If that's what you're wondering...but I am something of that sort. I do know him though. I guess you can say that he's...almost like a father figure to me..." Theo responded with an evil smile.

Jackson just sat there on the ground looking at Theo as he spoke. He tried listening to his heartbeat, but he couldn't hear it. It was as if he had no heart.

"You see, I'm not your typical supernatural creature. I...I guess you can say I'm...royalty in a way." Theo explained slowly.

Jackson was just thinking about punching the crap out of Theo because he wouldn't get to the point.

Theo's eyes flashed purple again. Then he started to shift into something. He started to grow in height and his muscles began to grow in size. His hair turned silver and some of his clothes ripped. Then Jackson noticed that he had two huge bulges emerging from his back under his shirt. Suddenly two huge feathered wings ripped through the back of Theo's shirt. One was white, and the other was pitch black. Jackson backed up a little when that happened.

"I am the son of one of the legendary creatures. I am the son of the Celestial Angel."

Suddenly there was an explosion coming from above them. The ground shook causing Jackson to accidentally grab the electrical bars. He let go quickly as he fell to the ground.

"Sounds like our special guest Stiles, has arrived. He's just in time." Theo said slowly.

Jackson quickly knew what was going on. It was all a trap. He took him so he could lure Stiles there.

"What are you trying to do to Stiles?" Jackson yelled.

"Don't worry, you're invited to the show too." Theo replied.

Theo busted the bars open so he could grab Jackson by his neck. He knocked Jackson unconscious and dragged him out.


Stiles eyes were glowing bright white as he entered the old building. The scents led him to an old warehouse that had been shut down for years. It was hidden very well in the woods. It was covered with moss and vines everywhere on the outside.

Every entrance was locked, he had to brake in his own way. Stiles phone vibrated in his pocket. It was probably Derek telling him that they were on their way.

Stiles tried to see if he could still catch the scents to see exactly where they were. The old warehouse was huge and dark. Suddenly, Stiles ears twitched and he jumped high in the air. Two Phoenixies tried to come after him from behind but failed. Stiles landed across from them and looked at them with his glowing eyes.

"Where is he..." Stiles asked in a stern tone.

The creatures just looked at him and didn't answer. Stiles jumped to the side as he heard another noise from behind. It was Isaac that had appeared trying to attack him. Stiles then felt something pierce his back. He turned his head to see an arrow pierced through his left shoulder. He lowered to the ground and landed on his knees. It caused him pain. He saw Allison with the bow in her hand and a silver head arrow in the other. She had struck him with one of her silver head arrows.

Stiles closed his eyes and lowered his head to the ground. He began to think about Jackson being taken away. How he did nothing to protect him. How he just let them take him like that. How the Black Phoenix's henchmen made Jackson's blood spill. He could still remember the scent of his blood in the woods. He can only imagine in how much pain his mate was in...

Allison smirked as she saw what her arrow did to Stiles. That's when Stiles body started to glow brighter and brighter. Stiles started to rise into the air slowly. Allison reacted immediately and shot another arrow at him. Stiles grabbed it with his hand. The arrow quickly turned to ashes as it disintegrated in his grasp. The arrow in his back did the same thing.

The windows from the warehouse shattered. Wind started to blow violently in every direction. Dark clouds began to form outside and lightning began to strike. The ground slowly began to shake violently. Stiles illuminated the whole warehouse as he floated high in the air.

"Look! What's going on?" Erica yelled as the pack got to the old warehouse.

"Holy...could it be? It's...the spirit of the Alpha Dragon...they have angered it." Peter said slowly in astonishment.

"Is that a bad thing?" Scott asked.

"Stiles is letting the spirit take control over him! He's going to destroy everything in his path. If Stiles doesn't take back control, then he's going to kill everyone and everything that stands in his way. We have to stop him." Peter said.

"Well how do we do that?" Kira asked him with an anxious look on her face.

"We have to find the key. The key is the only way to Stiles humanity. Without the key, the Dragon inside him will take control and kill us all." Peter replied.

"What key?" Kira asked.

"Not what. Who." Peter said.

"Who?" Scott asked confused.

"Jackson...Jackson is the key. We have to find him before it's too late." Peter said.

to be continued...

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