Unconditional (Book Two)

De airplanelover52

5.6K 255 202

Jim Parsons Fanfiction 'Unconditional' is book two of 'Time & Time Again' fanfiction duology. After a long fi... Mais

1. Distraction
2. Threat
3. Impossible
4. Forgotten
5. Wrong Possibility
6. Impediment
8. Curiosity
9. Reverse Story Teller
10. Inquires
11. Eyes
12. Yet
13. Dreams
14. Clues & Suspicious Guesses
15. Proof
16. Sunken Hearts
17. Golden Flames
18. Unrecovered Recovery
19. Risks
20. Nostalgia
21. Where Our Memories Lay {Pt. One}
22. Where Our Memories Lay {Pt. Two}
23. Where Our Memories Lay {Pt. Three}
24. Letting Go
25. Unexpected Listener
26. Emotional Mixture
27. Pictures on the Walls
28. Not to Expect
29. Lies
30. Unconditional { Part One }
31. Unconditional { Part Two }
32. Unconditional { Part Three }
33. All Can't Be Miserable
34. Thunderstorms to Sun Rays
37. What About it All?
36. To Love You Again

7. One Remains

138 7 7
De airplanelover52

* Few days before *

Colin's POV

I slam the door of my underground apartment next to my lab, and toss my blazer across the room to the couch, as anger fires up through all the parts of my body. Amelie interviewing Jim this Friday?...what a mess!!! I must think about something, and NOW! I can't afford having these two seeing each other. That idiot won't have Amelie again.

I throw myself on the couch, and sigh, closing my eyes. I must do something, think of something. My phone starts ringing, and I curse under my breath, trying to control the rage that is possessing me right now.

"What?" I answer with anger, as I see that Karen is the caller.

"Amelie is interviewing Jim," she says, as I groan.

"I...knoooooowwww, woman. Did you forget already that I know everything?!"

Karen stays silent for a moment, as if hesitating to talk. "And what are you planning to do about it?" she asks, making my brain just want to explode.

"And what are you planning to do about it?" I mimic, rolling my eyes. "Ugh...well, I have to come up with something to avoid getting Amelie in that plane, I think it's the most obvious thing in the world," I say, as I stand up and walk to the kitchen.

"HA!" laughs Karen, as if making fun. "Good luck with that. How will you even manage to make it happen? Will you control the weather or what?"

I lean my elbows on the tall kitchen table, and bite my nail, as I dig a large hole in my brain. "I got," I start, as a smirk grows in my face. "I got it!"


"I will break one of the plane's windows."


"Look, I know it sounds complicated, but believe me...it's easier than what you think," I say, as my plan is actually genius.

"Colin...that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard," starts Karen, making me fire up in anger again. "How will you even manage to do THAT?! Isn't it easier to simply turn off the wake up alarm of her phone to make her miss the flight?"

"No," I say immediately. "No no, how will I get into her house? Plus, I don't want her to lose her job, at the end of the day she is my future girlfriend. I will break the plane's window...PERIOD."

Karen stays silent, as if trying to think. "Colin..." She sighs. "Ok...how will you do that, may I ask?"

"It's simple, Karen! Do you remember Marco? The guy who works at the airport that helped us get past the security when we arrived here to make our plan happen?"

"Yes I do," she says, sounding curious to see what's next.

"Well, I could pay him a load of money to break the plane's window when he goes to check the cockpit. No one has to know, and he's on our side after all."

Karen makes a pause, as if thinking again. "Okay..." she continues. "I like where this is going."

"When a plane's window is broken, they have to take it in order to change the window, meaning...flight cancelled."

"Ahhhhh, now I understand. It's actually pretty good. We can't afford having these two idiots together again."

"Exactly! You see? I told you it was a good plan, but you never believe me."

"Yeah yeah...how will he break the window though?"

"That's something he'll manage to do," I say, sure that Marco will actually do the job.

"Now we just have to hope the plan works," says Karen, making me stand up from the kitchen chair.

"It will work Karen!!!! Don't even start with your negativity."

Karen groans, and I bet she was rolling her eyes as well. "Okay, Colin the plan WILL work...happy?"

"I don't appreciate your sarcasm right now."

"Whatever you say. I'll talk to you tomorrow because Jim has a headache...and it is a headache because Amelie is being mentioned a lot right now. He won't remember anything will he?"

I sigh. Karen is always so worried, and she doesn't believe that my plan is genius and that nothing like this will happen. "NO, KAREN! Understand...he WON'T remember a thing."

"Alright alright! Goodbye."

She hangs up, and I toss my phone to the couch. I can't afford having Amelie meet Jim, and even less now that she might be falling in love with me. This plan must work, and it will work. Amelie won't get to L.A.

* Now *

Amelie's POV

The black van in which Colin just got in, starts driving away, and I just stand there...watching, wondering. Why the hell was Colin at the airport when he just told me he was at his house? Why did he lie to me? I really don't know what is going on, and I WILL find out after I call Marsha.

I slowly start towards the outside of the airport again, and walk towards my car, where I take a seat and grab my phone, calling Marsha.

"Hello?" she answers, just after the second beep.

"Hi, Marsha. I'm Amelie Jones."

"Oh, hi Amelie. What's up?"

"Hey listen, I won't be able to get to L.A. My flight got cancelled, and there are no other flights available. I know Jim is very busy right now, so I don't expect him to be available any other day, but thank you very very much for giving me a spot for tomorrow even though I won't be able to take it," I say, sounding a bit more disappointed than what I had planned. Honestly, I don't know why but...I was actually pretty excited to interview Jim, even though I wasn't incredibly thrilled about it at first.

"Oh, dear I'm sorry you weren't able to make it. Yes, Jim is very busy, so...wait...what Jim?" Marsha makes a pause, as if she was talking to Jim, but I am just confused. "Are you sure?" she whispers, talking to someone else, who I can listen to in the background. "Okay, Amelie?"

"Yes?" I answer.

"Jim is here with me right now, and he is listening to what you're saying."

"Oh...hi, Mr. Parsons."

"Oh please call me Jim," he says laughing.

For some reason, having Jim talk to me directly feels...normal, beautiful. I suddenly start feeling dizzy, and I start having some sort of headache, as his sweet voice sounds in my ears.

"Ok," I laugh. "Hi, Jim!"

"Hello! Ok, so listen, I really really don't want you to miss the interview because the plane getting cancelled and my tight schedule are not your fault, so I have an idea. I can't receive you any of these days, but what I can do for you is that you can send me the questions through an e-mail and I'll answer them for you, so that you can write your article."

I stay there silent for a moment, in shock. "You would really do that?" I ask, since I am struggling to process that a celebrity as famous as Jim would do this for me.

"Of course I would that! So, what do you say?"

"I-I love it! Thank you very much, Mr. Pars—Jim. I really appreciate it."

"Oh it's my pleasure, Amelie. I should go now, but Marsha will send you my e-mail, and I'll answer the questions when I'm on the plane," he says, as everything is moving and I can't stand my head.

"Thank you again very much, Jim."

"Take care Ams—Amelie...sorry. Have a wonderful day."

"You, too."

Jim hangs up, and I just stay there, trying to process what just happened. The way he said 'Ams' is so...familiar, and he said so naturally that it's just...ughhh I really don't understand what's going on!!!! There are shots of pain shooting through my brain, and I feel like I might faint, as everything around me is whirling.

Jim's POV

"Jim are you okay?" asks Marsha, as I take hold of the wall behind me, and sit down on the ground.

"What's going on?" Mayim appears from the door in front, and stops as she sees that I'm sitting on the ground.

I can feel the rotation of the Earth below me, and I am struggling to focus my sight. Ams...Ams...why did I say Ams? Why did it come out naturally, as if it was something I would always say? Why does the sound of her voice sound so familiar? Why do I feel like I have some sort of...affection for her when I don't even know who she is? These are all questions I can't get out of my head, and I don't realize Marsha is talking to me.

"Jim!" she says, snapping her fingers in front of my face. "Jim!"

"What Marsha?" I ask weakly.

"What is happening?"

"I'm just...dizzy," I answer, closing my eyes tightly.

"And pale," Mayim points out. "Jim, you are not okay, and this has been going on for days. I think you should go see a doctor and rest today before you have to start traveling."

I sigh, as Mayim is actually right. I have a TBBT taping tomorrow, and the next day I start with all the traveling. Today is the last day I have to rest. "Alright," I say, as they help me stand up. "But I won't go see a doctor. I'll go to my house and sleep. If this continues after I sleep, then I'll go."

"But Ji—"

"Please Mayim," I interrupt.

"Okay," she says, nodding slowly. "I'll take you home so that you don't have to drive."

"Thank you," I say, as I say 'bye' to Marsha, and Mayim helps me walk towards her car.

Amelie's POV

"Thank you for picking me up," I say, as Beth drives her car, and Chris drives mine.

"No problem girl friend," she says. "You couldn't drive with that amount of dizziness."

"I know," I say between a sigh.

"So...what happened? Why didn't you go to L.A?"

"The plane got cancelled because one of the windows in the cockpit broke. That's just ridiculous! I mean...you know how I LOOOVE airplanes, and I know that the windows of the cockpit don't break just like that, easily. I infer that someone forced it."

"Hmmm, but who and why?" asks Beth, talking in a suspicious tone.

"I have no idea," I say, shaking my head with my eyes focused forward. "But I will try to find out....Anyways, I now understand what you mean when you say Jim is a sweetheart."

"Really?! Why?" asks Beth, excited to see me complimenting Jim.

"Well, when my plane got cancelled I had to call his manager to let her know I wouldn't make it to the interview of course, and Jim was there listening to the conversation, and he started talking to me and telling me that he didn't want me to miss the interview, so that he will answer my questions through e-mail...I was left in shock, Beth! I mean, a celebrity like Jim being this nice??? Something you don't experience every day."

Beth laugh and nods. "I told you! We told you! Jim is a sweetheart! OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU TALKED TO HIM JUST GAAAHHH I'M DYING!!!!" Beth starts freaking out, laughing and with a smile. "I want to meet him," she finally says, sighing.

I stay silent, just thinking about what my friend just said. "I promise that if I can take you girls to meet him someday I will."

"I know you will girl friend. Thank you."

There is silence for a moment, and then Beth sighs. "Can I tell you something and you promise me not to say a word?"

"Of course! You know you can count on me."

"Okay," she starts. "I kind of...have a crush on Chris."

I struggle to talk, as I'm just in shock. "WH-WHAT?!" I finally manage to say. "Beth! Tell him!"

"WHAT?! No, are you insane?! I think that headache has really messed up your brain."

I laugh, as what she's saying might be true. "Maybe, but...okay...now I will tell you something and you have to promise me you won't say a word."

"Okay," she says, sounding a little confused.

"Ok," I let out a breath, and look through the mirror at Chris who's driving my car behind us, with absolutely no idea that he is the topic in this one. "I will tell you this, and with this you'll decide whether you want to tell him or not."

"Amelie," complains Beth.

"Listen," I interrupt. "Chris has a crush on you as well."

Beth stops talking, and turns to me in complete shock. "Amelie, don't lie to me."

"It's not a lie, Beth! It's true!"

There is a pause, as Beth is in some sort of unbelief. "Ok...so...then...maybe I will."

"You will?!" I ask with a smile.

"I said maybe," Beth says immediately.

I laugh, as Beth finally makes a right turn to the street of our apartment.

"So, are you feeling better Amelie?"

I stop, realizing that for some reason I am. "Actually..." I continue. "I am."

"Oh I'm so glad," says Beth, parking the car. "Now you will be able to watch the new episode of The Big Bang Theory with us tonight...now that you think Jim is a sweetheart, you know?"

I stop, as Jim's image crawls back to my mind. "Yes," I say, my eyes focused forward, as if thinking. "He is a sweetheart."

Jim's POV

Mayim drives her car through the streets of L.A., as I try my best not to fall asleep because of this dizziness.

"Jim, I don't agree with your decision of not seeing a doctor. It isn't normal that you're okay and then you suddenly start feeling like you're feeling right now," she says, as I keep denying an appointment to the doctor.

"I will go to the doctor, Mayim, just not now."

She sighs, as I am just being stubborn as usual. "Ok...as you wish, but I still don't agree."

Mayim parks her car in front of my house, and I notice that her eyes are focused on the 'Abandoned Mansion' in front, as if she longed for something that has to do with it.

"Well, Jim. I hope you feel better," she says, finally turning to me.

"Thank you for the ride," I say, as I open the door.

"No problem. I'm here for whenever you need it."

I smile at her, and walk out of the car, as I feel like my brain is about to burst. I struggle to take a few steps forward, but manage to make it to the entrance of my house, opening the door, and finally disappearing behind it.

Mayim's POV

My eyes are focused on the beautiful house in front, a house I know...and remember. I don't hesitate to start driving towards it, and stop in front of the door, walking out of my car. As I turn the doorknob—which is unlocked—tears start drowning my eyes, tears I can't control. The scent of the house is the same; all the memories that it holds are still here. I can't deny that I miss Amelie terribly; that every single time someone mentions her name I have the hope that maybe Jim and Amelie met each other already and everything is back to normal.

...............Yes.........I remember....EVERYTHING. For some reason, the machine didn't work on me, neither did Colin's entire 'genius' plan. But unfortunately, he does know about this, and not only am I prohibited to say a word, I am threatened with the life of Jim and Amelie.

I walk upstairs, as a bunch of beautiful memories start drowning my mind, and I open the door of their room. Everything is just as they left it, their things are still here; their clothes; everything. There is a picture of their wedding on the desk, and I hold it in my hands. Why is life being so unfair with such a beautiful couple? I know that it may seem like they're not suffering because they don't remember, but I know that deep inside of them, they are dying because they can't be together, and worst of all...I remember it all, and I could bring them back together...but unfortunately I also know that if I speak a word my two best friends will die. 

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