Never Leave Me (Daryl Dixon's...

By ILoveSheriffsBoy3

146K 3.2K 3.4K

❞I'll never leave you, I promise.❝ ... Being left behind was always something Cloe feared. She didn't like to... More

[new important update]
Chapter 1 - Alone
Chapter 2 - Little Girl?
Chapter 3 - The group
Chapter 4 - Dead end or not?
Chapter 5 - Thanks
Chapter 6 - Carl
Chapter 8 - What the hell was that?!?
Chapter 9 - Just incase
Chapter 10 - Nosy
Chapter 11 - Clutz
20 things about me/ yay i was tagged!!
Chapter 12 - The Door
Chapter 13 - Well shit.
Chapter 14 - What did I just do?!?
Chapter 15 - Its real
Chapter 16 - Them
Chapter 17 - Assumptions
Chapter 18 - I'm sorry
Chapter 19 - Gone
Chapter 20 - Learning more
Chapter 21 - Fights with the living and the dead
Chapter 22 - Escape
Chapter 23 - Talks
Chapter 24 - Memories
Chapter 25 - Home
Chapter 26 - Tombs
Chapter 27 - Hershel
Challenge/ FACE REVEAL
Chapter 28 - Good days end bad
Not an update
Chapter 29 - A hard life
Chapter 30 - Clouds come and go
Chapter 31 - It gets better
Chapter 32 - Back again
I'M DYING OMG HELP (read this if you wanna laugh)
self promo (plz read)
Chapter 33 - Monster
Cover Vote // plz plz plz plz plz read lmao

Chapter 7 - Panic (AT THE DISCO! No jk)

4.6K 97 81
By ILoveSheriffsBoy3

A/N Sry I didn't update in like 2 days but my iPod had like broke and then it took me like 2 days to get my dads old iPhone 4 and yeah. So just got it and I'm gonna update two chapters so yeah

Sophia's POV

Hershel and Patricia came in through the door rolling a metal table. Patricia then left to get more supplies. They set it next to the bed and Hershel started barking orders at everyone.

"Okay everybody get the sheets down. Get the IV bag on the sheets." Rick took the IV bag down and placed it on the sheet next to Carl. He then lifted his head up gently and took the pillow. "Okay, on three." Daryl, Hershal, Rick and Lori grabbed the sides of the sheets. "One... Two.... Three." Right after the last word left Hershel's mouth, all four of them lifted Carl up onto the metal surgical table.

Patricia came back inside with a lamp and set it down next to Hershel. She took the lamp cover off and through it on the floor behind her. She then turned on both lightbulbs and walked over to get a tray. She placed the tray next to Carl's legs and took off the green cloth. Inside were a bunch of tools. Hershel took the sharp surgical blade and held it up above Carl's stomach.

"Rick, Lori, Sophia, everyone, you may want to step out." He said putting the blade closer to his stomach. A sob escaped my lips as everything finally started to settle its way into my brain. They don't have the supplies they need and they're still doing the surgery. He could die. He's my best friend, I wouldn't be able to live with that. Why can't they wait?

"But you don't have the right supplies." I said speaking the thoughts that were jumping around in my mind, banging the sides of my head, giving me a killer headache.

"Please Sophia leave." Hershel asked calmly. I looked at him and then at Carl.

He seemed really peaceful but I know he's not. He's in pain. He's pretty much dead. Well atleast thats what it looks like. Pale skin. Eyes rolled to the back of his head. His chest moving up and down slowly. But too slow. Seeing him like this scared me. I don't like it.

"C'mon." Daryl said. I looked at him and felt the warm liquid, that I became to familiar of, roll down my cheeks. I nodded and just as we were about to follow the rest, a noise like tires on dirt interrupted all of our actions. Hershel stopped what he was doing and looked through the window. With squinted eyes, Rick approached the window and looked through. I walked closer to where I was pretty much clinging on to his side and followed his gaze. They're back!! Shane and Otis!! Shane and Otis are back!!

"Guys! They're back!" I screeched. I ran outside into the dark night with the rest following me and went to help Shane. He looked at me happily and showed a small smile but it soon disappeared when Rick stepped towards him. He took the large bags and passed it to Rick who took it quickly and thankfully.

"Carl?" Shane asked. Desperation showing his feared face.

"There's still a chance." Rick said. Rick passed the bag back to Hershel who took it and turned around. He stopped mid way and looked around.

"Otis?" Hershal asked Shane.

"No" Shane whispered so quietly I could barely hear him.

Hershal took a moment before he began speaking. "We say nothing to Patricia. Not till after. I need her!" Hershal finally said and sped into the house. Rick stepped closer and hugged Shane in a comforting and thankful way.

"What happened?" Rick asked a startled Shane. After Rick had asked, panic took over his whole face that was dimly lit by the light coming from the house. Why was he suddenly so panicked?

"They kept blocking us man. Every turn. We were each down to ten rounds and he said... He said he'd cover me and I should keep going so that's what I did. I just... I kept going. But I.... I looked back... And he........ I tried. " Shane explained. Maggie started to cry and I made my way over to her. I hugged her waist and she wrapped her arms around my shoulders weakly. She really needs someone to comfort her right now and I'm going to be that person.

Lori put her hand on Maggies shoulder as an attempt to comfort her which didn't look like it was working that much. I let go of Maggie and stood by her side wrapping my right arm around her hips. I looked at Shane to see him looking at Maggie with a look of regret and guilt plastered all over his pale face. Why was he acting like this? I don't get it, what's wrong?

Everyone who was outside, who included of Maggie, Rick, Lori, Shane, Glenn, Daryl, T-Dog and my mom, all went inside while I stayed and sat on the steps of the large, old but new looking deck, just thinking about everything.

Shane is acting really weird. I need to figure out what's going on. Maybe I should just come out and ask. See what he says. He could have possibly given us a large ball of poop. (I'm not making Sophia the cursing type) What do I do? Maybe I should tell everyone what I think. Maybe they would believe me. I mean Shane has been acting strange and moody a lot lately. Maybe they'd believe me more than him. I hope so.


We all sat on the Greens porch in a certain kind of silence that I'm sure no one liked. We were waiting to here some news about Carl which caused everyone to be completely still and quiet. All you could here was our deep, heavy breaths that we were sucking into our lungs so we could keep on living.

Living? I don't know if this could be called living. Yeah, maybe we're still alive and we're still breathing but that doesn't mean we're living. We're surviving. Thats what we're doing. Surviving. Trying to find food and killing walkers. Well, I haven't exactly killed a walker but I've seen them be killed. Maybe I'm more innocent then the people in my group. I'm more innocent then Rick, Daryl, Lori, all of them. And I'm definitely more innocent then Shane. I still haven't found out what's happening with him, when he got back from the run to get supplies. I'm still trying to figure out why he was so panicked when he got back. I know it had something to do with Otis and I mean everyone would feel bad.. But why was he panicking.

I look up over at the truck, from where I'm sitting on the steps, at Shane. He's sitting on the ground all alone with a pistol in his hand and his head hanging low. He's kind of scaring me with how he's acting. I don't know if what he told us about Otis is true or not and I may not believe him but there's gotta be a really good reason at why he's acting like this.

He could just feel really bad about Otis dying. No that can't be it. There's no way Shane would feel this bad. Maybe it was his fault Otis died. Like maybe he made a mistake and it accident got him killed. That could be the reason but who knows but I know I'm never gonna give up on finding out.

I looked away from Shane to Lori and Rick. They were sitting on the top of the staircase that I was sitting on, cuddling each other for some comfort. Loris head layed on Ricks shoulder with her right arm around him, landing on his other shoulder with her left hand holding onto Ricks hands that were clasped together towards his mouth. I feel so bad for them. Carl is their son. He needs them and they need him. I know how they feel. I feel the exact same way as them right now. Carl's my best friends. I know I need him and he might be the same with me.

I then turned my gaze to Daryl, who was sitting on the railing that lines itself around the porch, sharpening arrows with a Swiss Army knife and his crossbow in his lap.

I like that crossbow. Maybe he could teach me how to use it one day.

It's hard to tell what Daryl's thinking about because he's an old sourpuss who doesn't like to show his emotions a lot. I don't know if he feels bad or if he just doesn't care. I mean he didn't really know Carl so he couldn't have cared that much. But maybe he does. He knows me, he a hadn't for a long amount of time but he still knows me. He cares for me, I can tell. But that's like the only emotion I can actually see in him.

I wonder who that person is? I wonder what Daryl was talking about before that was so important? What he has to do?

Daryl suddenly looked up from what he was doing and looked at me. He gave me a little smile and I returned the gesture.

Yeah, he cares about me.

I looked onto the deck to a creaking sound and saw my mom rocking back and forth in a rocking chair. She was miserable. I know she was. She doesn't want to live in this world. And I know she would end it if it weren't for the people around her. For me. I know she's kind of giving up on God. She's losing hope and I don't like it.

I sigh and look over at T-Dog who was sitting across from my mom with his head high up in the air. Every once and a while he would let some winces slip through his lips and break the silence for a millisecond and then return to a quiet breeze that I really hate. Honestly I have no idea what he's thinking. I know he is hoping Carl will be okay and is probably praying for him to nurse back to health. He's also probably thinking about how bad his arm hurts and... Jackie.

Oh how I miss Jackie. She was so sweet. She cared about everyone. And I mean everyone. She even cared about my dad. And there's not a lot of people who did. In our group it was just me, my mom and Jackie who cared for him. No one else. I don't blame them though. He was mean.

Oh how I miss both of them. I'd like to bring Jackie back. She deserves to live even if she doesn't want to. I'd like to bring my dad back. But not the person he was during this mess but how he was before. The old him. That's who I miss. In a way I'm kind of glad that they're not living in this world right now. They don't want to see any of this anymore. They don't have to be scared about dying.

They're safe. We're not. Just take what happened to Carl for an example. He's shot and he might not survive. But I'm hoping he will. I'm praying he will. I'm not going to panic or cry until I'm completely sure that there is no hope for him. And right now there's still a little.

I whip my head around quickly and stand to my feet when I hear the sound of the door opening, the others follow my actions. Hershel walked out drying his hands with a white rag, Glenn and Maggie following.

I'm so scared.

What if it's bad news?

What if it was unsuccessful?

What if Carl's dying?

Don't think like that Sophia! Just hope for the best.

"He seems to have stabilized." Hershel said a smile showing on his face only seconds after. Rick sighed in relief and Lori covered her mouth with her hands, I'm guessing she's to happy to say anything. Me, oh I'm gonna be talking a lot just wait.

"Oh Hershel! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I yelled while running up the stairs and encircling my small, fragile arms around his waist.

I heard everyone chuckle and I knew they all had smiles on their faces. My face didn't just have a simple smile though. Oh no, mine lit up like a Christmas tree when I heard the news and the lights brightened as I continued to hug the old man who had just saved my best friends life.

"Your so very welcome." He replied hugging me.

I soon let go and looked down at Lori and Rick. Rick still sighing in relief took slow steps towards Hershel. Once he had reached the man that just saved his most precious thing in the world to him, he hugged him so tight that I thought Hershel's head would pop off. After they had finished their moment Rick took backward steps until he was standing next to Lori.

"I don't have words." Lori said crying, her face full of happiness.

"I don't either. Wish I did. How do I tell Patricia about Otis?" Hershel said his face falling.

I looked back at Shane. His face had yet another look of panic across it. Again with this?!? What is wrong with him?

Rick nodded and looked back at Lori them up at me. "You guys go to Carl...." His gaze then drifted to Hershel.

"I'll go with Hershel."

Word Count
2238 Words

A/N Yay! Sophia's point of view. I really like this chapter. I love how Sophia thinks. Idk. Anyway next few chapters will be what's going on with Cloe.

Q/O/T/D Caryl or Bethyl?
CARYL FOREVER! I LITERALLY LOVE THEM AND IM SCARED THAT DARYL DIED IN THE FINALE. I love Daryl and they need to make Caryl happen before one of them dies. BONUS QUESTION! Who do u think died in the season finale?
Abraham. It's a really really long explanation so I'm not even going to start. I'll just start rambling..... Again. My author notes r way to long already. Lol

Bye, see you in the next chapter.

- Sarah

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