Destined love. ( A Ray Ray lo...

By iAdoreFinaax

5.2K 123 23


Just great..
first day at school
How did this happen ?
What is going on ?
Let it all begin..
This cant be true
Everything is good.. right ?
Good Lord..
Plan A accomplished.
Not how I wanted it..
What ?!
What is going on ?

Plan A

210 8 1
By iAdoreFinaax

- Ray took out his phone and dialed Destiny's number. -

*Phone conversation*

R: Ayoo Des.. where are you?

D: I just started driving, and how did you get my number..

R: Pri- euhm.. never mind. I need to see you, asap!

D: Euhm ,okay.. i'll be home in like 10 minutes ,come over if you like.

R: Yeah sure.. see you then.

*end of conversation*

- Ray's POV -

This might work.. Just hope Des will find someone for me. Yess ,im going to fake a relationship. I dont want Stephanie to keep thinking that I want her ass. Once she sees that im happy with someone I just pray that she'll stop chasing my ass. like.. damn! I stood ' at the parking lot waiting for Roc to come because he was going to drop me home. Finally he came, but he wasnt alone. He came outside with Angel and Chiara. Woow, big boy got girls chasing tha- sorry. Chiara didnt really look that happy. Angel on the other hand was loving the situation. When they came I gave Roc a dap and said hi to the girls. -

Ray: Ayeee wassup man

Roc: Im cool, I had to wait for Chiara to come out her class because she is going to help me with my homework.

Ray: And.... ? *looks at Roc than at Angel*

Roc: Oooh, im just going to drop her off since she doesnt live that far from my house.

Ray: Okaaaaay.. well then ,shall we?

Roc unlocked his car and got in the drivers seat first, then he mouthed that Chiara should sit in the front seat. Angel eyed him but then sat next to Ray on the backseat. Roc dropped of Angel as soon as possible because he knew how mad Chiara was. Then Roc dropped of Ray and drove straight home. The ride on their way to Roc's home was awkwardly silent. Until Chiara broke it.

Chiara: Soo.. What is going on between you and euh.. Angel?

Roc: Damn.. nothing! We are not even dating yet and you already act so over protective.

Chiara: Can you please drop me home ?

Roc: Nooo pleasee! There is nothing going on between us, dont let her fool you. I actually dont need help for my homework.. I wanted to tell you something, but please lets go to my house? *focusing on the road*

Chiara: Whatever.. *looks out the window*

- Chiara's POV -

YASSSS! Playing hard to get actually works.. Im just going to keep on bitching and see where it takes me, lmaooo ! We just arrived at his house. His house is sooo big! We got out the car and he walked to his front door to unlock it. Than he opened the door and a nice smell of home cooked meal hit my nose. I guess his mom was cooking. Yepp, she was! Such a beautiful woman. We went in the kitchen and Roc and I said hi to her, she was so nice. After hugging her and talking for some minutes Roc said that we are going upstairs to do some homework. We than walked to his room ,and his room was.. clean :o!

Chiara: Woow.. your room is..

Roc: Big?

Chiara: Clean !

Roc: Hahaha, well.. My mom does her best.

Chiara: Awww, mommy's boy. *grabs his cheeks*

Roc: No im not!

Chiara: Well than, big boy !

Roc: Keep playing *laughs*

Chiara: Sooo.. What did you bring me here for? *sits at the edge of his bed*

Roc: First of all.. Because we are 'bestfriends' and you've never seen my house before

Chiara: I knowww ! Its a shame *laughs*

Roc: And second? *sits right next to her* I like you.

Chiara: Euh.. Roc? I like you too best buddy.

Roc: Im talking about.. love like.

Chiara: Ooooh.. damn!

Roc: I understand if you dont have the same feelings towards me but.. I just felt that you should know. *looks in her eyes*

Chiara: Actually.. I like you too. I've had a crush on you for.. THE LONGEST ! I jus-

Roc cut her of by kissing her. The kiss was soo passionate ,but someone opened the door and they both jumped. It was Ray..

Ray: Ooooooh.. was I interrupting something ?

Roc: Yess nigga! Now.. go away. *tries to kiss Chiara again*

Chiara: *pushes Roc playfully* Noo.. I was about to go anyway. Euhm, Roc? text me *winks and kisses him*

Roc: *kisses back* Sure babe.

Chiara walked out the door. You could hear her say bye to Roc's mom and than close the front door. Ray looked confused!

Ray: I thought.. You liked Joyce?

Roc: Would you believe me if I said I do? I dont know mann..

Ray: So.. y'all together?

Roc: Nope.. We.. just kissed.

Ray: Girls are sensitive! They dont see that as 'just kissing' ,thats a chance for them to say 'that nigga is mine'.

Roc: *laughs* Shut up,why are you here anyways?

Ray: I need help..

Roc: Tell me, what can the bro with master plans do for you ?

Ray: I need a fake girlfriend.. I kinda told Steph that I have a new girlfriend JUST so she would hop of my dick but know she wants to meet her!

Roc: Dont open the door.. simple!

Ray: I was thinking about Destiny..

Roc: Naah bruh ,you trying to get Steph killed? You know Des is going to hurt her bad one day.

Ray: But if she sees that im 'happy' with her she will stop. Or.. should I make Chiara my fake girl?

Roc: Nooo, Des is good for you!

Ray: Okay, soo.. Are you going to drop me of at Des?

Roc: How did you get here?

Ray: Bus..

Roc: Take it to go there!

Ray: Bruuuuh -___-

Roc: Ugh.. Okay, lets go * Grabs his keys and phone from the nightstand and walks out*

Ray: *following him*


What do y'all think? Like the story so far? Do y'all think Ray's plan is going to work ? Comments and feedback are welcome! Tweet me on twitter @iHeartZSFx! Btw: I wrote this chapter on my phone so.. Sorry for the mistakes. Byeee xo

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