Never Let Go (Bluepulse)

By Whitefox_cx

102K 3.8K 1.9K

Bart had just start going to school with jaime and is excited but what if school isn't what he thought it was... More

First Day of School Part 1
First Day of School Part 2
First Day of School Part 3
Milagro Dress Up
Team Up
Puppy vs Jaime
The Audition
The Play
El Paso
Puppet Master
Puppet Master Part Two
Puppet Master Part Three
Puppet Master Part Four
Puppet Master Part Five
The Time will Come
Wait What?
Take Away
In my Control
The Plan
Blue Diamond
Stay Strong
Your Back
New Family
My Lil Villains
The Creeper
A Day Out
Cat Fight
Let's Talk
Teaming Up
Let's Talk
Escape Route
Escape Route Part 2
Our Sons
Together at Last

Trip Alone

1.1K 54 2
By Whitefox_cx

Bart smiled when his mothers let him and tim go outside again by themselves and let them steal whatever they want. Since they proven themselves that they'll be fine when they stole things that their mothers task them to steal. Bart sigh while watching the stars shine. Venus cuddle next to bart cheek while bart chuckle. Tim went to steal a pearl necklace while bart was outside waiting.

"I wonder what taking catlad long. " bart smiled while petting venus.

Bart heard a landing behind him and smiled.

"Catlad finally I thou-....uhhh " bart said while venus growled.

It was blue beetle who had his arms cross and look at poison sumac.

Jaime and conner told batman about catlad and poison sumac and batman straight away knew that it was bart and tim. Conner suggest that they get them right away but batman deny. If they did that they would put poison ivy, Harley and catwomen in a rampage. Batman told conner and jaime to just treat bart and tim like regular people that they haven't meet (which was going to be hard for them both) and try to get close to them not alerting their mentors.

"Uhh hey blue...what you doing here? " bart said getting up looking at blue beetle.

"Ese what are you doing here. " jaime said looking at bart.

Bart chuckle and shrugged.

"Just waiting for catlad but knowing that your here..your other friend is toying with catlad. Wouldn't he get a kick. " bart chuckle and look at blue beetle while petting venus to calm her down.

Jaime sigh and look at the jewelry mansion store. True conner did go inside to see if tim was inside but he didn't expect that bart was here too. Jaime heard bart sigh and watch him sit down again.

"Uhh aren't you going to run.." jaime ask looking at bart smile.

"Naa I'm not in the mode right now. " bart smile and pat the roof.

Jaime smile and sat next to bart missing how he and bart did this at the El Passo and watch the stars together, or with white fox. Bart notice some commotion inside the jewelry store and blush.

"Ughhh blue want to go somewhere else. My teammates and your are quite busy. " bart said standing up and walking away from the jewelry store.

Jaime got up and follow bart leaving conner with tim doing whatever they were doing. Bart jump over building to building and notice blue beetle was following. Bart smiled and started running from blue beetle.

Jaime notice and smile. He knew that bart want to play so he played along. Jaime didn't use his jet pack or wings he just jump over building like bart was doing. Bart laugh and stop on the end of the building laughing.

"No where to run sumac. " jaime smirk and bart chuckle.

"Hehee that what you think. " bart chuckle and jump off the building.

Jaime gasp and ran to the edge to see bart laughing in a patch of flowers. Jaime smiled and flew down and to his surprise the flowers were fluffy like the clouds. Bart smiled and look at blue beetle.

"Hehee careful. My mother will kill anyone who kills her babies. " bart smiled and got off the flower and fix them.

Jaime watch in amazement when bart was controlling the flowers.

Jaime Reyes the impulse gets his powers from that belt of his that around his waist.

Jaime look at bart waist and nodded. Bart smiled and felt venus pushing her head to his cheek.

"Aww sorry venus. I forgot it feeding time. Hey blue want to give me a ride to a factory. " bart smiled giving blue beetle his sweeties smiles.

That was jaime greatest weakness. Bart adorable smiles and jaime sigh.

"Fine. Just this once. " jaime said crossing his arms trying to act like he didn't like it.

Jaime Reyes stop lying to yourself.

Oh shut up khaji Da

Bart chuckle and gasp when blue beetle carried him in bridle style.

"Oh blue you haven't even bought me dinner yet. Hehee " bart laugh while blue beetle rolled his eyes.

Jaime was happy that bart was letting him carry him and even smiled when bart put his arms around him tightly. Bart sigh happily and breath in the fresh air.

"I always wonder what it's felt like to fly. " bart smiled and put his head on blue beetle chest.

Jaime smiled and saw the factory where bart told him to go. Jaime landed and put bart down gently. Bart smiled and look at blue beetle.

"Welp I better get going see ya. " bart smiled and jump into the factory.

Jaime sigh and flew to a store. Dismissing his armor jaime got some chicken whizee and a drink. Jaime open his drink and drink some down.

Jaime Reyes why are we waiting here. The impulse is taking care of something.

Just wait ese. You'll see.

And right on time an alarm went off and jaime smirk. He let his armor cover him and took the sky. Jaime look around and gasp when he heard shooting.

"Stop you brat!! " the cops said shooting at bart.

Bart gasp and fell to the floor. Bart held his arm and look at his arm seeing blood.

"Uhhh not crash. Now you made venus angry. " bart said looking at the cops point their guns at him.

Venus growled and made her vines pull the cops away from her master and threw them away from him. Bart got up and grab venus and ran again. Jaime had enough and swep down when he heard more shooting.

Bart gasp when his feets weren't touching the ground and look back to see blue beetle carry him.

"Blue!? " bart gasp when blue turned his wing into his jet pack and blasted away from the factory.

It was a good thing it was dark cause the cops never knew who save the theif. Bart sigh when blue beetle landed in at the same spot where they saw each other. Bart smiled when blue beetle put him down.

"Thanks know for saving me. " bart said and kiss blue beetle on the cheek.

Jaime gasp and smile at bart.

"No problem sumac. You better get that check. " jaime said holding bart arm.

Bart winces and nodded his head.

"Yea. Oh it seem like their done. " bart pointed and blue beetle saw superboy holding tim.

Tim chuckle and notice bart looking at him at the roof.

"Okay conner put me down please. " tim said looking at conner.

Conner chuckle and put tim down.

"I'll see you later tim? " Conner said holding tim hand.

Tim chuckle and nodded his head putting his hand on conner cheek.

"For sure conner. " tim kiss conner who smiled and kiss back.

Tim pulled back and smile at conner and jump the windows getting in top of the building. Conner wave at jaime who nodded his head. Jaime look at bart and pull him in a sweet kiss.

"You owe me sumac. Got to go. " jaime said and flew down next to conner.

Bart blush put flinch when he felt his wound getting pressure. Venus was wrapping her vines around bart arm and bart smiled. Tim got next to bart and bart smirk.

"Had fun with a super. " bart chuckle and watch tim blush.

"Whatever let go home now. " tim said looking at bart.

"Okay, but you better cover that hickey. Hehee " bart chuckle jumping over to a building while tim cover it.

Man he was a goner when Catwomen see it.

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