Steal A Heart ~ A Mithzan Fan...

By oko2021

7.5K 700 515

Stella is a YouTuber. She meets the guys at Sky Media. A fellow editor catches her eye. She has secrets of he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
A/N (Important)
Chapter 25
A/N Important Again
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
A/N again
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 39 Part 2
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
A Mother's Day Special
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
A Father's Day Special
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Vacation Pictures!!
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69 ;)
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Halloween Special
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80- Finale

Chapter 23

79 10 0
By oko2021

Alesa P.O.V.

I woke up with the bed empty. I yawned and got out of it. Today's going to be a great day. It's Friday after all. I went to the bathroom and then went downstairs. The smell of bacon filled my senses and I smiled. Adam was making breakfast while Mason was in his rocker. He looked up and smiled.

"Good morning, beautiful," he said. God I love him.

"Mornin'" I said and sat in a chair by the island.

"How's your hand?" He asked coming over to me. He bent down and kissed me. My insides melted. Every time. I unwrapped my hand and took the bandage off. It was covered with blood and I gagged.

"I hate blood," I said, throwing the used bandages away. I walked over to the sink to wash the wound. I winced in pain as the soap cleaned it. Adam came up behind me and took my hand.

"I'm not a doctor but you may need stitches. Alesa it's still bleeding." He said, wrapping it again. He knows I hate needles.

"Funny Adam, that's a definite no." I said and got a plate of bacon. I literally passed out when I got my blood done. That needles was huge.

"Alesa, I'll be there with you. It's going to be short. I promise." He reassured. I sighed and laid my head on the table. I hate needles, but my hand hurts like hell.

"Hey, Ross. I'm dropping Mason off, Alesa and I are taking a quick trip to the hospital." Adam said on the phone. I looked up and saw him getting Mason ready. I groaned, he never takes no for an answer.

"We're fine! Alesa just had an accident."

"No you don't have to come. And you're getting ready aren't you?"

"Everyone else is coming also aren't they?"

"How the frick did Max tell them already? I didn't even tell him yet."

I rolled my eyes and finished my food. I got up to clean the dishes when I felt a little dizzy. I stopped walking and placed my hand on the counter. Lost too much blood I guess.

"Alesa? You okay?" Adam asked. I looked up and saw him standing up.

"I'm fine, just a little dizzy," I said and sat back down.

"I gotta go. We'll meet you there." Adam said and hung up. He grabbed Mason's diaper bag and or him in the car seat. I got up and walked to the car when Adam swept me off my feet.

"I can walk Adam. I'm not going to pass out." I said, fighting him. He held tighter and walked to my car.

"Not taking any chances," he mumbled and set me in the seat. I put my seatbelt on and leaned back. We rode to the hospital in silence. Mason was taking a nap and the radio was off.

"Adam," I said quietly. He glanced at me and I continued. "Is everyone coming?" He nodded and drove a little faster.

"Calm down, obey the speed limit," I ordered and sat up. He sighed and slowed down. I grabbed his hand and held it. He eased a bit but still tense.

We finally got to the hospital and Max pulled up also. Ethan was right behind him. I took my seatbelt off and opened the door.

"Dont move," Adam said. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. I got out of the car and closed it. Ross came and got Mason and Max grabbed the diaper bag. I walked to the emergency door when I got dizzy again. The last thing I remembered was Adam pulling me close to him.

Time Skip brought to you by DJ Baby Mason.

I woke up with beeping. My arm was sore and my head hurt. I opened my eyes and looked around. Max was talking to Ross and Stella outside. Adam was sitting on the chair beside my bed, sleeping. Typical Adam. I looked at my hand and it was wrapped. It was huge and it hurt like hell.

"Adam?" I whispered, poking him. His eyes flew open and jumped out of the chair.

"I'm awake mom!" He yelled and realized it was me. "Alesa! Don't ever scare me like that again."

"Sorry," I said and sat up a little. "What time is it?"

"Noon. I haven't been to work yet. John is filling in for me. Max, Ross and Stella are here also." He answered and pointed out the door.

"Adam, go to work." I said. He sat on the end of the bed.

"No, not with you here. They got to do some test just incase of infection." He told me and laid beside me. I scooted over so he could have some room.

"I can't leave you. No it's okay, Scott is even okay with it." He said, laying his head on the pillow. I feel so bad, he can't even work now. He loves  working, today is our date and I gotta get ready. I was able too say something when someone came in.

"Ah, Miss Alesa you're awake! How are you feeling, any pain?" He asked in a sharp British accent.

"Well, my hand hurts like a mother fucker. My head is pounding but overall great!" I said sarcastically. He laughed a bit and smiled. He has a sense of humor.

"I stitched your hand and when you passed out, yor  head bounced off the ground. Luckily your husband was there before it could bounce again." He said, unwrapping my hand. I liked at it and It looked pretty good. My palm was stolen and red but otherwise they did a good stitching job.

"When can I leave?" I asked, sitting straighter.

"Am I not good company," he asked, innocently. I laughed. "After we take a few tests and make you didn't give yourself a concussion. You can leave." He said and left the room. Only a couple more hours until I get to go on my date.

Stella P.O.V.

I left the hospital after I checked in with Alesa. She's fine and just wants to get out of there. I told Max that I'm going back to work, even though I'm lying I needed to get away from him. I picked up Danté from his house and we drove to the pawn shop. I can't believe I'm doing this but it's to help a brother.

"Whats wrong?" Danté asked when I parked the car.

"Nothing," I simply said and got out.

"Are we robbing this place?" He asked, closing the door. I looked at him i n disappointment.

"If we were robbing the place then I would have a plan. Come on, I'm better than that." I said, grabbing the box. He put his hands up in surrender and laughed. I rolled my eyes and walked into the shop.

" Stella? It's that you?" Will asked. William is a short, chubby man. He's very pale but has a great personality. He helped me with since projects I had back in the day. He was the one ergo made sure I didn't get caught and went to jail.

"Hey Will-I-Am." I said, laughing as he hugged me. I made that nickname up when I met him, he always hated it but that's what brought us closer.

"What are you doing here today? Or do you just miss all this," he said and moved his hands up and down.

"Same ole William. Cocky and stupid. But no I'm selling some old jewelry." I said, putting the box on the counter. He opened it and his eyes widened.

"You can't sell this. Stella, why are you selling your mothers jewelry." He asked in surprise. I sighed and jumped in the counter.

"Your selling your mama's stuff?" Danté asked. I sighed and looked at the ceiling.

"I have no other choice," I answered. "Gotta help you."

"I'll find another way. I can't let you do this," Danté said, closing the box.

"Danté, stop. I'm selling this. Will how much is all of it." I said, ignoring Danté's attempts. He sighed and counted it up.

"There's a lot of diamonds and gold in here. All of it is about $1000 but since you're doing this I'm going to throw an extra thousand." He said and grabbed the money. I can do this. I can do this. I can't do this. No I can.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure no one buys them," he whispered and winked. I smiled, he knows me so well.

"Thank you," I said and grabbed the money. "I'll visit"

"Stay out of trouble Danté." He said as we left the shop.

"Yes sir," he said and saluted him. I pushed his head and laughed.

"You too Stella." He yellled. I saluted him and smiled. He laughed and shook his head. "Get out of my shop" I waved and got in my car.

I can't believe I did that. My mom would be proud, I think. I helped a friend. No, I sold her jewelry, for money. I have away the last things I can touch of her. Please forgive me mom. If you can.

"Stella," Danté said. I glanced at him and started the car.

"I'm fine," I said and pulled out. I wiped my eyes, now noticing that I was crying. I grabbed the money out of my pocket and gave it to Danté.

"Keep the rest of you promise to stay out of trouble." I said, putting a smile on my face.

"I love you Stella. I'll probably be dead it it wasn't for you," he said hugging me.

"Stop it. You have a great father. He helped me through a lot when you were little." I said and hugged him back. He smiled and shook his head. He got out of the car when we got back to his house.

"Take care Stell." He said and waved.

"You too little man," I said and he walked off.

"You too."

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