Dying Embers [Kuroko No Baske...

Door DemonicToaster

54.4K 1.1K 138

~Formerly Akashi Twins~ Akashi Seijuro has a twin sister and she is the former coach of the Generation of Mir... Meer

Street Basketball
Bathroom Encounters
Generation of Miracles
Kuroko's Teiko Coach
Her Style
Moment of Truth
Palette of Red
The Devil Coach Of Teiko
A Real Declaration, False Cooperation
One Thing After Another!

The Road So Far

1.4K 47 6
Door DemonicToaster


It was weird to see something I might have walked by everday and suddenly not remember it. It wasn't like I felt this sour feeling in the back of my throat everytime I saw something- like a fern on the side of the road or see a basketball court and start crying. No, I knew that I was supposed to remember something when Kise and Aomine started whispering loudly between each other, looking at me expectantly.

I felt this ever lasting sorrow whenever they done that. I was disappointing someone, I think I didn't like doing that. It wasn't like I could apologize for it either- they didn't look comfortable with me apologizing to them. They always stared and gawked when I did, and Kagami would make a statement about how I really couldn't remember anything. That hurt more. I would always go to Seijuro for advice on how to deal with things and most of the time he wasn't very helpful. He had a short temper and that put me on edge.

The Seijuro I knew before this one had the patience of a God.

As each day passed, I was met with all different kind of offers from the team they called 'Generation of Miracles'. Seijuro had explained that my mind was like a gun of sorts. Someone needed to trigger me for an impact to happen- they had to trigger me by resurfacing my most prominent memory of them. As fate would have it, memory-me didn't share much things with them so they were basically reliving the years we had spent with each other. I wanted to help but it was out of my hands.

Kise had taken me to a Karaoke bar and sung in front of a pleased audience. He had done so before and I had apparently "praised him endlessly on his angelic voice." Midorima informed me that this wasn't the case- I had walked out mid-song. Aomine tried to trigger my memory by taking me to a basketball game but that didn't help at all. It only made the world slower (Luckily instinct kicked in and I managed to control everything. It was frustrating.)

Midorima had shown me a three-pointer. It was impressive but definitely didn't trigger anything except a round of applause. He blushed. That shocked me, despite not actually knowing if he did it often... Did he? I couldn't remember.

It was frustrating.

I was losing hair.

Well, you can't lose something you had lost while sleeping. I was bald now and paler than ever. A knew look that I suited, according to Momoi. I didn't care much for how I looked but I did wear a wig to stop people from whispering. It stopped me from wanting to punch them in the nose... Most of the time. I had to do an awful amount of schoolwork from my missing year and the year I was currently it.

I had missed my final year of high school. I had cried all night long when I found out, Mum and Seijuro had to sit at my side until I stopped. I didn't want them to touch me, I wasn't allowing more people to touch me. I hated it and no amount of cancer could remove that memory from my mind- the vividness of it all. The lingering heat of his grubby feelings travelling unwanted on my body... Every time I thought of it I started to gag and Seijuro needed hours to keep himself from losing his own temper at seeing me like that. Mum would cry. I hated it.

I tried not to talk or act upon that memory but sometimes someone would sneak up on me and I'd have to cover my mouth to mute my scream. It felt like he was always there and god that terrified me. Mum explained that it was the memory that rose those feelings, he wasn't actually there. He wasn't going to take me again. Seijuro was always with me, equipped with scissors to ease my mind. I love my brother, he's amazing.

As of late, it was Murasakibara's week to remind me. He was a very familiar face, memories surfaced more when it came to the purple haired giant. Him and his little friend, Ai Hikari, were the most successful out of everyone. I had a lot of memories with Mursakibara and he knew me well enough to know which memory I would value the most- so far he had taken me to a shop and bought a basket full of sweets and chips. I paid for him. He gave me an American twinky, just as he did the first time we went to the shops together.

Kuroko would come out of nowhere and scare me constantly (Much to everyone's surprise) and I couldn't get a wink of a memory about him. I remembered how to deal with Aomine, thank the heavens, and I knew how to get Momoi to do what I wanted which was apparently a normal occurrence. I didn't execute that ability with her a lot though, I felt too guilty.

There was this one girl, Maihime Katsumi, who was helping with Kise. She was his rather pretty girl friend who had to walk around with a cane because her ankle was completely crushed, bone and all. She looked sad when she thought no one could see her. She's usually at the hospital with me, so we've gained a good relationship between each other. Kise loves it.

Murasakibara had just dropped off a box and left with his girlfriend of two years, Yaruki Sakura. She was really gentle but she had an attitude that came out if you looked at her the wrong way. Sakura and Ai were best friends and art rivals. It was very entertaining to watch, especially considering Ai was still in a relationship with Seijuro- for 5 years since today. I like it when they're around.

Midorima has this thing for Kise's older sister, who rarely visits. She's loud, out going and sassy. Complete opposite of Midorima actually, but he finds her absolutely endearing. Plus, he has a thing for older girls. Always has, I think. Aomine and Momoi are romantically connected, after having denied it for... All their lives. They decided to give it a try yesterday and honestly, nothing has changed in the eyes of the public. Who knows what goes on behind closed doors (And because of Momoi's scarf yesterday, I don't wanna know what happens)

Everyone that I hang around with are in relationships, all of their girlfriends all know me as well which is kind of strange. I remember meeting Maihime Katsumi during a Christmas party. She was sitting next to Kise and they were competing against each other, trying to see who could embarrass each other the most. In the end, they realized that they liked each other more than they thought. It was a peaceful memory to try and recollect.

I heard of Ai Hikari after Seijuro had come home one day and briefly told me about a girl he met with violet hair and sapphire eyes. He said she seemed like a challenge. I first met Ai when she visited the gym, looking for Murasakibara, since they were best friends since day one. She was a fragile, tiny little thing (Though she's gone through a growth spurt now) and was petrified when she met every one. I broke the ice and introduced her to the team- everyone's face is a blur. All except Murasakibara and Seijuro.

I met Yaruki Sakura after I had gone in search of Ai, wanting to inform her of something. A party, I think. Yaruki was rather protective of Ai and refused to inform me of her whereabouts, which I believe I didn't take to rather well. Though I did admire her bravery. I didn't like Yaruki very much, until I found out that Murasakibara liked her quite a bit.

I walked towards the box that Murasakibara dropped off and opened it hastily, Seijuro watched from the doorway suspiciously. As I opened the carboard my heart stopped. It was just a worn out basketball with the words Teiko Basketball Club stamped on it, but the pain in my head informed me that it was a lot more than a stupid little ball. I stroked it's smooth surface and felt myself smiling widely. 

In an attempt to remind me of something, the group decided to take me to a basketball court. They all looked absolutely enthusiastic to just be around the little court and the girlfriend's all took a seat and watched interested. 

"They are wonderful basketball players, Shuiro-chan." Ai said after she noticed my look of mild confusion. "You taught them how to be the best they can be." She added on with this very warm smile.

I looked on the court and observed for a while, my eyes shifting every where while my body remained unmoving. I felt this pull to the court, to the ball but my mind was telling me no. I inhaled deeply and clenched my hands together, I couldn't fight for much longer. Seeing them all out there, laughing and playing a game they obviously loved made me want to join them.

They were all so talented and I found it hard to believe- or rather, remember- that I had helped create something so beautiful. I smiled gently only for it to drop as my eyes widened. A magic pass had occurred once again and the ball was flying at my face. Instinct caught on with me and my pupils disappeared as the entire world slowed down for a moment, allowing me to catch the fast ball and put everything into motion normally once again.

"Muscle memory." I ended up saying once they looked at me hopefully. Kise's smile dropped slightly but Aomine looked ecstatic.

"Memory! Your body's remembering!" He cheered with child-like glee. "How about you play a game with us? Maybe that'll reboot your mind." I was going to decline, but Midorima looked at me while such a hopeful look that it was impossible to let the thought cross my mind.

I nodded slowly, "This isn't going to work." And boy, was it a disaster. Muscle memory meant nothing if I didn't know how to use it.


Shuiro smiled and patted Midorima on the back, "Congratulations, Taro-kun." She said warmly as she looked at the ball that bounced beneath the hoop. Kise, Aomine, Momoi, Kuroko, Akashi and Murasakibara were on the bench with towels wrapped around their necks.

"You've just scored a three pointer from half a court away." Midorima smiled and chuckled as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He pulled Shuiro into a sweaty, quick and thankful hug. "Thanks, Shu-chan." Shuiro smiled and pushed him away rather weakly.

"Get a drink and cool down. Training for today is over, every one!"


"Come on, Atsushi!" Shuiro yelled as her grip tightened around the basketball in her hands. "Don't just slouch around!" She was almost red in the face from the amount of frustration she was feeling toward the giant in the center. The team was winning, of course, but the fact that Murasakibara wasn't giving it his all was making the win worth nothing.

The bell for fourth quarter rung and the teams bowed to each other before coming to their benches. Shuiro stood in front of Murasakibara as soon as he had sat down. "What the hell was that?" She asked with forced calmness.

Murasakibara sighed, "That was a win for the team." He said with a sarcastic edge to his voice.

Shuiro crossed her arms. "Great analysis, but I was talking about your damn attitude. You didn't even attempt at blocking anyone."

"No point." He replied dully as he squirted some water into his mouth. "He couldn't have scored if he tried."

"No, he could've scored, Atsushi! He didn't this round, but what about the next? Is this kind of attitude going to follow you throughout the season or what?" She asked hotly as she stared intently at Murasakibara. 

The giant shrugged, "I don't know, I don't care." 

"Why's that."

"Because..." He hesitated visibly. Then he narrowed his eyes and met Shuiro's yellow and red one's. "Because I'm bored with basketball."

Shuiro's eyes widened and her arms fell limp at her side, dropping the basketball and letting it bounce to Murasakibara's feet. He kicked it away. Murasakibara, deciding that he had had enough, stood up to leave. Akashi didn't do anything, not only because he too was bored, but because this was something that Shuiro needed to do by herself.

Shuiro closed her eyes and a serene look fell over her face. "Then get the hell out of this gym, Atsushi." The giant froze in his exit and looked over his shoulder. "If this is boring to you, I want you to leave this building. Don't you dare look back. Once you leave, you're off the team forever, alright? There's no coming back."

Shuiro found him in the locker room.

"I'm not leaving." He had told her. Shuiro simply nodded and patted his back.

"Good game, Atsushi."


"It's strange," Shuiro murmured. "How much potential you have. Truly strange." Aomine shifted awkwardly under Shuiro's gaze. Akashi had retired early today due to his mother's early return. She was in charge for the day.

Aomine cleared his throat, "Look, I just wanna know, are you going to help me unlock this... 'Potential' or are you going to stare at me all day?" Shuiro narrowed her eyes at his tone. She didn't appreciate it in the slighest. After a moment, she grabbed a ball and pegged it at Aomine, who caught it easily.

"I want to see how well you fair against me, Aomine." Shuiro turned around and headed towards the court. "Come." Aomine's childish grin turned a slight bit feral and he stood in front of her.

"I want to know if you're truly worthy to be our coach." Aomine admitted. Shuiro smirked and closed her eyes.

Once she opened them, Aomine noticed something about them that he hadn't ever noticed before. "Hey, where are your pupils?"

Shuiro chuckled and swiped the ball from his grasp, "You're too slow." She whispered and she ran pass his guard and scored an easy three-pointer. "I'm more than worthy enough to be your coach, alright, Daiki?"


I rolled the basketball around in my hands and bounced it lightly before placing it back in the box. "I'm not worthy enough to be your coach, Sei." I choked out. "I'm absolutely useless." I breathed out. Seijuro sat beside me and gingerly put his hand over mine.

"You're not, Shu." He said gently while warily monitoring my reaction to touching. "If you were useless, I can guarantee that the guys and Momoi would have given up on you already. But they haven't, and do you want to know why?"

I nodded, because I honestly did. How could they still fight for a worthless cause such as my stupid brain? The memories would come back when they did, why was it so important that I remembered them now?

"They haven't given up because you never did when it came to them. Not once did you let us down, Shu. Not once."

I looked at the ground and sighed, "But I'm not her anymore, Sei. I don't remember who you guys know."

Seijuro rolled the ball around in his hand before he spun it on his pinky finger, "She's always going to be in you, Shuiro. Because she is you. You'll find her, don't worry."

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