Cherry Meets Lilo and Stitch

By PerkyGoth14

10.7K 122 158

Cherry invites the Fudo family to come with her on a free trip to the Hawaiian Islands. On the way, there is... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18

chapter 6

621 5 14
By PerkyGoth14

There was a human boy with longish blonde hair with copper brown eyes in a green shirt, white shorts, and black sandals. "Hey, Curly Q."

Darla glanced up at this boy, then did a double take seeing how much he looked like a special somebody she knew. "Uh, I'm too busy to talk right now... Enjoy your tour with the family."

"Aw, but don't ya miss me, Goldilocks?" the boy came behind her with a smirk and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

"Wait... Urchin?" Darla asked.

Urchin grinned with a cocky look in his eyes.

"Oh, that's you all right." Darla smirked, putting her hands on her hips. "What're you doing on dry land?"

"Emily told me you guys were visiting Hawaii," Urchin folded his arms with a smirk back to her. "Thought I'd stop by and check on ya."

"Are you sure that it's not because you missed me too?" Darla smirked.

Urchin's eyes widened. "What? Huh? Who?"

Darla put her hand to her mouth with a small laugh.

"Ah, don't flatter yourself..." Urchin scoffed. "So, where're we goin'?"

"Patch is missing..." Darla said. "Atticus is worried..."

"I'm sure he's alright." Urchin said.

"Oh, there's a special bond between a boy and his dog..." Darla said.

"I guess..." Urchin shrugged. "I'll help though if you want me to."

Darla smiled at that.

"Dimples!" Cherry called, then came over behind the blonde girl. "Oh, there you are."

"Hey, Cherry, look who came to dry land?" Darla smiled.

Cherry looked. "Uhh..."

"Urchin." the blonde boy said his name, narrowing his eyes at her.

"Oh, yeah..." Cherry folded her arms. "Dimple's boyfriend."

"We're just friends, Cherry..." Darla said through her teeth.

"If you say so..." Cherry rolled her eyes with a smirk.

"Uh, girls, I think I found Patch!" Atticus called out.

Cherry and Darla looked over.

"That was fast..." Urchin said, then shrugged. "Then again, Ariel said he's a detective."

They then rushed over to Atticus to find out what he was going on about. And where they saw that he saw Patch inside pet shelter.

"Why haven't they put him in a cage yet?" Urchin asked.

"Beats me." Darla shrugged.

"Patch!" Atticus whispered loudly. "Paaaatch!"

Patch was picked up by a lady at the front desk and brought to the back.

"Hey, that's my puppy!" Atticus pouted, then rushed into the animal shelter.

"Don't worry, little guy..." the woman told Patch as she carefully carried him in her arms. "I'm sure you'll be adopted in no time, little boys and girls just eat of your hands... Or in your case, paws..."

Patch nodded before looking for his alien friend.

"Let's put you in here with some new friends, huh?" the lady smiled, placing Patch into one of the placements. She then pet him on the head gently, then walked off.

"Experiment 626?" Patch looked around, then looked down. "Oh, there you are..."

"Ugh..." the blue creature mumbled. "My head..."

"Oh, thank goodness you're fine." Patch sighed.

"What happened...?" The alien mumbled, then saw the other canines.

They all huddled up in a corner, shivering and whimpering in fear of their 'new friend'.

"You there!" Experiment 626 glared at them, trying to use his guns, but saw he didn't have them. "Where are my...?" he then turned to Patch. "Cover me! You're my new general!" he then glared the other dogs. "You are all under my arrest, I claim this planet in the name of Turo!"

"Okay, one, you're not armed and two, what's Planet Turo?" Patch asked.

"Planet Turo is my home world," Experiment 626 told the Earth puppy. "I escaped after the imprisonment of my creator Dr. Jumba Jookiba."

"By any chance, is he fat and has four eyes?" Patch asked.

"Yes," Experiment 626 nodded. "I'm certain he could in this world..." he then lifted his ear as he heard something. "Cover me." he then dashed off.

Patch, though had a dog and had special hearing, did not hear what this alien did and was very curious.

"Wait, that Dalmatian I just put in the back with the other dogs is your pet?" The lady behind the desk asked Atticus.

"Yes, ma'am," Atticus replied. "I'm so sorry, he must've gotten lost by accident."

"You should've kept him on a leash." the lady warned, slightly strict, but not being mean in any way.

"Yes, ma'am," Atticus understood. "I assure you, it won't happen again."

"Well, I'm sure it won't, but still..." The lady said before seeing two more people come inside as well. "Oh, excuse me... Let me get your puppy, I will be right back..." she said before doing that, then looked over to the next two people. "I'll be right with you folks, I just have to fix something real quick."

"Take your time." an older female voice said.

Darla turned her head, then her eyes lit up once she saw someone she recognized. "Lilo!"

"Darla, what are you doing here?" Lilo asked.

"I could ask you the same thing..." Darla said as she stood next to Urchin. "Patch got lost, we're taking him home now."

"Nani's taking me to get a new friend." Lilo then explained why she was at the animal shelter.

"Nani?" Darla looked up, then saw a young adult woman who looked a lot like a grown-up version of Lilo stand next to her new friend.

"Oh, aloha." the stranger waved to her.

"Aloha, so you're Nani." Darla smiled.

"Yes," Nani smiled. "I'm Lilo's sister."

The lady brought Patch back to Atticus. Atticus laughed a little as Patch licked his face with a smile.

"Atticus, we have to stay here a little while longer just until you meet my new friend." Patch whispered to his owner before hearing something crawling on the ceiling, thanks to his dog hearing.

"Okay..." Atticus whispered back to him, turning away so it wouldn't look weird for him to talk with his dog this way.

Patch glanced up as he could see Experiment 626 crawling on the ceiling.

"We're looking for someone that can defend itself," Nani told the lady behind her desk. "Something that won't die... Something... Sturdy... You know?"

Urchin whispered something into Lilo's ear.

"Like a lobster!" Lilo then chimed in.

"Why a lobster?" Cherry asked

Urchin chuckled.

Lilo, you lolo?" Nani bent down to her younger sister and put her hands on her shoulders. "Do we have a lobster door? No, we have a dog door, we are getting a dog!"

"Shh." Patch told Atticus as the front door opened up, but no one appeared to be there and he looked up to see his alien friend on the ceiling as he was on his way back into the kennel.

"We need your name and address at the bottom of the form--" the lady started to explain until she, Lilo, Nani, Cherry, Urchin, and Darla looked to the door, but saw no one there.

"That was weird." Darla said.

"The kennel's back this way." the lady allowed Lilo to come in the back to adopt the newest member of her family.

"Go," Nani encouraged Lilo. "Go pick someone out."

Lilo looked nervous to go alone, then looked over to Darla. "Can someone come with me?"

"I'll come with you." Darla smiled.

"So will me and Patch." Atticus said.

"I'll just sit here and stare at the wall..." Cherry mumbled with a shrug.

Lilo glanced at Cherry. "She's an interesting case... I'll have to work on her..."

"I've been trying to figure her out." Atticus said.

The ones going were now in the kennel, but it appeared to be empty.

"Hello...?" Lilo called. "Hello?! Are there any 'aminals' in here?"

The dogs that were in the kennel were hiding from the alien.

Lilo and the others kept trying to find a pet, but couldn't find any.

Patch turned to his blue friend and nudged his head forward. "If you stay with Lilo, whoever's after you should leave you alone..." he whispered a suggestion.

"But... I look so different from your species..." the alien replied. "How will I blend in to this culture?"

"Well, for one thing, you could try to hide your extra features." Patch said.

"Hmm..." Experiment 626 said, looking to him and saw an adoption promotional poster of a child hugging a pet dog, giving him an idea. "Stay here a moment..."

Patch nodded, deciding to stay put for him.

"Hmm..." 626 focused on Patch, then stood up on his legs, making his extra arms bulge into his body, his back spikes pushed into his back, and his antennas sunk into his head. "Well, how do I look?"

"You look like a unique, never before seen, new breed kind of dog." Patch smiled.

"That better be a compliment..." 626 narrowed his eyes. "Help me to the one who seeks a companion."

"Right this way." Patch turned to lead the way.

Lilo kept looking with Darla until suddenly, Patch came back to Atticus and 626 rushed over to Lilo, waving his stumped tiny round tail with a small smile to look like a true pet creature of this planet.

Lilo nervously turned to 626 and slowly waved. "Hi..."

"Oh... Uhh..." 626 stood up on his legs, holding out one of his hands and forced a smile which showed his yellow tiny fangs which looked like they couldn't bite much. "Hiiiiii...." he said, and that time, not only Patch could understand him and he gave Lilo a tight hug.

"Wow!" Lilo felt amazed.

This caused Patch to face-paw, remembering he forgot to tell his alien friend that dogs can't talk to humans or any animals can talk to humans just to not freak them out. At least Lilo took it well. Darla and Atticus glanced to each other, curious and slightly confused. Lilo decided to take 626 back to the main room to show the lady and her sister.

"Okay, that creature is not a dog, what is it?" Atticus whispered to Patch.

"What do you mean?" Patch asked innocently.

"Patch, you and I both know that is not a dog." Atticus said.

"He's undercover." Patch replied.

"So... What is he?" Atticus asked. "Some dingo?"

"He's an alien," Patch explained. "That dream we had was a sign, he's from the Planet Turo and he's escaped after his creator's arrest."

"So, let me guess, we're gonna have to make sure he behaves, right?" Atticus asked.

"He's laying low," Patch said. "I promise, I'll make it all up to you."

"Hmm... Well, all right..." Atticus gave in.

"Oh, yes, mm-hmm," the animal shelter lady told Nani as Lilo was coming out with Experiment 626 in disguise. "All of our dogs are adoptable..." she then looked to see the blue creature which made her recoil in horror. "EXCEPT THAT ONE!"

"This could be a problem." Patch whispered.

Nani held her sister back as the lady held Experiment 626 back. "What is that thing!?"

"A dog, I think!" the lady replied. "But it was dead this morning!"

"It was dead this morning?!" Nani asked, confused and alarmed.

"Well, we thought it was dead, it was hit by a truck!" the lady explained the best that she could.

"I like him!" Lilo smiled up to Nani, then held out her arms. "Come 'ere, boy!"

Experiment 626 then tried to walk out of the lady's hold over to Lilo.

"I think he likes you too." Atticus said.

"He's certainly, uh, special..." Darla smiled, unsure what to say.

"Specially defected." Urchin whispered.

Darla then nudged him to silence him, then looked back with a reassuring smile. Urchin winced, holding his arm and lightly glaring down to Darla.

"Wouldn't you like a different dog?" Nani asked her sister.

"We have better dogs, dear..." the lady said as she held 626 up in her arms.

"Not better than him, he can talk!" Lilo beamed. "Say hello!"

626 then tried to say hello to her again. Patch began to make signs, telling the alien not to talk.

"Dogs can't talk, dear." the lady told Lilo which made the creature stare at her.

"He did..." Lilo insisted.

Atticus and Darla didn't say anything, unsure whether to or not, so just kept silent.

"Does it have to be this dog?" Nani asked, wearily.

The alien then stuck out its tongue and started to lick one nostril and ate it, smacking his lips.

"Yeah, he's good, I can tell." Lilo accepted.

Patch sighed out of relief, relieved that his alien friend didn't reveal he could actually talk.

The animal shelter lady was filling out an adoption paper as the alien stared out the window, looking for something... Or rather, someone. "You'll have to give him a name." she informed the little Hawaiian girl.

"His name is..." Lilo replied, thinking about it a moment, then stated the name once she found the perfect one for her new pet. "Stitch."

"Now, that's not a real name." the lady glared at Lilo, almost like she thought it was a dumb name to give an animal.

Nani, Atticus, and Darla began to give her the sign to not say that to the little girl.

"In... Iceland..." the lady then said and forced a smile. "But here, it's a good name! Stitch it is..."

Lilo smiled and looked back to her new pet as he stood on top of a chair to look out.

"So, let me guess, he's out there, right?" Patch whispered to his alien friend.

This caused for the alien now named Stitch to nod. Patch came up on the chair next to him to look with him to help.

"And there's a two dollar license fee." the lady told Nani.

Nani then handed two dollars.

"I wanna buy him!" Lilo told her sister. "Can I borrow two dollars?"

Nani took the dollars back and handed them to Lilo. Lilo then pushed them against Nani. Nani took the dollars then and handed them to the lady again.

"He's all yours." the lady told Lilo after stamping the paper.

"He's out there somewhere." Stitch told his first Earth friend.

"I'll help you." Patch promised.

"You can be my first general." Stitch approved.

"Um, okay, sir." Patch said, not wanting to anger his friend.

"How good is his hearing?" An unfamiliar voice to Patch whispered.

Stitch then instantly turned which made Patch wonder if he heard something. Patch gently pushed the door open and had Stitch come out with him. There was a glowing red dot on Stitch's belly which made Stitch look up and droop his ears. Patch looked where Stitch was looking. They both looked to see what Patch and Atticus had seen in their dream.

"Why don't you run?" the fat alien with four eyes glared to the tiny blue alien.

"Bark," Patch told Stitch. "Bark!"

Stitch then got on all fours and barked the best he could.

"Coming!" Lilo ran over to hug him. "I'm coming!"

"What's going on out here?" Atticus asked, coming out as well.

"Guys...?" Cherry walked out.

Suddenly a laser blast was shot which just missed her.

"What the!?" Cherry yelped.

"What was that?" Atticus asked.

"Stitch's creator." Patch whispered to his owner.

"Ah." Atticus nodded then.

"THIS IS LOW EVEN FOR YOU!" a voice yelled.

Lilo looked around to find the source, but was unable to.

"Whoo-hoo!" Stitch mooned his creator from high up above.

"Maybe that isn't a wise thing to do." Patch whispered to Stitch.

"They shouldn't attack as long as I'm with this Earth creature." Stitch whispered back, referring to Lilo.

Jumba and the noodly alien were coming down.

Stitch snarled. "No! Stay back! I have protection!" he then tried barking like Patch suggested.

"What is it, Stitch?" Lilo frowned.

"Oh, I'm sure he's just excited." Atticus smiled nervously.

The lady came out with Nani, then squirted Stitch with a spray bottle for disobedient animals. "Bad dog, barking at nothing!"

Stitch shuddered from the water and had a very negative reaction.

"Stay calm, it's just water." Patch whispered to him.

"Uh, congratulations on your new pet, Lilo." Darla told her new friend.

"Mahalo," Lilo thanked with a smile. "I wonder if Myrtle and the other girls would like him."

"Hmm..." Darla merely hummed.

"I still think she'd be better off with a lobster." Urchin shrugged with his hands in his shorts pockets.

"Well, suck it up, she got a dog," Cherry told him. She then took a closer look at Stitch, noticing he didn't look like any dog she had ever seen. "...I think..."

"I wouldn't want a dog..." Urchin huffed.

"Oh, and let's say you and I grew up and got married," Darla glanced at him with her hands on her hips. "If our child wanted a pet, what would you give them?"

Urchin paused to think about it, then smirked once he had an idea. "A turtle."

"And what if our child wanted something different?" Darla asked.

"Then a dog..." Urchin shrugged. "Maybe a dog and a turtle."

"That's ridiculous..." Cherry said. "Who would want a dog and a turtle?"

"Apparently any child Goldilocks and I have..." Urchin shrugged with a smirk.

"Yeah, like that will ever happen." Darla said.

"Yeah... They'd probably be a brat like you..." Urchin teased.

Darla stuck her tongue out at him, glaring her sapphire eyes. Urchin stuck his tongue out back, though crossed his copper eyes. Atticus sighed and shook his head at the two.

"Those two are so meant for each other." Patch whispered.

"Mm-hmm..." Cherry nodded once.

"So, um, Lilo, why don't we go and take Stitch for his first walk through town?" Darla asked.

'Oh, now that you mention that, I have to get to work," Nani said, then looked to Atticus since he was the oldest. "Um, I know this is sudden, but would you mind watching Lilo and Stitch for me? I work at the luau, when the time comes tonight, you can bring them back and I'll take them home with me when I get off my shift."

"No need to say another word." Atticus smiled.

"Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me," Nani smiled in relief. "I'll be able to give her lunch, but until 6:00 tonight, I'll be at work." 

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