chapter 16

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Lilo and Darla sat together in misery as Gantu was flying off with them. Lilo took out the picture of her with Nani and their parents, then hugged it as she was very emotional and depressed right now. Darla was the same as she thought she would never see her family or Urchin ever again.

"Connect me to the Grand Councilwoman." Gantu requested.

'Gantu, what's going on?' a female voice replied.

"I thought you'd like to know the little abomination is--" Gantu was about to say until he heard a horn next to him and turned his head to see Jumba and Pleakley's ship. "Is..."

"Hey there, Ugly." Patch waved from inside the ship.

'Yes, Captain?' the Grand Councilwoman demanded since she was being stalled.

Stitch and Patch made fun of Gantu as they steered around, throwing him off slightly.

"I'll call you back." Gantu nearly growled.

"Oooohhh...." Cherry groaned and looked like she was going to be sick.

Atticus gave her a brown bag for her to barf in. Cherry grabbed it and heaved noisily into it. Atticus then quickly tied her hair into a ponytail so she wouldn't get it messy. Patch and Stitch went right over to the door.

"Okay, is show time!" Jumba called once Patch and Stitch were into position.

"Let's get them back, Stitch!" Patch told him.

"Right!" Stitch firmly nodded once.

The door was open and the two were then flying into Gantu's ship as he steered with Lilo and Darla held hostage. Drell kept a close eye on Patch. Patch held onto Stitch so he wouldn't fall off.

Cherry looked very dizzy and miserable. "Pull over, I'm begging you..." she whined before her mouth cupped again and she heaved into her paper bag once more.

Jumba and Pleakley's ship nearly crashed against Gantu's as Stitch and Patch busted in together.

The two then crawled against the glass and came to the back. Stitch started to claw against the glass to let Darla and Lilo out, but struggled with that.

"Come on, break, break!" Patch groaned.

"Little savages!" Gantu snarled. "Get off my ship!" he then pushed a button.

This made the back burners scorch Stitch and Patch with the flames and knock them off the back of the ship.

"STITCH/PATCH!" Lilo and Darla yelled.

This caused for Atticus to become worried.

"Okay, I think I'm better..." Cherry wobbily walked over as the others leaned to watch the two fall from the sky. "What's going on?"

Drell grabbed her by her throat and shoved her to look out the window.

"Oh..." Cherry winced and groaned as she saw what they saw.

Patch and Stitch both had rough landings until they reached the road. There appeared to be their 'froggy friend' from earlier as he was on the road beside them and croaked.

"Stitch and his spotted friend are unconscious." Jumba looked through super binoculars out the window.

"What do we do now?" Urchin asked.

"We stay close," Jumba replied uneasily. "Hope for miracle... That's all we can do."

"Okay." Atticus said, beginning to hope for a miracle.

Cherry Meets Lilo and StitchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora