Dark Side (Completed)

By megsley22

112K 6.4K 792

Johanna is a villain, but only because she has to be. Being a hero doesn't pay the bills. But when she dives... More

Crooks and Thieves
The Halftime Show
The Townley's
No Place Like Home
Midnight Robberies
I Hate Lockers
A Super Smack Down
Mending the Broken
Wake Up Call
A Mysterious Stranger
The First Pieces to the Puzzle
Missing Pieces
A Villain and His Lair
The First Lead
A Plan
Sending a Message
A Super Showdown
A Heart to Heart
The Reveal
The Games Begin
Purple Poison
Family Reunions
The Great Escape
The Heart
A Kiss and a Cabbie
Bruises, Blisters, and Blood
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2

A Sour Super

2.7K 165 25
By megsley22

The Golden Bullet

Lightning Pulse electrocuted me. That was not part of the plan. My muscles had twitched for days, but the spasms are finally starting to subside.

She, on the other hand, has not been spotted for days, which somewhat comforts me. She's probably down sulking in her hole over the wounds I caused her. I highly doubt she is healed already. I saw that bullet rip through her side, and I know she broke more than a few ribs when I slammed her through the floor.

Some part of me nagged on about how I should be out doing more superhero type deeds, but I can't find myself motivated to do much while Lightning Pulse is absent from the streets. Nothing matters but her pain, her downfall.

I ran my fingers through my shaggy blonde hair and stood in front of the mirror. Lifting up my shirt, I stared with annoyance at the fading blue bruises that danced across my chest, adequately mapping the path of surging electricity that pulsed through me only a few days before. In the dead center, you could just make out the outline of her hand as she sent the electricity through me.

She is definitely going to pay for the pain she caused me.

Then the idea hit me. She was a villain. Villains were stupid and predictable. She probably wanted revenge on me as much as I wanted revenge on her. If I made myself known, she might come after me.

A feral grin spread across my lips and I rushed to my closet to grab my suit of white and gold. Time for revenge.


I love the feeling of weightlessness that comes with flying. There is just something so exhilarating about being suspended in the air. I currently floated above the clouds, my back facing towards the Earth and my face turned towards the gradually darkening sky. As I lazily flipped over, I watched the churning water vapor of the clouds below me turn a soft yellow in the dying light of the sun.

I almost felt at peace, but as my breath become more labored in the lower oxygen levels of the stratosphere, I remembered what I came out here to do. Lure the villainess out of hiding.

In a single, swooping motion, I plunged into the puffs of white, emerging from the bottom slightly damp. Coming to hover slightly above the ground, I touched down on the sidewalk and started walking.

I got some strange stares from those around me, but it didn't effect me. It's to be expected. I walked on, letting the normal people view me as a god, even going so far as to smile and nod to groups of pretty girls. They giggled in response.

It was just as I was walking past a supermarket that a woman came up to me. I almost flinched as my eyes landed on her face. Streaks of runny mascara streamed down her cheeks, making her resemble some sort if demon from the last horror movie I watched. The snot in her nose was bubbling slightly.

"What is it, ma'am?" I slipped effortlessly into a deep baritone. I looked down curiously at the hand that desperately clutched at my arm.

"Please," her voice was wobbly, but I gave her some credit for at least trying not to fall apart, "My son. The market. He's still in there."

My eyes lit up as I looked up at the store. There was a villain in there, and I intended to find out just which one it was.

"Don't you worry, ma'am," I turned back to look at her, "I'll get him out."

With that, I turned and sprinted towards the front entrance, floating slightly to enhance my speed.

I slowed down and waited for the automatic doors to admit me into the building.

When I finally stepped in, the fire burning inside me dimmed slightly. It wasn't her. But it was just about the next best thing.

A villain clad in ocean blue spandex trotted around lazily on the checkout counters. He only performed a little skip and saluted me as he met my eyes.

I was vaguely aware of the hostages cowering on the floor, but they didn't matter right now. What mattered was the man standing in front of me.

A sack of money rested near his feet, and it led me to wonder why he was still here. What was he waiting for. As if to answer my question, he spoke, "You're not who I was looking for."

His voice was bored, annoyed almost. I replied in an impatient tone, "I can say the same thing."

He snorted and looked at his watch as he hopped down from the counter. "Well, this was a waste of my time," he said as he grabbed the money bag, "I'm out of here."

I looked him up and down. Judging by his blonde, windswept hair, and the S on his chest, this was indeed the super I thought it was, "You're Swift, aren't you?"

He stopped and stared at me, an 'are you seriously asking me that' look plastered onto his face.

We were about the same size, though he might've been slightly taller than I, but I liked my chances.

"I don't believe we've been properly acquainted," I picked up where I'd left off.

"I know who you are," he said with a bored expression as he turned away from me again. I noticed he was limping slightly, probably why he wasn't going at superspeed.

I cleared my throat and he turned again, "I can't let you leave."

He raised his brow and smirked, though his voice was tired, "Oh, you're perfectly capable of letting me leave. It's just your, oh what do they call it?" He snapped a little in an attempt to find the right words, "Morals? Ethics? Eh... Conscience?" He nodded his head, "Yeah, those. Those are getting in the way."

I rolled my eyes and charged at him. He sidestepped me, of course, but hobbled a little as he came back to normal speed, "I'm not in the mood for this right now," he growled as he picked up the bag he'd dropped.

"Oh, that's too bad," I traced the trail of a fake tear down my cheek and stuck out my bottom lip.

He scowled at me and before he could attack, I charged him again. My fist caught his stomach and he went flying across the room, taking out an aisle of cereal as he went.

It took him a while, but he groaned and got back to his feet. After cracking his ankle, he shot me a smug grin.

Seconds later, he stood behind me and my head was jerked backwards by my hair.

I groaned and let my feet float off the ground. In a quick motion, I swung in a complete back flip and my feet connected with his shoulders.

He groaned and placed his hands on his knees, "Come on man," he panted, "I'm really tired right now. Can't we do this another time."

My hand reached out and gripped his chin, forcing him to look at me, "No can do, buddy. Rumor has it, you know the person I'm looking for."

He raised his brow in question.

"Are you familiar with the name... Lightning Pulse?"

I felt his jaw tighten in my grip and his eyes blazed to life, "What do you want with her?"

"Oh, I just want to teach her a little lesson," I smiled.

His face crunched in distaste and a blurred fist slammed into my cheek bone. My face barely moved as he made contact, and I reveled in his expression as he shook out his hand.

I saw the exact moment realization crossed his face. A few seconds later, he lay sprawled across the floor, a giant bruise forming on the left side of his face. He spit blood onto the floor beside him and tenderly tested his jaw. I stooped down next to him and gripped the fabric on his chest. After lifting him a good two feet into the air, I slammed him back down with a sickening crunch.

He let out a pain riddled gasp and I smirked. Bending down, I whispered in his ear.

"I need you to deliver a message," I could hear the ragged breaths trying to escape his lungs, "Tell Lightning Pulse that she will pay for what she's done to me. I've had enough of her games. She will suffer. Tell her, that if she doesn't come out soon, her mother will suffer the fate intended for her."

I saw his eyes widen at the mention of her mother and I only grinned as I walked away. The hostages had long since escaped, and I was grateful for not having an audience for my threats. As soon as I stepped out of the building, I was greeted by a serenade of supportive cheers.

I smiled and waved, like the good little hero I'm supposed to be, and took off into the night.





Hey people. Hope you liked this Golden Bullet perspective. I also hope stardragon98 liked hearing from Swift again! Let me know what you thought! Read, comment, vote, and stay classy! Thanks guys!

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