Daddy George?

By unionj12

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Daddy George
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
Your Choice *Not a chapter*
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45

Chapter 21

467 11 3
By unionj12

George Pov

I woke up and i didn't want to move. I didn't want to do the press conference. I dont think i can pretend everything is fine when my whole life is falling apart but i knew i had to, i had no other choice. It was oready 8.50am so i quickly got out of bed and put on some clothes, i decided to wear my wolf top and some jeans and put on my hat to cover up my hair. I needed to look like everything was ok and i knew that the make up artists would be able to cover up the bad under my eyes because i havent slept properly in over a week. 

*George im sorry mate we really are going have to go* Josh screamed up stairs, he has been trying to get me out of the room for 20minutes now. I put on my shoes and huffed as i looked at my appearance i did look like crap, the bags under my eyes looked terrible. 

When i got downstairs Josh gave me a sympathetic smile. I grabbed my car keys and josh followed me out. Allowing to me to drive he jumped in the passenger seat.  We got to the managers offices within 10 minutes and the whole car journey was silent and awkward. 

Once we got inside JJ and Jaymi were both having there hair and make up done. I didnt want to do any of it i just wanted to get it all over with and get back.

*George* Our make up artist said and i snapped out of my gaze i must of been staring at the plain wall for a while because JJ and Jaymi both had there hair and make up done and Josh was halfway through getting his hair done. 

I sat down without speaking and within 10 minutes my hair and make up was done and  i left my hat on so it didn't take any longer. I wasnt sure who knew about the real situation in the offices or any of the crew but i didn't care, all  i cared about was getting this interview over. 

I walked down the corridor following the others and i heard loads of people speaking, one of the ,men from management tapped my shoulder and gestured for me go in a small office with him i followed him in the office and he shut the door. 

*George, i know everything that is happening, i know how difficult this is* I wanted to scream in his face nobody knows what it feels like having there daughter took away and knowing she might not be yours after bringing her up for 3years. The only people that knew how much it hurt is the people that have been in this situation. I decided to just stay quiet and nod my head alittle.

*But i need you to try your best, put that fake smile on, you need to do this for you fans*

*I will try* i mumbled

*Well the other boys are going to answer as much as they can, you just need sit there and try answer a couple* 

*Ok* i said and he walked to the door and we met the other boys. 

Within 2 minutes we were in the room all siting behind table. I was in between Josh and Jaymi and JJ sat at the end. There was about 20 interviewers mostly men but a few women all with Camera and recording equipment. I put the biggest fake smile on i could muster knowing everything is been recorded.  I was happy when Jaymi spoke because i knew i wouldn't beable to start of this press interview

*As we posted in the article, George is not leaving the band, we are close and will be continuing the world tour George and Josh were at the offices filling in paperwork for legal reasons regarding the tour* 

*Why was George and Josh Crying at the lawyers if it was regarding the tour* one of the men shouted and Josh answered

*We were having a bad day, we were tired doing a world tour can take it out of anyone* Josh sounded confident and the man didnt question further. 

Everyone was shouting questions and after a few minutes the questions weren't about the lawyers office they were more general questions. I didnt know why management didnt stop it, i couldn't take much more i  started to gorm out at the wall still with a smile on my face. After another few minutes i couldn't hear anything, i was clueless about  what was happening and it was just me and my thoughts. 

My mind quickly went to Daisy  I wondered if she is missing me?  i want to know where she is. I just wish Holly let me know if she is ok. I wouldn't be mad at holly over the phone the first thing i would ask is how Daisy is. I felt myself slipping and i had to hold back the tears that were building in my eyes. I blinked over and over and shuffled in the chair and went back to the interview. 

*Is matty still going to be the support act on the second leg of the world tour*  The women interview asked. I knew i should answer this if i dont speak the whole interview the dedicated fans will know there is something up. 

*Yes he will be* I managed to say, Josh looked to his side and smiled. I knew he was trying to reasure me it will soon be over. I sat back in the chair and after another few  minutes Management called us and it was the end of the interview. Once i got out the room i breathed out and slid down to the floor. Not been able to keep the fake smile anymore. 

JJ kneeled next to me and put his hand on my back 

*You did good George, im so proud lets go back* 

I nodded my head and stood up and walked out ignoring everyone around me i really didnt care. Once i got outside there was fans at the gates and i couldnt bring myself to go and meet them so i got straight in the car whilst Josh, Jaymi and JJ went to them all. 

I didnt want to wait for Josh so i got in the car and drove off. I knew that Jaymi or JJ would drive him back. 

After a few minutes of driving my phone started to ring and after looking at the screen and seeing it was management i threw the phone back. Not caring if i broke it, they need to learn i need time on my own, i wasn't going to answer in case they wanted to me to do anything else.

Once i got home i knew i would have take my phone in, i looked on the back seat and it wasn't there meaning it landed in the boot i walked along the car and opened the boot up. Tears streamed down my face as i looked in the boot.The presents i bought for Daisy the day Holly took her,  The teddy and fancy dress outfit were still lying on in the boot. 

As i looked at them the pain in my heart got worse. I never got to give her them presents and i might not be able to give them her. I missed Daisy i needed to see her. I couldn't be away from her much longer. My whole world is falling apart. 

2 days later

Tommy Pov

The letter came  10 minutes ago. I knew it was the results from the DNA test. This letter will decided weather im a farther or if im not. I really wanted to be Daisys dad. I would do anything to be a farther and i knew i couldnt support her if i am. 

I sat down and my legs were trembling. I opened the letter with my shaky hands ripping the envolp off i turned over the paper.

70 reads = update :) WILL HE BE THE DAD??? 

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