Scomiche - Secret Diary of a...

By feminenemy22

130K 7.8K 6.4K

Mitch was a fan way before he got the job. Can he balance friendship with fandom? Can he remain professional... More

1. Exposition
2. Priorities
3. Pushover
4. Why Is The Wine Always Gone
5. Hope
6. Heart Eyes
7. Champagne Life
8. Confusion
9. Home Alone-ish
10. Not You
11. Shipping Wars
13. Crash Diet
14. Surprise
15. Green
16. Nosy
17. Truth
18. The In-Between
19. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.
20. New York State of Mind
21. Fuzzy
22. Guilty
23. Someone to Love You
24. Swimming Pools
25. Magic Man
26. Comedy
27. Ch-Ch-Changes
28. Compromise
29. Dangerous Woman
30. Locked & Loaded
31. Model Behavior
32. Flirt
33. Bad 4 Us - Epilogue

12. Will Power

2.7K 229 80
By feminenemy22

It's been a fun day. Scott invited me and Alex and the jock squad (AKA Justin, Chris & Hayden) over for a cookout & pool party. Jake showed up for a little while and Jess & Megg were here for dinner, but now I'm alone with 5 gorgeous, fit men and I feel so incredibly out of place. I know I shouldn't, they're my friends too so I shouldn't feel strange, but I can't help it. I should really go home, I'm totally sunburnt and definitely a prune by now, but he keeps begging me not to go... and you know me... glutton for punishment.

It's nice though, sitting by the firepit and drinking wine under the stars while the boys splash around in the pool like children.

Ok, I'll admit I'm a little off lately. Things are just different I guess. I mean I've been Scott's assistant going on 4 years now and it's the same cycle it's always been. Scott records we do promo he goes on tour he comes home and records again. I don't know why I feel so ... off lately. Maybe it's because I let two weeks go by without seeing Scott. He didn't even notice. He and Alex have been doing everything together and while the snaps and instas and tweets are literally so adorable I want to hug them both, something still feels wrong. I know it's nothing Scott is doing, but it's something I have to figure out how to deal with.  Even today they've been huddling together and whispering like children on a playground who have a secret no one else can know. 

Yes, yes I know I'm jealous. Jealousy is like my specialty. I pretty much accepted the full time jealousy gig when I accepted my position with Scott.  Still - the tables have suddenly turned and  I'm starting to realize why people always think me and Scott are dating... because he treats Alex the same way. They've been sharing clothes, hugging, cuddling, spending every waking hour together... I know they aren't a thing, but it still makes me jealous and I don't know how to stop it.

Well, I do... and my solution is coming soon, I still have to wait for Ava's schedule to clear before she flies out to save me from myself.



I look over at him with a lazy smile. He's holding himself up at the side of the pool and he looks absolutely glorious. Justin pegs him in the back of the head with a beachball and he takes a moment to throw it back and send a retaliatory splash his way. He shakes his head with a loud laugh as he turns back to me.



"I need another drink." He holds up an empty beer bottle and shakes it a little.


"Are you kidding me right now? What do I look like... your slave!?"

"Not my slave, my personal assistant." He grins and I can tell he's getting fuzzy. He's really lucky I love him or I'd shove that bottle down his throat.

"Off duty, babe." Damnit. He puts on a superfrown and I can't help but laugh. Jeezus he's got me wrapped around his finger. This is worse than I thought. I'm honestly in way too deep (I can hear you giggling from here, perv :-P )

"Pleeeeeeeaaasssseee? I'll love you forever and ever?"

I roll my eyes and set down my glass of wine. That's it. I resolve this is my last glass then I'm leaving. Scott or no Scott.

I retrieve the drink from the cooler but pause when I hear a loud smack. By the time I look back over my shoulder Alex is giving Scott a stern look and Scott is rubbing his arm with a pretty pout. I don't know what they're arguing about but I'm pretty sure I don't want to. *sigh*

I take the cap off for him and head back to him. Alex has swum off back to the other guys and Scott is looking up at me with big puppy dog eyes.

"Thank you." He takes the bottle and sets it down.

"You're welcome, hon. I'm going to head out, alright?"

"Noooooooo. No it's early." He grabs my wrist gently and tugs just a little and I sit on the edge of the pool to keep from toppling over.

"I've been here since 2 and it's now 10:30. I'm a pruney lobster."

"We can go inside. You owe me a rematch on Mario Kart."

How is it possible for one man to control me the way he does. No. I can say no. I can. Watch me.

"It's fine. You stay out here with the boys and have fun. You won't even notice I'm gone."

"Are you mad at me?"

Those eyessssss. It's not fair he's cheating!

"Why would I be mad at you? I wouldn't have been here all day if I were mad at you."

He contemplates what he's going to say and instead of saying anything he pulls himself up on the side of the pool (It really is a beautiful display of skin and muscle and water.... Like a baywatch montage but way hotter) and twists to sit on the ledge next to me.

"I just missed you."

Does he HAVE to be so sweet when he's sitting there in swim trunks and no shirt and those deliciously pouty lips that look so perfect for kissing... will power... WILL POWERRRRR ... say it with me WILL POWER WILL POWER

*swoon* his bicepsssss

I want to biteeeee

"I missed you too, but normally you see me all the time. You rarely get to spend time with these guys. Before you know it we'll be out on tour again and you'll see me so much you'll be tired of me in no time."

He just shook his head and watched me, those stupid blue eyes looking over my face for something... but I can't quite figure it out. I notice Alex watching us from the corner of my eye as if he's waiting for something to happen, but the tension is too much for me to endure and I have to break the quiet.

"We can hang out soon, ok?"

His face falls a little and he looks away. What is with him tonight?!

"Tomorrow? We can go shopping and have lunch at Cafe Gratitude? My treat."

How to resist Scott Hoying. Someone please create a class for this... maybe a 12 step program... or at least a book. I'm dying here.

"I have a meeting with my realtor tomorrow."

"Wait, why? You're moving? Where?"

The concern on his face almost makes me laugh but I manage to reign it in to a dimpled smile. "Just thought I could move somewhere a bit quieter. I mean I can't afford to live anywhere near this neighborhood or anything, but somewhere away from the city."

"You're moving further away?"

He's obviously not a fan of this idea, but it's not really his choice. Besides, I'd probably end up being closer to him. Put your eyebrow down, me moving has nothing to do with being closer to Scott. Swear!

"No. I'm not intentionally moving further away, but it might be. I haven't chosen a place yet. It might end up being closer."

"Wait, you could move in with me!"


"Scott-" His face has lit up like Christmas morning and I can already tell this is going to be a DISASTER.

"No, it would be perfect. I have all of these rooms and it's just me. We're barely around anyway and if you lived here then you wouldn't have to spend money on a place you never spend any time in."


"Scott, it wouldn't be right for me to just move into your space. This is YOUR house. Besides then you'd REALLY get tired of me." I don't know how my hand ends up on his thigh but hey there it is. Oh God it feels like it's on fire. Ok, pull it away without being obvious. Slowllllllyyyyyy.

"No I wouldn't. It would be great. Pleeeasseee Mitchy. It'll be amazing."

Nope. The moment you brought someone home it would kill me. I need an escape. Nooooo no pouty face. Stop cheating. Put the blue eyes awaaayyyy.


"I'm not taking no for an answer."

Ok, it's time to appease him until something steals his attention. Let's see... i'll just dip into my arsenal of vagueries...

"I'll think about it."

His smile is infectious and I don't even fight the hug he wraps me up in. There's no way I can move in with him, but at least for now he's happy.

"I still have an appointment tomorrow to look at a few places."

He pulls away and frowns but it's short lived and I know he has another 'brilliant' idea to contribute.

"I'll go with you! Then we have our lunch and shopping trip."

Because showing up with a multi millionaire is going to keep property prices down. *sigh* Remember that How to Resist Scott Hoying book request? Still need it. I'm failing... miserably.

"Alright, but I have to meet her 10am."

"I'll be at your place by 9. I'll even bring breakfast."

"Alright, alright. But now I really need to go."

"Nooooo. Stay for just a little longer." Puppy dog eyes again.... I really have to teach him to stop that.

"Scottttttttttt" Yes I'm whining but he started it.

"15 minutes. Pleeeeeassseee???"

Mustttt... beeeee... stroonnngggg..

We both look over after a beach ball collides with my head snapping us both out of it. Justin has both hands over his mouth.

"That was meant for Scott, I'm so sorry Mitch."

He's laughing and I try to narrow my eyes. I stand up and walk over to where he is and take a short run and cannonball into the pool near him. By the time I break the surface Scott is back in the pool and everyone is laughing again.

What's 15 more minutes? 

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