Broken (Not Vry Good Rd At Ow...

By totis_dilectione_mea

814 3 2

Elizah Mason was your normal teenager she had black hair and intense blue eyes. Hung out with friends, was a... More

The Begining
Chapter 2.
Capter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Authors Note
Author's Note

Chapter 15.

23 0 0
By totis_dilectione_mea

Ezra's P.O.V

Ok I'll admit I feel like an ass. Elizah and I had sex Friday night and let me just say it was amazing but it made me fall in love with her more. Then she said that she loved me. I didn't say it back and changed the subject. That is why I felt like an ass. She has been gone with Allison for almost two days and will be coming home today around 7:30 ish. I wanted to apologize and tell her that I loved her, but lately I've been thinking about what dating Elizah has done to me. I went from player to one girl. If I kept going the boys would make fun of me for being whipped. Then they would get into the whole thing about how me starting to date her because I got payed to do so and how it was cliché of me to fall in love with the 'weird' girl. That is another reason why I felt like an ass. The only reason I started to date Elizah was because the guys payed me to.

To: Jones

Hey dude wanna hang out!

Sure I'm not doing anything what u want to do

Idk anything where are the other guys

They're with me

Then where are you so I can meet u

We just at my house

Oh ok then can I come over

Yah bring some of your games and bring beer

Sure be there soon
I put my phone away and walked down stairs. The guys were my football mates. There is Tate, Marvin, Jones, Gabe, and Cleveland (we call him Clevvy or just Clev) those guys I'm closest to me there are others I just don't pay that much attention to them. I know I'm such a jerk right. My parents were still on vacation, I was getting behind in school and I started to stress out so I begged them to let me come back. I also wanted to see Elizah.  I grabbed some of my dad's beer from the garage, got in my car and drove off to Jones's house.
Elizah's P.O.V

Me and Alison were packing up to leave the lake house and I was so glad we were able to come out here it was very relaxing, I'm not as mad at Jack as I was.

"Eli I haven't talked to you about the Jack situation this weekend. But I want to on the way home. Can we do that?"

"Yeah, of course." I got into the drivers seat and she got into the passengers seat. "Alright Allison talk." I pulled out of the long drive way and onto the main road.

"I know he cheated for awhile, but I still love him. A lot. Will you stay by me through the whole day tomorrow. Please?"

I was mad. "Allison May Stone." I glanced at her and she was slightly scared. I never used anyone's full name unless I was going to start screaming and wanting to bite someone's head off and rip it to shreds. Which is what I felt right now. I looked back at the road. But before I could say anymore she called someone.

"Jay?.......Umm I'm in a situation. I'm in a car with Elizah and she just used my full name. What is going to happen?"

"Ok well she won't hurt you right now or maybe never since your a girl and her best friend. But she will yell and scream the fucking shit out of you. Up to the point where you know you are wrong and you don't even dare say another word." I smirked.

"Thanks. Bye Jay." She hung up and slowly turned her head towards me. I could see her terrified expression from the corner of my eye.

"Allison. Listen. He didn't just cheat for awhile. He cheated for a long while. He broke a fucking promise, he lied, cheated, stole, lied some more, cheated some more, and then he.....he......he acted as if it shouldn't have hurt you. He broke a promise." I whispered the last part. I pulled the car over. And then angry, disappointed, hurt, and upset tears slid down my face.

"He broke a promise. I'm sorry. I guess do whatever you want. I feel stupid. This affected me more than you. I'm sorry. I really am."

"I forgive you." That sentence made me freeze. I couldn't cry anymore. I wiped my tears away and continued to drive.

The rest of the drive was silent. I dropped her off then walked to my house. I didn't have a car just a license and since Allison hated driving I just walked to her house and then drove us to school.

Once I got home I didn't know how I was feeling I know I was upset and hurt. I left my phone here because I didn't want to be distracted. I went up to my room and checked my phone I had no messages. Good. I think. I decided to go for a walk.

There were different feelings that I got when I was alone. I felt sad and lonely. I don't know if I liked it or not. It started to rain. But I kept walking. I ended up at the bridge where I tried my first attempt at suicide. My brother saved me. I turned and looked in the distance, it was beautiful all the boats swaying to the beat of the rain. I slid my fingers on the wet metal of the bridge railing. I closed my eyes and started to swag and shake. I had started to sob. I opened my eyes and looked out to the distance again. But I made sure to show no emotion. I just stared. Tears still pouring down my face. Then I felt arms shaking me, but I didn't want to leave. Not yet.

"Elizah!" They were shouting but it sounded so far away. I was turned away from my paradise to look at a very scared and confused Jay. Of course he would find me.


"Wait how long do you think you've been here?"

Why? I was only here for like three minutes. "Umm I don't like not even ten minutes. I'm fine Jay. You don't need to worry."

"Are you fucking kidding me! You've been gone for 4 hours!"

"What!? No I wasn't! That's impossible I just got here."
He looked at me worry and distress all over his face.

"Yes you were. Are you ok."
I broke down, for like the fourth fucking time!

"H-he broke a p-promise,"
He hugged me and picked me up. "I know he shouldn't have done that."

He brought me home and sent me to go take a hot shower. I heard him talk for to someone but I didn't care I was shivering and was tired.


Jays P.O.V

"She was just standing there looking at nothing. It scared me Jack. Then she broke down because you broke a promise."

"What is her deal with promises anyways. They aren't that important."

"Do you not remember anything anymore!?" I snapped. I remember that day like it happened yesterday.
"Jay stop it!" Her laugh was toxic.

"Jessica!! Hey where are you?!" UGGH Elizah always had to take her away from me. She was my friend too!

I didn't see her for hours but I heard her laugh and I smiled. 

I fell asleep on the couch, but I woke up  to screaming. I ran upstairs to see Elizah frantically running around grabbing stuff and throwing clothes one her.


"WE HAVE TO GO! Now!" She ran out the door and sprinted, as I followed, all the way to a bridge. That's when I saw Jessica standing on the railing.


"I'm sorry I can't do it anymore. I can't do it. I'm sorry!" With that she turned back around and jumped into the rushing waters. Breaking and drowning her body.

"NO!! YOU PROMISED NO YOU CANT! NO PLEASE!" She completely broke in front of me. Elizah the strongest person I knew completely shattered into a million pieces right in front of me. It was raining. And she was wailing in pain as if she could feel what just happened to Jessica. I just stood there in complete shock.

That day I found out Jessica had severe depression and promised Elizah she would stay until Elizah died. So that when they died neither of them would leave one another. But since Elozah didn't want to die yet she told Jessica to promise not to die before her. Ever since that day if you broke a promise you would lose Elizah even of the promise had nothing to do with her but one of her friends. Like what was going on with Jack and Allison. Jack lost his sister and he didn't even care!!

"Jackson do you not remember what happened. You broke a promise. You broke a promise. Didn't hear that?  You broke a promise."  The look he gave me said 'oh shit I forgot I'm so screwed.'

"Whatever Jack or should I say cheater. When you find my brother tell him he has a BIG mess to clean up."

He sighed and got up and walked away.


Hey guys to updates in one day cray. Well here you go I hope this chapter isn't too confusing.

Not Edited


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