I'm Having a Royal Baby {ORIG...

By LeanGoddess

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THE IS THE ORIGINAL STORY OF THE MATERNALISTIC MAID Folashadé knew there would be consequences when it came... More

Rewrite Vs. Original
Chapter 1: One Night Stand
Chapter 2: Breakfast Warnings and Confessions
Chapter 3: Peanut Butter and Morning Sickness
Chapter 4: Late Night Visit
Chapter 5: What If...?
Chapter 6: Test results
Chapter 7: I'll know when you love me
Chapter 8: The Breakdown
Chapter 9: D-anger as well as Favors
Chapter 10: Ruining a Man's Pride
Chapter 12: Secrets
Chapter 13: Affectionate Stares?
Chapter 14: Man To Man
Chapter 15: Surprise
Chapter 16: The Unexpected
Chapter 17: Royal Announcement
Chapter 18: Development Of a Friendship
Chapter 19: Self-hate
Chapter 20: Denial and Realization
Flashback Chapter
Chapter 21: Almost Getting Caught
Chapter 22: Second Appointment
Chapter 23: Clues and Discovery
Chapter 24: The Ball
Chapter 25: Careless Hormones
Chapter 26: Truth
Chapter 27: Magic
Chapter 28: Deprecation
Chapter 29: Oh Brothers
Chapter 30: Consent to Rebelling
Chapter 31: Disgrace
Chapter 32: Questions and Abruptions
Chapter 33: Miracles Could Be Shattered
Chapter 34: A Done Deal
Chapter 35: The Finale

Chapter 11: End of a Friendship

68.9K 1.9K 411
By LeanGoddess

Chapter 11: End of a Friendship


"Frank...Frank, wake up," I whispered. I shook Frank's shoulder while holding a glass of water in the other.

He was out cold on one of the Servant's Quarters crimson colored sofas. His red bruises from Vincent's tight grasp on his neck were still quite visible. I'd never seen Vincent become so...violent. He was always the calm, collective type who was smooth with words. But the way I'd seen him holding Frank by his throat off the ground, he looked like...a monster. So cold, dangerous, and full of hatred.

I couldn't be around Vincent if he was going to act that way. And I definitely wasn't going to be around him if he was going to continue his engagement. I understand that my baby will need their dad, but I just couldn't see myself possibly having a future with him if his was already set with another woman.

Suddenly Frank's head began to slowly shake. He was beginning to come to. I quickly handed him the glass of water.

"Shadé? What happened," he asked lethargically. He took the glass, slowly sitting up straight. "Owe, owe, owe," he laid back down setting the glass on the coffee table and rubbing his forehead. I assumed he was having a migraine headache. I immediately pulled out two aspirins.

"Here," I said quietly, handing them to him.

Apathetically, he took them, but then just laid there with the aspirins in his hand.

"Frank, you have to take the-" I began, but he cut me off.

"I know, I know. Just give me a minute," he said sluggishly slow.

I felt so much guilt flowing through my conscience. It's all my fault! It's my fault that Vincent went after Frank. If I wouldn't have lied to Vincent and say that Frank was the father, Frank wouldn't have been in this state. Oh God, I feel sick.


I quickly rush for the nearby bucket I brought, specifically for Frank, and emptied all the contents of my stomach into the pail.

"Shadé," I heard Frank's concerned voice ask. I should be asking him if he's ok, not the other way around. Dealing with this baby and the nausea was becoming accustomed to me. But, seeing Frank in a painful state wasn't.

"I'm okay, it's just the baby," I said before spitting into the bucket. The foul taste was still in the back of my throat.

It was casually silent for both of us, as if we were both in deep thought about what we would say next.

"I'm sorry. This is all my fault," I murmured feeling the tears beginning to stain my eyes.

I heard him swallowing large gulps of water before listening to the glass being set down. "It's fine, really. I know you need my help. I understand you can't tell anyone about..." He trailed off. I knew what he meant, but I wasn't going to finish his sentence.

"I'm just going to hope Vincent doesn't say anything," I said, hopefully. I prayed he wasn't too angry with me to go and tell his parents that I was having his baby.

"Likewise," he agreed, placing his arm over his forehead as he lied back down.

"What were you two talking about, anyway," I asked finally taking a seat beside him.

"He asked me about my relationship with you," he said, peeking beneath his arm to stare at me. "I told him that we're just friends, and then he just suddenly...snaps!"

I furrow my eyebrows in concern and anger. Why is he so upset? I'm the one who should be upset! Well, I am too, but I'm not one to blame it on another person. I want, no, need to talk to Vincent. The things he's doing are frightening me. But, at the same time, I'm so mad at him, I don't even want to see his face or hear his voice. But, maybe I should. At a later time.

"I don't know why he's so upset. I am the only one who should be upset about the whole thing," I hissed.

He rose an eyebrow in questioning. "What happened with you two?"

My eyes deviated to the half empty glass of water. "He said he was going to have a baby with Melanie, after he told me he 'loves' me. So, I announced my pregnancy to the King, Queen, and Vincent," my eyes averted back to Frank's blue orbs. "And I told them you're the father...," I trailed off. "I guess that's what got him upset. I'm so sorry for putting you in the middle of all this," I said as the tears were beginning to free fall down my cheeks.

I felt Frank's arms embrace me into a warm hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist and cried on his shoulder. I knew he was still covered in dirt, but I didn't care, I needed a shoulder to cry on.

"Shadé...," another familiar voice questioned. It was Tiffany and she had Aimee standing behind her.

Lately, Aimee has always been there whenever I needed someone, along with Tiffany.

I pulled away from Frank as he turned to look at them. They rushed over to me and completely engulfed me into a hug.

"Shadé, please tell us what happened. We were worried about you," Aimee pleaded quietly. Never would I ever imagine Aimee to say those words to me.

I'm not sure if I can tell these two just yet. Considering that Tiffany has told me she's madly in 'love' with that man. Sometimes, I wish it were her instead of me. She probably might handle this situation better than me.

I shook my head as if to say 'I can't tell you'.

"Does this all have something to do with Master Vincent," Tiffany asked in a low whisper. She was giving me a hopeful expression. I couldn't do anything but look back at her hopelessly.

"Y-y-you s-slept with him," she asked, more like stated, on the brink of tears. Again, I didn't answer her, just hopelessly stared at her.

"Oh my God. You slut," she spat rising from her seat. Suddenly I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek. It burned one second and then stung the next. I touched my cheek and felt it swell up. Oh, I know she didn't just put her hands on me. Next thing I knew, all I saw was red.

Immediately Aimee grabbed Tiffany and Frank grabbed me, unfortunately for Tiffany, they weren't fast enough. Before they could grab us and pull us away from each other, I grabbed for a handful of Tiffany's hair and dragged her little ass across the coffee table. I began sending blow after blow to her brunette head. She blindly swung her arms and wailed in agony.

At some point, she managed to kick me in my stomach, causing us both to fall, her on top of me. Although she was on top of me, I still had a tight grip on her hair, giving me the opportunity to punch her repeatedly.

Her hands went for my bun and began tugging on it as well. Oh no, sweet heart, this is natural hair!

Somehow, I actually flipped her over my entire body. However, during the flip, she pulled a few strands of my hair out of my bun.

"Shadé, let her go," I faintly heard Aimee yelled as she tried to loosen my grip on Tiffany's brunette colored hair. I didn't want to let go, I was going to let out all the anger that Vincent built up in me on this little bitch. She shouldn't have slapped me!

Strong arms wrapped around my waist as I was hauled up into a standing position. Tiffany was blindly throwing punches, some landed on my arm, but not my face.

"Oh my god, Gina," I heard Aimee say under her breath.

I knew that was my cue to let her go, but not before sending a lovely kick to her face. I released my grip and fell backward landing on top of Frank on the couch.

I looked around at the spectators and saw Gina fuming.

"What the hell happened here," Gina's authoritative voice asked angrily.

"The whore's a slut," Tiffany said through heavy sobs

"The bitch hit me," I shouted, gesturing toward the little bitch.

We glared at one another, then she stuck up her middle finger. I wanted so bad to just jump at this little bitch again.

"Stop it, you two! We have a job here! If you two want to be animals then join a freaking zoo," she yelled, her voice rose a few octaves as she came to the end of her small speech. "Tiffany, Folashadé come with me. NOW," she demanded.

Frank released me and I rose to follow Gina. Tiffany followed behind me. I was alert, ready for her dumbass to try and do something stupid, such as trying to hit me from behind. I turn around to see her glaring daggers at me with red rimmed eyes. I frowned back.

"Try something stupid. I dare you, stupid bitch," I hissed.

Her glare deepened. "Fuck you, whore," she spat.

"Girls," Gina growled as she opened the door to her office.

Gina's office wasn't as luxurious as Mathias', of course, but it seemed quite decent. The primary color of her office was brown. She had a smooth cherry wooden desk and a brown leather, rolling chair. Two brown cotton arm chairs were placed in front her desk. Tiffany and I took a seat in the two chairs, but Tiffany decided to move her chair further away from me. I didn't care; it's best for her dimwitted ass to stay as far away from me as possible.

"What is with you two," Gina began.

"She's whoring around the place!"

"This bitch put her hands on me!"

We yelled at the same time.

"Shut the fuck up," I spat.

"Fuck you," she hissed back.

"Hey, hey, now! We're going to deal with this like mature adults! Tiffany, let me hear your side first," Gina gestured to Tiffany.

For some reason, I was beginning to get nervous. Tiffany already knew about my affair with Vincent, I don't think I'll be able to live to see the next day.

"Well, this whore over here is going around sleeping with Frank and Vincent," she explained.

Immediately, I tensed. She most likely wouldn't let me even tell my side of the story after this bitch is done. All I wanted to do at this moment was bash my elbow into her nose.

Instantly, Gina's eyes glanced at mine with so much anger. She knew I either lied to her or went against her warning.

"Folashadé, is that true," she asked in venom.

I felt intimidated as I spoke. "Well, what Tiffany said, is true. I was sleeping with Vincent. But, I am not sleeping with Frank," I said glaring at Tiffany. "But, that's beside the point-"

"It really isn't," Gina interrupted.

I was quiet for a second, to see if she'd continue, but she didn't so I went on. "Gina, she hit me. She knows that I'm pregnant and she hit me!"

Gina's eyes widened at my outburst. "You're p-pregnant," she exclaimed.

I nodded.

"With Vincent's baby," Tiffany growled. Will this stupid bitch please just shut the fuck up for once? Please.

"F-Folashadé, are you sure its Vincent's child," Gina asked cautiously.

"This whole year I've been working here, Vincent has been the only man I had sex with," I answered as I nodded. In my peripheral vision, I could see Tiffany fuming and cringing.

Suddenly Gina's cautious expression changed to a furious one. I was beginning to get scared. I just went against the rules. She told us specifically that if she finds out that any of us are lying about sleeping with any of the Princes, we would face consequences. It looks like I won't be here very long.

Although I was expecting this, her next words managed to make my heart nearly stop.

"Folashadé, pack your bags," she demanded calmly.

I couldn't let her just kick me out like that. I had to put up a fight. I had no one out here in England. I had nowhere to go. Unless I spend all the money I've saved up, I wasn't going to be able to fly to New York. I want to see my brother, I do. But, my life is in England, as a maid for the Royal Family. This was all I really had.

"Gina, please, I know I went against the rules, but you just can't kick me out like-" I pleaded.

"Pack your bags, Folashadé," she said more sternly.

Tears began to trickle down my face as my begging continued. "P-please, you c-c-can't. Please. G-Gina, I'm pregnant a-and if I g-g-get f-fired, I-I-I won't have anywhere to-", I could hardly breathe between my words. This couldn't be happening.

"Folashadé, I will not say this again! GO PACK YOUR BAGS! NOW," she bellowed pointing her finger towards the door.

I slammed my fists against her desk and bit down on my lip. I sniffled as I tasted blood on my tongue. Gina stared challengingly into my eyes, but I broke the gaze, turning to leave. I slammed the door loudly behind me.

I hated Tiffany for even fighting me while I'm pregnant. I hated Gina for firing me, she knew how stressed I was. But, most of all, I hated Vincent for approaching me that night. All of this; everything was his fault.

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