Unconditional (Book Two)

By airplanelover52

5.6K 255 202

Jim Parsons Fanfiction 'Unconditional' is book two of 'Time & Time Again' fanfiction duology. After a long fi... More

1. Distraction
2. Threat
3. Impossible
5. Wrong Possibility
6. Impediment
7. One Remains
8. Curiosity
9. Reverse Story Teller
10. Inquires
11. Eyes
12. Yet
13. Dreams
14. Clues & Suspicious Guesses
15. Proof
16. Sunken Hearts
17. Golden Flames
18. Unrecovered Recovery
19. Risks
20. Nostalgia
21. Where Our Memories Lay {Pt. One}
22. Where Our Memories Lay {Pt. Two}
23. Where Our Memories Lay {Pt. Three}
24. Letting Go
25. Unexpected Listener
26. Emotional Mixture
27. Pictures on the Walls
28. Not to Expect
29. Lies
30. Unconditional { Part One }
31. Unconditional { Part Two }
32. Unconditional { Part Three }
33. All Can't Be Miserable
34. Thunderstorms to Sun Rays
37. What About it All?
36. To Love You Again

4. Forgotten

175 7 4
By airplanelover52

Amelie's POV

I listen to an annoying sound in the background of my dreams, and I realize that it is my alarm, demanding me to wake up.

I groan, and stand up from my bed in my apartment in New York, then shutting it off.

I am Amelie Isabelle Jones, I live in New York City at an apartment with my best friends Beth, Clarisse, and Danielle. I am a very important writer of the celebrity gossip magazine 'Célébrité', and I have to say that I absolutely love my job.

I do a nice every-day makeup, and wear my nice dress with a black blazer on top, then tie my hair in a side braid, but as I take a look in the mirror, I realize I have a beautiful, blue ring on my left hand.

"Now, where did this come from?" I whisper, confused.

I remove the ring from my finger, looking at it in mystery and puzzlement, and then put it in a small wooden box I have next to my bed.

I take a look at the mirror once more, and place my hand on top of a half-heart shaped necklace I have around my neck. This necklace has a very very strong meaning for me, though I don't remember why. I simply...always have it, at all times.

I take my bag and phone from the table next to my bed, and then, before I can head out the door, Beth opens it violently.

"AMELIE!" she shouts excitedly. "OMG OMG! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT JUST HAPPENED!!!"

I can listen to Clarisse and Danielle shouting in the living room, excited too.

"Let me guess," I start, throwing her a look. "It has to do with Jim Parsons."


I roll my eyes with a small laugh, and then smile.

"Well, congratulations to him...and to you, too," I say with a neutral tone and a small smile, then walk towards the kitchen.

My three friends are OBSESSED, and when I say obsessed...I mean CRAZYYY about The Big Bang Theory actor Jim Parsons. Okay...the man IS good looking, but it is not a big deal, I've seen guys that are handsomer than him. Plus, he is an actor, do you know when he'll end up with any of these crazy girls?...Never...not to be negative or anything, just to be realistic.

I pour a cup of coffee in a mug, and then take small sips as I take small bites of an apple, my mind wandering around what I should do today in my job.

"So," starts Danielle, approaching me. "Do you know which celebrities you'll be interviewing next week for the August issue?"

I shake my head, smiling. I love how the girls are always so interested about this, since they sometimes get to meet the celebrities I interview.

"I still don't know. My boss will be telling me today."

The girls clap excited, and start squeaking like crazy.

"I can't wait to find out!" says Beth.

I laugh at them, and once I finish my apple, head out the door.

"See you guys later," I say, waving goodbye.

Jim's POV

I wake up with the rays of the sun that shine through the window of my room, and roll to my side to check the time. It is 8:01 am. My alarm would be sounding in an hour to get ready for the first table read of the new season of The Big Bang Theory, but I am glad I managed to wake up naturally, without any annoying sounds disturbing my sleep.

I stand up from my bed in my house in L.A, both of my dogs jumping from it and following me; they're small, fluffy paws sounding silently in the carpet of the room as they walk.

I shiver, as the cool air from the air conditioner touches my skin, and walk to the bathroom, turning the water of the sink on. It runs and runs, and I place my hands to take some, and then wash my face gently to fully wake up.

I take a towel and dry my face, then my hands when...there is something shining on my left hand...a wedding band.

"What the hell?" I whisper in a puzzled way.

I remove the silver ring from my finger, and take a careful look at it.

"Where is this from?"

I look at it from all angles, and then see it has something written inside... 'December 23' it says.

I try to recall what this date could be about, digging and digging inside my mind, since I kind of have a feeling it is something really special and important for me, but I just can't remember what it is.

"This is weird," I whisper once more.

I finally give up, since I can't come to any conclusions, and simply place the ring inside a wooden box I have.

I change from my pajamas to jeans and a t-shirt, and finally walk downstairs to have a cup of coffee.

For some reason, I feel weird this morning, like if something in my life wasn't right, like if there was something missing, but I just don't know what...or why I'm feeling this way.

I take a sip of coffee, savoring the delicious, bittersweet taste of it, as white smoke elevates from the mug and diffuses in the air around me, then taking today's newspaper in my hands. I take a look at today's news, all filled with tragedies in car accidents, buildings catching on fire, politics, rumors, etc., etc.

I keep reading an article about a new law in China, and then get interrupted by the annoying sound of my alarm, the one I forgot to cancel...but as I grab my phone and look at the screen, I realize that this isn't my wake up alarm, but a reminder to call...Amelie???? But who the hell is Amelie? I don't know anyone named Amelie.

I make a sound of confusion, and then turn the alarm off. I guess it might've been a mistake...maybe Siri thought I said this instead of something else I demanded her earlier.

There is silence in the room once again, and the only thing heard is the sound of my own thoughts, thoughts about why I'm feeling this strange today...I just don't get it.

I take one more sip of my cup of coffee, swallowing slowly to avoid getting my throat burned. The white smoke runs from the mug to the air, and I just stare down at the table, thinking. I feel like there are several thoughts and memories that are stuck, trapped really really deep inside my busy brain, and can't manage to get out. All this entire mornings been strange, and there is no doubt about that at all. It is one of those days in which you just don't find any sense in the things that lay and live around you, like if they were incomplete, like a colorful work of art that has no color.

I sigh in fatigue, and stand up from the kitchen chair I was resting in, interrupting my thoughts.

I can listen to my dogs' paws clicking gently on the hard floor of the kitchen, just waiting anxiously to receive some human food instead of the dog food they're supposed to be eating for breakfast.

I open the door of the fridge and look around. I see a piece of ham that I take with my hand and throw it to Otis, then another and toss it to Rufus, both of them taking the piece of cold meat to their mouths from the air, like professionals.

I chuckle, as I turn to my silly partners enjoying their 'delicious' treat, until the doorbell of my house rings, and I walk with a serious expression to open the door.

"Hey man!" says my friend and workmate, Johnny Galecki, as the door screeches with the movement.

"Hey!" I say, the smile reappearing on my face.

"Ready to go?"

Johnny will be taking me to the taping today, since my car is in maintenance.

"Yeah," I reply cheerfully. "Lets go."

Colin's POV

I stare at Amelie from the other side of the street, as she paces gracefully to the Empire State building, the place where the offices of the magazine she writes for are found.

I really can't believe that I managed to make the plan work perfectly, everything that I wanted is now happening, and I feel...powerful. Nothing can stop me now, since I can finally make Amelie fall in love with me from scratch, and I don't have the idiot of Jim Parsons trying to stop me at all times. That bastard doesn't even remember or care about his wife anymore...and he never will, of course...as long as I keep them away from each other. If they ever get to meet, there is a risk that their subconscious could be altered, and they would immediately recover they're original, disgusting, and messed-up brain once again. Though this isn't 100% accurate, it could still happen. If they don't remember immediately after seeing each other, that means that the love that they've found in this new 'life'—we could say—is stronger than the love that existed between them in the past, and those memories are now impossible to be recovered, making everything better for me. But I won't take that risk, so I'll just keep things the way they are right now.

Amelie disappears, as she takes a right turn, my eyes fixed on her until she's gone, and then I put my hand inside my pocket, as my phone vibrates. My eyes focus on the screen, and I read the text carefully, my lips then curving into an evil smile. I just got notified that—just like Amelie—Jim has forgotten about the idiotic love that existed between them. It says that Jim didn't remember Amelie when he saw her name in...what? The alarm? What alarm?! Jim's phone was very complicated to manage, since he had a disgusting amount of pictures and things of Amelie saved everywhere around. I probably missed to delete that stupid alarm.

I groan in annoyance, and turn my phone off. The sound of the the busy city hits the walls of the buildings around me, and I start walking again, taking the same street Amelie just took. I take a harsh look around, making sure there is no one acting suspicious, since Amelie and Parsons forgetting about each other doesn't eliminate the fact that the police is hunting for me.

I arrive at the Empire State building, and lean on the wall of the skyscraper outside, lighting a cigarette and thinking. I have a new opportunity to start with Amelie from zero, make her fall in love deeper than what she was with the idiot of Jim, who took her away from me in High School. To make Amelie fall into my arms so easily...I have a genius plan.

I feel the smoke burning from my throat all the way down to my lungs as I sip in the cigarette, and then blow it out. The wind moves my blazer and my hair, as I keep staring cautiously at the people walking around.

To make Amelie fall in love...the plan is simple. Spying on them as my useless brother, Kevin was useful. I saw how Jim treated Amelie, what he would for her, how he would talk to her. The only thing that I have to do is meet Amelie, and...simply act like Jim. I am sure the woman will end up falling in love in the spark of a second.

I chuckle evilly, and toss my, now small cigarette to the ground. The cool breeze of the Empire State building touches my face as I walk in. I scan the entire room with my eyes, checking if she's found in here. As I notice she's not, I start towards the elevators, and go up up up to the 23rd floor, where the offices of the magazine 'Célébrité' are found.

There is a sound in the inside of the elevator, and the doors open. I struggle my way through a crowd of people, and finally manage to walk out. Everything in here is colorful, full of pictures that show different celebrities, and the logo of the magazine displayed in big letters at the reception.

I walk around the place, as I see people working, carrying papers, talking to other people, and then...I spot her. Amelie is talking to a guy about her age, carrying a bunch of papers in her hands.

This is the opportunity, I think, staring at her maliciously. I should act fast.

Amelie's POV

I am standing in front of my office holding several papers in my arms. I smile kindly, as I am talking to Chris. Chris is one of my best friends, he works with me at the magazine, and always comes to my apartment to hang out with Beth, Clarisse, Danielle, and I. The four of us could literally talk and talk and talk and talk for so much time.

"And then I guess I'll just go and give these new articles to her," he says, a spark of light shining in his deep, brown eyes.

I look down to the bunch of papers he is holding in his arms, and realize that it is about the same size as mine. That is way too much writing for just one weekend.

"I really can't believe you wrote all of that this weekend," I speak, widening my eyes in surprise.

"I did, but it wasn't a big deal. Anyways, do you know which celebrities you'll interview for the August issue?"

I shake my head, wearing a half smile. "I still don't know, but Marianne is supposed to tell me in a few minutes when I give this bunch of papers to her."

Marianne is our boss and the owner of the entire magazine. She likes to call me her 'right hand'. Being this, she assigns me the hardest articles to write, as well as the most famous celebrities to talk to.

"Well..." starts Chris with a curious smile. "Let me know please, I seriously can't wait." Chris laughs. He always likes to know which celebrities I'm interviewing, since he later on collaborates with the design of the article, page, etc., and likes to start coming up with the perfect ideas with enough time.

I laugh too, looking down at the ground.

"Sooooo...how's Beth?" he continues, his voice suddenly tensing with nervousness. Chris has a HUGE crush on my best friend Beth, and he asks how she's doing everyday, even though he SEES her everyday. Beth doesn't know anything of course, but I'm sure they would make a perfect couple.

"She's great!" I say cheerfully. "We miss you around, since you couldn't come this weekend."

Chris makes a sound showing fatigue and irritation, his eyes suddenly focusing down at the ground. "I know," he says. "I was so busy this weekend." He suddenly stops talking, and then moves his eyes from mine to the clock on the wall of my office, since the door is open. "Damn!" he says, looking worried. "I must leave to Marianne's office now! See you in a while, Ams." Chris gives me a gentle brush in the arm with his hand, and I smile.

"Sure! Good luck."

I see him disappear behind the left corridor, and I sigh, then starting to walk forward.

Everything around me for some reason seems a little...unfamiliar, I could say; like if something wasn't meant to be, like if something in my li—


Somebody bumps my shoulder hardly, and I drop all the papers to the floor, some of them flying away from me and landing several meters far around the entire busy and crowded reception.

"I am so sorry," says a manly voice, as I'm looking down.

"Oh don't worry. It's—"

I turn my head up, and see a very handsome man before me, with bright blonde hair, and clear clear, deep eyes. For some strange reason...I feel like Ive seen him before...but where? Where?

"Fine," I finish, my eyes fixed on him.

"Are you okay?" he says, helping me up.

"I'm fine, I'm fine."

He extends his strong arms, and hands me the papers he picked up. I fix my brown hair with my hand, as I hold the articles with the other.

"Are you sure," he asks again, his eyes sparkling beautifully with the light coming through the window.

I nod, and look down at the ground.

"What's your name?" he says, making me turn back to him.

"Oh, I'm Amelie."

I extend my arm for him to shake my hand, and he takes it, not removing the focus he has on my eyes.

"Pleasure, Amelie. I'm Colin," he continues, not letting go of my hand. "Colin Smith."

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