Scomiche - Secret Diary of a...

By feminenemy22

130K 7.8K 6.4K

Mitch was a fan way before he got the job. Can he balance friendship with fandom? Can he remain professional... More

1. Exposition
2. Priorities
3. Pushover
4. Why Is The Wine Always Gone
5. Hope
6. Heart Eyes
8. Confusion
9. Home Alone-ish
10. Not You
11. Shipping Wars
12. Will Power
13. Crash Diet
14. Surprise
15. Green
16. Nosy
17. Truth
18. The In-Between
19. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.
20. New York State of Mind
21. Fuzzy
22. Guilty
23. Someone to Love You
24. Swimming Pools
25. Magic Man
26. Comedy
27. Ch-Ch-Changes
28. Compromise
29. Dangerous Woman
30. Locked & Loaded
31. Model Behavior
32. Flirt
33. Bad 4 Us - Epilogue

7. Champagne Life

3.3K 218 142
By feminenemy22

Welcome back Sreed09 as Ava <3 :) 


"Let me sit this aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssss on you"

The fact that I get to listen to this is fücking remarkable. The fact that I'm going to have to stab myself in the chest to keep from embarrassing myself is also quite remarkable. He's drunk and happy and beautiful as he spins around the living area of the latest hotel suite. He found out he's nominated for another 4 Grammys and has been a giant ball of happiness ever since. I can't stop laughing at the silliness but damn his voice should be fücking illegal. Ugh.

"Show you how I feellll. Let me take this offffffff. Mitchy sing with me."

"I'll leave the singing to you, babe."

"But no... you have to sing. Your voice is so good."

"Maybe later. Keep singing."

"But I want you to sing to meeeeee..." 

And I want you to keep singing to me, gorgeous.  Thank GOD I didn't say that out loud. 

"Don't take your eyes... don't take your eyyesss off it"  

I'm no Scott Hoying, but I can carry a tune alright... and i'm past the point of being embarrassed to sing in front of him. Hell, I'd sing the entire Beyoncé catalog just to get those blue eyes on me.  

*sigh* he's perfect.

He tilts his head as he's watching me, a sweet smile on his face. If I was drunk I'd probably do something stupid like kiss him, but I'm not and he's just a giant puppy.  

"Watch it, babeee." 

I know I'm grinning like a lovesick fool, but it's moments like these where I just feel so connected to him. It's the moments when it's just me and him and he looks at me with such a warm smile and nothing seems impossible.  I love our friendship, I really do... 

"I wish I had dimples like you."

He's so random... and adorable... and randomly adorable.

"Why?" Stop smiling so much. You're being obvious! Noooo Scott, stay on your side of the room. PERSONAL SPACE.

"Cause they're really cute and I like them a lot."

He's poking my cheek now, harder than necessary and though it's not exactly comfortable, be damned if I'm gonna stop him.

"Trust me, if you add dimples to your face you might end up killing half of your fans. Probably 99%."

I love when he's laughing. He's such a goofball when he wants to be and oh... ok we'll spin. NO don't dip me, Jesus! 

"What are you doingggggg"

"We need music. I want to danceeeeee with you."

"If you will stand me back up I will turn on some music." or you could not and then kiss me until I can't breathe. Option B would be better but ok we're standing. Composure. Must maintain composure.

"There's a hot tub in my bathroom."

Nope. NOPE NOPE NOPE. ALL THE NOPES. "Why don't we dance first."

"You should order more champagne!!!"

"I'll get right on that." My cheeks are going to hurt from smiling and laughing before too long. At least when he's drunk he won't notice me staring as much.

"Beyoncé', Mitchy. Play Beyoncé."

Always Beyoncé. By the time I rummage through his room and locate his bluetooth speaker and start his Bey playlist, he's poured himself another glass.

"I gave you a refill. I propose a toast! To us and winning Grammys and being young and hot and fun and awesome."

Alright, not gonna argue with more champagne, but there's some things that need to be done first. First, an order needs to be called in to room service. Scott's always hungry when he drinks and it's better to be safe than sorry.  Also... lots and lots of water.

I should really steal his phone so he doesn't tweet anything he'll regret in the morning, but even wasted he's usually pretty good about that.

"You should call Kirstie and the girls over." It'll be better for my heart, thanks.  It'll also keep me from doing anything stupid. Plus they're hella fun.

"Nope. Wanna dance with you. Just me and Mitchy."

Stop being so fücking perfect and loveable. This would be so much easier if you were still the evil demonspawn you used to be.

"Alright, we'll dance just give a me a few minutes, ok? Go dance to Formation."

I lose track of him for awhile as I finish up our room service order. He's disappeared into his room and maybe he's just going to lay around and pass out early. The chances are insanely slim, but hey it could happen. I decide to change into some comfy clothes while he's preoccupied.

Alright. So tonight's gameplan - don't drink too much. Keep Scott away from the hot tub. Don't let him destroy anything. 

Thank GOD I've at least pulled on some sweats when he comes barging in. "Jesus, learn to knock!"

"Don't need to. Come danceeeeeeeeeee." 

And here we go....


Hangovers are awful. I feel like death but here I am. We won't talk about what my mouth currently tastes like... alright, brush teeth - shower- then thinking... Shít my phone is dead. Ok plug in phone first then brush teeth then shower.

Wait, ibuprofen first. Lots and lots of ibuprofen.

Kill me.


I'm feeling a bit more like a human being, at least I smell better. I really should go check on Scott, but he deals with hangovers much better than I ever have. I think he must have sucked off an angel to get all of the good looks and talent and good fortune of being mostly immune to hangovers. Bitch.

God why is the sun so bright.

Wonder if my phone is charged yet. Jesus, Ava. 30 messages?! What the actual...

No no no no it's too early to deal with things. Ugh. Fine. Let me make a blanket cave and get comfy and then I'll deal with whatever crisis has come about.

Mitch:  Alright, Princess. What is your drama !?!?!


Mitch: easy shouty caps ...

Mitch: I'm too hungover to even read in a loud voice

Ava: that's fine, I'm over here yelling enough for the both of us.
Ava: fine. What the hell happened last night?!

Mitch: nothing it was a night in why?
Mitch: ok there was a lot of champagne and junk food but ...

Ava: A night in. Just a quiet night in while casually dancing in your underwear with Scott to 7/11. No big f*cking deal right?

Oh no. no no no no no no.   Why does she know about that!????? HOW!

Mitch: how

Ava: Are you kidding me

Mitch: what did he do

Ava: it's all over snapchat. Wake up and smell the coffee sunshine.

Mitch: noooooooo he said he wouldn't post anythingggggggggggg
Mitch: whyyyyyy does he do this

Ava: Because he lurrrrrrves you

Mitch: Oh God please tell me I'm not doing anything horrifying ... I'm too afraid to even look at snapchat

Ava: Oh nothing. You're not staring seductively at the camera or grinding or dancing with Scott. Nothing like that.

Mitch: Fück fück fück FÜCK
Mitch: FÜCK


Mitch: he was just happy because of the grammy noms ... and the champagne happened

Ava: and then the dancing and being in your underwear 'just HAPPENED'

Mitch: he wanted to remake the 7/11 video. He gets pretty insistent when he's drinking
Mitch: and trust me If i didn't take my own pants off he was gonna do it for me and that would have been a disaster

Ava: well congratulations, you made the hotter, gayer version of it.
Ava: why would it be a disaster?

Mitch: it was just innocent fun and just like a sleepover... like a girls night
Mitch: he was happy and dancey and we were just having a good time.
Mitch: Why can't he friggin keep his private life private to save his fucking life

Ava: yeah.. I'm gonna need y'all to simmer down because the fandom is IMPLODING
Ava: but actually don't because I enjoy this

Mitch: Noooooooooooooooooooo
Mitch: People are going to ask him questions and it's going to get awkward and he's gonna freak out

Ava: He's so keen on showing you off, why would he freak out?

Mitch: Because he's doing the dirty with the sound guy they have some kind of weird... i don't know relationship

Ava: okay. Okay back up. Back way way way up
Ava: what?!

Mitch: Scott x Cameron = banging

Ava: Since WHEN
Ava: where do I sign up to murder Scott
Ava: I don't understand.

Mitch: well I know they banged at least once and he's gone out a few times and I know Cameron was there
Mitch: if you weren't so damn busy all the time with school and people you'd know these things

Ava: sorry for trying to have a life for myself

Mitch: I had to make up a story about a roommate to tell David because I was having a meltdown

Ava: I'm sorry love.
Ava: I didn't realize Scott was such a damn idiot. I mean.. I did.. But not to this extent.

Mitch: you've missed a lot
Mitch: lots of rejection ... lots of freaking out... and me listening to the cameron/scott fuck show

Ava: do I need to come there and cut his balls off? Do I need to poke his pretty blue eyes out? It would be a damn shame, but I will

Mitch: down girl... I appreciate the offer, but no. He wanted me to know where I stand and now I do.
Mitch: The problem is he isn't exactly making that apparent to the world with his weirdness
Mitch: my brain is not awake enough to do all of this thinking. Oh did I tell you we went to the Imogen Heap concert in London?

Ava: are you sure he's not just.. Confused? He's not willing to show the world this f*ckboy but he's willing to show you off every chance he gets.
Ava: you went just the two of you? Side note, very jealous. Side note again, the fact that he took you to one of your faves is v sweet.
Ava: he's sending too many mixed signals what the hell

Mitch: he did it because he felt bad
Mitch: i'd asked him to talk to Gus (this cute makeup guy) for me... and totally not interested

Ava: I don't think that's the whole story
Ava: okay well Gus is an idiot too. I'm sorry honey.
Ava: God it's been forever since we've talked. I have my coffee, update me.

I forget how consuming college and exams and shít can be. We haven't really talked in a month and while I don't want to rehash everything, she needs to know all of it. She's my best friend, and how can I exploit her for advice if she doesn't know the situation. Maybe I can convince her to change her major to psychology. She'd hate that.

So whatever... I suck it up and tell her every single detail .... from that scary fücking movie all the way to last night... She isn't too happy with Scott right now, but she's a fangirl. She'll get over it.

Ava: those are important details to this whole Cameron thing
Ava: also lets talk about size

Told ya. Priorities, right? :)

Mitch: No comment :)
Mitch: Oh fück.
Mitch: Noooooooooooooo I just checked snapchat kill me now

There we are standing in our shirts and boxers, Scott's arm wrapped around my shoulder holding me into his side. "7/11 w/ my #1" tagged across the front. Fück. Noooo then theres videos. Oh god there's videosss nooooo . I can never show my face again. Ever. Shit I need to shave.

Ava: Better believe those were saved by every fan
Ava: including me.

Mitch: Alright that's it new rule: If scott's intoxicated then mitchy stays sober.
Mitch: noooooo make the pictures go away

Ava: honey those aren't ever going away
Ava: twenty years from now they will still haunt you.

Mitch: I'm going to end up a tumblr meme
Mitch: fücking Scott whyyyyyyy

well I wish I was fücking Scott... or more ... Scott fücking me... wait focus. Maybe I'm still a little intoxicated.

Ava: so I won't mention tumblr then...

Mitch: noooooooooo
Mitch: you're loving this aren't you
Mitch: you're going to make t-shirts and fan art and omg people are going to use my face as a dartboard

Ava: I mean.. I am, but not the fact that you're hurt and he's being an asshole.
Ava: I can see it now

Ava: people shipping Scomiche everywhere
Ava: that's your ship name btw
Ava: it's cute and sounds fancy
Ava: you're welcome

Mitch: don't name the ship! Now it'll never go away!
Mitch: if you name it people get attached to it

Ava: it was never going away to begin with.
Ava: people love you and also hate you.

Mitch: and he's not being an asshole he's been really sweet to me lately

Ava: by bringing someone else back to his room? Don't think so.

Mitch: no one seems to understand we're just like sisters ....

Ava: yes, such a platonic relationship.
Ava: you're right

Mitch: I'm pouting so hardcore right now
Mitch: I can't even yell at him for these stupid snaps because the tags are so nice

Ava: I miss your pouts. Come see me soon.

Mitch: #soon

Ava: evil word.
Ava: I can yell at him for you.

Mitch: On a different topic he has a video shoot in two days ... he told me what the concept is and it's going to melt everyones face off
Mitch: no one can know that of course but ... yeah

Ava: so you're going to tell me right? That's why you mentioned this to me?

Mitch: I promise I'll send pics the day of but they have to stay between us as always

Ava: fine fine. I will wait. You're such a TEASE. When writing, when it comes to Scott, etc.

Mitch: yeah yeah ... but you love that about me

Ava: I love you flaws and all.

Mitch: he doesn't make it easy - I consider myself a rather exceptional friend for being able to resist him
Mitch: its exhausting
Mitch: but hey ... send me one of those Scomiche t-shirts ok? he'll never even know what it means lol

Ava: don't worry I already have on being mailed to you as we type. Black with link lettering.
Ava: Pink. Whatever.
Ava: but seriously.. are you unhappy?

Mitch: i'm not UNhappy ... it's kinda tough to really be unhappy when he's so sweet

Ava: why do you think he's so sweet but then brings home another guy

Mitch: because i'm the little brother and Cameron's fucking hot

Ava: two things: 1- no one treats their little brother like that. 2- have you seen yourself

Mitch: blah blah blah ...

Ava: this is a never ending cycle.
Ava: alright, I'll drop it.
Ava: but don't come screaming at me when I'm right.

Mitch: :( :( :( I wish ...
Mitch: We'd be perfect together, right?

Ava: you already are.

Mitch: yeah yeah you can be the president of our fan club

Ava: I already am. I made a SHIP NAME remember.
Ava: I win.

Mitch: you're already attached aren't you

Ava: I'm going down with this ship.

Mitch: same babe

Ava: we're sailing awayyyyy

Mitch: more like sinking like the titanic

Ava: dont be so dramatic. You just wait and see.
Ava: I've raised the flags on the ship, were good to go.

Mitch: i'll point and laugh when i'm right... right before I cry

Ava: listen, If that happens I will scrounge up my poor college funds and fly to you for some epic girl time and we'll go boy hunting for you okay?
Ava: sounds like a win to me either way.

Mitch: I really miss you

Ava: miss you most sunshine
Ava:Just quit working for Scott and come back to me. Solves all our problems.

I can't. I'm addicted now. I know it would be easier and it would solve so many problems, but I just can't. He's my drug of choice and in the end he'll probably kill me.

That is if this headache doesn't kill me first. Ugh I'm never drinking again.

Mitch: alright now I need to swallow an entire bottle of pain medication, a gallon of water and hide under my blankets until those snaps disappear

Ava: you're never getting out of bed then huh?

Mitch: *sigh* ...
Mitch: i'll have to get out of bed eventually - he'll need something and the cycle will start all over again

Ava: we need to teach you how to say no to Scott one day

Mitch: i say no sometimes

Ava: ....yeah okay.
Ava: and I'm dating Avi Kaplan.

Mitch: sign me up for that

Ava: sis you better not hold your breathe. Boy is MINE.

Mitch: well I don't stand a chance with scott.. gotta try something new right?

Maybe I can jump on his tour as HIS personal assistant. He's not gay, at least I don't think. It would make things easier. *sigh* like I could ever leave Scott's side...

Ava: you can try someone new who isn't already claimed by me, sure.

Mitch: alright my head is pounding... and you have damage control to do if you love me

Ava: Why do you think I was already up? On it!

Mitch: and that is why i love you .. alright pray my brain doesn't melt out of my ears

Ava; sending up prayers now. Love you back! Good luck.

Mitch: <3


Noooooo it's too earlyyyyyyyyyy. 

"Rise and shine, Queen. I ordered breakfast." 

I peek out of my blanket fort and try to glare, but his smile chases it away.  I'm hopeless. 

At least there's food.

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