Akatsuki Orphan

By mangareader90

242K 8.5K 5.1K

Akimichi Tukiko was found in the forest a few miles outside of the Akatsuki's base. Konan and Pein decided to... More

Akatsuki Orphan
Chapter 1~ The Beginning
Chapter 2~ Age Six Part One
Chapter 3~Age Six Part Two
Chapter 4~ Age Seven Part One
Chapter 5~Age Seven Part Two
Chapter 7~Age Eight part Two
Chapter 8~ Age Ten
Chapter 9~ Age Eleven
Chapter 10~Age Twelve
Chapter 11~ Sasu-nii? Naru-nii? Is it really you?
Chapter 12~ Who's Kakashi?
Chapter 13~Shinako's on her period....someone save me
Chapter 14~ Sasuke-nii? You....love me?
Tukiko's Theme Song
Shinako's Theme Song
Chapter 15~ Deidara is a possessive boyfriend...
Chapter 16~ New members and The bell test
Chapter 17~Who's the Drunk Old Man?
Chapter 18~ Zabuza Momochi
Chapter 19~ Surprise Visits and Flirts
Chapter 20~ It's been a while.....aniki
Chapter 21~ I had a sister?
Chapter 22~ It ends here
Chapter 23~ Four Days Passed?
Chapter 24~ Gaara of the sand and secrets of the Akimichi clan
Chapter 25~ The true feelings of Akatsuki's kunoichis.
Chapter 26~ Chunnin Exams Part One
Chapter 27~ Chunnin Exams Part Two
Chapter 28~ Chunnin Exams Part Three
Chapter 29~A Change In Plans
Akatsuki Orphan Finale Preview (Not a Joke)
Sam and Manga Real Talk

Chapter 6~ Age Eight part One

8.5K 359 123
By mangareader90

Me: Thank gosh we're saved!

Samanthasf: Yeah, but where are we going to hide?!

Random fan girl: You can hide here!

Me: Thanks!

Sasuke: I think we'd be safer if we went back to Konoha and you two just learn to cook and do paperwork for the rest of your lives.

Me: You're just saying that because she has pictures of you all across her house!

Samanthasf: Wait a minute....Sasuke was here a minute ago.....where'd he go?

Random fan girl: *thinking* Hehe, now I have Sasuke all to myself!



Sasuke:*tied up in a basement at the random fan girls house* I'M DOWN HERE!!

Samanthasf: *tries to open the door* IT'S LOCKED!!

Random fan girl: What do you think you're doing with my Sasuke-kun? *deadly aura*

Me: Holy cheese....

Samanthasf: While manga and I try to rescue ourselves from a demented fan girl and then try to rescue Sasuke, enjoy this chapter! Mangareader90 doesn't own Naruto!

Sasuke: *Yelling from down in the basement* BECAUSE SHE'S TOO STUPID TO!

Me: Don't make me rethink about rescuing you!!


*Tukiko POV*

I was really excited today. We were supposed to get a new member, a partner for Kisame-nii. Shinako couldn't care less about getting a new member.

"Shina-chan, aren't you excited that we're getting a new member?" I asked Shinako.

In case you haven't found out yet, Shina-chan is my nickname for Shinako when I'm excited or grateful for a favor she did for me. Like last year when she warned me that kaa-san offered grandpa Kakuzu money to hunt me down so she could buy me a kimono. Or that other time when she warned me that Orochimaru-nii was about to kill me for putting makeup on him when he slept and writing, in sharpie, on his forehead, 'Loser'. Then there are times when I'm super excited. Like that time we Kisame-nii and Hidan-nii were going to train us. Or like this time now, when we are getting a new member!

"Not really Tukiko-chan, I could honestly not care less. I just want him to show up already so Hidan can train me," Shinako told me.

I decided to tease Shinako.

"Oh, I see! You LIKE Hidan-nii don't you?" I asked Shinako.

She turned a bright pink and faced the other way. Oh. My. Gravy.

"You do! You DO like Hidan-nii don't you?" I asked Shinako.

She didn't answer, she just faced the other way and tried to hide her blush.

"I knew it! I knew it!! I should go tell Hidan-nii right-" I started to say, reaching for our bedroom door.

"Don't! Tukiko-chan I'm begging you! Hidan is 19 and I'm only 8! What kind of 19 year old wants to date an 8 year old?" Shinako asked me, jumping down from her bed and running over to me.

"A pedophilic one?" I asked.

Shinako sighed.

"Don't tell him," Shinako begged me.

"Fine," I said, giving in.

"Arigato," Shinako-chan thanked me.

 "Whatever, wait a minute.....if Kisame-nii gets a new partner....then that will mean he can't train me anymore!" I realized.

"Can't Sasori just train you?" Shinako asked me.

"Yeah, but he likes to make new dolls and create new poison in his spare time, I don't want to bother Sasori-nii," I told her.

"I don't think he'd mind, he didn't mind when you asked him that one time if he could help you make a poison that you were working on," Shinako told me.

"That was because Sasori-nii likes working with poison," I reminded her.

"That's true....." Shinako agreed.

"Girls! The new member's here!" mom called from down the hallway.

I looked at Shinako and she looked back at me.

"We have to go out there, don't we?" Shinako asked me.

"Yeah, but I wonder who the new member is. All dad told me was that he massacred his clan except for one person who he let live. Dad didn't even tell me the name and when I asked mom she giggled and said that it was a secret. That's why I was excited, I hate secrets so when I get to unlock a secret it makes me happy," I told Shinako.

"What about your secrets? When do I get to unlock them?" Shinako asked me.

There was a silence before a knocking was heard on the door.

"Tukiko-chan?" I heard a voice on the other end ask.

"Shinako-chan?" another voice asked.

Shinako and I exchanged a glance.

"We'll talk about it later," I told Shinako.

"Agreed," Shinako answered back.

I opened the door and saw Hidan-nii and Kisame-nii standing at the door.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Don't you want to meet my new partner imouto?" Kisame-nii asked me.

"Kisame-nii, you're still going to train me, right?" I asked Kisame-nii.

He looked at me and then started laughing.

"Why would I quit?" Kisame-nii asked me.

"I thought you would have to train with your partner and not me," I admitted.

"Whatever little b****, we have to go now. After you guys meet the b****** then Shinako and I are going to train. When we're training I need to test some new moves so come on ya f***ing slow little b****," Hidan-nii told me.

"Why is the new guy a-" I started to ask.

"Hidan thinks everyone's a b****** or a b****," Kisame-nii told me, picking me up and carrying me to the living room.

Hidan-nii picked Shinako up who didn't blush or anything when he did so. Good for her, I'm so proud! Kisame-nii carried me into the living room where I met someone I thought that I'd never see again.

Uchiha Itachi, Sasuke's older brother. Just when I thought I had a good chance of starting over, he has to come and show up! Maybe he won't remember me, the best thing to do for now is play dumb.

"Tukiko, Shinako. This is Itachi. Uchiha Itachi," dad told us.

Itachi looked at us and when he met my gaze I could tell he recognized me. So much for him not remembering me. I still had a chance at playing dumb.

"Why are there two little girls here?" Itachi asked dad, eyeing me one more time before facing my father.

"We found Tukiko, the green-headed one, in the woods one day and decided to take her in. We treat her as our own and I'm glad we picked her up because Kisame says that she catches on quickly in training. The other one, Shinako, was found by Tukiko when Sasori, the red-head, made her go outside to get some air. Shinako's parents were killed so Tukiko thought we should take her in. It was worth it because Hidan says that she's a great fighter," dad told Itachi.

Dad didn't know that Itachi already knew my name. Then again he didn't know that I used to be friends with the kyubbi container either. Or that Itachi and I had a history together, he was one of my friends' brother. Or that when I say friends I really mean brothers because that's what they felt like. Sasuke and I used to hang out whenever I wasn't hanging out with Naruto. I only knew Sasuke and Naruto at the time, but I met Itachi a few days after Sasuke and I became friends. I can never forget that day.



I was running away from my house after my brother had been calling my name. I may have only been three years old, but I wasn't THAT stupid. As soon as I went to my brother I would just get beaten up. As I was running through the streets of Konoha I bumped into something.

"Owwww," I heard the thing I bumped into say. Whoops, not something someone.

"Gomen, I was running and didn't see you, I'm sorry!" I apologized.

I looked at the person who I had just run into. He had raven black hair, onyx eyes, and was wearing a dark blue shirt with white shorts and bandages going down a little past his knees. He was rubbing his head and when he looked up at me he blushed. I'm guessing he wasn't used to being around kids his age.

 "It's okay, just watch where you're going," he told me.

He got up and dusted himself off. He extended a hand for me to take and I gladly accepted it so I wouldn't have to look like an baka on the ground.

"My name is Sasuke. Uchiha Sasuke," Sasuke told me, shaking my hand.

"My name is Akimichi Tukiko," I said, shaking his hand back.

Sasuke was about to leave when I realized that this was the second person who didn't run away yelling 'FREAK'.

"Wait! Do you want to hang out or something?" I asked Sasuke.

He looked at me and smiled then began shaking his head up and down. He grabbed my hand and led me towards a forested area with a lot of target things in the middle. On the targets there were a lot of scratches.

"You come here a lot, don't you?" I asked Sasuke, looking at him.

"Yep! I have to train so I can grow up and be as good as nii-san!" Sasuke told me, smiling.

"Is your nii-san nice to you?" I asked Sasuke.

"Yeah! I mean sometimes if I want him to train me he'll poke my head and say later Sasuke, but he helps me do stuff sometimes! Nii-san is the best, he's already graduated from the academy!" Sasuke told me.

He was so happy whenever he talked about his older brother.

"What's your brothers name?" I asked him.

"Itachi!" Sasuke said.

I've heard of that name before. I forget how, when, and who said it. That's right! I heard that name when nii-san came home from school one day. He kept talking about the 'stupid Uchiha who thinks he knows everything' and 'Itachi's not that great'. Later that day I got the worst beating that nii-san has ever giving me.

"Do you have a nii-san?" Sasuke asked me, snapping me out of my trance.

"Yeah," I answered him.

"Is he nice?" Sasuke asked me.

"Not very," I admitted.

"Why not?" Sasuke asked me.

"No reason, moving on! Why are we here?" I asked Sasuke, wanting to change the subject.

"I wanted to train, you don't have to if you want to," Sasuke told me, looking sad.

"Are you kidding? Why wouldn't I want to train? Besides, you're the second person not to call me freak. You're my friend now," I told Sasuke.

"Friend?" Sasuke asked, blushing. He then smiled.

"Let's make a game out of it! The person who can hit the most middles wins!" I told Sasuke.

"You mean the bulls eyes?" Sasuke asked me.

"Whatever!" I told him.

"Deal!" Sasuke told me.

We trained a lot that day and in the end Sasuke won.

"I won!" Sasuke told me.

"I was so close!" I told him.

"No you weren't, you weren't anywhere close!" Sasuke told me.

"Oh yeah?" I asked.

I tackled Sasuke and we began wrestling. After five minutes of wrestling we got tired and lied down on the ground. We were both panting.

"Sasuke, you're the best brother I've ever had!" I told Sasuke, smiling at him.

"Brother?" Sasuke asked, confused.

"Yeah! I consider you family!" I told him.

"Then you're the best sister I've ever had!" Sasuke told me.

"How many sisters do you have?" I asked him.

"Only you!" Sasuke told me.

"That's no fair," I said, laughing.

After that I went home and Sasuke went back home too. It was the second time I had made a friend that turned into a brother. The first time was when I met Naruto.


*Present Time* 

"Hn," Itachi stated.

"Great, everyone's met him! Now can I please go train?" Shinako asked.

"I suppose so," dad said.

Hidan-nii and Shinako left the room. Orochimaru-nii also left the room to go experiment on things. I never know what he experiments on, and truth be told, I don't want to know! Sasori-nii left to go work on his puppets. Kisame-nii set me down and said he had other things to do, so training would have to wait until tomorrow. I sighed, everyone was leaving so I would too. I started to leave when kaa-san saw me.

"Where are you going?" mom asked me.

"I'm going outside, maybe to read," I said and then I left.

I went into Shinako and I's room to get a book and when I went into the bookcase that I had to get a book I noticed that someone else was in the room. I grabbed a book and turned around to find Itachi standing there. I noticed that he had shut the door.

"What are you doing here Tukiko?" Itachi asked me.

"I could ask the same question to you," I told him.

"I killed my clan," Itachi told me.

"You killed Sasuke?!" I asked, alarmed.

"No, I killed everyone else," Itachi told me in an emotionless tone.

"Why?" I asked.

"So that I could reach the highest level of the mangekyou sharingan-" Itachi started to say.

"I know you Itachi, stop lying and say the truth," I told him.

Itachi sighed and looked at me with his sharingan on.

"I will tell you the truth when you tell me what you are doing here, no lying. I can tell if you do lie," Itachi said.

"I think you know why I'm here," I told Itachi.

He sighed.

"I have a hunch, but I would like you to tell me with your own words," Itachi explained to me.

"My parents were killed. I found out the killer is Hidan-nii, but I forgive him. I refused to live with my abusive nii-san. I ran away and was in the forest for a week when they found me. Now they're a better family then my original family and I don't want my past to come haunting me, so please don't tell them about my nii-san Itachi, and please pretend that you have never met me before," I begged him.

"Why should I?" Itachi asked me.

"Because, I was one of the only people who understood you, and you promised that you would help me in anyway you could!" I told him.

"I made a lot of promises," Itachi said.

"Please Itachi, it's really important," I said.

"Fine, but only this one time," Itachi told me.

"Thank you Itachi-nii!" I told Itachi, hugging him.

He was hesitant, but he eventually hugged me back. He lifted me up.

"It's your turn Itachi-nii, and no lying" I reminded him.

"I killed my clan because they were planning on overpowering Konoha and everyone in it, so I sacrificed myself to become the bad guy," Itachi-nii explained to me.

"That sucks," I told him.

He chuckled and deactivated his sharingan. He looked me in the eyes.

"What do you want to do now?" Itachi-nii asked me.

"Read outside?" I asked him.

"Sounds good to me," Itachi-nii told me.

We left my bedroom and headed outside to read.

Now that Itachi-nii is here, I feel like I have a somewhat complete family. I still feel guilty for leaving Naruto and Sasuke behind though, maybe one day I can meet them again. I looked at Itachi-nii and he did something I had never seen him do.

Itachi-nii smiled at me.


Samanthasf: MANGA!!!

Me: What?

Samanthasf: What're we gonna do? We're hiding from a crazy, dylusional, obsessed fan girl!

Me: I know, I don't know what to do.

Sasuke: At least I'm untied now, how'd you guys even get down here?

Me: We hid in a closet that had an air vent so we went in the air vent and it led us to here.

Sasuke: How do we get out?

Samanthasf: We have no idea.

Random fan girl: *upstairs* Sasuke-kuuuuuuun~ I'm coming down.

Samanthasf: We need to find somewhere to hide!

Me: But where?

Sasuke: Over there! *points to another door in the basement.

Me: How did we not see that?

Samanthasf: Who cares? Open it!

Me: Okay!

*we run into the room*

Sasuke: What the-

Me: Oh my cheddar cheese!

Samanthasf: This girl is messed up!

Sasuke: She has a shrine room with pictures of me?!

Random fan girl:*from outside the door* SASUKE-KUUUUUUUUUUN! WHERE ARE YOU?!

Me: Vote, comment, like.

Samanthasf: Save us.

Sasuke: Please save us....

Me: This girl is sick.....oh, and read Konoha College by Samanthasf!

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