Come Closer

By VerifiedFaniston

19.6K 287 69

Jennifer Aniston has gone through so much, shes a fantastic role model, so i wanted to write my version of wh... More

Come closer
Come closer 2
Come closer 3
Come closer 4
Come closer 5
Come closer 6
Come closer 7
Come closer 8
Come closer 9
Come closer 10
Come closer 11
Come closer 13 - Unexpected

Come closer 12

960 19 4
By VerifiedFaniston

The next day they go back to LA.

 When they get home about lunchtime, Jen calls Court.

 - Court, would you like to come to lunch? So Justin and I can tell you everything.

 - Yes, of course! But I have to take Coco with me, because David is on vacation in Europe.

 - Ah, sure, sure, I miss her!

 - Okay, see you soon.

 Jen goes to the bedroom to change and she hears Justin behind her.

 - Are you going to tell her?

 - Of course, she’s my friend.

 - So can I also tell my friends?

 - Well... depends on what friends... - Jen changes clothes and stands there looking at him.

 - So you can tell your friends but I can’t tell mine…

 - What? No, look, Justin, tell whoever you want, okay?

 - But what’s the problem? - Justin approaches her. - At least let me tell my parents.

 - Of course you can tell your parents! But what I’m scared for is that you tell some of your friends and they tell everyone.

 - Jen, I trust them. By the way, why did you tell Court and not Chelsea? - Says smiling.

 - Listen Justin, I have an idea, how about we have a party, invite all those who we want to tell and we just say it?

 - Okay, yeah, that's fine, then Court is coming over now?

 - Yes, does it bother you?

 - No, not that I mind, but always when she’s coming over you start talking about your things and I feel left out... - Jen looks at him with compassion and grabs his neck with her hands.

 - That is why we have a huge living room with a wonderful TV, honey. – She gets closer to him and gives him a short kiss on the lips, their noses are touching, she looks into his eyes. - Love you. - He looks at her and takes her waist he gets closer to her neck and smells her.

 - God ... - Justin whispers. Gradually lowering his hands to touch her ass, Jen smiles, she separates from him and heads to the kitchen, Justin follows her down the aisle, gets her arm and kisses her. It is one of those happy moments that they have at least once a week, one of those moments when they realize that they actually are together, one of those moments when they appreciate each other more than ever, one of those moments when the word "love" truly has meaning for them.

 Justin separates from her, takes her hand and goes to the living room; he leaves her laying on the couch and lies above her. He gets her hair away from her face and kisses her, he goes down to the neck and moves his hands down her back under her shirt, she can’t stop smiling and he can’t stop kissing her.

 Suddenly they hear a noise and they turn heads.

 - Coco, go to the game room. – They hear Courteney whispering. They hear footsteps approaching and they don’t move.

 - Can I join the fun? – She asks while running to the couch.

 She stays on top of Justin and Jen screams laughing.

 - Court! Get out!

 - What were you doing fellows? – She asks laughing.

 Justin doesn’t answer and plays dead.

 - Justiiiiiiiin! – Jen shouts.

 - I’m dead. - Answers Justin lifting his head and closing his eyes again.

 Coco seems to have heard them and Jen sees how she’s coming running.

 - Coco! How are you, sweetie? - Jen turns her head as she can and gives her a kiss on the cheek.

 - Good! - Coco looks up and sees her mother on top of Justin. 

 - Be careful, honey! – Jen shouts.

 Court takes Coco’s hand, but she slips and falls.

 - Shit! – Justin screams. Court gets up quickly and Justin does the same, they look how Coco sits on the floor and starts laughing.

 - Coco! Do not scare us like that! – Court shouts sitting on the couch.

 At lunchtime they all sit at the table and Jennifer starts talking.

 - Girls, Justin and I have some news. - Coco is with her pasta and she’s not paying attention to what Jen is about to say. - Coco, listen. – She says looking at her seriously, Coco puts down her fork and looks at Jen.

 - What is it Jen? – Asks Court that can’t wait to hear the news.

 - We got married. – She smiles. She sees how Coco gets happy, but Court just smiles. - Why aren’t you surprised Court? I just said I'm married.

 - Just... - Court doubts.

 - Tell me! Do you think we did it wrong or...?

 - Sebastian, right? - Justin interrupts. Court nods.

 - Wait, what? - Jen doesn’t understand anything.

 - Sebastian told me a few hours ago, but hey, I'm super happy for you. - Court says Jen shaking her hand. Jen smiles and looks at Justin.

 - Excuse me. - Jen gets up from the table and goes to the bathroom. Justin and Court look at each other.

 - I'll go. - Justin says standing up.

 He knocks on the bathroom door.

 - Honey, let me in. – Jen doubts at first, but then she let him in, Justin sees that she has watery eyes. - Hey... what's wrong? – He asks getting her hair away from her face.

 - It's nothing... It's... it's just one of those moments...

 - What?

 - Justin... it's that sometimes I'm scared, I'm afraid of screwing this up, I don’t want to lose you... I’ve been in so many relationships and none of them ended because of the guy I was with, they ended mostly because of me… I think you're the best thing that ever happened to me... - She tells Justin looking down.

 - Hey, look at me. - Says Justin lifting her chin to make her look into his eyes. – You’re not gonna lose me, make that clear, I’m going to be here forever, I don’t care if you get tired of me, I won’t move, I love you, you know that, I was about to prove it before, but Court came in... So I’ll prove it later, ok? - He winks and smiles. - By the way, how did Courteney come in? Does she have keys?

 - Yes... I gave them to her a long time ago, she doesn’t use them, in fact I think this was the first time that they have been used by her. - Jen says smiling.

 - Lucky us, she could have waited 20 more minutes... - Justin smiles. - Let me tell you one last thing. You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen in my entire fucking life, Jen. - She smiles and he kisses her.

 - Go to the table, I'm going now. - Justin nods and leaves.

 Its six o'clock, Court and Coco left two hours ago, Jen is doing yoga and Justin has gone jogging. At half past six, Jen and Mandy say goodbye and talk about meeting another day. Justin arrives at seven and he takes a shower.

 Jen cooks some dinner and the two sit down to eat.

- Next week I'm super busy... my God Justin, Justin, Justin! - She stops herself. Justin drops his fork in shock.

 - What? What? What?

 - You're not going to believe it.

 - What.

 - Guess.

 - No, Jen, you know that I don’t like those games, tell me!

 - Okay, okay, but first promise me that you will go with me.

 - Where?

 - To the Oscars! – She tells excited.

 - What!?

 - I got a call asking me if I want to present at the Oscars, and I said fucking yes!

 - That's great! When is it?

 - In February or so... I don’t know, but I'll go and you will too, okay?

 - Okay. - Answers Justin smiling.

 When they finish dinner they go to bed and stay talking like almost every night.

 - Did you call Brad to see how it's going?

 - Should I?

 - I don’t know... I don’t know him...

 - But you know Angelina, right?

 - Yeah, well, but of a couple of days...

 - Any other day... I don’t want to bother her now... - They stay a while in silence.

 - Jen


 - Can you do a striptease? - Jen opens her eyes and gets up to look at him in surprise.

 - What?

 - What happened? - Justin asks laughing.

 - I'm not going to do a striptease now!

 - What about tomorrow? - Justin can’t stop laughing. Jen takes her pillow and starts hitting him.

 When she gets tired she lies on her side of the bed and starts laughing.

 - What's the matter now? - Justin asks curious.

 - Nothing... Part of our road trip just came to my mind…

 ---- October 2012 ----

 - Justin I’m hungry!

 - Well the only thing around here... Is McDonalds. – Justin says looking around slowly stepping on the brake.

 - I can’t eat at McDonalds Justin, it goes against my diet. But I'm dying off hungeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer, okay, park.

 - At your service, and I also am hungry. – They park far away from the entrance and they get out of the car.

 They hold hands and walk to the restaurant.

 - You know… now I have a headache. - Jen says touching her head.

 - Was it that hard?

 - To be honest, I’ve never done it in a car. – She answers smiling.

 ----2 hours before ----

 - Don’t put your hand there, I'm driving. - Justin says looking at Jens hand. She doesn’t care and she starts to move it, it's hot, they have been three hours in that car, he is shirtless. No one can resist to that. She gets even closer to him while touching him there and she starts kissing his neck. Justin doesn’t think twice, he parks the car on one side of the road, it's all deserted, there are no cars on the road, he removes the seat belt and Jen does the same.

 - Are we going to the back? - Justin asks. Jen nods. Without leaving the car they go to the back of the car.

 - You or me? – Jen asks.

 - I don’t care.

 - Okay, that means me. - Justin smiles and lies as he can, Jen gets on top of him and starts kissing his neck, Justin enjoys and puts a hand under Jens shirt , she wants to get to the good thing as soon as possible, so she puts a hand in Justin's pants as she plays every abdominal with the other, Justin is fascinated, she’s never been that direct, he likes it, he get his mouth closer to her neck and makes a small hickey, when Jen raises her head to remove her shirt she hits her head against the car roof.

- Ouch.

 --- At the McDonalds----

 - One of Bacon with chips and coke, you? – Asks Justin to Jen.

 - I... I want a Big Mac, please. - The boy goes to prepare the food and Justin looks at Jen surprised.

 - Are you going to be able to handle a BigMac? – He asks surprised.

 - We’ll have to try. – She smiles. They take the tray and sit.

 When they finish eating, they get into the car and Jen starts to feel nauseous. She doesn’t tell Justin, she can handle it. Half an hour later, she cannot take it anymore.

 - Stop the car Justin. - He looks surprised and he stops the car. She gets out and starts vomiting. Justin helps her holding her hair.

- Are you okay? What is it? Why are you throwing up? You’re not pregnant right? If you are, why didn’t you tell me before? Fuck Jen... - Jen keeps throwing up part of breakfast while he keeps asking like crazy. – Of how many weeks? It is impossible to have been from a couple of hours right? Although it was very good... But I was wearing a condom, right? Damn Jen, tell me the truth, you haven’t cheated on me, have you? - Jen approaches the car to rinse and drink some water and leaves Justin behind. He approaches her and Jen can’t help it but spit the water out of her mouth with laughter.

 - Justin!

 - Why are you laughing? – He asks confused.

 - I'm not pregnant! Don’t freak out! – She can’t stop laughing.

 - So what's wrong?

 - I think it was the Big Mac...

 - Fuck that fucking scared me, Jen... seriously...

 They get in the car and Jen is left wondering.

 - You thought I cheated on you?

 - What? No, no...

 - Why did you think so?

 - I did not think so!

 - Justin! You don’t trust me or what?

 - Of course I trust you! It's... - Justin shuts up and Jen waits for him to finish the sentence. - You learned new stuff!

 - What!? – Jen asks laughing.

 - Listen, a couple of hours ago, you did things that you never did before, in fact, I think it was the best sex we’ve ever had, and we have had a lot.

 - Maybe because I asked a couple of friends how to make it better... - She winks at Justin.

 - Well... They have told you right. – He smiles.

 -----             ------

 - Do you remember the wonderful time we had in that car? – Justin asks.

 - It was great. - Justin approaches her and kisses her on the chest. She lets him, but without excitement. - I'm tired Justin...

 - Come on Jen... A quickie… - He puts her hair away and keeps kissing up to her neck.

 - No... Justin, seriously, I'm tired... - Justin stops and looks at her.

 - Well, okay... Good night then.

 - Why? We can’t talk?

 - What do you want to talk about?

 - I don’t know Justin...

 - Well then... Good night... - Justin covers himself with the blanket and lies, Jen sighs and turns around.

 - Don’t be mad for this nonsense Jus... - Jen says.

 - I’m not mad. - Jen turns around and hugs him.

 - I love you.

 - Love you. - Justin suddenly receives a text. He picks up the phone and reads the message.

      - You didn’t call me;) - Justin blocks the phone quickly.

 - Who was it? - Jen asks because she read the message.

 - Heidi...

 - Aaaaah... what does she want?

 - Nothing, she wants to talk to know what’s up and stuff...

 - You can invite her to lunch one of these days if you want to...

 - It would be a little weird...

 - Do what you want, I'm fine if she comes. - She kisses him on the cheek and lies on her place again.

 Justin doesn’t know what to do, he unlocks the phone and thinks about how to answer her.

      - If you want you can come tomorrow to dinner or lunch… :)

      - Great! Okay... I will be there at 6 or so, okay?

      - I’ll wait for you.

 Justin doesn’t even want to think what will happen tomorrow. He closes his eyes and fall sleep.

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