Next to me | #Wattys2019

By laurysdiary

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COMPLETED Laura Anderson doesn't like breaking rules, she tries to be as far away as she can from danger. She... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 5

253 20 8
By laurysdiary

BANNER: PICTURE OF GRAHAM(holy graham *_*.)

Chapter 5

I was slowly thinking again about hanging out with Graham. I just met him, like two days ago. Plus, it was Monday, my parents don't let me hang out on school days.

Your parents are not home.

I know they aren't home, but I'm not usually like this... I am really selective with friends, especially with boys. Why did I accept so fast?

Maybe because you have feelings for him?

Are you crazy? I met him 72 hours ago! What if he's a serial murder? I wouldn't know! What if he's a kidnapper? Why did I suddenly trust him?

"Where are we going?" I asked fearfully.

"What do you want to do?" He asked. This was weird, seriously, first day of school, he's new, and I'm hanging out with him. What is happening to me?
I'm one of those girls who has her group of friends since Elementary until Senior year and that's it.

"I don't know," I muttered.

"Are you okay?" He asked me looking at me weirdly while holding the steering wheel.

"Y-Yeah?" I nodded.

"We can go to my house, I think no one's home," He started.


Okay, so this is going to sound weird but I've never been to a boy's house, not alone.

"Sure," I mumbled nervously.

"By the way, you're coming to the party this Friday night right?" He questioned pulling into a garage.

"Of course," I said, still trembling, I was scared okay? I didn't want to be alone with a guy I just met and inside his house. Understand me, it does sound a little bit creepy.

We entered the house, it was really big and beautiful, nearly everything was made out of glass or marble.

"Woah, your house is beautiful," I complimented.

"Thank you! I think it's beautiful too," After all, it was his new house.

I wandered around the living room putting my eyes in every detail, books, Vinyl CDs, art...

"Do you want a snack or something?" He offered, getting a carton of orange juice from the fridge.

"Orange juice is fine, thank you," I thanked him grabbing the glass where he had just poured the orange juice.

"My mom did cinammon rolls yesterday..."

My face changed completely because I seriously love cinammon rolls. I could marry cinammon rolls.

"I love cinammon rolls, oh my gosh," I squealed. "Normally people don't like them, though."

"I do like them, that's why I told my mom to make some," He grinned passing me the plate with a bunch of rolls in it.

I stuffed one in my mouth and enjoyed its taste. "They are really good!"

He nodded and smiled.

"Let's do something fun!" Graham exclaimed leading me to the backyard. I was amazed to see an enormous swimming pool and a bunch of toys on the grass. "You know how to ride a bike right?"

"Of course," I afirmed, he got two bicycles from the garage and gave me one.

"Let's go for a ride around the neighbourhood, it'll be fun!" He told me excitedly, this kid is weird, in class he acts like the ultimate bad boy and at home he is a 13 year old...

At school he didn't talk too much just sat there, phone in hand, furrowing his eyebrows, basically being sexy might be his daily routine, but now that I got to be alone with him, his personality changed nearly to the opposite, he is kind of talkative, and smiles really often. I mean, how is he really like?

We cycled around the neighbourhood, every single house was as perfect as Graham's, like a mansion, so neat and glassy. I don't usually ride bikes but I like to do it, you feel the wind through your hair, you don't get too tired, you kind of get
fit, and you have fun, so, what else?

When we returned back to his house we were tired, obviously, we only biked like for 15 minutes, but damn... It's all the way uphill!

"When do you have to be home?" He asked while serving me a glass of cold water.

"I don't really have a curfew this week," I answered taking a sip of it, the cold water passed through my throat and it felt so good, I was thirsty.

He arched his eyebrows. "How come?"

"My parents aren't home, usually they won't let me even hang out on school days," I explained chuckling.

"Oh, I see," Graham smirked, "So you're a rule-breaker?"

"No," I said immediately, "I'm most definitely not a rule-breaker, I don't usually break them," I muttered "And with don't usually I mean never."

"Really?" He widened his eyes. "You broke a rule for me?"

"Well, kind of."

"That's nice," He smirked.

"Well I didn't have much of an option," I told him. "I owed you that since I got you in detention..."

He laughed. "Talking about detention, it's probably the first day in, like, 2 whole years that I do my homework."

"No way!" I yelled amused. "How did you pass the tests, then?"

He rubbed the back of his neck, "Well I do study hard the day before the test..."

I smiled trying contain my laughter, "You're definitely something else, Graham Fisher."

"Talking about school," He started, "I need you to help me pass Latin."

"It isn't that difficult, really..."

"Maybe, but I don't know anything, I literally failed it last year," He passed a hand through his hair, "My teacher passed me, though, I think she was scared of me." He said containing his laughter.

"You really are scary at school," I obvserved.

He arched an eyebrow and chuckled, then I heard a noise of the front door opening.

"Ham-ham I'm at home," A woman yelled happily.

"I'm at home too mommy, not just you," I heard voice of a little girl.

Graham rolled his eyes, "I'm with a friend, mom!" He yelled in response.

I heard some footsteps heading to the kitchen, then a mid-aged lady opened the door and looked at me smiling.

"Hello, I'm Nadia, Graham's mother," She told me, she was beautiful, she had deep green eyes and chocolate hair with some hints of white, it was literally how I pictured Graham as a girl. I shook hands with her smiling, but nervous at the same time since I hadn't checked my hair after we arrived from biking, it might look horrible.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Laura," I answered politely.

"So, you're in my son's class or...?"

"Yeah, I'm in most of them," I told her finishing my glass of water.

Suddenly a little blonde girl appeared in the room and looked at me confused. "Hello, who are you?"

Graham let out a little laugh and looked at me, "Her name is Laura," He rose and grabbed her from the waist sitting her on the counter, "Laura, this is my annoying little sister Ruby."

Ruby poked Graham's cheek softly and it made my heart melt, their sibling-ship was just too adorable.

"I think I have to go..." I said checking my phone's time.

Graham looked at me confused. "But you said you -"

"I know," I told him, "I erm... have things to do."

He put Ruby down again and took his car keys, I followed him to the garage.

"Wait," He said, "You left your car at school, didn't you?"

I smiled at his comment, "Lea must've got it, we kind of share it."

He nodded and we entered the car, I told him where I lived and he took me there. As soon as we arrived to my house he turned off the radio.

"Thank you for hanging out with me," He smiled sincerely, when he did that his scar in the forehead was more visual and it somehow made him look older.

"You're welcome," I told him opening the door, "See you tomorrow?"

"See you tomo-"

I closed the door and waved at him from the window, walking to my house. I opened the door and found my brother sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Where've you been?" He arched an eyebrow, "And how has your first day been?"

"I was hanging out with a friend," when I said that he immediatly widened his eyes, I rolled mine and continued talking, "First day has been fine, how about you?"

"Woah, woah, woah, time out!" He snapped, "Today is monday! Why would you hang out? Mom and dad don't usually let you hang out on school days..."

I smirked, "Mom and dad aren't here, Wes."

"It must've been a really good friend to make you break a rule, oh miss-I-don't-break-rules," He let out a little laugh, "Who was it, Kota or the other one?"

"Her name is Lea, and it was none of them," I told him seriously, "Now, please let me go shower, by the way, it's your turn to cook dinner."

Wes groaned and rose, "Who was it then?" He asked curiosly heading to the kitchen.

"Graham," I looked at him and waited for his reaction.

He stopped walking and slowly turned around, "Graham is a boy's name."

"So what?" I chuckled walking up the stairs containing my laughter at my brother's reaction.

1582 words.

Author's Note




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