I'm the Little Sister to the...

By SanDiegoBeachBumm

691K 10.6K 1.9K

Hi my name is Dyl its not short for anything, but it's a cool name to have anyway I'm sixteen years old, but... More

I'm the Little Sister to the 4 Hottest Gods FML!
YOU'RE going to fight for ME? Are you crazy?!
Oh Bring it On!
Saturday with you!?
Saturday well spent SIKE?
Asking for permission.
Twin bonding includes pranks!
Winks, Kisses, Tickle Fights, Love... Possibly?
FIRE ALARM?! Is that music playing...?
When I Said I'd Stay By Your Side. I Meant It.
Don't Turn Back.
Chance+Bed=Uhm Not Going To Happen (:
The Dreaded Appointment
Does That Mean It's Wrong?
The Party.
Sequel !!

Why Do I Feel Like You Are Hiding Something.

30.4K 472 127
By SanDiegoBeachBumm

judging by the last chapter im going to be making a:

-Sequel which mostly consists of Chance and Dyl

-a spin-off for Peak

-a spin-off for Blaise

-and a future one that i will start in later months for Ryden and Eli

also there will be no spin-off for Aaron and Kaylani, but they will be in the sequel.

The sequel and spin-off are going to be posted up in October or early November. (:

oh and also im speechless for how many fans comment and like my work because i just write for others to laugh and think, but im actually thankful so i just wanna say thanks (:





Being woken up to your brothers breathing down your face is very unpleasant.

Aaron had the audacity to slap me-- like an actual bitch slap to my face because his stupidity thought I was dead.

I don't know how he ever passed middle-- no elementary school.

Apparently I passed out after what Peak told me. I guess I didn't take it all too well.

Currently I'm in my room laying down; which Chance decided to carry me up here because walking for me is such a task-- yeah right he just wanted to get a touch of my goodies.   I laugh.

He had called Julie letting her know he will be staying over for the night; of course she agreed.

It's been a day since Peak told me and honestly I'm not upset that my parents said that; I'm more angry with them that they had the heart to do that to their own kids.

If they didn't want to care for us like proper parents; then, they shouldn't have had kids to begin with.

The morning after I woke up Peak told me that they are also going to be cutting each of us financially off from receiving money of any sort after we turn eighteen that's why Peak has been going to college and doing a double major for his business degree instead of going into the family business like originally planned.

My pa-- I mean Janice and Isiah can take everything they want from us, but unlike them we have family-- something that can't be bought.

Literally just thinking about all the moments I had involving my parents makes me sick to my stomach.

"You hungry?"

My eyes stray over to Blaise who is casually leaning on the door frame. Judging by the way he is looking at me; I know he has a sense of what I was thinking about.

"Kinda." I respond to my twin.

"Okay so you want to eat up here or do you want to go downstairs and eat?" He walks into my room.

"I'll go down stairs. I mean now that you guys finally let me get up." I state humor laced through my voice.

He chuckles. "Oh Dyl you make me laugh. No one stopped you from going downstairs it's just we told you not to and you listened." He smirks.


"Shut up." I stand erect following him out of the room. "Where's Chance?" I ask stepping into the kitchen staring at a fixed plate on the table.

Damn I'm hungry.

"He's talking to Peak in the backyard. He said it was something important." Blaise answers walking towards the game room. "Although they did say something about leaving to talk more privately about something really important a couple of minutes ago." He informs me.

"And where's Kay and Eli?" I call after him.

"Kaylani is still here and Eli went home, but she said she will be back as soon as possible. Now eat, before I tell Ryden to carry you back up the stairs." He jokes.

I stick out my tongue in response as he does the same.

Huffing I sit down at the kitchen table in front of my fixed plate consisiting of pork chops and mashed potatoes.

Finally, I get a good lunch.

I scarf down the food in record time.

For breakfast they only made me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich since my brothers and Chance didn't know how to cook and Eli and Kaylani were still asleep so Blaise thought it was the best thing to make it without burning the house down.

Let me tell you one sandwich doesn't fill anyone up.

"Hey Dyl." Kay states setting herself down next to me at the dining table.

I nod my head at her since I still had food in my mouth.

I swallow down the meat. "So you and my brother huh?" I wink.

"Yeah, it kind of just happened." She blushes fidgeting in her seat.

"How did you guys meet anyway?"

"Well--" She drags on.

I huff with a roll of my eyes. "Well what?" I giggle like a little school girl.

She leans forward ready to gossip about herself.

"Okay since we were taking the same classes we still didn't talk since I'm younger than him and your best friend so apparently I was off limits to him." She shrugs continuing with the story. Since Kay was a grade level smarter she actually skipped a grade which was freshmen year so she went automatically into sophomore year with two high level classes and three average level classes. "Well anyway we met-- years back since I was your best friend in like the first grade 'til now." She giggles as I catch onto the laughter.

"Oh yeah how dumb of me." I face-palm my forehead.

We laugh over my stupidity before going on with the story.

"Anyway I started to like him a little while after we found out you were sick." Kalyani's voice cracks before collecting her self and continuing. "He was watching videos of Spongebob--like always-- and I asked him how come he didn't go with you to your routine appointment since he had a free period and he shrugged with his blue eyes fixated on the t.v. and said he wants to get his mind off of things for even a little bit so that's why he was watching Spongbob. So I sat next to him watching the same show then I heard like a muffled cough and then after a while he began to sob-- like an actual heart breaking sob--" A tear threatens to spill over my eyes as Kaylani's voice breaks. She audibly gulps. "So my first instinct was to let him be then talk to him after he stops, but as soon as I saw the first tear drop I immediately wrapped my hands around him; comforting him, at first he was stiff then slowly he melted into my embrace and we stayed like that for a good hour or two." Kaylani wipes a tear that slipped onto her cheek. "Since then we would catch each other staring so it kin of just happened."

A ball lodges in my throat.

How come I didn't know how badly my diagnosis affected them?

Whenever I saw them or they came with me to the appointments they were always smiling or looking serious not once did I see them sorrowful.

The only time I saw them cry was when we found out I was near my death.

I guess it was all a front.

Sniffling I ask her, "What happened after that?" She looks over at me with teary eyes. "Girly we can't be crying over the past we should be laughing." I giggle even though I'm slightly upset with how everything was when I was stupid enough not to notice my brothers and best friends hurting over something like this.

 "I guess so." She whispers.

Taking a large breath of air I turn towards her.

"Did you see Aaron's blue hair?" I stifle a laugh.

She erupts in a fit of giggles.

"What's so funny?" Eli asks taking a seat in front of me.

Me and Kaylani wipe the tears from our eyes with large genuine smiles plastered on.

"Aaron's bl-blue hair."

We once again erupt in laughter while clutching our sides.

"Sm-smurff." Eli sputters.

After a while of laughing we quieted down.

"You called?" Aaron walks in the from the kitchen door.

We all turn towards him before busting out in laughter again.

Damn I feel like my sides are being ripped apart from laughing so hard.

"How rude." Aaron huffs crossing his arms like a toddler.

"Please stop, stop with the pain." Eli chuckles leaning back in the chair until she fell off it onto her back.

"Bahaha." We continue laughing.

"Oh baby I didn't bring the pain yet. Once I get you into bed I'm going to make you scre--" Eli punches Ryden in the gut stopping him mid-sentence.

"Oh please." She flips him the bird while sticking out her tongue at him.

"The things I can do with that pink tongue of yours." He licks his lips causing her to blush.

"I swear I'm going to knock your ass out." Eli threatens with her cheeks stained a light pink.

"Oh please do." He bends over.

"Eww." I pretend to gag.

"Don't be jealous baby sis cause I can get some." He snaps his fingers in Z form.

"Whore." I flip him the bird just like Eli did.

"Only for Eli." He winks at her causing her once pink cheeks to flame red.

She must like him a lot because she rarely blushes. Ever.

Blaise walks into the room. "I need to get my ass laid." He informs us.

"Blaizina like I said blow-up dolls don't count." Ryden smirks as Blaise lunges at him.

"Jealous bitch." Blaise tackles Ryden on the couch as Aaron dog piles them.

"Men." Me, Kay, and Eli say in unison.


"Can't live with them and can't live without them so we are screwed both ways." Eli jokes.

I giggle at her seriousness.

"Are you guys planning on sleeping over today just us girls?" I suggest as we all walk up the stairs leading to my room; leaving the boys in the dining room fighting.

I didn't see Chance or Peak so they must have been still talking.

Although it's a really long time they have been talking since it's almost sun down.

"Yeah why not." Kay agrees.

"I have nothing to do so I guess we can prank the boys." She shoves my shoulder.

"Prank war part two." I giggle.

We step into my room placing ourselves on my bed while talking.

"Okay so who do we get first? I don't think we should go straight for Aaron since he had the worst of the pranks last time." Eli asks.

"Yeah true." I favor her remark.

"So who will be our first victim? Muah-haha." Kay laughs.

"Well welcome to the dark side Ms. Studying.Is.So.Important." Eli shakes Kaylani's hand as we all laugh.

"I think we should either go for Ryden or Blaise, but I'm leaning more towards Ryden." I state.

"How about Peak or Chance?" Eli asks. "Oh you don't want your boyfriend to get hurt." She nudges my shoulder.

"Oh please. I would love to prank him, but Peak and Chance left a while ago to talk about something."

"Yeah I know and it looked pretty dang serious." Kay adds on.

Damn I didn't know it was that important shrugging I turn back towards my friends.

"Anyway let's get back to the art of pranking thy brothers of Dyl." Eli animatedly states with a slight British accent.

We crack up at her bad accent skills.

"Ryden it is." They nod their heads agreeing with me. "So shall Eli get him really horned up; shudder, or shall we prank him by using his worst fear?"

"I'm definitely not going to get him horny then leave." She blushes.

"Alrighty then so it will be using his worst fear against him."

"And what is that?" Kay and Eli question in unison.

"Well believe it or not, ever since I was a little kid I remember him being afraid of-- clowns."

"Oh yeah I remember when we were in the second grade and he was in the fourth grade; he had to be driven back home because a teacher had a clown poster on her wall." Eli laughs.

"I remember that it was Ms. Wesson's class." We crack up.

"I have a good prank and it involves you Eli." I rub my hands together.

"Why do I have a feeling that I'm not going to like this plan." She mutters.

"What is it?" Kay states with a sinister look set into the eyes.

"My baby has grown up. She is ready for her first prank." I wipe my invisible tears away from my eyes.

"Oh shut up and just tell us."

"Okay come closer." They lean as I whisper the master plan. "Got it."

"Got it." My best friends mock salute.

"It's nine p.m. so we will start the prank at around nine fifteen."



Me and Kay hid around the closet door of Ryden's bedroom watching Eli in a string bikini laying down on her stomach on his bed pretending to play with her hair while glaring at us for making her do this.

At first we were going to distract him enough to put him in the room where we were going to turn off the lights and come out with small flash lights shining on our faces in a clown get-up, but it was going to take to long so we convinced Eli to pull this prank instead.

We had to beg and beg and then finally we bargained if she pulled this prank, then she has the right to beat the shit out of Ryden if he touches her in anyway she doesn't approve of, but I have a feeling deep down she doesn't mind.

"Do you think he will fall for it?" Kay asks after a couple of minutes pass.

"Yeah. Knowing him he will sleep with anything with pulse and a cookah." I smirk.

"Then, what's taking him so damn long?"

"Honestly I don't know. He is supposed to be her by no--"

Standing in the door way is Ryden looking lustfully at Eli as she bites her lip sexually.

"I had a feeling you will fall for my sexy demon-esque looks." He smirks with a lick of his lips.

Demon-esque? What the hell is wrong with him.

Anyway he just has to cross his door frame and bam he will fall straight on his face. Thank God for invisible string.

"Uh-huh I just couldn't resist a sexy man." She points out her index finger telling him to come over.

He watches her body as she sits on the edge of the bed with her long hair falling in curls down her back.

Ryden growls taking a step closer. "You aren't a virgin are you?" Damn he had to stop.

She blushes a crimson looking at us for help, but we shake our heads mouthing to her to answer him before he gets suspicious.

"Nu-huh." Eli licks her upper lip while moving her hair to one side exposing her neck.

"Fuck that's hot." Ryden walks into the room tripping on the fishing wire as he falls face first into his wooden floors.

Me and Kay jump out. "Ta-dah mother fucker."

"Like I would sleep with you." Eli chuckles jumping on his back.

He groans. "Oh so you like it dirty?"

"Shut up."

We come over tying his hands together from behind and his ankles together laying them in front of him.

"Now that we are done with the first stage of the prank, I scream grabbing Aaron and Blaise's attention as they come upstairs, you guys have to get dressed in your thief outfits, but first tie me up."

"I'm going to get you back for this." Ryden growls.

"Please gag him." Eli states slipping on a shirt.

"My shirt looks sexy on you." He winks.

"Damn. I'm going to gag him." She grabs a random sock off the floor putting it in his mouth then tying it behind his head.

She slaps the back of his head as he glares at her. "What was that? I couldn't hear you." She laughs as he starts to struggle narrowing his sea-foam green eyes at her.

I throw a shirt over Ryden's head as Kay changes into sweats and a large navy-blue shirt with a black ski-mask as Eli changes into an ex-large long sleeve shirt and long sweats and just like Kay, she also had a matching ski-mask.

"You guys put your hair into either your shirt or into the ski-mask and remember not to talk just use the fake pistols to guide them okay?" They nod their heads as I slip the shirt off of Ryden's head. "Now tie me up." Eli does the same thing she did with Ryden to me.

"Is that it?" Kay ask fidgeting around with her fingers.

"Yeah now as soon as I scream you gag me up and hide behind the door."


I let out a piercing scream as Eli quickly gagged me; just like I thought a few seconds later you hear running coming up the stairs.

Damn I'm a genius.

Me and Ryden can see both of our brother's standing in the door way arguing.

"Quick it's coming from Ryden's room." Blaise states frantically.

"You go in first." Aaron pushes him closer to the door.

I sent Blaise a look of 'what the hell are you doing?'

"No you."

"B-but I'm scared." Aaron sputters

My gosh just come in already. I huff.

"Okay how about we both go in at the same time?"

"Deal." They shake hands on it before bursting in the room as they fall face first into the floor.

I stifle a laugh-- well actually it was already stifled since I'm kind of gagged.

Fuck logic.

Eli jumps on Blaise's back since he is more stronger and Kay jumps on Aaron's; they both tie them up just like we were.

"I told you I was sc-scared." Aaron wails with tears threatening to spill over.

"Just get him." Blaise states to the 'thieves' little did he know.

Eli and Kay have a gun trained on them.

I had told them not to gag them since they won't really say anything, but Ryden had to be gagged since he knew who they are.

Kay points the gun at Blaise.

"What the fuck are you pointing that at me for?" His voice thick and hard as steel.

"I'm going to die." Aaron wails. "I love you Blaise, and Dyl and I also love you Ryden even though you have a weird thing for the Dragon Tales, but it's okay it's just a stage." He blubbers.

"Aaron shut up."

"But I love you; you are supposed to say it back before we die."

"We aren't going to die I'm going to kill you if you don't shut up." Ryden begins to violently struggle through the ropes as I sit there and watch my brothers.

"We're Home!" Peak shouts from the bottom of the stairs as me and my best friends exchange looks.

"Dyl?" Damn that's Chance.

"Hel--!" Aaron shouts as Eli jumps on him putting her hand around his mouth.

"Pea--" Blaise was next to scream before I slipped out of my ropes putting a hand around his mouth.

He gives me a look of pure horror.

"It's part of the prank war." I whisper to him as he narrows his eyes at me.

"Dyl we need to talk. Where are you?" Chance is getting closer.

"Umm babe I'll meet you in my room." I try to hide the panic out of my voice.

"Where are you?"

"I'll just meet you in my room." I state more forcefully.

"Well okay." I hear his footsteps retreat down the hall.

"Kay get me a gag."

"Khay?" Aaron states through Eli's hand.

"Here." I gag Blaise.

"Get me one too." Kaylani gives a dirty sock to Eli as she tries to gag Aaron, but he kept moving his head from side to side.

I untie my feet, standing erect as I help Eli by holding Aaron's head while she ties him.

My best friends slip off their masks as we stand there looking at my brothers squirm.

"So do we untie them since the prank didn't go as planned." Kay states staring at Aaron's wide eyes.

"No because as soon as we untie them then they will come after us."

"So how do we let them go without them coming after us?" Eli states.

I take a second to think. Bingo--wow I'm old fashioned.

"I guess we can have a sleep over tomorrow because they can't come after you guys if you guys aren't here." They nod their heads in understanding. "Then in like an hour or so when I'm locked up in my room, I'll send a message to Peak telling him to get them." I smirk.

"That's smart."

"I know I'm practically a genius."


"See ya tomorrow." Eli and Kay leave.

I stand there watching them squirm with narrowed eyes.

"Have fun bro's." I turn off the lights in the room hearing my brothers muffled screams and I'm pretty sure I heard Aaron cry.

Making my way towards my room I see my door wide open with Chance sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands.

Wonder what's wrong with him?

"Hey." I state as a question while stepping into my room.

Chance quickly jumps up engulfing me in a hug. "God how much I missed you."

I melt into his embrace as he places a kiss on the top of my head.

"First of all I'm not God." I joke.

He lets out a hearty chuckle. "But you are as beautiful as an angel." He places a sweet kiss on my lips leaving me breathless.

I feel heat crawl to my cheeks. Finally having the breath in my body I ask, "You said you wanted to talk to me."

"No I just want to tell you that Peak said I can spend the night in your room." A small smile crawls onto his face.

I thought he would be winking and smirking by now.

How odd.

"He did not." I walk over to my bed.

"He did. I swear, but the deal was that we can't have sex."

"And you actually agreed."

"Well yeah because I get to spend time with you." At that another blush taints my cheeks.

"So- where are y-you going to sleep?"

"I was hoping on your bed-- you know next to you."

I stand there watching him--something feels off, but I push the feeling back.

"Ok-okay well you get changed in here and I'll get changed in the bathroom." I state taking my tank top and shorts with me into the bathroom.

He nods his head before stripping out of his jeans.

Damn he is a fine piece of ass.

After changing I step out of the bathroom into my room. Chance is laying down in my bed with my blankets pooled around his waist giving me a healthy look at his angel carved abs.

He motions for me to lay down next to him, without a second spared my feet take me to my bed as I slowly lay down next to him with my back facing his body.

I feel his arms go around my waist pulling me towards him.

Struggling I was going to turn towards him. "I just want to hold you." He whispers in my ear while placing a kiss on my temple.

Something is wrong I can feel it.

"Chance is there something you need to tell me?" I whisper into the darkness of my room.

"No, I just want to be with you with no interruptions."

I moved my head onto his chest as he placed a kiss on the top of my head. "I love you." I whisper to him as I place a simple kiss on his chest.

"I love you too more than world will ever know."

With those last words I let sleep take over.


Damn I should wake up next to Chance everyday since that was the best sleep I had ever had in my entire life.

Slowly opening up my eyes then quickly shielding them from the blinding sunlight.

I open them once again while feeling around on my bed. "Where's Chance?"

My eyes stare at the folded note taped with a beautiful rose on it.

Slipping out the red rose I let the sweet aroma fill me.

Aww. How sweet.

He must be downstairs or gone home and didn't want to wake me up to let me know.

God. You did right by giving me this boy to love. A smile graces my features.

I open up the note reading the contents inside.


I sit down on the floor next to Dyl's bedroom.

Tears spill over my eyes at Dyl's heart breaking sobs and screams.

I knew I shouldn't have let her fall in love.

"What's wrong with her?" My other brothers ask in unison; sorrow thick in their voices as I turn towards Blaise who has tears running down his muscular jaw.

Lowering my head; I respond, "Chance left."



This is the last chapter.

i know you guys didn't expect this, but it was in my head through out the whole time I was writing this story.

anyway i hoped you guys enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.


oh and be on the lookout for the sequel thats going to be coming out pretty soon. (:


Once again thanks SOO MUCH for reading this story.

it was honestly my favorite one. (:

okay bye my awesome fans ! :D

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