Star Wars Preferences

By mrs-preferences

287K 5.8K 2.2K

Preferences for the science fictional and action-packed movies, Star Wars, by LucasFilms. Following preferenc... More

How You Meet
What He Does For A Pastime
What He Likes Most About You
Your/His Nickname
Your First Kiss
Where He Likes to Kiss You
His Divergent Faction
His High School Cliché
His Favorite Season
His Soul Animal
~~ Author's Note ~~
How He Likes Your Hair
Your Pet
His Bad Habit
His Favorite Time Of Day
The Song That Represents Your Relationship
~~ Author's Note ~~
His First Thoughts About You
Video Game You Play Together
His Ticklish Spot
What You Wear Of His
How You Sleep Together
TV Show You Watch Together
His Strongest Emotion
Who You're Related To
His Pick Up Line
He Finds Out You're Pregnant
Your Baby
What He Does When He Gets Angry
Cute Moment He Has With Your Kid(s)
He Gets Jealous
~ Author's Note ~
Your Engagement Ring
His Zodiac Sign
His Favorite Marvel Character
You Have A Nightmare
What You Did For The Holidays

His Biggest Fear

6.1K 148 106
By mrs-preferences

"You're not scared of the dark, you're afraid of what's in it. You're not afraid of heights, you're just afraid of falling. You're not afraid of love, you're afraid of not being loved back. You're not afraid of letting go, you're afraid to accept the reality that it's gone. You're not afraid to try again, you're just afraid of getting hurt for the same reason."


Obi Wan Kenobi: Fear of Heights

"No-- I really insist we stay here." The adorable Jedi resisted your pulling by planting his feet firmly into the ground. You sighed frustratingly.

"Obi-Wan, come on. You know I've been wanting to go on this forever." You gestured towards the giant rumbling rollercoaster behind you.

He lifted a hand in the air, "You go along dear." His blue eyes sparkled with something new-- fear. A strange, yet hidden, fear.

"Are... Are you seriously afraid of rollercoasters?" You laughed, letting go of his hand to clutch your mouth while you harshly laughed. You knew it was mean -- but he has faced worse things than this.

Obi-Wan's eyes glanced behind you, then back at you, but not maintaining eye contact. "No. Not rollercoasters."

You saw his eyes look upward at the amusement ride's height.

"Heights," You managed to say in between short breaths from laughing, "Ridiculous." 

He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, letting you catch your breath. He gave you an unbelievable look.

"Aww, I'm sorry, bear." You enveloped him in a hug, kissing the side of his head. "Face your fears, I'll be with you the entire time."

Obi-Wan opened his mouth to reply, but just gave a defeated sigh, and nodded in a reluctant approval. Happy with his final choice, you grabbed his hand and yanked him towards the long line for the rollercoaster: The Final Sail.


Luke Skywalker: Fear of the Dark 

It was bedtime, and for once, you were going to sleep after Luke. It was a long night, and as you drug your feet to bed, you couldn't help but notice the lamp shining brightly on Luke's side of the  bed.

Cautiously, so you wouldn't wake him up, you approached the lamp and clicked it off. Suddenly, Luke jolted up in the bed and rubbed his eyes wearily. A strange look in his barely visible eyes worried you immediately.

"What is it?" You asked, oblivious to what his answer may be. He seemed relieved it was just you standing there, but the tense edge remained.

"Nothing..." Luke sighed, "I just don't like the dark." 

You opened your mouth to reply, but instead just turned the lamp back on. He appreciatively smiled and grabbed your hands gently. He pulled you towards him, causing you to lay down on top of him.

"Sorry," You muttered into his neck, closing your tired and hurting eyes, "I've never fallen asleep after you."

"It's okay, love." Luke kissed your forehead, sending a warm feeling through your body. You already felt relaxed and on the edge of your well needed sleep. 


Anakin Skywalker: Fear of... Sand? The Dark Side?

Anakin has been waking up in the dead of the night, grumbling gibberish intently and covered in an icy cold sweat. You didn't ask about the nightmares because if he wanted to talk about it, he'd tell you.

But it'd gotten to the point where his muttering was now preventing you from getting your beauty sleep.

"Ani, wake up." You shook his arm, almost aggressively.

Anakin inhaled deeply and sat up, glancing around the room with heavy breaths. His eyes connected with yours and he immediately sighed with a frustrated relief.

"What is it, my dear?" He asked, rubbing his eyes and laying back down in the bed and getting comfy with the pillow again.

You softly gave a half-hearted laugh, "You wanna talk about it?"

"Not really." He said, but the longer you stared at him, the less confident he was.

"Okay, fine," A short breath escaped his weary lips, "I've been having nightmares of what happened on Tatooine... I hate that place. I hate sand." The blue in his eyes seemed to darken.

"I don't think sand will be bothering you anytime soon here on Coruscant. Plus, the past is the past, Ani. You can't do anything to change it, it's best just to let it go, okay?" You pressed your lips against his.

Anakin wasn't fully into the kiss, his brain seeming to be elsewhere. 

"I guess you're right." 


Han Solo: Fear of Spiders

It was a relaxing night and you and Han were cuddling on the balcony. You had a blanket laid out and watching the infinite amount of stars above you. He occasionally whispered sweet-nothings in your ear, making you smile. 

"See that star? That's me. It's bright." Han beamed. 

"No, you're that shooting star." You responded, watching a shooting star fly across the sky and quickly diminish. You kissed his cheek, but heard no smartass response from him. 

Han's face was petrified and he was completely still. You were worried instantly, and perhaps what you said was a little harsh.

"I'm sorry, Han--" You paused as you noticed in the candlelight was a small critter, not much bigger than your thumb. The smuggler was staring at it like it was going to kill him.

"Save me, (y/n)!" Han clamored, clinging onto you immediately, putting you between him and the spider. You tried to stifle your laughter at the grown man's childish fear. 

"It's just a small house spider, hotshot." You gestured to the little black creature, but he stood up and quickly ran into the house as the spider began to run towards the blanket you two were previously sitting on. The laugh you were trying to hold back escaped and you began to giggle. 

Han watched expectantly through the glass door at you, as if silently begging you to put the spider out of its misery. 


Kylo Ren: Fear of Storms

Kylo watched the lightning flicker through the window, the flash illuminating his face for split seconds at a time. You watched from a distance in the dark, lounging on the couch he had restlessly stood up from.

"I don't like storms." Kylo admitted out loud, heaving a sigh before returning to the couch. You wrapped your arms around him and kissed his cheek.

"Kylo, it's not that bad. We can play a game, like, uh," You tried to think of a good game that would distract him from the raging storm outside, "Oh! Like hide and seek." You enthusiastically nodded, but didn't get the same response from Kylo.

You tried to notice his expression, but the pitch black room was only lighted by the occasional flash of the lightning. Thunder rumbled again, the wind pushing the rain into the window with a strong gush. Kylo seemed to get closer to you.

"I don't want to leave your side, {y/n}." Kylo shakily exhaled. You quietly awed, before letting him rest his head on your lap. You calmly stroked his hair, humming lightly.

"I'm not going anywhere, I'm right here for you, Kylo. Always."


Boba Fett: Fear of Oblivion

You and Boba were out on the town and on a nice romantic walk through the park. Your favorite part of the walk was coming up, but Boba kept gently, but persistently, refusing to join you on the bridge.

The bridge was huge, and it overlooked literal oblivion. It was over a huge black pit that everyone called the Void, and Boba was, well, terrified of it.

"Are you scared of heights? A little ironic for someone that uses a jetpack."

"No, not heights." Boba remained straight-faced, but you knew he was trying to hold back his next remark. He softly bit his lip.

"Then what, flyboy?" You tugged at his hand some more, and have a light, reassuring smile. Boba's eyes met yours, an unsettling fear brewing in his eyes as he glanced down into the Void.

He gave you a look like 'Why do you ask stupid questions?' but disregarded that quickly. "Oblivion."

You chuckled at first, but once you noticed the serious look in his expression you fell quiet. 

"Oblivion? Boba..." You pulled him towards you, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing his cheek. "You'll never be forgotten."

A small but cheeky grin seemed to lighten up his face, and he kissed you back, "I know, it's stupid." 

You shook your head and continually tugged at him to follow you. While he didn't exactly feel reassured, he followed you hesitantly and cautiously, careful not to fall over the bridge.

You've never seen Boba so afraid of something, but all fears can be conquered.


Captain Rex: Fear of Abandonment 

Lately, you haven't had much time for Rex, and it's not that you didn't care, it was more like you were very busy with the waging war outside.

He kept insisting on talking to you, but you always subsided his worries with a wave of your hand and the door shutting in his face.

You didn't mean it.
He knew it. But couldn't help to feel a bit slighted and neglected.

"(Y/n), don't leave yet." Rex grabbed your hand before you reached for the door knob. A flustered frown spread across your face, your eyes narrowing and glaring at the clone.

"We have a battle outdoors, Rex. You of everyone should know that." You went to leave again, but he stubbornly refused to give up your hand.

"You're acting strange and I'm not comfortable with it." Rex seemed almost embarrassed admitting it, his adorable cheeks burning bright red.

Your expression softened and you placed a hand gently on his cheek. 

"I don't want to lose you. To the war, or to... anything else." His golden eyes seemed to misplace your intentions on getting to the mission bright and early today.

You inched closer to his face with your lips. "You don't have to worry, Rex. Nothing will ever take me away from you."

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