
By madfordbralik

373K 16.2K 11.2K

Sequel to "The Worst" More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Don't be angry...
Chapter 58

Chapter 35

5.4K 280 202
By madfordbralik

Zayn's POV

Welp, I'm in jail.

And now I bet you're all wondering how the fuck I got here. Am I right?

No, it wasn't for trespassing on the beach after sundown.

So shall I take you back a few hours?

Earlier that day (and a little of the previous night)

So the cake wore off. And carrying three kids back to the car from the beach between two adults was a task. But we managed.

"I can't believe you." I look over at Charlie, only to find her giggling to herself. She admires the ring on her finger, almost as if it's the first time she's ever seeing it. And I love that. "I had no fricking idea."

"I know," I tell her, trying to balance Adrian and Marley in each arm. Remind me to bring a fucking stroller next time. "I was waiting for the perfect time, and I figured what better time than on the beach, away from all the bullshit. And with our kids- they were a very important part."

"True. Marley was so fricking cute, I cried from that alone," she says. "Gosh, I love you guys so much. I can't even...ugh." I peek over and catch her smiling from ear to ear. She looks to a sleeping Liyana, placing a brief kiss to her cheek.

My girls.

Charlie's POV

We reach the car and since we're not far from the house, it takes us no time to get back. I honestly can't believe Zayn did all of this for me. I think I'm just so used to him claiming not to be a romantic, that every time he does something that contradicts that, it knocks me off of my feet. And the beauty of it is that I know it's going to stay that way forever.

I've actually been wanting to put the ring back on, but I didn't know how to ask. I mean, technically speaking, it is his ring (even though I know he'd strongly disagree to that and no doubt be highly offended to me implying such.) Like, what would I have said...'oh hey, let's be engaged again.'

We grab all of our crap and head inside. I quickly change Li and place her in bed; it's been a long day and while I'm in love with my dress, I can't wait to get it off.

I'm taking the white flower out of my hair when I feel a presence behind me; I didn't even hear him come in- whoopsie. I don't have a chance to turn around because he already grabs my hands in both of his before lightly kissing my shoulder. He runs his thumb over the diamond in the middle of the ring before bringing the hand up to his lips, placing a kiss over the the ring.

He's quite close and oh, I can feel Zayn case anyone needed that visual. But it's there, poking me in the butt. Just saying...okay, I'm ruining the moment.

I wonder if I was this forward last night? Or perhaps more?

I'm turned around suddenly and he's fiddling with the zipper on the back of my dress. Well, this is one way to get out of my clothes. The dress pools at my feet and excitement courses through my body, my heart racing at what I know is going to happen. My hands pull his white button up from out of his slacks, starting from the bottom. I slowly undo each button until his shirt hangs loosely in front of him.

Because I want him naked as well, I slide off the button up until it hits the ground, followed by pulling the undershirt over his head. His hands grip my sides as my fingers dance around the button and zipper of his slacks, and he breathes sharply when my hand grazes the tent that's pretty prominent in his pants.

And just because I think it fits the moment quite nicely and I want nothing more than to memorize every inch of his body until I can sketch it in my sleep, I skim my fingertips over the wings on his chest. His breathing is becoming increasingly uneven the more I explore him; the lips in the center of his chest are calling me, so my own lips descend, placing a delicate kiss right over them.

I move my tongue along one wing, to the tip of the skull and crossbones, and continue moving right along to the snake, when he tilts my chin up and kisses me with everything he has. I don't even realize that I've been turned and begun moving until the backs of my thighs hit the mattress. He gently pushes me down and I scoot myself back, Zayn all the while moving towards me.

He reaches me, splitting my knees and crawling between them with an animalistic look in his eyes that makes me want to let him do whatever he pleases to my body.

Which, I guess is kind of what he's implying when he says, "Your body's all mine tonight, baby."


I wish I gave myself a time limit in between mind-blowing sexual experiences because let me tell you, my body is sore- like, I don't know what the hell was in Zayn's dinner, but it must've been something good because I don't know if we've ever done four rounds in one night. Now don't get me wrong, I take nothing back, but holy shit (pardon my language), I haven't felt this way since the first time with him...the very first time.

"Stop grinning like a pervert." My thoughts are interrupted by Niall as he fixes himself a bowl of Fruit Loops.

I hold up my hand to block it from my kids, then flip him off. He has the nerve to look wounded. "You know, what happened to innocent, Java Cafe Charlie. This new Charlie takes shit from noone..." He pauses, then, "Good job. I've taught you well."

I grin, digging into my pancakes. "Cherries, more?" I look over to find Adrian with sticky syrup all over his cheeks. He's such a little cutie. I ruffle his hair and tell him he absolutely can, asking Mar and Li if they want more as well. And of course they do.

I ache a bit getting up, but what can you do. I blush thinking about last night and how despite going for so long, how sensual it was...well, at first, anyway. I plop a pancake on each of their plates and cut them up before pouring out a little bit of syrup. "Thank you, mummy," Marley chirps, digging right in.

"You're very welcome, babies."

I sit back down and scroll through my phone, reading a couple of messages from Bryson before texting him and Laura a picture of the ring with an exclamation point, along with telling them how he re-proposed, all in our group chat. And Bryson naturally replies that I better had 'put my pretty little mouth to work after that display of romance.'


"Shit, your hair's pink." I look up to find Zayn standing there with a towel around his shoulders and Eleanor following closely behind him. Oh. Oh. It's Zayn with the pink hair.

How the frick does he make pink hair work? He could probably dye it vomit green and it would look amazing.

"It was time for a change," he answers, catching my eye and winking. I just roll my eyes at him, but chuckle.

"Daddy, you look like da paint brush we use in my school," Marley giggles before shoving a forkful of pancakes in his mouth.

"Oh nice," he smirks, walking over and kissing each of the kids after wishing them a good morning. He also maybe stole a piece of pancake from each of them. Li's pissed, even more so when he ruffles her already messy hair.

Just when I go to respond to Laura's text, I feel two big hands grab my face and plant a sloppy kiss right on my lips, nearly knocking me off my seat. "And last but not least, MORNING baby!" Zayn all but shouts, making the kids and everyone else laugh.

"Oi, watch it, Zayn!" Eleanor bellows as I flush. "If you get dye anywhere, you're paying for it. You know the landlord said we're responsible for any damages."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say Eleanor." He seems to be in a spectacular mood today- which, has been the case this entire vacation. But still, how come I'm the only fricking one who's tired and sore? Not fair, I tell you.

I think today, I'll just lay by the pool and tan, or maybe convince someone to take me out on the boat so I can tan there. Or fish, I wouldn't mind going fishing. But I do know I wanna keep today low key. And then tomorrow, maybe we could hit up the boardwalk for a little shopping since we didn't get to yesterday. Listen, I really just want something that says Wildwood, NJ. That's it. Vacation goals for me right there.

"Guys, I have an announcement," Zayn says, interrupting my thoughts.

"Love bug, I think we can see that your hair is pink," Harry says, his eyes peering over the newspaper. "Hell, how could we miss it."

"No not that," Zayn says with an eyeroll.

"Oh Jesus take the wheel, I can't handle this," Niall blurts, leaning back against the counter with his bowl of cereal.

Zayn flips him off; Niall's on a roll this morning. "Charlie and I are getting married again!"

"Is she pregnant too?" Lou snorts. "Because given Fertile Mertile's track record, I'd say we're just about due for another little Zarlie. My bets are on another girl. Shall I post the news to your twitter account, Zayn?"

Zayn's chin rests on my shoulder. "No, Charlie's not pregnant...yet," he says, turning to me and kissing my cheek.

Um..."Impossible," I turn to him and say with a sly grin. The wonders of birth control buddy.

"Never say never, babe." He returns the grin and I'm inclined to believe he's up to something. But I told him no more kids until after we're married, and so I won't be taking my IUD out until then.

"I will never say neveerrr..." Niall starts to sing, and we all just look at him. "What? Biebs is a fucking legend. Did you not listen to the masterpiece known as Purpose? Cause if you didn't, do your ears a favor."

"So...can you take me out on the boat today?" I ask Zayn, ignoring Niall. "I wanna try my hand in fishing."

"Sure. We can take Liam and the kids with us." He looks over at Liam. "He's lookin' a little down in the dumps." Yeah, it's been kind of weird between Sophia and Liam, and hence, weird for everyone else. To hear Sophia tell it, they're over. But it kind of looks like Liam missed the memo. I'm not sure what's going on; I'll ask El.

"Fine by m-" I start to say when there doorbell rings. It's unexpected because everyone's accounted for and I'm one thousand percent sure no one knows we're here. Maybe it's the landlord?

"I got it," Harry says, making his way into the living room. There are some muffled voices, followed by, "I didn't do it...I hope. You're looking for who? Oh...shit."

I don't hear anything else, and that's probably because the police come walking in, followed by Harry. What the hell are the police doing here?

"Zayn Malik?" One of the officers says. He must be a detective; he's not in the normal uniform, instead dressed in a gray polo shirt tucked into a pair of khakis.

Zayn straightens up. Oh my God, what is going on. "Yeah? What's this about?"

"It's da police man!" Marley points. "Why dem want my daddy?"

"Come on, kids. Let's go upstairs and start getting ready for the boat," I hear Eleanor say and I'm grateful. Something tells me they don't need to be around for this.

"Hold it," the same police officer instructs. "Everyone is to remain exactly where they are." He then turns behind him and nods to a female officer and a rather not-so-tough looking male officer. They're then walking through the kitchen right over to my kids.

"Adrian, I need you to come with me, okay?" The female officer leans down to Adrian's level, but he shies away. "Your mummy is waiting for you back home." He looks to me and I stand up.

"You're not taking him anywhere," I tell her and she looks me up and down before standing up. "I advise you to sit down and be quiet." Okay, so maybe she's not so nice after all. "Before I arrest you for kidnapping as well."

Kidnapping? What the hell? Who....

"Zayn, I need you to come with us," the detective says this time. "You're under arrest for the kidnapping of Adrian Sello."

"Kidnapping? I didn't fucking kidnap anyone!" Zayn retaliates. "She left him on my fucking doorstep! That's child abandonment!"

"Sir, she called us and told us that you have her child against her will. She knew where you were, and given the circumstances, we've done this calmly. But if you like, we can bring in backup. But I suggest that you come quietly- trust me, it'll work a lot better in your favor."

"I don't fucking believe this lying, scheming-" Zayn begins, but Adrian cuts him off.

"No!" He shrugs off the officers with a cry as they grab him. "Daddy...Cherries..." he cries, looking between us, as they drag him along. It brings tears to my own eyes, and I wonder how much trouble I'd get in for ripping him from their grip...

But I know if I stop them, I'll only make it worse for everyone involved.

"Where you takin' my friend?" Marley steps in front of the two police officers as they tug Adrian along. "We gonna go on da boat wid my mummy and my daddy and you not gonna take him because him wants to go wid us. Look, him is cryin."

The woman gives Marley an apologetic smirk. "I'm sorry, sweetheart, but-"

"No. Him don't wanna go wid you. Da police man takes away da bad peoples and him is not bad. I know dis because I readed a book in my class."

"I know, honey." She gives him another sad smile. I walk over to him and bring him to the side with me, and he looks just as heartbroken as I feel. "M-mummy, what dey gonna do wid him? Dey puttin' him in j-jail?"

"No baby," I sniffle. "He's going to his mommy. But don't you worry, I'm gonna get him back, okay?" I think about Harry's words from a few days ago. I know what I have to do...I can't let that little boy stay with that vile creature.

"Sir, stop resisting." My attention is brought back to the officer as he tries to put Zayn's hands behind his back.

"Fucking hell, listen to me!" Zayn belts. "Just..." he pinches the bridge of his nose. "Can I just have a couple of minutes to get my shit together? And can you not put me in handcuffs? You're scaring my kids," he says calmly, looking at Marley, who's quite alarmed, and Liyana, who Harry holds. "I promise you, I'm not going anywhere."

The officer looks at him, and I think only because he didn't run and is relatively calm, does he agree. "No funny business. We'll be waiting outside." He prods Zayn in his chest, and nods to the other officers as they make their way back through the living room to the front door, with Adrian.

Niall sighs. "What the hell are you go-"

"How the fuck did she know I was here?" Zayn shouts, startling everybody as he slams his fist on the countertop. "I fucking made a point not to answer her phone calls, but somehow, she finds out that I'm here anyway."

No one says anything, until, "I told her." We all look over at Lou and if looks could kill...well, yeah, I think you get it.

"You what?" Zayn seethes, stepping closer to Lou.

"I told he-"

"And why the fuck did you do that? What the fuck is wrong with you?" He's furious. "Did me not answering her calls mean shit to you? That didn't set off any fucking bells in your head?"

"Zayn," Harry tries to reason.

"No! I'm fucking sick of his shit!" Zayn continues to yell, poking Louis in the chest.

"Zayn, come on. That's-" El attempts to reason with him now, but don't they know that it's pointless? They should know by now.

"Zayn what, Eleanor?" He turns his attention to her now. "First he fucking insists that I hire her and goes behind my back to pretty much worm her into my God damned company when I didn't even need her there to begin with! Then he says I can't fire her when she repeatedly fucks up. He basically forced her into my life, being all cryptic and shit about me not being able to fire her. I've had it with his meddling bullshit."

"Hey, don't blame this on him!" El yells. "You're the one who took her fucking child without running it by her first!"

"Eleanor," Harry tries to intervene desperately this time. "Come on, don't."

"Oh, maybe I took him because she neglects and abuses him and oh yeah, the crazy ass left him on my doorstep! And I don't know what kind of fucking morals you have, Eleanor, but I'm not going to let a child live like that," Zayn carries on.

Louis sighs, stepping between the two. "Zayn, mate. I'm sorry, but-"

"No, don't mate me, you prick. I don't know why I hired any of my fucking friends. I swear, they'll fuck you over the worst." He turns then and heads for the stairs, coming back down shortly thereafter in a white t-shirt and blue jeans with an unlit cigarette tucked in between his lips.

He ignores everyone else and turns to me, and I'm a crying fucking mess of course. "I'll call you with how much bail, probably tomorrow. Love you." He kisses my forehead before kneeling down to Marley.

He's sniffling, and immediately winds his arms around Zayn's neck. "You take care of mum and Li Li and I'll be back later, yeah?" He whispers something to Marley in another language and Marley understands, immediately nodding his head. He ruffles his hair before going over to his daughter and kissing her cheek, whispering the same phrase he did to Marley.

I watch him walk out, seemingly calmer about the whole situation than he was just a few minutes before, but I know he's angrier than ever on the inside. And God help Genevieve when he does get back to New York.   

A/N: SO! How's everyone doing? 

Thoughts on Lou? Genevieve? What do you think will happen when they get back to NYC?

Have you guys listened to "It's You" yet? What do you think? I can't fvcking wait for the album! Ugh, I'm so proud of him :) 

Anyhow, stay tuned! And I will see you soon! <33

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