Lost Kuran sister(VK and DL F...

By lorenzaoct20

142K 3.4K 1.3K

Kuran Yuka is the twin sister of Kuran Yuuki and younger sister of Kaname Kuran. Yuka was tortured by everyon... More

Chapter 1- cross academy
Chapter 2- lost days
Chapter 3-parents day
Chapter 4-Dancing with daddy
Chapter 6- friends
Chapter 7-huh!
Chapter 8-pain
Chapter 9-anger
Chapter 10 - shuu anger
Chapter 11- child?!
Please read my other fanfiction
Chapter 12-what?
Chapter 13 hey baby
Chapter 14-Fire
Chapter 15- Help
chapter 16-First Test
Chapter 17-the truth behind it all
Chapter 18- what makes it better?
Chapter 19-what lost is when it was found.

Chapter 5- First Dream

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By lorenzaoct20

Ayumi POV


I found myself in a rose garden with blue roses. As I looked around I saw a little girl that looked exactly like me. She was playing with a toy doll. She looked so happy but moments later another girl that looks exactly like her but with brown eyes. She saw that girl and tried o get the doll away from her arms. 

"Stop that. She playing with it." I told her but she didn't hear me. When the girl refused to give her the doll. The brown eyes girl cried really loudly two more people came in and  showed the girl to the ground screaming what id you do to her you monster? The blue-eyed irl started to cry.

"Sweetie what did she do to you?" the mother asked.

"She won't give me my toy. She smacked at me." She told them. I wanted to shout that she did it but they couldn't hear me. The parents hit the girl so hard you can hear the slap.

"You ungrateful little bitch. How dare you hurt my little girl? Did i not tell you to not take  anything from her? I told you your only roll is to  isten and obey. why did you not listen?" she gave her the glare.

Then she started beating the girl up. Whie the husband just watched her with amusement in his eyes.

The gir was screaming "I'll listen" over and over  again.

Dreams ends

I woke up screaming. I looked at the time. 1 o clock AM. shit I looked around and found Shuu sitting next to my bed. He looked so tired. Then I heard him stir. He open his eyes slowly. 

"Morning how long did I sleep?" I asked him.

"3 days. You had a massive fever." He etold me. "you shoud head down. everyone was worried."

"Ok. Wow that long. Oh well better head down." I said cheerfully. As i reached for the door. Shuu grabbed my arm and pulled me in his embrace.

"Don't ever try that again. I was worried." He said holding back a sob.

"Hey don't worry. Its not like I am gonna die. you know." I laughed. But I knew he really care for my well bein. I mean everyone does.

I walked out of my room to find my brothers next to my door. As they heard the door open, they woke up. And pretty much berated me. I really love my brothers dearly.

Shuu's POV

As I watched her walk out that door. I heard instant annoyance. But I am glad she was okay. I would've killed kaname when he did that. I warned him to stay the hell away. But did he listen no he did not. He pestered. He hurt her. He damaged her and broke her. In my mind I wanted nothing more but to kill him right there. But knowing Reiji he woudn't approve but he too is getting pissed. I see it in his eye's he wants to kill that lame excuse of an older brother. 

Subaru was the most pissed. He was angry that the fact that kaname did something isnt something we accepted. It was something that I wanted to kill the person for doing.

I love my dear sister. As if I would let an insignificant maggot try and take her isn't something I would do. Zero was the only exception. I am fine with him. But any one else. I would kill them before they realized anything. 

As I walked out of Ayumi room, I bumped into the maggot's little sister. The twin sister of my beloved sweet sister. 

"What do you want maggot?" I said glaring at her.

"Is she alright?" she asked.

"Why should I tell you?" I said.

"She is my sister. I have every right." She screamed at me.

"Your sister...Your sister... How dare you say she is your sister?" I said releasing my dark aura.

I watched her as she flinched.

"Listen and listen well. Cause I am not about to give up my position. You were never her sister. You hurt her, you broke, and you damage her. You have no right at all. Not in this time and tomorrow not ever. Your will never be here sister. Your nothing but a maggot. Who flies around the person annoyingly.  So you had no right callling her your sister. You got that. You ungrateful little bitch." I said while walking away from her.

As I enter the living room, I noticed that aristocrat vampire talking with my sister. Oh well no matter he is no threat. I went to the usual couch and fell asleep. 

Subaru POV

I wanted to scream at the kuran right after that incident. Never in my life had I felt so worried. Ayumi is dear to me. I was so angry that I had to move outside to hit something and hurt anything I could find to damage anything. I was so damn angry.

As I walked around I met with haruka Kuran. I glared at him.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked.

"What about?" I answered to him rudefuly.

"How did yuka wait ayumi was brought up?" he had the nerve to ask me. 

"Why should I tell you?" I growled.

"Please I just want to know." He pleaded.

"Fine. Ayumi was brought up loved by everyone in my family. They consider her their Daughter our mothers loved her as well. They hated you. Even though we hate our mothers the one thing we have in common is your destruction. We want nothing more then to kill you. But she became a respectably woman. And another thing if any of you hurt her one more time. I will kill you for real." I said warning him about the nex time it ever happens.

He looked at me with fear in his eyes cause he knows not to get in a royal vampire way. Cause if you do. we will really kill you and feed you to the lions. 

"And another thing that stunt my dad pulled was to remnd you guys that you can never have her. Not in a millions years.

I went back to the dorm to ind ayumi talking to akatsuki. I dont mind as long as he is not kaname or any kuran.


Please comment and vote.

Tell me what you think of the story. In detail please. who's your favorite character. and what do you think of kaname.

Another thing the next chapters are going to be sow updates.

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