Star Wars Preferences

By mrs-preferences

287K 5.8K 2.2K

Preferences for the science fictional and action-packed movies, Star Wars, by LucasFilms. Following preferenc... More

How You Meet
What He Does For A Pastime
What He Likes Most About You
Your/His Nickname
Your First Kiss
Where He Likes to Kiss You
His Divergent Faction
His High School Cliché
His Favorite Season
His Soul Animal
~~ Author's Note ~~
How He Likes Your Hair
Your Pet
His Bad Habit
His Favorite Time Of Day
The Song That Represents Your Relationship
~~ Author's Note ~~
His First Thoughts About You
Video Game You Play Together
His Ticklish Spot
What You Wear Of His
How You Sleep Together
TV Show You Watch Together
His Strongest Emotion
Who You're Related To
His Pick Up Line
Your Baby
What He Does When He Gets Angry
Cute Moment He Has With Your Kid(s)
He Gets Jealous
~ Author's Note ~
Your Engagement Ring
His Zodiac Sign
His Favorite Marvel Character
His Biggest Fear
You Have A Nightmare
What You Did For The Holidays

He Finds Out You're Pregnant

11.3K 207 59
By mrs-preferences

Aha, finally done with this part! Took forever to organize the plans and etc... but I really hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it :D


Obi Wan Kenobi: "(Y/n)." Anakin quietly called your name. He caught your attention and you joined him off to the side of the long corridor in the Jedi Temple. You were on your way to Obi-Wan getting back from a battle. You had news to tell him, but you weren't sure if it was necessarily good news, considering it would get Obi-Wan kicked from the Jedi.

"What, Ani?" You asked, your voice low. His concerned eyes lowered from your eyes to your belly. He seemed to already know what you were going to tell Master Kenobi.

"You're pregnant, aren't you?" He questioned, even though he already knew the answer. You nodded hesitantly. "He's going to know once he sees you. He'll sense it too."

"He needs to know. He is the father after all." You replied, crossing your arms. "You need to keep this a secret, I know Padme is pregnant with your baby."

Anakin slightly smiled, "Yeah, okay. You keep that secret, I'll keep this secret." You gave him a small smile and another nod, before hustling back down the corridor to catch Obi-Wan.

You kept wondering how he was going to react. Attachment wasn't allowed in the Jedi Order, and any sign of attachment would get you exiled from the Order. Obi Wan knew this, but tried to keep your relationship secret. As much as you and him disliked this, it was the only way.

As you exited the Temple, and out onto the docking platform, you saw your secret husband jumping out of his starfighter. You approached him with a smile on your face.

"(Y/n), a pleasure to see you." Obi-Wan greeted you with a warm smile, bowing to you before stepping up close to you. His eyes dropped for only a split second to your belly, his smile unwavering, and back up to your eyes.

"How... uh, was the mission?" You tried to not act suspicious. Maybe this was going to be harder than you thought.

"Great. The battle was won, no doubt, had the Separatists in full retreat and we captured a General today." Obi-Wan wrapped his arms around you for a hug. 

"That's good." You weakly managed to say, hugging your husband back.

"I know." He whispered in your ear, his words making you weak at the knees. "I've never been better."


Luke Skywalker: "Lukey." You called from the bed in which you were lounging in.

"Yeah, honey?" He responded from the kitchen, rushing into the bedroom as quick as he could. He was pretty quick though, so in an instant, he was standing in the doorway.

"Can you get me some more cookies?" You gave him a sweet smile, making him playfully roll his eyes. "Pretty please?"

"Fine. The doctor will be here shortly, by the way." Luke gave a quick, yet rushed, smile before quickly jogging back into the kitchen to grab the cookies you have requested. You were bed ridden since yesterday, a sickness seeming to overcome you. Luke had his suspicions on what it could be, but wanted a doctor to confirm it.

You watched the Space Galactic News on your hologram TV. You heard the doorbell ring, drawing your attention back to the doorway. Luke called out, "I got it!", quickly. 

"Doctor, glad you're here." Luke greeted the robot and invited him inside. "She's in the bedroom." You heard two sets of feet heading your way and you sat up in the bed, shutting the TV off.

The doctor robot came in and stood at your side on the bed. Luke sat on the bed, comforting you by gently rubbing your feet and legs. You tried focused on the doctor, not Luke's soft hands massaging your sore feet. It felt amazing, to be honest.

"You will need to relax, this will only take a moment." The doctor's programmed voice said, as he extended his flat hand over top of your belly. A blue holographic screen scanned over you, and within a few seconds, the doctor put his hand back to his side. 

Luke watched the robot with anticipation, eager for the news. 

"Mr. Luke Skywalker, Mrs. (y/n) Skywalker is three weeks and five days pregnant. Congratulations." The robot said, before turning and leaving the room.

It was quiet as you both watched the bot leave. You then looked at Luke, who was grinning like a madman back at you. 

"I knew it. The Force never lies." Luke crawled up in the bed beside you, and you dreamily leaned into the Jedi, resting your head on his chest. Starting a family with Luke, what could possibly be better?


Anakin Skywalker: "It's going to be a boy." Anakin grinned, throwing popcorn at you as you rolled your eyes and returned fire.

"No, it's going to be a girl. We don't want another Anakin running around." You sneered back, eating some of the popcorn from the bowl. 

Anakin already knew that you were pregnant (...dang Jedi...), and frankly, he took the news perfect. He was more than happy, and now you two were having a lazy day watching movies all day in the bedroom in a dark room. 

"We? No, tiger, you would LOVE another one of me to run around." Before you could notice him moving closer to you, Anakin quickly grabbed you and began to tickle you.

You squirmed around and laughed uncontrollably and tried to escape his hands. In a desperate attempt, you began to tickle him back but your hands fell weak as you knew it was a lost cause. Tears were streaming down your bright red face from laughing too hard, and Anakin was red in the face as well. 

"You want another Anakin, don't you? Double the tickling." Anakin's grin was overwhelmingly cute. His hands ceased to a stop and he planted a kiss on your lips. Your sides hurt from laughing, but you relaxed as you felt his soft lips press against yours.

"It would be interesting." You beamed, your cheeks hurting from being in a smiling position for so long. "But no corrupting the baby with your ways."

"What? That's not fair." Anakin pouted. "He's my baby as well."

"Well, I don't want her thinking it is okay to be reckless and stubborn." You replied, putting your arms around his neck. 

"Just a little corrupting? Please?" Anakin stared with puppy dog eyes, which got more and more convincing the longer you stared into his eyes.



Han Solo: "What, why are you staring at me like dinner?" You asked the smuggler, awkwardly picking a jacket off the coat rack to wear. It was like he was trying to see through you.

"You're actin' weird." Han simply admitted, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorway to your bedroom. His hazel eyes were focused on you as you slipped your jacket on.

"Hmm, wonder why." You narrowed your eyes at your husband, making him look at you with a clueless expression. 

"I didn't say anythin'." He defensively held his hands up as your approached him. Instead of marching past him, like he expected, you wrapped your arms around him. A warm smile spread across your face like a sunny day, and he got even more confused.

"You're freakin' me out, (y/n)..." Han trailed out the last letter of your name as he slowly embraced you back. 

You listened to his quickening heart beat for a few more seconds before looking up into his eyes. "We're expecting."

"Expecting wha--" Han interrupted himself, as if something finally clicked. "That's great." He seemed to pull you closer to him, your head tucked into his chest.

It was silent, but you could hardly contain the excitement to tell your friends; especially Luke and Leia. They'd be thrilled almost as much as you.

"A Han Junior..." Han mumbled into your neck. "Sounds fitting."


Kylo Ren: "Hey Kylo." You greeted your husband, and hugged him from behind.

"What is this?" He tried to shake you off of him, but you just smiled and leaned into him more. "Ah, get off of me!" 

"No...." You dreamily said, locking your arms tighter so he couldn't get you off. 

"You're acting too compassionate, what is your deal?" Kylo grumbled, giving up on his desperate struggle. 

"Tell Han Solo he's going to be a grandpa."

"If I even saw him, I'd kill him. What makes you think I would want to talk to him?" Kylo responded, completely oblivious to what you really just said.

"Then tell Leia Solo she's going to be a grandma." You kept gesturing towards the fact you were pregnant with his baby.

"Leia? Grandma? Wait--" His voice faltered before he twisted around in your arms, now facing you with his his dark brown eyes staring into yours with questions brewing deep within.

"What is it, Kylo?" You playfully questioned, acting as if you were oblivious just as much as him.

"If I don't have any siblings... then you must be..?" He couldn't bring himself to say the words. "Despicable Han Solo is not going to find out anything about this, you hear me?"

You laughed at his seriousness and nodded your head 'yes'. Kylo seemed relieved by that before he put his head on top of yours, smiling slightly. 

"Good..." He muttered into your hair, happy that he was going to be a daddy.


Boba Fett: It was a quiet day. Boba Fett was once again distant. Your relationship seemed to be depressing ever since you two figured out, from the doctors, that Boba couldn't have kids.

But you felt as if the doctors weren't right. 

And that they were dead wrong. 

Because you had some serious news to tell Boba.

"Boba?" You called into the bedroom, knowing he was in there. But you didn't want to sneak up on him, since he was pretty on edge. 

There was no response, and the room was dark. You couldn't make a visual on Boba, but you needed to tell him the urgent news.

"Boba, listen." You entered the bedroom, where you and him have had the best times of your life, and a room that was usually filled with much laughter and happiness. But now, the vibes it gave was just darkness... emptiness.

"What is there to listen to?" Boba's voice was hushed, and you glanced in the direction his voice came from. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, his eyes on the ground.

"The doctors... they're wrong." You tried to get his attention, but it seemed as if the words went in one ear and out the other.

"They're right, (y/n). We've tried and tried, but just face the truth. We can't start a family." You heard him stand up, and his footsteps approached you. "I'm sorry." You looked up at him, the outline of his handsome face barely visible, and sighed.

Boba went to step around you, but you grabbed his arm to stop him and hugged him tightly. "Don't go. Please, just listen to me. They're wrong. I'm pregnant. I know I am."

He stopped for a moment, not even his breathing making a noise. It was dead silent in the dark bedroom, and Boba seemed to be processing what you just said.

"You're pregnant?" You could almost feel his mood lighten, and you looked at your now exhilarated husband.

"Yes, Boba, we're going to have a baby." It was Boba's turn to hug you, a tight bear hug which made you warm inside. Your husband was back, and abnormally happy.


Captain Rex: It was a long day at work for Rex, and even though he can usually take stress well, today it was just unmeasurable. He was grumpy to say the least, but you had news that would definitely be good news for him; and might possibly get you kicked from the Jedi ranks.

"Rex, what's wrong?" You asked, watching him as he hung his clone trooper helmet on a rack. He began to dismantle his armor.

"Heavy causalities in the field today, (y/n)." He gruffly stated, his eyes staying narrowed and focused on his gear. 

You sighed, noticing the frustration in his voice. You could feel his hardened emotion and stress. 

"I have some news." You nervously played with your hands, feeling a shaky feeling overcoming you. You knew the awful punishment from attachment as a Jedi. You would be kicked from the Jedi ranks, and exiled. 

Rex set his breastplate, center plate, and shoulder plates on the rack as well, then going for his legs. "What is it?"

"I'm pregnant." You let the words sink in, and after a few seconds of processing the words, Rex stopped what he was doing and looked up at you. 

"...Pregnant? With my baby?" It was a stupid question he was asking, you knew that, but you just smiled. He was pretty shocked, after all.

"Yes, of course, Rex. I wouldn't have it any other way."

"That's... amazing, (y/n)." Rex approached you, half of his clone trooper armor still on, and embraced you tightly. You nestled your head under his chin, and closed your eyes to the sound of his heartbeat.

"But, what about the Order?" He asked, making you sigh.

"We can worry about that when the time is right." You replied, letting the room fall silent again. You knew Rex would be a great father, and you wouldn't want to be in this situation with anyone else in the galaxy but him.

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