Kids in the dark (Mavin)

By AmyWoolner

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Gavin is put in a mental hospital after an attempted suicide where he meets Michael, his room-mate, and Ray... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Lazer team!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Final Chapter
You're welcome! Maybe?
Epilogue incoming!
Just a quick question

Chapter 20

692 24 4
By AmyWoolner

Hey so there are 5 chapters left, including this one, so I'm going to post the last 5 every other day, anyways I hope you like this chapter ❤️
We walk over to the fountain and I sit on the edge. Gavin sits next to me and looks down for a second, before leaning down, grabbing something off the floor and sitting up. I see a rock in his hand and look at him questioningly. He smiles at me and turns around, using the rock to etch something into the edge of the fountain,next to where he's sitting. After a few minutes he looks back to me smiling with a slight blush. I wrap my arm around his shoulders and look across him. Carved into the edge of the fountain I see MJ + GF with a heart underneath. I grin at him and kiss his cheek. However I accidentally kiss the corner of his mouth instead, causing me to blush intensely because holy shit I almost kissed Gavin and I really want to but I don't know if he wants to or not. He turns his head towards me, blushing slightly, and stares into my eyes for a minute, before he slowly leans towards me. I lean closer to him, closing the gap between our lips. I move my arm from around his shoulders to around his waist, pulling him closer, and his hands travel to my neck, playing with the hair there. We break apart after a few minutes and I grin at him, he grins back and rests his head on my shoulder.

We sit on the edge of the fountain for a while, Gav resting his head on my shoulder, my arm wraps around his shoulders, his arm around my waist, our other hands connected.

The bell goes and we both jump. It had been silent, only hearing the quiet sound of the fountain and us breathing. I look down at Gavin and kiss his head. "c'mon boi, we need to have lunch." He nods and I stand up, offering him my hand. He takes it and we walk to the hole. Just before we crawl through I stop and turn to look at Gav. I look into his eyes for a while before I lean in and kiss him, smiling when he kisses back and grabs my shirt in his fists. I pull back and smile before crawling back through. When were both on the other side of the bush I grab his hand again and we walk to the canteen, letting go as we walk through the door and get food. I sit at the table Ray and Geoff are at and see Barbara watching me. I look down at my food but feel sick. I ate breakfast so why do I have to eat again? I look at barb with wide eyes and she sighs, walking over to me "come on Michael, you were doing so well" she says quietly and I feel the guys watching me. I sigh and look down, shaking my head. She sighs "come with me." I stand and start to walk out. I turn when I realise she isn't behind me and see her talking to Gavin and Ray. I wait for her and we start walking. She stops just outside the door "why aren't you eating again? You ate at breakfast" I just sigh, "Exactly, I ate breakfast, and I don't want to eat again."

"its not what you want, its what you need. You need to eat Michael." I sigh and nod "fine." I walk back in and see Geoff and Ray talking to Gavin and Gav is blushing. I sit down "what's going on?" I ask casually, forcing myself to take a bite of my sandwich (barb smiles and leaves) and Gavin turns an even darker shade of red.

"nothing" Gavin says but is interrupted by Geoff

"We were just asking little Gavino here a few questions" Geoff says and Gav looks down going impossibly darker.

"Apparently," Ray starts and Gav tells him to shut up, kicking him under the table, he winces but doesn't stop "apparently" he repeated, "you're a good kisser, Micoo." Ray says mocking Gav's accent and laughing at Gavin's reaction and I blush and smile slightly at Gavin. Gavin is shooting daggers at Ray and Geoff looks proud of himself.

"so hows Gav, Michael?" Ray asks, still trying to make Gav a darker shade of red it seems, I blush harder and Gav glares at him again. I decide I like it when I'm the one to make Gavin blush, so I turn to Gavin and look into his eyes, silently asking if it's okay, he nods slightly and I kiss him on the lips. He kisses back automatically, my hand on the back of his neck and his on my chest. It lasts about 6 seconds before I pull back smiling "he's great." I say looking into Gavin's perfect green eyes. I notice Ray fake gagging but laughing, Geoff has a small smile on his face. Gavin is bright red.

"You guys are adorable" I hear Jack say from behind us as he and Ryan sit down.

"yeah but I don't need to see that when I'm about to eat guys " Ryan adds.

"Mavin is real!" Ray says loudly and then immediately says "sorry, but jack owes me $10."

That's how we spend lunch, them teasing me and Gav, us laughing it off, talking about random stuff, basically behaving the way a bunch of 'normal' teenagers behave. We go to the rec room and play xbox for a while. Me and Gavin decide to play outlast but soon turn it off after it scares the shit out of us, so we all play Minecraft instead. Soon enough I have to go to therapy so I say bye to everyone, peck Gavin's cheek and leave the rec room.

Therapy is uneventful and useless as I refuse to say much, like every time. I'm asked the same questions, I give the same answer, except this time when Dr. Tuggey 'call me Lindsay' asked me how I was I replied with "I'm great" instead of 'I feel like shit'.

After the hour and a half long session, I go back to my room and find Gav sitting on his bed with his laptop open. I go and sit next to him "hey boi, Dan came when you were in therapy and we shot a slow mo video, I'm editing it now. Also I edited the one we did a few days ago, it looks so cool!" I smile and put my arm around him "that sounds cool, can I watch it? What did you film today?"

Gavin's POV

Michael goes to therapy and I go to our room and sit on my bed, I decide I should edit the video I filmed with Michael and as I'm half way through Dan arrives. "Hey B! I brought some stuff so we can make another slow mo video!" He says holding up a bag of what looks like loads of box's of matches and a jug or something. I laugh and stand up, hugging him tightly "hey B! I have to tell you something!" I say excitedly. He laughs and hugs me again "what's up B?"

"Micoo said he really likes me and then I said I really like him but I'm pretty sure what I feel for him is more than just like, yanno? Anyway now were going out and its amazing B!!!" I ramble on excited. He grins "I'm so happy for you B! But if he hurts you ever I will personally murder him, okay? Oh and speaking of Michael," he cuts of reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small bottle of something, "I though you might need this" he says laughing, chucking me the bottle. I look down and see that its lube, immediately blushing, "B! Oh my god what's wrong with you!" I say blushing harder as he laughs

"I thought it would be funny to see your reaction." He says through laughs.

I sigh, throwing the bottle into the nearest draw, "you're a dick. come on, lets film!" He says. We film a match head bomb and then he has to leave. I say bye and go back to editing, finishing the video me and Michael did and starting mine and Dan's. Michael comes back into the room and sits next to me, I snuggle into his side "hey boi, Dan came when you were in therapy and we shot a slow mo video, I'm editing it now. Also I edited the one we did a few days ago, it looks so cool!" He smiles and put his arm around me "that sounds cool, can I watch it? What did you film today?"I love how he's so interested. I nod and open the video we made together. I watch him watch it and notice his eyes focused on me in the video and not the balloon popping "you're supposed to watch the balloon Micoo, you see me all the time." I laugh "sorry boi, cant help it" he smiles and kisses my cheek. He watched the video again and his eyes widen when the balloon pops "that looks amazing Gav!" He says "Thanks Mickey!" I smile, kissing him on the lips. Before dinner I also show him the video me and Dan made as I had finished editing it. Michael says he thinks it looks incredible and that he could watch it for hours. I laugh and say we don't have time because dinner is soon. He laughs and hugs me, kissing my cheek.

So, what do ya think? I hope you liked it, love you ❤️

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