You're welcome! Maybe?

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It's been a while huh? Almost a year and a half in fact... how have you all been? What's new with y'all? What's gone down? I turned 18, have seen Muse and Green day live and I'm seeing Blink 182 this Thursday (the 20th July) finished sixth form, probably 100% have failed all my exams, decided I'm not going to uni /which means I have no fucking clue what I'm doing after summer/ and developed a severe crush on one of my friends who will never feel the same way (who also happens to be who I'm going to see Blink with), oh I also went to therapy for my anxiety and depression for a year (didn't help in the slightest) which is so fucking fitting with this fic isn't it 😂  You stayed in school? Been getting 8 hours of sleep? Doing homework and avoiding drugs? Me neither tbh, we can be fuck ups together! Anyway let's get to the reason why I'm posting a part on a fic that says it's completed shall we?

So I've had a lot of messages and comments asking for another part or just something more because people for some reason love this fic so... due to /probably not so/ popular demand, I'm writing an epilogue! I've literally just started and I don't know how long it's going to be,  one part or a couple of parts I'm not sure but if you have any suggestions or requests leave a comment or message me or something, like anything you want included? Things I might have missed in the actual fic that you want to know? Anything you want me to include? Just leave me a comment or a message and I will try to add as much of your suggestions in as I can 😊

Also side note thank you all so fucking much for your support and lovely feedback on a fic I started writing when I was 15 and had no clue how to write anything (not that I know how to write any better now...) anyway what I'm trying to say is you're all awesome people and I love you loads🖤

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