By firebolt2001

22.6K 631 174

this story is not very well written. edits currently in process (Does not entirely follow Harry Potter Story... More

The Beginning
(Quad)wizard Champions
Food and girls.
Let the Games begin.
The Way You Look At Her
Yule Ball
About the Dance
With the wrong person
Dance Dance
Healing Begins
Everything is going to Be Okay.
Dragon Rider.
Home is wherever I'm with you
Christmas Tales
Second Task
No one likes The Slytherin Teachers
Well... This is awkward.

Tears and Sorrow

887 27 7
By firebolt2001



I love you guys. 


I'm not even going to be funny. Knowing people actually like my story, this makes me genuinely smile. I've never felt comfortable writing anything creatively to show anyone. But now, I've never felt so good about myself. I mean, the story isn't very popular, but to know people take the time to read it?

Thank You. So Much.


"Hiccup Haddock!"

Hiccup nervously made his way to The raging HeadMaster. He looked at his mentor, Professor tooth, but she dared not to look him in the eye. Even though they weren't facing him, Hiccupcould see the dissapointment in her eyes. The colorful and mismatched dressed professor acted very uncharacteristic compared to usual. She kept her head down thinking, 'Hiccup would never...'

Normally everyone would be surprised if they walked into that. But Hiccup had proved himself as a strong boy, -maybe even a man,- who wasn't deemed as weak as he came across.

But he was still just as scared as he would've been before. He was shaking, when the only fully concious friend, Rapunzel shouted, "Wait!" As Hiccup stopped to look at him. She was in pain, but she managed to say, "I-It wasn't his fault!" Hiccup wondered why she was the first to speak. There were still people around them, tired, and many had left for the night, but the people who were there had only stared. Then it accured to him.

Where was Astrid?

Merida, who was finally coming to, had stood up. Had she hit her head on the way down? She was trickling with blood as if it were the color leaking from her hair.It was a slight trickle, and she was fine overall, dispite the little scrapes from sliding on the marble floor. But it made Hiccup shutter.

"Hiccup's innocent!" She said as loudly as she could, but her voice came out groggily. 

Jack wanted to defend him too, but he felt his conciousness fading slowly as the room felt like it had been spinning. He'd never been attacked so physically. He'd encountered nasty  spells, and they sometimes didn't end well, but to have the pain forced out of him so slowly and expectantly was the worst yet.

And he lost conciousness. Wide eyed, Rapunzel turned to Jacks limp body, slumped over and broken, and knelt by is side. She grabbed the end of her hair deperately, but remembered they were useless. They were short and couldn't help him. She felt tears falling onto his limp body as she shook him furiously, "Wake up!" WHen she finally looked around to see everyone staring, she shouted :Don't just stand there! Somebody help them!" She exclaimed, as she she was cryin so hard she began groaning in depression. She layed herself over his body, bleeding in open wounds.

"Everyone, Go back to your dormitories at once!" North shouted. "Get him to the hospital wing, now!" The nurse was off this evening. They had to help him themselves, dispite no one really knowing how to mend bones and heal him. They had to wrap him up the muggle way, for now.

Hiccup, nor anyone else knew what was happening. People shuffled out of the Ball room in such a rush i was almost like people got more bruises from being trampled out the door.

With all of the bodies lying limp onto the floor, North knelt down by Jack, and put his hand to his chest. But by the time Anyone could figure out what was happening, they were gone in a whiff of black.

As everyone of the mentors did the same to their students, Hiccup was last, left in the ball room with Professor Tooth. Hiccup took his chance.

"Look, Professor, I swear I didn't start anythi-" Hiccup said, letting out a whimper between his words as his voice cracked, tears threatening to escape his eyes.

"I know, Hiccup. They're your best friends." Hiccup's expression softened as his tense shoulders loosened themselves. "But, you've been distant with all of them. I can see it around campus. Everyone must think the fame has gone to your head." Hiccup stared at the ground. He was dissapointed with himself.

He clenched his soar knuckles. He began to sob, and Professor tooth welcomed him into hr embrace. She rubbed his back as he let out whimpers through his teeth.

He hadn't even seen Toothless. He'd been negecting his whole life, and now he could get expelled. He wouldn't be able to see his friends after the thir task.

He wasn't punched at all. Eugene did noting to him. Did that still count as defense?

Did the rules apply in the wizard world, like that? How many cases has there been of fist fights, when everyone has wands at hand, and potions, and clever tricks. But he had to, or Merida. Euegene never did those kind of things. He would never get so physical. Had he really loved Rapunzel that much? But... He hurt her. Gripped her small arms so tightly into his strong hands and shook her. He remembered the look on her face,of fear, of confusion. She kissed Jack back, though. That's what didn't make sense.

"Hiccup, why don't we walk to the Hospital wing. Lets give you some time to breathe." She let go of the sobbing Hiccup. She was a tall woman. She stood just a tiny bit taller than Hiccup, who was rather tall himself.

He nodded as she took his hand and lead him out of the ball room. They walked to the Hospital wing in silence. Hiccup didnt have room to think. He simply sobbed like he'd always refused to do in public. He sniffled and wiped his nose before Toothhad opened the large doors into the hospital wing, where his friends had each there own bed. He couldn't look. Merida had no use for her bed, she shuffled out of it once she'd stopped bleeding, and Rapunzel let them wrap up her arms before she got up to watch with Merida, ad Jack was still unconcious.

His face looked awfully purple, now tht Hiccup got a good look. His lip was split and his leg had a giant gash running down his leg, for when Eugenes slid across it. How were they so sharp? But that didn't really matter, all that mattered now was that he was so terribly hurt that no one really paid attention to anyone else. Euegene had a broken nose, but that was easily, (And just as painfully as it was to break it,) snapped back into place with a spell.

Eugene sat in shame. What had gotten into him? That's what was running across his mind. He didn't even bother to make up an excuse. It was rong, and he knew that. But he wouldn't be thinking that if he hadn't hurt Rapunzel, and even Merida. But he was furious at Jack. He still thought that as long as he lived, he'd gotten what he'd deserved. Being betrayed by his best friend definitely hurt, bad. 

He sat on the edge of his bed, staring at Rapunzel in shame as she cried into Merida's shoulder. He'd seen Hiccup comfort Merida by draping his arm over her shoulder and pull her closer, and when she'd responded by putting her head on his shoulder, they all embraced in an emotional hug.

Eugene wished he'd had friends like that. Friends like Jack had.

But, he'd lost his chance. He'd lost his girl. He'd lost his friend. He'd lost access to school after the tournament and his 7th year. He'd lost everything. As much as he didn't want to, he blamed Jack. He hated him, so much right now. He'd felt bad about bruising him up so badly, and making Madam Pomphrey travel back from her vacation, as she didn't have the license to teleport. This was her last year before retirement, too. Eugene felt a lump in his throat as he held back a cry, and saved every shread of tears for later. 

He vowed he would never do this. He'd seen this happen before.
Way back when... 10 years ago, to be exact.

She screamed, as the little Eugene shuffled under his bed. He peeked his head out as far as he could without being seen. The door was wide open, and that wasn't to Eugenes favor.

"Please, stop!" He yanekd her by the hair, and threw her onto the coffee table, which broke beneath her, beign only so thin with so much force from a frail body.

She shivered and whimpered. "Honey, please." She pleaded, tears streamed freely down her face.He grabbed her by the arms and shook her furiously as he shouted into her face., "You will never call me that again, do you hear me?!" 

She turned her head and closed her eyes to avoid the fire rising in his brown orbs. "Look at me!!!" He shouted, as she reluctantly did so.

"My best friend. WHY/ I Trusted you, and you went behind my back!" He said. With every step he took closer to the woman, she took a step back.

The wall was the only thing that stopped her now. "PLEASE. STOP." He didn't listen,a nd slapped her in the face. "For our son, Euegene!" She finally shouted. He looked into her eyes, and turned to an alternative. He punched the wall, leaving a fresh dent and soar knuckles. His heavy breathing slowed him down. Euegen found himself by the door now, instead, as he had fear in his eyes. The man tried to soften his look, but his eyes were red and his anger bursted through him too quickly. He walked closer to the door, and Euegene took a step back when he'd gotten to close. 

The man looked into matching eyes, and said as calmly as he could, " stay in your room, Euegene." And closed the door in his face. Eugene ran to his bed and turned the light off and ducked his head under the covers. Tears wet his sheets and pillows as his mothers final cries exploded through his ear drums.

And that was the last he'd ever seen of either of them.

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