Girl meets Love

By _RomanticDemon

20.5K 760 152

This is a story about Maya,Farkle,Lucas and Riley,after 10 years. They all finished College and work now. The... More

15. (Last Chapter)


1.2K 56 8
By _RomanticDemon

A/n:Before I start I wanted to say that there will be a kinda plot twist but just a tiny one :)

Rileys POV.

I was in my room getting ready for the date and was still confused. "Why would Veronica want us to be on their second date?" I thought all the time.

When I got home and Maya came and I told her everything what happend. That me and Lucas slept in the same bed,the hand holding thing and the thing with the necklace. She just smirked and gave happily weird noises.

Coming to the date was kinda bad for Maya,because she would fly to Miami on the same night for two weeks. She told me that she is going to go to Miami with Uncle Josh,because he didn't want her to go there alone. I know he just wanted to be sure that no one flirts with her or that she gets a boyfriend there. The reason why she would fly to Miami was because of her art stuff. I didn't really listen.

I was wearing a knee-lenght purple dress and some black high heels. My hair was open just the natural style and my make-up was natural. I would have liked to wear some casual cloths with sneakers but Lucas will take her still to a luxurious restaurant so we had to wear the matching cloths. Maya got out of her room and she wore a long skirt with a t-shirt and a vest. Her blonde hair was open and she had brown eyeshadow with a black eyeliner on. She looked fantastic.
"Look at you,Gorgeus!" she said.
"No look at you,Beauty!" we did our typical handshake ,what we have since middle school and started to laugh. After 5 minutes Farkle knocked the door and I opened it. He said that Lucas was going to pick up Veronica,so he drove us to the restaurant.

When we were at the restaurant,Lucas and Veronica were already sitting at a table next to the window and we walked to them. Lucas introduced us after the time. "Veronica,this is my best buddy Farkle. And this is a good friend of mine,Maya"
Maya and Lucas are friends but their friendship is not like mine with Lucas.
"And this girl,is my best friend. She's really important to me. Like.. Like a sister ,this is Riley"
That sister thing was new. Today morning we were a married couple! Maya and Farkle looked at me with a worried look but I gave them a look,what said that "I'm ok." Veronica kept looking at me like she knew something but I just took my seat infront of her.

After we ate we talked a while but suddenly Veronica said "Guys,I love you all! I wish I had some friends I know since middle school. Anyways,I'm sure many things happend in middle school and I want to know everything about you guys. So...lets play a game! I ask something and you have to tell your memory about it! Ok? LET'S PLAY!"
She seemed a bit hyperactive but we played it. The first questions were boring but then one question came. "With whom you had your first kiss and how did it happen?" I was confused. Why would she want to know how our first kisses went? Of course I didn't want to tell anything. My first kiss was with Lucas but I couldn't tell her that. She is his girlfriend now.
"My first kiss was with my girlfriend Smackle. We're dating for 4 years now." Farkle said smiling. It's cute how he loves Smackle and their relationship.
"My first kiss was with a boy in High school. I have no Idea what he does now." Maya said. She kissed a boy I think his name was Joe. Then it was my turn. It was silent and I didn't say anything but Veronica was looking at me and waited. "Riley??? Your first kiss?" I glanced to Lucas and he nodded his head like he would say "You can tell her that. It's ok"
Of course it's ok for him. I'm like his "sister" now.The kiss was jusz a stupid childish thing for him now. I took a deep breath and started talking.
"Well...uhm. My first kiss was with Lucas.." I said embarresed.
"Ou...uhm..How did it happen??" she asked me with a creepy smile.
"Uhm..uh. Well...when we met each other for the fist time, we were in the subway and I fell onto his lap. He was my first date and we were in the subway again and I fell onto his lap...again. Then I kissed him..."
Lucas smirked and got red. I don't know why. Farkle and Maya whispered something and started laughing.
"How cute!!" Veronica said. She smiled at me but I could feel that she was kinda jealous inside.

Finally Farkle looked at his phone. "Girls it's already 8 pm. Maya your flight is at 10 pm. I'm sorry Veronica,Lucas. But we have to go now." Maya,Farkle and me stood up. "Riley? Why are you going? Stay here with us. Pleaaase!!" Veronica really wanted me to stay,so I walked to Maya,because I would see her after 2 weeks.
"Goodbye peaches! I hope you'll enjoy your vacation. Take care of yourself ok? And call me everyday 3 times!!" I said while I was hugging her. Lucas said goodbye to Maya and she and Farkle walked away.

Just a couple minutes later,Lucas looked at me with a confused face. I could see what he was trying to ask. I blinked and he understood that I said "Yes,you should give her the necklace."
So he stood up and said "Hey,Veronica..I got you something!"
He took out the glass snowflake necklace and bend it around her neck. "OH MY GOSH LUCAS IT'S BEAUTIFUL!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!" she said and kissed him on his left cheek. He had a amused look and sat back onto his seat. He gave me a wink and I was really happy for him.

Lucas stood up after he paid. He said he has to go wash his hands and walked to the bathroom.
I took my phone to look what time it is. Suddenly Veronica grabbed my wrist and hold it.
"I know what you're trying Riley!" she almost yelled at me.
"Excuse me?" I was confused. What does she mean?
"You're trying to steal Lucas from me! Best friends? Siblings? Did you think I believe you? RILEY KEEP THAT IN YOUR MIND: LUCAS IS MINE AND NO ONE CAN TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME!!"
"I don't know what you mean,Veronica!"
"Yeah sure! You totally know what I me--" she stopped and ripped her necklace and threw it on the floor. Veronica stood up and broke the glass necklace with her feets.
"VERONICA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I took her arm to stop her to break the expensive necklace but it was too late. Everbody was looking at us now. Then she saw that Lucas was coming, she glanced at me with a smile and started crying.
"Oh my goodness!! What happend here? The necklace! Veronica are you ok?"
He tried to calm her down and laid his arm around her after she sat down.
"After you walked away...Riley almost hit me and told me that you are hers and that she will do anything to bring us apart! And then she broke my necklace! "
Lucas had to know that she was lying!
"Stop lying Riley!! My beautiful necklace!" Veronica sniffled and looked at the broken necklace. Lucas grabbed my wrist and dragged me next to a door.
"What are you doing? You're hurting me!" I yelled at him.
"What did you do Riley? Why did you say these things?!" finally he released my hand.
"What?! Please don't say that you belive her!"
"Riley,I know that you broke the necklace. Why would she do that herself?" he meant it seriously.
"YOU ARE REALLY BLAMING ME FOR THIS?!" I yelled at him. I couldn't belive it.
I could feel the anger in me and how my face got red.
"You are really beliving her? A girl you met 2 days ago? You are beliving a girl you met 2 days ago but not your best friend you know for over 10 years?"
"Guess I am Riley. What she says makes se--"
Dissapointment,anger,sadness. All I could feel right now.
"I can't belive you Lucas Friar!"
I yelled at him again and walked away. I thought he would come back after me. But he didn't. I looked after me and I just saw Lucas walking to Veronica to comfort her. I smiled and kept walking.

"Thanks for beliving me,Lucas..."

A/n: dunno if I should keep writing this fanfic

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